May 10, 2009
Center Of Light
Rev. Jeremiah Lindsay

In this Issue
Twin Flame Merging Lessons
Attachments, Limiting Beliefs & Parasites
Shifting Patterns of Relationships

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New Earth is Now!

Many are experiencing rapid shifts in their consciousness and awareness which may not feel graceful. 

This can make us want to listen to our mind rather than our Higher Self.

All the changes and shifts are to be embraced, honored and welcomed.

These stirrings from our Soul may take us far away from relationships and attachments for an undefined time. 

These newsletters are to assist you in creating ease, grace, celebration and enjoyment of the process of embracing your Self.
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I AM starting a series of Newsletters which focus on specific topics.  You will receive a email giving you the opportunity to opt in to the new newsletter list. 

This newsletter series through Constant Contact will continue.

Jeremiah Alone

Twin Flame Merging Lessons


This is a three part article stemming from my personal experience.  The first part deals with relationships of Twin Flames I know as friends and from my own experience of merging with my Twin Ray in 2008 and then separating physically in 2009 to go where we were guided.  The second part addresses the relationship issues we were shown while we were together coming from separation consciousness, lack & limitation.  In the third part I open the tip of the iceberg of what will relationships be like on the other side of 2012 Shift for New Earth.  I've attempted to have this be impersonal as best I can, but most of it flowed directly from my heart, so I've minimized my after editing.

Our Twin Flames are actually our very Best Mirrors! When we merge with our Twin Flames or Twin Rays (TF/TR) we actually merge with all of their bodies, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric or the I Am. This means you get to embrace all they have not embraced and they get the chance to embrace all you have not embraced. This is Deep Service to Source rather than a romantic idyll for life!!!! My Twin Ray & I wrote about this numerous times in various forms of newsletters in 2008.

The experience of coming together as Twin Rays is not always an unqualified success from the perspective of some I know. They came together in great passion, moved in together and then came the hard work of going into a caving experience to merge on all levels with each other and All That IS. Unfortunately quite a few reached a point where they did not embrace the stuff their Soul called up to be embraced and broke up or they thought their Soul's desire from them to go out on their path of Service alone for a time was a failure on their part or that Twin Flames conversation was hogwash. If they do the personal work and complete what their Soul desires from the joint healing process, then both can move on easily and gracefully. Each will need to honor where the other is, which can be a very fine line to walk.

The most important ingredient in any relationship is complete honesty.  If the one or other cannot be honest, that is to others but most of all to the Self, there is an unbalance already which will lead to a separation which is not graceful for one or the other or both.   I've see it occur where both lost all faith as well as one studiously ignoring the pain the other is left in or they don't even grasp their own dishonesty with themselves. 

Some even miss or ignore the guidance that there will be occasional physical separation as part of their Twin Flame plan. This can be a critical aspect for the couple even if the guidance is that they be Life Partners without attachments.  When you are always present your time together is at service to the Over Soul of the couple, there will be more of an incentive to stay awake, present to what ever arises for each and complete and full communications between them.

If they missed the guidance about separations it is likely they will have formed unconscious attachments.  Thus they will be releasing attachments. These can look like moving very rapidly through all the phases losing someone like grief, anger, blaming, questioning, fearing, cursing and jealousy only to discover that the only one you can complete with was you and you are the only one who has permission to make yourself whole.  When there has been full honesty on the part of both with their own I AM Self, there will be more grace in those separations.

As you can see this route to wholeness is about learning to embrace your own Divinity or the God within at One with All That Is.   The relationship route for TF/TR is all about being complete TRUE mirrors for each other and is seldom about an idyllic romantic life together.

  Attachments, Limiting Beliefs & Parasites

Life in our society (3D) where people are still in separation consciousness, we get what our personality or self thinks it needs by attaching, receiving, giving or exchanging energy with others.  This happens with everyone, even healers.  Healers must completely clear their body and marry the masculine/feminine, or they are dumping into their clients and taking from their clients.  People are not operating inside of their real self.  They are operating within their mental body, emotional fears, and physical blocks.  All that giving and taking gives the illusion of oneness when truly it has nothing to do with it.  It is really creating a lack of oneness.  Releasing all that will free the mind/heart and connect us to oneness.  Reminds me of the recent event where someone's mother was dying and people were stepping to heal her long distance regardless of what her soul wanted. They were interfering, operating in the separation environment, without permission for life to flow with life.  This person's illness and passing could be a blast of knowledge for these healers to realize they can't DO for a soul what the soul does not wish.  We saw this on a call when we were asked to tap into an ill woman and send her healing.  We heard that she was not to be healed.  Same thing with the couple who wanted healing but the man's soul didn't. 

We get client requests and we are torn between wanting to make them better and knowing it is not in our highest good... that is care taking, not letting them grow.  We would be wasting our energy and not letting ourselves grow.  Isn't it interesting how well the clients took our refusal of working on them?  They 'got it'.  There we were thinking it was awful to turn them away and yet there was an understanding.  Everyone will begin to feel the truth of this as we teach it.
Addictions, attachments, etc. keep us from allowing our cell memory to be released.  They don't let the things come up.  We both learned this and began letting go of our limiting beliefs on our healing abilities and power.  We are not greater than others because we know this, we just know it.  We are ALL working on this.  We must remain 'common' and that we are not perfect... especially you and I as the teachers of healers. 
The energetic cording to parasitic attachments limits their energy to evolve.  Their energy doesn't get used.  Has to do with not letting the stuff come up.  They aren't letting it all come up because of the beliefs and therefore they are not allowing their energy to flow.  With all that, they can't be present to Now.  They can't be present to receiving the codes to evolve.  When we are dealing with limiting beliefs and are not allowing them to move so we are present to Nothing.  We don't get the codes. We aren't present to the codes. We have a hell of a time staying present to Now.  The Now is the only place that is Paradise. 

Shifting Patterns of Relationships

This brings us to the crux of what I consider is different between relationships in the 3D reality and what relationships may be like in New Earth.  In the existing 3D reality relationships are built around feeling less and needing another to be complete.  This is an illusion perpetrated by society keeping everyone pretty much he same.  Every last one of us has everything we need to thrive in this world, but we don't listen to our angels, guides, I Am Self, Soul , Goddess, God or All That IS.   The whisperers are always there urging us to awaken.  The ego, fully committed to keeping us safe, discounts these thoughts until we learn to quiet that voice using some form of meditative practice which works for us.  Actually it is my knowing that there is as many valid paths to awakening as One with All as there are Souls, some paths are just more efficient.   The path I have seen to be most effective, both for me and my clients is the embracing fully the use of our own life force, which at the root is sexual in nature to clear and connect all of our bodies, our chakras, our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine.  It is a most efficient method for surfacing and embracing our core of bullshit attachments, cords, parasites, limiting beliefs and addictions.

When 3D people come together romantically there is an immediate exchange of attachments which makes one feel they have given us a euphoric energy.  Why do you think one of you wakes up a while later going "What have I Done?" 
These can be a valuable learning experiences of seeing themselves in the mirror of the other if they are awake enough to look deep enough in themselves as opposed to blaming, a habitual 3D reaction that seems to be an addictive way to avoid looking into and owning some buried deep pain fro this life.  Unfortunately it is rare to be a clear enough mirror for another due to the emotional attachments.  At this phase of development seeing a professional mirror or a friend who is willing to be a true mirror no matter what is far better than working with each other.   In this exchange you must be willing to have the one being the mirror keep calling you back to the truth of you from your Soul's perspective.  If they try to comfort you, go find another mirror.  They must keep calling you back to your highest potential.
Moving into TF/TR relationships, the clarity of the mirror becomes ever better for they actual know you deeply.  Both must be willing to bring complete honesty and communication to every aspect of the relationship, for the most graceful time together as well as for the separation which will come.
All of my most recent experience tells me that those who move into being fully complete in and of themSelves will have no need for a primary other.  Here in this space that seems to be separation from the others.  I am still in this inquiry.

I can see that here I may choose to dance with another similarly awaken person for what ever time their Soul and mine chooses for us to be side by side, I no longer see my self loosing my self in anyone.  That is not the way of someone who is truly being in integrity with their own I Am Self or Celestial Soul.  In that place we are already always One with everyone and every thing, including the birds, fleas and rocks.
Blessed IS,
Jeremias Lindsay