Center of Light Newsletter

July 13, 2008

In This Issue
Identity Labels
Visions & Messages
Medicine Wheel Meditation
Solar Eclipse Meditation
Questions & Answers


Our attachment
to the
Old Earth
stands between
us and
New Earth

Upcoming Events

Living in Harmony Teleclass ($40/month)
Every Tuesday
7:30 pm CDT

Awaken Your Light Telecourse ($140)
14 week course starts
July 17th at 7:30 pm CDT then
every other Thursday. 

Universal Sacred Serivce Call   (Free)
July 13th at 7 pm CDT  then
the 2nd Sunday of each month

Contact Info

Jody Howard

Jeremiah Lindsay

I Am
I need

Jody & Jeremiah

As long as
I can

the Light,

I will always
know the

Jeremiah & Jody


I Am

of my


Jody & Jeremiah


I feel
joy and gratitude
for all my
life experiences, and I
each was an important part
of my
Soul's plan.

Jody & Jeremiah

I Am

Jeremiah & Jody


Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift;
that's why
they call it the Present.

Eleanor Roosevelt 

If you always
what you've always

You'll always
where you've always


Contact Info

Jody Howard


Jeremiah Lindsay

Jody and Jeremiah

Identity Labels


Titles and labels no longer serve us and will actually hinder movement toward experiencing ourselves as One with All That IS in New Earth.  There is a tendency, created over eons of our evolvement, to use a title or label as a means to identify ourselves and others. Often this identity is a form of elevating someone to be greater than another.  In New Earth we remember we are all equal and One.  We remember we are all the same spark of Source.  The differences we 'see' while in human form are all created by our human mind, emotion, vision, etc.  These differences are not our Truth and therefore can not survive when we fully embody New Earth.  Likewise, until we can eliminate them from our personal belief system, we can not experience life in New Earth.

We have come to understand this is a deep form of cultural Identity Attachment that creates separation, suppression and limited belief systems.  These attachments need to be resolved and transmuted into a different way of embracing and languaging the fact that we all have different talents.  Rather than our talents reflected as a 'difference' they will become our energy exchanges and greatest joy and passion in New Earth.  The following question posted by a reader is useful for highlighting our point.

'If we discuss the material needs of 99.999% of human beings, we'd be considering food, shelter, clothing, transportation, communication & information. Normally, one person depends on very many other persons to help provide these things material. We accurately see ourselves this way. So, I believe we are mainly discussing the spiritual, emotional, and mental dimensions of life.  -  Would you agree?'

This is an excellent question and we enjoyed exploring it.  We do not agree that seeing ourselves as dependant on others is an accurate depiction.  That is another example of a logical thought form, derived from eons of experiencing separation consciousness as well as being held in thrall of belief in lack or limitations.  We're moving toward a place of becoming and experiencing Being One with All.  We will each manifest what we need without being dependent on others.  In this way, our needs will not create attachment to people, things, beliefs and thoughts.  

In New Earth our greatest passion will become our talent, or energy exchange.  What you do now for 'a living' may not be what you 'do' in New Earth.  Even if you are skilled in a specific trade it may fall away if you are not totally passionate about doing it.  This will leave you open to doing that which truly gives you pleasure, tickles your passion, and brings you consistent joy and delight.   Then your service to others will be like a song and dance to you.  It will bring you pleasure to serve another.  They in turn will return the energy exchange with their special talent, something that you desire but do not want to do for yourself.  For instance, you may desire a particular style of house and have no desire to building it yourself.  Someone else who enjoys building and creating homes would provide that manifestation for you.  You may have something that person desires but does not want to create. 

Now we are not dependent on another, but in pure bliss with the energy exchange that manifests all our desires.  Imagine for a minute that your sacred service is doing what you feel passionate and excited about.  It brings you joy, honor and delight to serve.  You feel pride in your service and look forward to your next creation.  Wouldn't that be Paradise?  Wouldn't that be ultimate happiness?  That is the New Earth and it is already here for us.   The only thing between us and New Earth is the veil of attachments we still hold within our Self.  When we use an exchange of energy/talent to manifest our desires, it does not come from attachment and codependency.  It is what IS.  The readers question is an example of how our logical thought patterns developed by our brain oriented mind can divert us from our path to New Earth.  The idea is how we have experienced life up to this point.

Another way we could divert ourselves is by holding onto a title that suggests we are different and possibly better than another.  Some of the titles currently used are healer, teacher, leader, master, reverend, judge, doctor, lawyer, priest, rabbi, priestess, Daka, Dakini, guru, etc.  If we are attached to the difference that these give, we are blocking our personal evolution.  In New Earth we are ALL that is.  We are our own best everything!  Therefore we do not need to be labeled with just one title.  That is a limit in itself and it also reflects our need to be seen as something special or specific.

Does having an existing social consensus of Right & Wrong make the consensus a Truth?  Does having existing social consensus of Titles make the consensus a Truth?  No!  We will not carry any paths, titles, ceremonies or rituals of the past to New Earth.  All past experiences are to be just that, The PAST.  The simplicity of experiencing Conscious Instantaneous Creation from one moment to the next is all we will know, do and BE.  This will replace the current complex experience of unconscious, frustrating, often-unsuccessful Creation of the 3D Earth reality.  Creation and manifestation work sometimes, but often do not.  The reason they do not is locked into our limited beliefs and attachments from the past. 

We know this may be challenging new information for you.  Even though it is coming through us, it is causing much shifting, stretching and awakening of our current beliefs and awareness too, but we find that so amazingly exciting!   It's all part of 'entering' New Earth, becoming open to receive the new in New Earth.  It's about letting go of everything that no longer serves you, and has not brought you Paradise on Earth.  It is knowing that everything must change, be completely new, and even though it may shake us up at times, it is ultimately moving us into paradise.  Ask yourself, "Do I want to live in the New Earth Paradise".  If your answer is yes, you must be open to accept the new ways and then get on with making the changes needed.

Blessed IS,

J & J


 ** Last Chance **
to enroll in the
"Awaken Your Light Telecourse"
Begins this Thursday, July 14


Our Meditation

Visions & Messages

Often our newsletter articles are sparked by visions and messages we receive during our Sacred Service Meditations.  We like to share the meditations to assist you in working with your own inner guidance.   It is important to remember we each have different ways to receive information.  Jody often receives 'visions' that initially make no sense.  The definition of the vision is then 'heard' through her spiritual ears or becomes a 'knowing' over time.  Jeremiah's strongest gifts are in 'sensing' and 'knowing' the Truth, sometimes this is accompanied by a 'vision' as well.  Whether you see, hear, sense, or just know the message doesn't matter.  What's important is that you acknowledge each message and take the time to integrate it into what is going on within your life at the time. 

The above article came from us staying present with our meditation experience throughout the days to follow.  Whatever we were doing, we allowed our meditations to continue speaking to us.  It isn't that you need to sit in meditation to receive guidance either.  It comes from staying continually present to your I Am Self.  You are constantly receiving guidance and wisdom from your Higher Self, every moment of every day.  Even when it feels as though your mental brain is at work, you are receiving information from your Higher Self.  Often this information may seem to be the creation of your mind.  The best way to determine if it is of your Higher Self is by allowing it to be and asking yourself if it would improve or enhance your life, or if it draws in a negative consequence.   Information from you Higher Self is always given to improve and enhance your life experiences.  The mental brain is most often creating thoughts based on fear and negative chatter.

We will be sharing occasional meditations and the guidance we receive from them.  We welcome any Truths you may receive from reading about them.  Our intent is that you will open to understanding your own messages more completely.  That is a major step toward owning your own power and becoming your own best healer and teacher.



Medicine Wheel 

Medicine Wheel


In a recent Sacred Service meditation we were visited by two Natives.  The first one had hair pulled to one side of the head in a braid.  A single feather was attached to the braid.  Our sense shifted back and forth from this individual being a man to being a woman.  This sense was purely energetic but very pronounced.  Our understanding was that this person represented someone perfectly balanced in the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine I AM Self.  Behind this person was a white buffalo, which has been present in many of our meditations during the past month.  The second individual was a man with a headdress that looked more like rays coming out of it than feathers, spreading all the way around his head.  These two people then showed us a circle, or hoop with a cross inside of it.  It looked similar to the one above but in our vision there were no feathers or ornaments. 

In several Native American traditions this hoop is known as the Medicine Wheel.  In other traditions, this shape is honored as the Circle of Life. The Medicine Wheel includes the honoring of the directions of East, South, West, North, Down/Earth and Up/All Knowing.   The Circle of Life represents the connectedness of all life with All That IS.  Both of these interpretations speak of the simplicity of accessing the connection to All, because it is our natural state of Being.  These people lived simple lives, close to nature.  They manifested easily and successfully, and remained Present in the Moment rather than attached to the hardships and pains of the past or fears of the future.

Another message we received regarding this meditation was to stress the importance of being disciplined in the ongoing 'practice' of staying conscious to what attachments are interfering with our natural state of Being.  Consciously embracing, loving and releasing all attachments to form, thought and beliefs, including ritual, opens you to the simplicity of connecting with All That IS.


Solar Eclipse 

Solar Eclipse


The vision we had during a meditation was exactly like this photo we found at .

This vision shows a full solar eclipse yet the suns rays are still seen all around the moon.  The message reminds us that the intensity of sunlight remains the same regardless of whether the Moon blocks its rays or not.  This is similar to our Inner Light.  No matter how many blocks or attachments we may have dimming our outer Light, the Inner Light does not change.  As soon as we remove the blocks and attachments, the full intensity of our Light shines forth.  We don't need to grow, learn or change ourselves to become more Light or more enlightened.  To achieve enlightment, wisdom and power, you simply need to remove the blocks covering your Inner Light.  The Light, thus released, will bring ALL to you quite naturally.  No classes, healings, etc. are needed once you become your own Source.



Questions & Answers

Q:        'I'm interested in taking your Living In Harmony classes on Tuesday nights.  Do I need to start at the beginning of the month, since the cost is $40 per month?'

A:  No, you can start anytime you want.  We will prorate your first month at $10.00 per class.  Every month we will issue a new phone number and code for dialing in.  This information will be given out at the time of renewal/payment.    

Q:        'I am registered for the Awaken Your Light telecourse.  I read somewhere that the Living In Harmony classes are a great compliment to this course.  Can you explain why?'

A:  Yes, the ideal situation is to take both classes at the same time.  The Awaken Your Light classes involve taking you into doing deep cleansing, shifting and healing for yourself.  Taking the Living In Harmony classes will help you integrate and harmonize with the shifts and changes occurring within you.

 Feel free to submit individual questions to either

Jody (

or Jeremiah (