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Magical Moments, The Magic Parties Monthly Ezine                          December 2009
For the everyday woman who wants a bit more magic in her life!
In This Issue
This Month's Musings
Upcoming Events
Healthy Eating
Women on the Edge of Evolution
When We Learn To Give by Alexandria Hilton
Solstice by Greta Bro
From our Community

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Monthly Magic Quote

Magic Quote

"I have a great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking.  I consider chaos a gift." 

Septima Poinsette Clark

Become a Member!

Community is a place where your
 gifts are received.  Come join ours.

group summer 2007

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Magic Parties is an online and in person community that offers women programs, resources, and a place where, together, we can figure out what's next for you...and your real life path can be born.  

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Our TV Show

TV set

"Wake up with Wendy
Discover the Magic of YOU!"

Click here to watch.

New episode with guests:
 Jen Cohen, Kate Harper, & Melanie Holden.

What's next for you?
What are you dreaming about that you have not yet accomplished? 

Join us on your local cable access station monthly as we tickle your magic to discover what's next for you!

Find us on many local cable channels. Consult your town's cable show listings for times, in the following towns: Brookline, Cambridge, Belmont, Bourne, Franklin, Norfolk, Milford, Westford, Chelmsford, Concord, Carlisle, Groton, Harvard, Pepperell, Acton, Needham, Dunstable, Wareham, Newburyport. 

Audience Participation: 
Want to come be part of our TV audience?  Send email to and we'll send you the details.  It's free and fun.

Sponsor the Show in Your Town
If you would like to help us bring the show to local cable in your town, we would appreciate the help.  It's a simple process and no fee required.  Email us at and we'll send you the info.

In the News


When's the next
Magic Party event?

Click here to find out!

Tips and Things

Woman and chocolate 5

  Know Breast Cancer

Welcome to Know Breast Cancer, a national breast cancer prevention project aimed at educating women about real breast cancer prevention.

Although there is a huge movement around breast cancer awareness, little is said about how women can prevent or stop breast cancer before it starts.

The Book Corner

Book Corner book

"The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer: A Practical Manual for Understanding, Prevention & Care"

by Sat Dharam Kaur, N.D. Robert Rose

A beautifully written personal guide that offers a clear understanding of both the environmental causes of breast cancer and the subsequent daily habits we must each follow to significantly lower our risks of a breast cancer diagnosis.

Inspiring Videos

Video Camera

Women supporting women.  Don't miss this inspiring video.  You will love it.

Click here

Our Wingprint Foundation

Women for Women logo

We are an official non profit organization, thanks to the hard work of our President, Kelly Villanueva and her executive team, Kate Harper, Melanie Holden and Cindy Loughran.  Profits from the sale of our Magic Store products help women's organizations that touch our hearts.

 Click here to see shop our store.

Can Coaching help you?

Magic Session image 2

Work privately with one of our coaches and help transform your life.

Feeling stuck?

Wish you had a little more magic in some part of your personal or professional life?
Magic Coaching Sessions are just the thing to finally
 move you out of your frustration and forward to the place you have been dreaming about.

To sign up for a session or
find out more,
click here.

See Us On YouTube


click here to see show with Johanna Lyman

 click here to see show with Don Arnoudse

Blogs are Beautiful!

See ours!

This e-zine was developed with the assistance of Market Momentum.  To create your web-based marketing engine, contact Market Momentum
and ask for Barbara, She's great!
Click here to find Barbara!

:: Contact Information

Wendy Capland, newsletter editor and
Creator of The Magic Parties, LLC
Join Our Mailing List

Could you use a Girls Night Out?  The Magic Parties has a new program....Girls Night Out; Conversations for Women That Matter. It's fun, we eat chocolate of course, and have inspiring conversations for women by women.  Our next GNO is Monday, January 4, 2010 7-9 PM. Women exploring their next bold move, how fun is that?! Click here for more information.
Wendy little pix
Monthly Musings

by Wendy Capland
Creator of The Magic Parties

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Dear Magic Friends,
Welcome to our December 2009 edition of Magical Moments.  I wrote this last December and loved it so much I am recycling it for your reading pleasure.

Oh the holidays!
Two of my girlfriends and I get together with our husbands every December to celebrate the holidays, have dinner and exchange gifts.  My friend Kim loves to cook for all of us, so we always go to her house and allow her to pamper us, which she does in great style.

With everything going on in the world today, and all of us knowing that we absolutely DO NOT need another gift, we decided this year to re-institute our version of a holiday swap, which we had great fun with many years ago.  It goes like this...

Instead of giving each other store bought gifts, we each rummage through our homes and select something we love but are ready to part with.  It has to be something in great condition, that is meaningful, and something the giftee would really, really love. You then just wrap it up and give it away.

A few years ago, when we did this swap, I gave away a necklace my mother had given me that I had worn a lot and enjoyed, but did not feel I needed to keep any longer.  Kim loved the necklace and I was happy it was no longer sitting in my jewelry box collecting dust.

As the gift giver a lot of thought goes into selecting the perfect gift that ultimately has more meaning than store bought gifts.  Receiving a giftthatI knew had special meaning for my dear friendmakes itextra special. Like the set of dishes I received that had been a wedding gift from my girlfriend's husband to her on their wedding day. I love those dishes.  Every time I use them, I think of her and smile.

It's hard to say who gets more enjoyment out of the swap - the giftee or the gifter!  I'd like to think it's a pretty even balance!

And the price is so right! 

Happy Holidays to you all.  Remember to take time during this month to rest and replenish, and as my first coach Cheryl Richardson would say, implement "extreme self care".  
♥Magical Musings♥
Q.  What one or two things you could do for yourself this month that would help you decompress from the chaos of the season? 

MAY LIGHT AND JOY SURROUND YOU this holiday season!  I hope it will be a time of many blessings.

Magically yours,
announcement girl
Upcoming 2009-10 Events

Magic happens when you set an intention with Magic Party women.  Join us as we help you discover the woman you are yet to become.

NEW!Girls Night Out: Conversations That Matter
Open to the public and free (donations appreciated).  Come join our Magic Party Faculty: Wendy Capland, Jen Cohen, Kate Harper and Melanie Holden as we have conversations about topics women are dying to talk about together! 

Time: 7:00-9:00PM

Pike School
34 Sunset Rock Rd
Andover, MA 01810-4898
(978) 475-1197
January 4:
February 1:
March 1
April 5
May 3
June 7

Register by clicking here.
Summer Retreat 2010
Date: July 8 evening 6-10:00 PM and
July 9 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Location: Sanbornton, NH
Registration is open! Space limited.  First come. First magicized!
Fall 2010 Women's Escape Weekend
Date: November 6-7, 2010
The Inn and Spas at Mills Falls on Lake Winnipesauke
312 Daniel Webster Highway
Meredith, NH 03253

Registration is open.

Click here to find out more or register for any of our Magic Parties programs and eventsor go to

Healthy Eating-Debra's Olive Oil Vinaigrette
Debra Stark of Debra's Natural Gourmet in West Concord, MA always has the best recipes that are delicious and healthy.  Here is another one she shared with us at our Fall Retreat that is especially fabulous and she says healthy for you too.

"I always have this dressing in my refrigerator.  I store it in recycled glass jars, my favorite kind being the 32-ounce juice jars.  Because olive oil gets solid when cold, you have to remove your jar from the fridge and allow dressing to come to room temp, about 15 minutes before you want to use.  Shake well, pour and return jar to refrigerator.  It keeps for weeks. 
Makes 6 cups
4 C extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
2 tsp sea salt

1 C lemon juice
2 tsp black pepper

1 C raw apple cider vinegar
1 tsp dried basil

10 cloves garlic, pressed in garlic press
1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp dried thyme
Mix everything in a jar, glass bowl or large, 8-cup measuring cup.  I like to mix with a fork.  Alternatively, make dressing in a blender, in which case you don't need a garlic press.  Store in the refrigerator.  Your dressing will cloud up and become semi-solid because of the cold.  Not to worry.  

Women on the Edge of Evolution Teleseries: The Sacred Task of Midwifing the Integral Feminine 

There's an impulse being felt by millions of people around the world: the yearning to reclaim the feminine. From ancient prophecies to modern day manifestos, the 21st century is heralded as the time when the integration of both masculine and feminine energies, values, and ways of knowing and being will constellate and give birth to the next stage of our collective human journey. But how will this integration take place? And what's the significance of our role as women in this process?

According to Claire Zammit, in order for this reintegration of the feminine to catalyze our next evolutionary stage of development, it must be consciously evolved and expressed through women at the integral level of consciousness. This "new feminine" is unlike anything we've seen in our history. Women who are living on the edge of evolution, that is, those of us who have the privilege of being freed up from the task of merely surviving and are able to participate in the process of pioneering new structures in consciousness, have a sacred calling to lead the way.
Join Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward as they offer us an opportunity to awaken the integral feminine in yourself and midwife it into our world.

Teleseries can be downloaded here.

Alexandria Hilton
When We Learn to Give, We Start to Live


How many times in your life have you said, "Someday when I have plenty of time and money, I will ..." Each of us comes to a point in our life where we stop and think, "What am I doing with my life? Am I living my life's purpose?


As I approached my 60th birthday I realized that someday was today. It was time to do the things I dreamed possible. My lifelong dream was to be a philanthropist, to devote my finances, energy and talent to benefits others. With co-author, Joy Macci, we conceived of a book designed to inspire the reader to discover their unique gifts and begin giving them.


The Luxury of Life Project is based on the book, Enjoy Luxury of Life: Your Secret Keys to Giving and World Wealth.  We bring together individuals and organizations with the common goal of improving the quality of life for others. Giving starts with a simple act. Everyone can give a gift of kindness, words of encouragement or acknowledgment to someone each day. As you give to others daily, watch your life change.


The true luxury of life is through giving to others. Give one gift each day. Invite others to join you. A community based on giving brings love, vitality, and meaning. Imagine a world where everyone gave a gift every day. Imagine the benefit to future generations.


To learn more, click here.

by Greta Bro, 2003

In the cycle of early winter

When night yawns wide

And the membrane between worlds

Grows porous and thin

Kernels of inspiration

Release from holy sources and

Seek the voluptuous folds

Of the fertile dark

Fleeting moments of clarity

Mark this sacred event

Where Heaven and Earth unite

Ancient passageways unlock and align

Granting access to subterranean growing fields

Far below the frost line of survival mind

Here tucked safely away from doubts and chatter

Vision swells and germinates into blueprints of knowing

Highways of instruction so powerful that in time

They thrust the individual irreversibly

out of fear's quick sand of complacency,

And plant her feet steadfastly

On the road to the new world.

To learn more about Greta, click here.



News Flash from Our Community!
If you are a magic member and you want to ask a question, get help, or let others know about something you are doing, send an email with your announcement to  If you are not a member, and want to become one so you can list in our Community NewsFlash, go to our website to register as a member.
Girlfriend Discounts
We have a special girlfriend discounts on many of our programs and events.  Click here to find out more.

Offer Expires: never!