Annapolis Green Newsletter
          March 7, 2011                                                                                Vol. 2 No. 7

In This Issue
Save the Date for Upcoming Green Drinks
Check out our Email Sponsors!
Events Coming Up
Plant a Tree & Save $25
Want to Help with Green Drinks?
TONIGHT! Taking Annapolis into the Future

Future Green Drinks

April, date TBA

Earth  Day on the Bay  

Location TBA 

Thursday, May 12

Green Boating

Sam's on the Waterfront

Tuesday, June 21

Historic London Town

Theme TBA

Tuesday, July 12


Theme TBA

August, date  TBA

Green Travel

Location TBA 

Coming Up

Get the details

on our calendar


Monday, March 7 

- Taking the Best of Annapolis into the Future 

Wednesday, March 9 

- GreenScape Organizational Meeting 

Thursday, March 10  

- Lecture: Hurricanes of the Mid Atlantic States    

Saturdays, March 12 & 19 

- Organic Gardening Class 

Tuesday, March 15 

- South River Federation Meeting

- Severn River Association Meeting

Wednesday, March 16

- Green Drinks Annapolis 

Thursday, March 17

- Lecture--The Debate on Wind Energy: Wind Turbines in Maryland

Friday, March 18

- Vibrant Towns Planning Conference

- The Insiders: Perspectives and Analyses on Politics and Policies Affecting Solar Energy Markets in MD, DC, and VA

Saturday, March 19

- Davidsonville Green Expo 

- Oyster Roast 

Why is it important to plant trees? As stated on the Marylanders Plant Trees website: "Trees protect water quality, clean our air and provide wildlife habitat. One large tree can eliminate 5,000 gallons of stormwater runoff each year, and well placed trees can help reduce energy costs by 15 to 35 percent. Trees also enhance our quality of life, beautifying neighborhoods and highways, providing sound barriers and shade, and helping to increase property values."

The site has a list of trees that are eligible for the $25 coupon. | Print the coupon. 

Top of the Line




green drinks annapolis  

Wednesday, March 16

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Homestead Gardens, 743 W. Central Avenue, Davidsonville

map | directions from Annapolis:

Take Route 2 south to Route 214 (Central Avenue), turn right. Homestead Gardens is approximately 4 miles west on the left.  


We're going back to the garden for what has become our yearly spring event! After a dreary winter it will be wonderful to be surrounded by flowers and to get our sustainable gardening wits about us again!


Our event will be held right in the middle of Homestead's 2011 Garden Show, Mediterranean Retreat, that runs from March 12-20. The show features many special seminars and guest speakers. Click to learn more.  


Homestead Gardens will provide Green Drinkers with discounts on purchases during our event. And remember that you also can obtain a coupon for $25 off a tree you buy via the Marylanders Plant Trees program. Read more at left.   


We've put this event together with the assistance of one of our email sponsors, Sharon New, of Local Food Beat. Check out her website for classes, interesting articles and more.   




In addition to all the great info about sustainable gardening and local food provided by Homestead Gardens We'll have several exhibitors on hand too. They include the RainScaping Campaign, Buy Fresh Buy Local Chesapeake, the Watershed Stewards Academy, the Davidsonville Area Civic Association's Green Expo, Maryland Table, Homestead Farms from the Eastern Shore, Grow Annapolis,  and more. See our website for more info. 


Our Adult Beverages


Working with Mills Fine Wine & Spirits, we'll be serving Benziger organic wines from Sonoma, a winery that uses certified Biodynamic, organic and sustainable farming methods. Read more about the wines and the winery, including a virtual tour. Beer - We'll enjoy several types of beer courtesy of Katcef Brothers, including Land Shark Lager. Remember, you don't have to drink alcohol to enjoy Green Drinks events!  


Sustainable Munchies


We'll be treated to tasty sustainable appetizers from:

    * The cafe at Homestead Gardens

    * Killarney House 

    * Herrington on the Bay Eco-Lifestyle Resort 

    * Annapolis Seafood Market/Annapolis Produce 


Dinner plans later?  


Pull together a group of your Green Drinker friends and stop over at Killarney House, just down the road from Homestead. They'll have a dinner special special just for us!


 Lynne & Elvia

Want to Help with Green Drinks on March 16? 

We need greeters, that is, Green Drinkers who know the ropes and can tell "newbies" what's what when they arrive.

We need bartenders! If you can pour wine and hand-out a beer, we need you! The more bartenders we have the shorter the "shifts" can be.

Volunteers are most appreciated and they have fun! Give it a try -- you'll meet everybody who attends and you'll have a good time too.

Interested? Send Lynne an email.

Taking the Best of Annapolis Into the Future

Tonight, Monday, March 7

6:30 p.m., St. John's College Auditorium, Annapolis

Featuring Fred Kent and the "Project for Public Spaces"

Fred Kent, President of the nonprofit organization "Project for Public Spaces" will speak to the community on Annapolis today and the great potential for its positive future. Kent is a world renowned expert in guiding communities like Annapolis in revitalizing their downtowns and waterfronts.
Read more


Spread the word! put our event on your Facebook page! 

sponsorsOur Email Sponsors       

Upcoming Consults with Local Food Beat

Specials for Green Drinkers


Sharon New, owner and creator of Local Food Beat, is offering a choice of two consultations for Green Drink members at greatly reduced price.  


The first option is a Pantry Raid: Sharon will go through your pantry and recommend the healthful oils and other foods to begin cooking with and why. She will also share with you where to find local sources of nutrient dense foods and grass-fed products including a review of the benefits of Omega 3s and which foods can help reduce inflammation. This is normally a $175 value for 3 hours, but for Green Drinkers is only $100.   


The second option is a Whole Foods Tour: Join Sharon as she takes you on a highly informative tour of the Annapolis Whole Foods store. She'll show you what she buys and why, what not to buy, how to read labels, a review of the supplement aisle, how to find grass-fed products (dairy and beef), and give you many useful tips that you can apply wherever you shop. This is normally $55 for 90 minutes, but for Green Drinkers is only $35.  Limited to 5 and it is scheduled for Saturday, April 2 at 10 a.m.


Please email if you would like to sign up for either consult.


For more information about Certified Health Education Specialist Sharon New, these classes and the range of topics she offers, click here.


Solar and Wind Expo  

May 13-15

Timonium Fairgrounds

The Solar and Wind Expo exists to make green a reality by matching home and business owners with producers, financiers and top experts in the file of green and renewable technologies. With numerous new governmetn incentive programs and existing technological innovations in the industry, now is the perfect time to integrate green technologies into your everyday life, both reducing your carbon footprint and saving money. Attendees will browse exhibits and hear top experts in the field of green technology speak in the comfort of a climate-controlled venue with ample parking, as well as being located off major transportation routes.  Find out more about the Expo. 


 Kenergy Solar
At Kenergy Solar we believe that an educated customer is more likely to choose solar. We welcome the opportunity to help you find the answers to your questions about the environmental and financial benefits of solar energy for your home or business. Just give us a call at 410 533-4499 or email  

Be an email sponsor. Just $30/month.

Our list reaches an audience of over 1500 passionate environmentalists including Green business people, government officials and news media! Contact us to learn more.

The Line