annapolis green email banner
April 9, 2010

Hello Green Drinkers
and welcome to all newcomers ...

April Green Drinks
Our Second Annual Green Drinks for the Chesapeake Bay
and a call to action

Thursday, April 22, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Severn Inn, 1993 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Annapolis

Yes, this is our biggie ....time to shine! Last year was our first time bringing together the watershed Green Drinks groups to support the Bay. We collected hundreds of letters in support of the Bay that were presented to the EPA's Lisa Jackson. Over 1200 people joined in at the 16 participating locations with over 215 of us in attendance in Annapolis! Now we're taking it up a notch and need your help.  We hope you can join us on Earth Day (even briefly) but even more important -- help us with our call to action. It's easy, takes a moment and ... it's for our Chesapeake Bay.

There is a lot of info below ... well worth reading!   

On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, Green Drinks chapters throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed will come together for the second annual Green Drinks for the Chesapeake Bay to concentrate on action our grass roots movement can take to influence to legislation and government regulation to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay -- while having fun with our eco-awareness, of course.

Annapolis Green Drinks and Virginia Beach Green Drinks are the at the helm of the coordinated "toast" and call to action, with each Green Drinks group from Pennsylvania to Virginia meeting simultaneously on the 22nd each in its respective location.

The effort also is an attempt to top the Green Drinks world attendance record of 1800 people, currently held by a group in Melbourne, Australia.
severn  inn
Green Drinks Annapolis is returning to the Severn Inn for its event, where we hope to top last year's single group attendance and the watershed-wide number of 1200 that we gathered in 2009!

Call to Action

The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act of 2009, now working its way through Congress, has been called by many the last, best hope for restoration of our national treasure. We are going to use the powerful grass roots networking of Green Drinks to help move this bill along to passage.

We Green Drinkers will add our unique voice to the fight for restoration of the Chesapeake Bay by enlisting our colleagues, friends and family all across the country to obtain votes for the bill's passage in Congress - and we'll have fun doing it too!

Click here or read our blog to learn more, get involved, and join the conversation!

The Chesapeake is as important and wonderful a national treasure as the Grand Canyon, the Smoky Mountains, the Badlands of South Dakota, the Everglades or Death Valley. It is tied directly to our early history as a Nation, and it is the largest estuary in the country. It is the heart of our local heritage and it is dying. Also, this legislation is important to all Americans because it will impact other bodies of water too.

Bring Your Friends to Green Drinks!

Green Drinks at the beautiful and beautifully located Severn Inn is sure to be loads of fun! We'll have much more info on the actual event in our next email.  There will be door prizes and other surprises for you! Use the handy forwarding link at the bottom of this email to send this message to your friends and colleagues so they'll know about this call for action and our event on April 22. We've got a powerful network in Green Drinks. Let's use it and join together in support of our National Treasure!


Earth Day activities are starting up already. Be sure to see our calendar for the whole scoop!

Lynne & Elvia
Chesapeake Green Living Festival

Save the date! Saturday & Sunday, May 15 & 16

chesapeake green living festivalAnnapolis Green is a co-producer of the first annual Chesapeake Green Living Festival - a Chesapeake-centric show about all things Green in this area.

The festival is about saving energy, saving water and saving money. It's about all the latest green products and services, about tax credits, rebates and incentives, about green jobs and business opportunities, about recycling, about organic food, about cutting edge green technology, about conservation, about green building, about hybrid vehicles, about the environment, about wind power and solar energy, about sustainability, about climate change, about reducing our carbon footprint, preserving our resources and improving our health and well being in the Chesapeake region.

The Chesapeake Green Living Festival is about all this and much more. It's about creating a marketplace where green commerce can increase the bottom line while healing the planet and educated consumers can affordably incorporate Going Green into their daily lives. It's about home, Earth, you, and The Bay.

Plan to join us for this first ever Chesapeake Green Living showcase.

about the festival

We expect at least 3000 people to attend so consider spreading the word about your Green business. We are actively looking for vendors and sponsors, both businesses and non-profits! Interested?

This Month's Email Sponsors

Annapolis Day Spa

Annapolis Day Spa carries purely organic skin, body & nail care. Ytsara treatments offer zero preservatives for those clients who are tired of constant bombardment of chemicals and whose bodies have become intolerant to chemicals.


Annapolis Day Spa is ALL about a Green Spring...

We have an exciting new array of Spring / Summer Packages:

Fun In The Sun        Brides 'Tie The Knot'        Bright & Sunny

And 'May' Is ALL About "MOMS' with these package savings

New Mom Soothers          Give Mom A Lift    

Moms, Daughters, Sisters ... Just Wanna Have Fun


Organic grown skin, body & nail products known as 'Ytsara' refresh, rehydrate,and restore skin back to it's natural state free of chemicals and zero preservatives.  

Custom online gift cards can be purchased and printed at our website, Call 410-263-2228. Located in the Loews Annapolis Hotel, 126 West Street, Annapolis. Complimentary self parking with pass.

K&B True Value

You support the environment by shopping at retailers that believe in and support the environment. An excellent example of a local "green" retailer is K&B True Value, located at 912 Forest Drive in Annapolis. K&B True Value features over 1000 "green" products such as attractive rain barrels; stylish kitchen and garden composters; quality household cleaning products; Earth friendly fertilizer, weed, and insect control; and more. K&B True Value is one of only a few businesses to receive Annapolis' Environmental Stewardship Certificate for its incorporation of environmentally sustainable practices into its operations. K&B True Value is also an annual supporter of the Sierra Club's Annual 5K Run at Quiet Waters Park on Saturday, April 24.

Celebrate Earth Day Saturday & Sunday, April 17 & 18 at K&B True Value with free popcorn, prizes, and special entertainment with a professional magician and illusionist on April 17.  Every person also gets a Douglas Fir tree sapling. Plus, get FREE MULCH with a coupon you can download here!

Kenergy Solar

At Kenergy Solar we believe that an educated customer is more likely to choose solar. We welcome the opportunity to help you find the answers to your questions about the environmental and financial benefits of solar energy for your home or business. Just give us a call at 410 533-4499 or email

Be an email sponsor. Just $30/month.

Our list reaches an audience of over 1500 passionate environmentalists including Green business people, government officials and news media!

Join Our Mailing List
In This Issue
Chesapeake Green Living Festival
This Month's Email Sponsors
Eco-Events Coming Up
Victor Wooten Concert Saturday
New to Annapolis Green?
What is Green Drinks?
Quick Links
Regarding the Chesapeake Clean Water & Ecosystem Restoration Act of 2009

Victor Wooten Concert for Clean Water Saturday

Victor Wooten

Saturday, April 10, 8 p.m.
Calvary United Methodist Church, 301 Rowe Boulevard, Annapolis

Victor Wooten (Grammy award winning bass guitarist) will be in concert with Facing East Group & John Wubbenhorst on Bansuri flute. Sponsored by Rivers of the World Foundation and cosponsored by Anne Arundel County Riverkeepers, the Alice Ferguson Foundation, and Victor Wooten's Bass/Nature Camp.
T-shirt sales

Volunteer positions are open to work at the concert and receive free admission. Contact Dick Lahn.

More info about the concert & tickets.
Coming Up

Saturday, April 10
* Chesapeake Ecology Center Rain Garden Design Overview and Installation
* Project Clean Stream activities at various locations
* City of Annapolis Backyard Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Truckload Sale
* Victor Wooten Concert to benefit clean water

Sunday, April 11
* West Annapolis 2nd Sunday Green Market

Thursday, April 15
* Deadline for Exhibitor Applications for Greater Severna Park Watershed Action Group Earth Day 2010 Celebration
We Love Our Supporters

The generosity of sponsors, partners and supporters makes our events enjoyable and we are very appreciative of their support. Read more about these businesses on our website and patronize them.
New to Annapolis Green?

All you need to know about Green Drinks Annapolis, Green Caffeine, and Annapolis Green itself is on our website. Have a look!
What is Green Drinks?

green drinks annapolis
Green Drinks is a monthly (more or less) get-together that gives the environmentally minded a chance to get to know one another in a fun, informal way facilitating connections and working together for a common cause: The Health of the Chesapeake Bay. We are apart of an amazing international group,, with over 600 like us all around the world.  Of course, we think our Annapolis crew is the best!  Try visiting other groups while you're on the road.  And, it's truly not about the drinks ... those who don't drink alcoholic beverages are welcome too!