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The origin of the word miracle comes from the Latin word mirari which means
a marvel, to wonder at.
  According to Merriam-Webster, a miracle is "an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment"

Do I believe in miracles?  Absolutely.   Am I a conduit for miracles to happen? 

My clients tell me on a regular basis that the issues I clear for them feel like nothing short of a miracle. Many of them have been trying to get resolution on specific issue for years, sometimes decades and they tell me that they are amazed by the speed and permanence at which I can
energetically clear their issues, including
a broken heart depression,
 insomnia,  to trauma to chronic pain...

Here is what a few clients I have worked with have to say :

"After just a few sessions with Ellie, I am amazed at the positive changes in my life." Pamela S.

Sharon D. shares...  "The intention I had set with Ellie to have more joy and freedom in my life has been attained. I am so grateful to her for helping me to feel more alive and connected to myself; my relationships attest to the change, and my body feels freer and more relaxed than ever in my life."

Scout T. shares...  "Ellie has helped me resolve both physical and emotional pain, for which I am very grateful. She seems to be especially good with thorny issues that elude other practitioners. Don't feel like you have to live with it (whatever "it" is for you) - work with Ellie instead."

 Justina C. shares...
"I first contacted Ellie Pechet a few years ago when I sought her Mediumship help to contact my mother, who had recently passed away. During the reading, Ellie described my mother accurately, there were details in the reading only my mother would have known, and I received helpful messages. The reading was deeply moving to me, and very healing.
- Recently, I had occasion to contact Ellie again. To my amazement, she remembered the reading with my mother in great detail, as well as all the specifics of my own personal circumstances.
I am very grateful to have worked with Ellie Pechet." 


Would you like to experience a MIRACLE for yourself? If YES, then allow me to energetically clear a long held issue that has been causing you pain, grief, or resentment quickly (and without you having to do any more work on it!)
 If you think this sounds too good to be true, try have nothing to lose and everything to gain...I guarantee results. Call now to schedule a personal clearing with me and experience your own miracle starting today. You are worth
it!  Hope stone 

April Radio Interview:
Listen in Wednesday, April 4 at 4:00 pm m.s.t when Ellie is interviewed on radio station 106.7 kppv with talk show host Kim Capin.  Title of the program: "Expect A Miracle"


March, 2012
EXPECT A MIRACLE... Freedom +...

Anyone who doesn't believe in miracles is not a realist. 

-David Ben-Gurion

"Our unhealed wounds are invisible prisons--capturing us with our iron bars just as surely as if we were locked inside cold gray concrete walls.  Sometimes it seems, no matter how hard we try to escape, that we will forever be prisoners of our own sad stories, doomed to repeat painful dynamics over and over again, in spite of our wishes to the contrary.Katherine Woodward Thomas, Calling in the One

I appreciate what Katherine says here because I have found this statement to be so profoundly true both in my personal life as well as my professional work with clients.  I know that when we continue to carry unhealed wounds, especially from our childhoods, they hold us back from living the lives we are meant to live.  I believe we are meant to live our lives free, unencumbered and fully present in the now but sometimes it can be a process to get there and sometimes, with a gifted healer it can done quickly and efficiently from any distance.

Similar to the drag of a net caught on a whale's tale, a whale can still function to a point, but the drag of the line or net on the end of the tail, slows her down and affects the whale's ability to swim and navigate freely and feed the way she needs to.  Similarly, as we continue to carry the baggage from our past and continue to accumulate more in our adult years, we feel weighed down and incumbered, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 
When we are completely 'clear' from the emotional debris of the past, we are liberated.  This is the miracle I am referring to in this newsletter...freedom from the bondage of the past feels like a miracle according to many of my clients.
When we are free, we feel lighter, we live our lives at a higher level of effectiveness, and begin to experience living in a state of joy.  We become able to deal more pro-actively with the normal day to day challenges that come up in our lives without becoming riddled with anxiety, having panic attacks or becoming so overwhelmed, we either shut down or lash out at those around us.  

I work a lot with quantum physics which is the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.

Working with the properties of quantum physics, I use my natural ability to energetically dissolve issues, symptoms, and blocks for clients on the cellular level.  I set the intention for the specific issue or symptom that needs to be cleared, then direct and send energy through my hand.  The results are much like clearing a chaulkboard full of writing and returning it to a clean slate.  The emotional issues that I clear for clients both over the phone/in person are permanent and in most cases, only need to be dealt with once.


Clients notice that they quickly start to decrease their pre-occupation with themselves and are able to get out of their own way, sometimes for the first time in their lives.   Starting as soon as their first session, they tell me that they feel better in their own being, have more energy, are starting to enjoy life more, and feel they have more to contribute to their partners, friends and families. 

I truly believe we all have unique gifts and abilities and are here on this planet to share them with those around us.  Loving our lives and giving with joy to those we care about is what I feel we are here for.  From a spiritual perspective, there are often powerful lessons for us, on the levels of our personality and our soul with the painful experiences we go through.  However, it is so much easier to understand these profound opportunities for growth if we are not still stuck in them.  Skillful energetic clearing can greatly accelerate this process. After clearing a client of a painful experience, is especially meaningful to me as the facilitator to be able to process the spiritual lessons with clients around the experience that was just cleared.  Understanding the lesson helps them feel empowered rather than victimized by their experience and they are able to see the silver lining to the cloud. 

Read about Zoe...
Last year, when I was living in California, I met a woman who came to a demonstration of my energy clearing technique.  She was impressed by what she observed with the clearing work I did that day and called me recently (a year later) from Virgina.  She told me that she was experiencing low energy, anxiety, insomnia, and confusion about whether she had made the right decision re-locating to another part of the country.  It was two years since the move and she was still feeling torn between her children who live in California and wanting to be with her high school love who was residing in Virginia.  The dilemma  about whether her move was the right step played almost constantly in the back of her mind causing anxiety and was affecting her sleep, her energy level, and her sense of well-being on a daily basis.

As she talked with me on the phone during her session, the issue that needed to be cleared for her was discouragement and disappointment regarding a specific aspect of her current living situation.  After I cleared the core issue that was underlying her distress, (discouragement and disappointment with partner) I energetically imprinted her (made her strong) for getting her needs met.  The following week she told me she was feeling lighter, more buoyant, and to her pleasant surprise, the heavy thought form she had been experiencing about her situation had completely dissipated.  She felt empowered in a way she had not felt before and was able to finally ask for her needs to be met.

It felt good to me to know that Zoe had been struggling about an issue for the past 2 years and was able to be completely relieved of it in her first session.  The speed and accuracy of my work with her (despite the fact that we live in two different states) allowed us to move on to other issues she wanted to clear on a permanent basis, such as overwhelming concern about her son, her aging mother, job stress, insomnia and a low thyroid condition.

In Zoe's words:

"I had a session with Ellie Pechet recently to work on an emotional issue that has been bothering for the past 2 years.  It had been following me like a storm cloud. 
I thought that by working with Ellie, I might at least get some perspective on it.  However, to my surprise, the storm cloud was gone after one session with Ellie.  Whereas my mind had been in a rut poring over the same problem day after day, my mind was free of that grinding train of thought and all of the emotional baggage attached to it.  It was as though the negative emotions regarding the issue had been banished.  I really couldn't find them anywhere.  Now I am able to look at the issue much more objectively, and surprisingly, finding it does not seem like a very problematic issue after all.  Having experienced this, I highly recommend Ellie for clearing emotional issues, especially ones that have persisted and negatively affected one's life for a long period of time.  I found working with Ellie is a good value, because she is able to clear in one session what might have taken other practitioners weeks or months to work, if they would be able to clear it at all."    Zoe T.

for testimonials and other information.
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                                March Special:
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Offer Expires: March 30,2012