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  Weekly E-news
       September 30, 2011

in this issue
"Breakfast with the Guys" this Saturday morning at 8:30
Youth parking lot fundraiser for TCU game this Saturday
Sign up to volunteer with UCC's Prom Dreams ministry
Last call for CYF Ski Retreat registration and deposit!
Register now for Chi Rho Fall Retreat at Disciples Crossing
Season parking at UCC still available for TCU football for $200

Dear youth and parents,
There are a lot of opportunities for youth and adults at UCC this weekend as "Breakfast with the Guys" returns, Prom Dreams opens, fundraising revs up with SMU vs. TCU, and our regular schedule of Sunday programming continues. Read on for details and we'll look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Grace and Peace,

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"Breakfast with the Guys" this Saturday morning at 8:30
Breakfast clipartIt's time once again for Breakfast with the Guys, a quartlery event open to youth that's hosted by UCC's Men's Ministry.  The second of these intergenerational breakfasts is this Saturday, Ocotber 1 at 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and Rev. Rob Morris, pastor of Ridglea Christian Church, will be the speaker.  A $5 donation is requested to help cover expenses.  Invite a friend and come enjoy a great speaker and fellowship over a tasty breakfast this Saturday morning!  

Youth parking lot fundraiser for TCU game this Saturday

From Mike Morton, youth fundraising coordinator: 

 TCU Logo

This Saturday the Horned Frogs play SMU.  This will be a very early arriving crowd - slightly later start, cooler weather for tailgating, a short drive for the opposing team's fans - and we fully expect to fill the lots earlier than we have the last two weeks.


Our agreement is to open the Reserved Lot three hours before game time; however, several people asked last week if we planned to open it earlier.  With that in mind, we would like to open that lot at 11 a.m. and will need at least 3 people at UCC at 11.  We would also like to open at least one of the daily lots at that same time and will need an additional 4-6 volunteers to do that.


If you are able to be there at 11 a.m., please email me at m_morton@sbcglobal.net and let me know so that I can plan the schedule.  To work the "regular" parking shift, please be at UCC between noon and 12:30 p.m.


One other thing regarding our Reserved Lot: those who have paid the premium to have a spot were assured their spot would be available until 30 minutes after kickoff.  That means one or two people need to stay at that lot until 3:00 (but only if any of the reserved spots are still open at kickoff) to be certain the spots are available.  If you are not going to the game and can stay until 3 p.m., please email me at the above address so we have this covered.

Sign up to volunteer with UCC's Prom Dreams ministry
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prom Dreams shopper~

UCC's Prom Dreams ministry will be open this fall, providing dresses and accessories to local girls who need help for a memorable homecoming. Volunteers are needed on Thursdays and Saturdays through October 15 to organize the inventory and serve as "sales associates" in the Prom Dreams "store" (located above the Children's Closet in the house next to UCC). It takes less than a minute to sign up - just click here to provide your info and select the volunteer slots you'd like. 


Dates volunteers are needed:

Thursdays, October 5 and 12 from 5-7 p.m.

Saturdays, October 1, 8, and 15 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Last call for CYF Ski Retreat registration and deposit!  Like us on Facebook
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skier graphic~

Are you interested in skiing in Colorado over Christmas break?  Are you a high school youth or adult who enjoys chaperoning trips?  Then be sure to complete and turn in a registration form along with a $100 deposit ASAP to grab one of the remaining spots on the CYF Ski Retreat.  Click here for the flyer with information on the trip and here for the reservation form.  Remember that there are plenty of fundraising opportunities to bring down the cost of the trip, and scholarship assistance is available upon request (as always). 


Register now for Chi Rho Fall Retreat at Disciples Crossing
Campfire graphicOur youth in grades 6-8 have the opportunity to join middle schoolers from Disciple churches around the area for the Chi Rho Fall Retreat coming up November 4-6 at Disciples Crossing, our church camp in Athens.  This annual retreat offers the opportunity to grow closer to God and one another through worship, recreation, prayer, small groups, and interest groups that include options like sports, dance, art, service, photography, and more. 

Our youth will meet at UCC at 5:30 p.m. that Friday to share a charter bus to camp, and will return around 12:30 p.m. on Sunday.  The cost for the retreat is $90 and full or half scholarships are available upon request.  Registration forms are due to the Youth Office by Sunday, October 16, and you can download one by
clicking here.

Parents: We will need adult chaperones to attend the retreat as well.  If you're interested in serving as an adult sponsor, contact Herb Murray at herb@uccftw.com .

Season parking at UCC still available for TCU football for $200 
TCU LogoWe're excited to offer season parking for TCU football games at UCC this year, and we need your help to spread the word!  All the information is available online at www.uccfootballparking.org including pricing, rules, lot location, and required forms (though pricing is now $200 for the remainder of this season).  A majority of the proceeds this year benefit UCC's youth ministry, providing scholarships for camps and mission trips.  Tell your Frog fanatic friends and support our ministry to youth! 

Youth events on the horizon..
October 1 - Breakfast with the Guys - 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
October 1 - Parking lot fundraiser - TCU vs. SMU - come at 11 a.m. or noon
October 1 - Prom Dreams open, volunteers needed - 10 a.m. - noon
October 22 - CYF Day at TCU - Regional youth event for TCU game - 10:30 a.m.
October 30 - Youth Sunday at The Search - 5 p.m.
November 4-6 - Chi Rho Fall Retreat (grades 6-8) at Disciples Crossing
November 18-20 - CYF Fall Retreat (grades 9-12) at Disciples Crossing
November 27 - Hanging of the Greens youth-led worship & dinner - 5 p.m.

More ways to keep up...
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Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister for Youth - E-mail Russ
Herbert Murray, Assistant Minister for Chi Rho (grades 6-8) - E-mail Herb
Jessica Vacketta, Assistant Minister for CYF (grades 9-12) - E-mail Jessica
Sharyn Peterson, Ministry Assistant - E-mail Sharyn
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