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  Weekly E-news
            February 18, 2011

in this issue
Garage Sale volunteers needed next week - sign up now!
Youth can earn credit for camps and trips at the Garage Sale
High school youth depart for CYF Midwinter Retreat today
Amy Gopp at youth groups this Sunday night - don't miss it!
Prom Dreams launches soon - sign up to help!
Sign up for the summer mission pilgrimage to Nicaragua
Hey youth and parents - You can still take the H2O challenge!

Dear youth and parents,
An exciting week kicks off today as our high school youth depart for CYF Midwinter Retreat in Athens, Week of Compassion director Amy Gopp preaches at UCC and spends time with our youth groups on Sunday, and the All-Church Garage Sale takes over Fellowship Hall next week as volunteers sort and price items for the sale next Saturday.  Read on for information on how you can connect with these events and more!

Grace and Peace,

Garage Sale volunteers needed next week - sign up now!  

Garage sale sign UCC's Garage Sale is coming on Saturday, March 5 and volunteers are needed all next week to sort and price items to prepare for the sale.  This year, volunteering comes with a nice perk: Three hours of work earns free admission to the "preview sale" on Friday evening, March 4.  It takes less than one minute to sign up - just click here to provide your info and select the volunteer slots you'd like.  In addition to the day and night slots to sort and price items next week, there are slots during the preview sale and on sale day.

Proceeds from this year's sale will fund scholarships for youth to attend camps and retreats, so your time and donations support a great cause.  For more information on donating or volunteering
, here are the people to contact:

Questions? Contact Cyrena Allen at 817.692.2099 or cyrena@lawrence-allen.com.
Volunteer queries
?  Contact Robin Nelson at 817.637.3146 or rlbunz@yahoo.com.

Need to arrange a pickup of large items? Contact Craig Allen at 817.692.8851.

Youth can earn credit for camps and trips at the Garage Sale

Garage Sale graphic 1 In addition to the funds that the All-Church Garage Sale raises for youth scholarships, 10% of the proceeds will be credited to individual youth who volunteer.  To earn your share of the 10%, just volunteer at least three hours over the next week and you'll get credit in your account to help pay for camps, retreats, trips, and other church activities.  Youth volunteers sign up the same way adults do: click here to complete the online form and select your volunteer slots. 


High school youth depart for CYF Midwinter Retreat today

Campfire graphic

A group of 28 high school youth and adult sponsors will travel to Athens today for the CYF Fall Retreat at Disciples Crossing.  Please keep this group in your prayers as they gather with over 100 other Disciple youth from around the Fort Worth area to grow closer to God and one another on holy ground.

Retreat participants: Remember to meet at UCC at 5:30 p.m. to load the bus for camp, and be sure to eat dinner before you arrive!  You'll return on Sunday around 12:15, just in time for the beans and rice luncheon in Fellowship Hall. 




Amy Gopp at youth groups this Sunday night - don't miss it! 

Amy Gopp headshot Amy Gopp, the Director of Week of Compassion, will be with us at youth groups on Sunday night to share about WoC's work, how our youth are already helping others around the world, and what else they can do to make a difference.  Amy will be preaching all three services on Sunday, and we're delighted that she requested an opportunity to spend time just with our youth.  We'll follow our normal schedule with $3 snack supper at 6 p.m. followed by youth groups from 6:30 - 7:45.  Invite a friend and don't miss this great opportunity!


Prom Dreams launches soon - sign up to help! 

Prom dresses

The launch of the Prom Dreams closet is just three weeks away and we need your help! There will be a collection drive for formal wear the week of March 7. Volunteers are needed to help collect dresses and accessories, sort dresses by size, and move dresses from the church to the Prom Dreams space above the Children's Closet. If you can help any day Monday, March 7 - Friday, March 11 from 4-6:30 p.m. or Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. please contact Jessica Vacketta at jessica@uccftw.com .


If you are involved somewhere that can help get the word out about Prom Dreams to high school students who are in need of formal wear or the parents/guardians of these youth (a business, school, volunteer organization), please contact jessica@uccftw.com and she will give you information to distribute.


Please keep this ministry in your prayers as it strives to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need.


Sign up for the summer mission pilgrimage to Nicaragua   

Nicaragua graphic

At CYF Conference a couple of years ago, keynoter Laurie Feille shared stories about Project Chaocente, a mission organization that helps adults and children living on the city dumping site in Managua, Nicaragua to move out. UCC camper Katie Puckett and her small group were so moved by the stories that they committed to organize a trip to Nicaragua to help.  Katie is now a college freshman, and because of her determination and lots of help from Cyndy Twedell and others the mission pilgrimage is happening this summer!


The intergenerational trip (ages 16 and up) will take place July 26 - August 2 and the cost (without fundraising) is approximately $1200 per person.  If you are interested in going on this trip, please do two things: use this link to download and complete the interest form and contact Cyndy Twedell at cyndy@uccftw.com for more info. 


Katie has been writing a great blog that tells all about the origin of the trip, the work she and others are doing to prepare, and her progress as she runs 600 miles (!) before the day the trip begins to raise money.  Click here to visit her blog, "Running (to the) Well."

Hey youth and parents - You can still take the H2O challenge!


H2O project logo

As little as $1 can provide one person clean water for a year. Last Sunday, UCC youth, children, and adults were challenged to make water their only beverage for 2 weeks as part of the H2O Project, and it's not too late to join them! Here's how it works:      

  • Make water your only beverage for 2 weeks.
  • Set aside all the money that you would normally have spent consuming soda, juice, milk, coffee, etc.
  • After 2 weeks, the money you saved will be collected and donated to the Disciples' Week of Compassion fund to help provide clean water to those in need.

Instruction cards, cups for collecting money, and bracelets to raise awareness and serve as a reminder of the challenge will be available at Sunday school for grades 6-12 and again at Sunday evening youth groups. For more information on the H2O project, visit www.theh20project.org.  

Youth events on the horizon...
February 25-27 - CYF Midwinter Retreat at Disciples Crossing - meet at 5:30 p.m.
February 27 - WoC Director Amy Gopp speaks at youth groups - 6:30 p.m.
March 5 - UCC Garage Sale to support youth scholarships
April 1-3 - Chi Rho Spring Retreat at Disciples Crossing (grades 6-8)
May 8 - Youth Sunday in morning worship services
May 11 - Senior Banquet - 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

More ways to keep up...
calendar graphic
Youth Calendar

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Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister for Youth - E-mail Russ
Herbert Murray, Assistant Minister for Chi Rho (grades 6-8) - E-mail Herb
Jessica Vacketta, Assistant Minister for CYF (grades 9-12) - E-mail Jessica
Sharyn Peterson, Ministry Assistant for Congregational Life - E-mail Sharyn
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