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  Weekly E-news
              March 19, 2010

in this issue
Regular youth schedule resumes this Sunday
Follow UCC's mission pilgrimage to New Orleans online!
Registration continues for Generation Change for high schoolers
Registration available for summer camps at Disciples Crossing
Download registration flyers for our summer youth mission trips
Save the date for UCC's Senior Banquet - Wednesday, May 12

Dear youth and parents,
Anna, Jessica, and I are all here at First Christian Church of Slidell on the mission pilgrimage this week, and it's really been an amazing experience.  Participants ranging from age 9 to 70 have all found a way to contribute as we build a new mission station and work on projects at homes in the area.  Use the link in the article below to see LOTS of photos from our trip, and we'll look forward to seeing you on Sunday after we return!

Grace and Peace,

Regular youth schedule resumes this Sunday
As most schools in the area conclude their spring break, our Sunday schedule for youth activities returns to normal:

Sunday, March 21

9:45 a.m. - Bagels and announcements
10:00 a.m. - Sunday school classes
6:00 p.m. - Youth snack supper in 3rd floor kitchen
6:30 p.m. - Chi Rho and CYF youth group meetings

Wednesday, March 24

6:30 and 7:30 p.m. - Youth handbell choirs resume

Follow UCC's mission pilgrimage to New Orleans online!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOLA 2010~~~
30 youth and adults are currently on the intergenerational mission pilgrimage to the New Orleans area, and you can follow along online!  The group is helping build a mission station at First Christian Church of Slidell that will be able to host volunteer groups for years to come, and working on painting and roofing projects at homes in the area.  Be sure to check in with the group at www.ucc2neworleans.org for photos, videos and stories from the trip.

Are you on Facebook? 
Become a "fan" of the trip and you'll be able to comment on everything that's posted, leave messages for trip participants, and get updates right in your news feed!

Sign-ups continue for Generation Change class for high schoolers
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gneration Change photo~~
UCC's youth ministry is excited to again offer Generation Change, an 8-week class that adapts Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University for a high school audience.  Through videos, activities, and discussion, class participants will learn about real value, materialism, money sense, and giving from a Christian perspective.  The class will be taught by Stuart Smith, Sara Tinsley, and Price Tinsley during the Sunday school hour (10:00 - 10:50 a.m.) starting March 28, and the $20 participant cost covers a workbook and t-shirt. The class is limited to 14 participants, so be sure to e-mail Sharyn Peterson at sharyn@uccftw.com to register!  For a bit more detail, download the informational flyer by clicking here.

Registration available for summer camps at Disciples Crossing
Anna's staff photo Registration forms for 2010 summer camps at Disciples Crossing are now available!  Click here to download a copy of the registration form, and print out as many as you need.  While you're at it, be sure to mark your calendar for Camp Sunday on April 11.  Our ministry assistant, Sharyn Peterson, will be set up in Fellowship Hall that morning to get you registered for summer camps and mission trips in time for the early bird deadlines.

Just need the dates for each of the camps?  You can view or download them as a PDF  file by clicking here.  This year there are ten different camps to choose from, covering kindergarten through recent high school grads. All camps will take place at Disciples Crossing, our beautiful church camp in Athens.

Download reservation flyers for our summer youth mission trips!
WheelbarrowWe have two excellent youth mission trips in store this summer, and registration flyers are now available for both! 

Our Chi Rho youth (grades 6-8) will travel to Athens, Texas for several days of service projects at our church camp, Disciples Crossing.  We will be joined by Chi Rho youth from Disciple churches in the area (Arlington, Cleburne, Granbury, Weatherford, and our neighbors at South Hills).  Dates for the trip are June 6-9 and the estimated cost (after fundraising money is applied) will be $150.  Click here to download the reservation flyer.

Our high school youth will travel to Yakama Christian Mission, a Disciple mission center located on a reservation in White Swan, Washington.  Our projects will depend on their needs, but will likely include construction work and staffing local summer programs for children.  The trip will take place July 18-25, and will include flights to and from Portland or Seattle (depending on prices).  The estimated cost (after fundraising money is applied) will be $375.  Click here to download the reservation flyer.

Save the date for UCC's Senior Banquet - Wednesday, May 12
Anna's staff photo UCC will again be honoring our graduating high school seniors with a banquet in Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evening, May 12 from 6:30 - 8 p.m.  Everyone is invited to come hear from our graduates and bless them on their way as they begin a new chapter on their journey.  Information on RSVP's will be coming in April, but we'd love for you to mark your calendar now!

Youth events on the horizon...
March 14-20 - Intergenerational Mission Pilgrimage to New Orleans
March 28 - Generation Change finance class begins - 10 a.m.
April 11 - Camp Sunday - Register for summer camps and mission trips
April 16 - CYF Lock-In (grades 9-12)
April 23 - Chi Rho Lock-In (grades 6-8)
May 9 - Youth Sunday (8:45 and 11:00 services)
May 12 - Senior Banquet honoring UCC's high school graduates - 6:30 p.m.
June 6-9 - Chi Rho Mission Trip to Athens
July 18-25 - CYF Mission Trip to Yakama Christian Mission, White Swan, WA

Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister for Youth - E-mail Russ
Anna Ross, Assistant Minister for Chi Rho (grades 6-8) - E-mail Anna
Jessica Vacketta, Assistant Minister for CYF (grades 9-12) - E-mail Jessica
Sharyn Peterson, Ministry Assistant for Congregation Life - E-mail Sharyn
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