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in this issue
Carol Elliott resigns
Youth depart for Eighters Camp
Volunteers needed for Harry Potter event
Dear youth and parents,

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday weekend and are managing to stay cool in the summer heat this week.  Thanks to the many people who gave me great feedback about my sermon on Sunday morning, and especially to those who took on the "homework assignment" that I provided.  If you missed it, the sermon video (and text) are up on the UCC website.  You can click here to go straight to that particular page.  Please feel free to take up the "assignment" that I gave out, and I'll look forward to more interpretations of the scripture in the days to come.  I'm leaving tomorrow morning for an Army chaplain training event at Fort Douglas, Utah but will be checking my e-mail each evening until I return on Sunday night.

Grace and Peace,

Carol Elliott resigns as Assistant Youth Minister
Carol Elliott photo Carol Elliott announced her resignation as Assistant Youth Minister for High School at Sunday school this week, and a letter from Carol mailed to all families with youth currently in or entering high school.  If you have not read Carol's letter, I would encourage you to do so by clicking here.

I'm thankful for Carol's service on our youth ministry staff for close to two years, and especially appreciate all that she did to help me transition into my position here.  While I'm sad to see her go, I'm excited that she will be joining Office Authority full time to provide valuable help to John's growing business.  As Carol indicated in her letter, her last Sunday will be August 2 and we will be coordinating a reception to celebrate her ministry here.  We will be sure to send details on that opportunity once they are set, and I invite you to be in prayer for Carol as she embarks upon this new journey.

I am currently updating the job description for Carol's position, and will be putting together a team to assist me in the process of interviewing and calling a new Assistant Youth Minister.  Your prayers are also appreciated as our youth ministry seeks to make a healthy transition and as we discern who God is calling to join me, Anna, and Sharyn on staff.

16 youth depart for Eighters Camp on Sunday
Main event bowler 16 of our youth who have completed eighth grade depart for Eighters Camp at Disciples Crossing on Monday.  Please keep the following youth in your prayers as they grow closer to God and others on holy ground: Timothy Alland, William Bowling, Jenifer Johnson, Rebecca Gomez, Eric Gunderson, Will Harvey, Lauren Henry, Allison Hix, Danielle Loya, John Perry, Katie Swanson, Brett Tebbe, Braden Wilkerson, Riley Wilson, Jay Woodall, and John Younger.  Pre-addressed postcards will be available on the table in the Gallery this Sunday morning if you would like to take one and write to any of these youth during the week.

Reminder to all campers: Meet in the front lot here at UCC at 1 p.m. on Sunday afternoon to carpool to camp.

Volunteers needed for Harry Potter release party Tuesday
Hogwarts banner On Tuesday, July 14 at 9 p.m. over 70 youth and adults will gather for a Harry Potter release party before traveling to the Ridgmar Movie Tavern for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  Volunteers are needed to help decorate Fellowship Hall, prepare wizard-themed food and drinks in advance, and staff the stations at the party so that everyone in attendance has a magical experience.  Anna Ross is coordinating volunteers for the event, and has created a great list of table decorations, themed stations, and other needs for the night.  Click here to see what's available, and send your owl to anna@uccftw.com to volunteer.
Though we've already purchased tickets to the movie for those who RSVP'd, all are still welcome to attend the party at 9 p.m. on Tuesday.  Admission will only be $5, just be sure to make your own arrangments for tickets to the midnight show.

Youth events on the horizon...
July 12-18 - Eighter's Camp for 8th graders - meet at 1 p.m. to carpool to camp
July 14 - Harry Potter Premiere Party - 9 p.m.
July 19-26 - CYF Mission Trip to Memphis and Nashville
July 31 - CYF outing to drive-in movie in Granbury - meet at 7:30 p.m.
August 5 - Chi Rho swim day at Burger's Lake - meet at 1 p.m.
August 15-16  - UCC Back-to-School Retreat
December 27-31 - Youth Ski Retreat to Colorado

Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister - E-mail Russ
Carol Elliott, Assistant Youth Minister (grades 9-12) - E-mail Carol
Anna Ross, Youth Ministry Intern (grades 6-8) - E-mail Anna
Nikolee Byers, Summer Youth Ministry Intern - E-mail Nikolee
Whitney Peters, Summer Youth Ministry Intern - E-mail Whitney
Sharyn Peterson, Ministry Assistant for Congregation Life - E-mail Sharyn
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