Selling More Comics & GNs: a panel for publishers at Comic-Con
ComicsPRO is presenting a panel for publishers of all sizes at Comic-Con in San Diego on July 24 and you are invited!
ComicsPRO members have put together their recommendations for improving comics sales and getting more attention for your product, and we want to share it with our industry partners.
Please join us for our "Selling More Comics & Graphic Novels" panel on Friday, July 24 at 11:30am.
After the panel, you are invited to grab a snack and talk with retailers during our "ComicsPRO Cookie Break" at 12:30!
Details below. See you in San Diego!
Selling More Comics & Graphic Novels: A Forum for Publishers
11:30am - 12:20pm Room 12
Publishers large and small--- What makes some comics sell better than
others from a retailer perspective? How do you make your comic stand
out, get new customers for your book, and get retailers to notice?
Presented by ComicsPRO President Joe Field (Flying Colors Comics & Other Cool Stuff, Concord, CA), and board members Phil Boyle (Coliseum of Comics, FL) and Carr D'Angelo
(Earth-2 Comics, Sherman Oaks and Northridge, CA), who combined have
more than 50 years of comics retailing experience. Publishers of all
sizes, including new publishers and self-publishers, are invited and
encouraged to attend!
ComicsPRO Cookie Break
12:30pm Room 13
Stick around after the panel to enjoy a snack and chat with retailers and other publishers during the ComicsPRO Cookie Break. Meet with ComicsPRO board members and find out how to partner with our trade association!