Robert E. Battle, P.C. Newsletter December 2006
in this issue
-- New Website- BobBattleLaw.com
-- "Mike's Bikes" Meets "Bob Battle's 'Bells' of Christmas"
-- Bob Battle Pleads Guilty!


Happy Holidays. Yeah, I know, nothing says "Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men" like a picture of me with a pair of boxing gloves behind my head! Hey, if you are a trial lawyer named Battle and you can't come up with a marketing slogan using your name, it may be time to reconsider your entrepreneurial desire to be your own boss and find employment carrying someone else's legal briefs!

As I say on my website, "Virginia is for Speed Traps!" Please be careful and smart this holiday season. Recent news releases state that there will be more sobriety checkpoints and law enforcement officers on the roads this year. As the commercials say "Think before you drink." Here's my free legal advice- if you are going to have more than 2 drinks, or you are drinking something stronger than beer or wine, don't drive. Here's wishing you a safe and happy holiday season and new year.

New Website- BobBattleLaw.com
I am extremely proud of the hard work that Tom Foster and his colleagues at Foster Web Consulting and myself have put in on my new website. My goal is to provide the most useful and interesting information available on any website- especially in the areas of Virginia DUI and Reckless/Speeding cases since so many people find themselves in need of immediate help for these misdemeanor traffic offenses. Where else but on BobBattleLaw.com can you find "8 Secrets Your Prosecutor Doesn't Want You to Know About Your Virginia DUI" together with News items about holiday speed traps together with a comedy video from Bob Battle's stand-up routine!

Bob Battle is presently putting the finishing touches on a free e-book that will be available through his website titled "Is Your Virginia DUI Lawyer Asleep at the Wheel? 20 Mistakes Lawyers Make that LOSE Cases for Their Clients." This book dramatically shows that the difference between an acquittal and a conviction could rest on the decision you make in choosing a lawyer. Along those lines, Bob's e-book contains a section on "How to Choose a DUI Lawyer." There is a difference between invaluable experience and hype. This book gives you the essentials that your lawyer must have and the questions you must ask of your lawyer to assure that you will get the representation you deserve.

To visit Bob Battle's website click here

"Mike's Bikes" Meets "Bob Battle's 'Bells' of Christmas"
For the past two years, Richmond Sports Radio 910 host Mike Maniscalco has sponsored a promotion which has provided over 300 bikes to area children through the Salvation Army Christmas Assistance Program. The program is known as "Mike's Bikes" and the bikes are donated on behalf of the giver's favorite college. Maniscalco then sings the fight song of the college that gives the most bikes.

This year, Richmond attorney Bob Battle has added something extra to the program. On behalf of his law firm, Robert Battle P.C., Bob is proud to donate high quality bike helmets to all the recipients of the bikes. Battle, who moonlights as a professional comedian, is unofficially calling his part of the promotion "Bob Battle's Bells of Christmas!" Bob would like to give a sincere thanks to Bell Sports Inc. for providing these high quality, National Consumer Safety Commission certified helmets at a discount price.

BIKE HELMET SAFETY TIP: A helmet will not do you any good in an accident if it is not worn properly. It should not be worn tilted back on your head. Picured above, Bob Battle gets a thumbs down for having his helmet tilted back. On the other hand, 5-year old Conor Battle (a.k.a. Mr. Safety First- my rule follower!) gets a thumbs up for wearing his helmet correctly.

To learn more about or to donate to Mike's Bikes, click here

Bob Battle Pleads Guilty!
Bob Battle would be the first to tell you that he would have to plead guilty to having a sense of humor- a very good sense of humor! In fact, for 18 of the 22 years that he has been practicing law, Bob has moonlighted as a professional standup comedian. Most of his clients would be stunned to hear this fact. That suits Bob Battle just fine. "On my business card, I have written the words 'Helping People in Trouble for over Two Decades' " stated Battle. "There is nothing funny about the situation my clients find themselves in when they need my legal help." When Bob Battle left the Fairfax Commonwealth Attorney's office in 1986, The Washington Times wrote an article about his dual careers. When asked about Battle's stern courtroom demeanor, public defender Carol Burney stated, "He's all business in the court room. He won't endanger the solemnity of the proceedings. We've had our battles, but we've always come back as friends, and I think that says a lot about his character."

Everyone has to deal with a tremendous amount of stress in their lives. Everyone could use more laughter in their day. Obviously, Bob Battle takes the approach that it is possible (and healthy) to take your clients' cases seriously without taking yourself too seriously. With that in mind, Bob Battle is going to develop an award for those who bring laughter into his life and display a great sense of humor. The winners will be presented with genuine Bob Battle bobblehead dolls! (Which will be arriving soon.) However, I am proud to announce the first winner of the "Bob-L-Head" or "Bobby" award at this time-drum roll please- Jeff Caldwell. This buddy of mine, a professional comedian, got his long overdue big break with an appearance on the David Letterman show, and he delivered one of the funniest routines I have ever witnessed on Letterman! Click below to find out the first ever winner of the "Bobby" award and watch a video of his hilarious sets on Letterman and "Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson."

click here to see Jeff Caldwell's hilarious debut on David Letterman

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