Career E-News: October 2011 

Monthly Newsletter for Executives, Managers, and Professionals in Career Transition / Written and Published by Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlin, The Career Success Coach

In this issue:
New WordPress Blogsite Has Launched!
What's Your Networking Style? Contact Collector or True Connector?
Is It Time to Partner with a Career Coach?
Quote of the Month: On "Obstacles"
Client Landings 
Applause - Clapping
to Mark Stastny who recently joined the Business Development Team of Industrial Network Systems & Seeit Solutions.  
Quick Links...
Greetings!                              Joellyn Headshot 2009 

Hope you're enjoying the Fall weather in your part of the world. We planted a vegetable garden this summer and are harvesting the last crop of peppers and tomatoes. Then, we stocked up on Halloween candy, for the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. We also plan to visit some apple orchards this weekend. Of course, fruits and vegetables are healthier food choices; but we still love leftover Halloween candy, as long as we have only 1-2 pieces a day.


About the U.S. economy and labor market: I felt much more encouraged that the U.S. added 103 jobs in SeptemberPlus, U.S. factory output increased for the 3rd consecutive month in September which is another sign of economic growth.  


My new blogsite has finally launched!  This blogsite has replaced my previous website and is now the key "information hub" for my articles which have appeared in Career E-News. Scroll down for details! 


Networking is an essential tool for lifelong career success, whether you need inside contacts for a job search or clients for your business. The quality of your network equals the quality of people in it, reflective of how you've built these relationships over time. In my new article: "What's Your Networking Style? Contact Collector or True Connector?"  you'll learn why quality is better than quantity in building a stronger network.   


Is your job search stuck? Is your career stalled? Are you frustrated because your career transition isn't happening as quickly as you would like? If so, a Career Action Planning (CAP) Session may be just what you need to get a fresh perspective on your situation as well as new strategies to help you move forward.

Dedicated to your career success, always...
:) Joellyn
P.S. A warm welcome to my new subscribers!
GrowthNew WordPress Blogsite Has Launched!  

 WordPress - Colorful

My new blogsite has officially launched! This site has replaced my previous website and is evolving into the information hub for all of my articles. Many, many thanks and a big shout-out to Crystal Pina who worked tirelessly to design and develop my site; and to Robert Ebstein who created the graphical header.


At the end of this month's article, I've posted a link to it on my blog, where you can post comments and feedback. Currently, I'm in the process of transferring past Career E-News articles to my blog.


My long-term plan is to change the Career E-News' distribution date closer to the beginning of the month. Ultimately, I will publish weekly blog posts, related to the core article. 


To receive updates and additional blog posts, you can subscribe in an RSS reader of your choice. As my plan progresses, I will be offering additional subscriber options in Career E-News and will keep you informed as to when they will be available.   

NetworkWhat's Your Networking Style? Contact Collector or True Connector? 

Networking People 2 

When I started my business in 1991, I had never heard of "networking" until a client invited me to a monthly dinner meeting of a business networking group, called "The National Network of Sales Professionals." This group consisted of solo business professionals (like me) who shared best sales practices and leads. 


Shortly afterward, I joined this group and remained active until it folded in 1999. Besides giving and receiving referrals, I participated in fundraising projects, served as publicity chair for two years, and eventually became the group's business manager. I am still happily connected to several people I met from this group, who are clients, referral partners or friends.  


During my membership, I didn't have high expectations that business would come my way, nor did I count the business cards I collected. I just showed up at meetings and took part in the activities. What I discovered was that referrals were byproducts of me simply being myself and having meaningful interactions with fellow members 


My networking style has carried forward to how I conduct myself today, amidst the social media maze of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others. Both online and offline, I am mindful about the quality of my connections and the potential for relationship-building instead of treating networking like a "numbers game," striving to amass a large number of friends, followers or fans.


People who are only concerned with the numbers are who I call "contact collectors." I watch them rapidly giving and collecting business cards at live events or racking up online contacts, without considering the nature of the relationships they are trying to establish. In contrast, I'm much more interested in making true connections. 


Apparently, true connections also work for people in career transition. In February 2010 and in March 2011, CareerXroads (a staffing-strategy consulting firm in Kendall Park, NJ) revealed in their 9th and 10th Annual Sources of Hire Surveys that "Referrals are the #1 source of external hires." What this means is that employers will hire people recommended by folks who they know, like and trust, over complete strangers.   


If you want to build true connections, do two things: first, be selective about who is in your network; second, know the value that you can bring to each other. For example, when someone wants to connect on LinkedIn (or you're the one making the request), ask yourself these questions:  


1. Do I know this person?

2. Have my dealings/interactions with this person been positive?

3. Would I be willing to write this person a recommendation?

4. Can I comfortably ask this person for a recommendation?


If you answered "yes" to questions 1 and 2, this person qualifies as a true connection. Questions 3 and 4 are more relevant for longer-term relationships. Either way, you can still apply this thoughtful approach to any setting where you're meeting new people.


Whatever your networking style might be, I can attest that being a true connector instead of a contact collector will help you build authentic, credible and solid relationships with people who will support your personal and professional goals -- and vice versa.  End  


 Like this article? Feel free to post comments on my blog:


� 2011 Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlin, The Career Success Coach. All Rights Reserved

CAPIs It Time to Partner with a Career Coach?
  • HourglassDo you work hard on your job search but seem to get nowhere fast?
  • Are you burned out with your job, but don't know what other career(s) might satisfy you?  
  • Do you have trouble understanding how your transferable skills can be used in other professions?
  • Do you apply for jobs online, only to get "thanks but no thanks" responses?
  • Does it seem like your network can't help you with your job search the way you'd like?
  • Do you have difficulty "sealing the deal" at interviews?  

Is it time to take a risk -- a giant step forward -- to end the pain once and for all? You may surprised: the problem might not be what you think and simpler to overcome than you thought possible.


Regardless of the issues you face or what you may be frustrated or confused about, I can provide the clarity, creative thinking, objectivity, and perspective you need to get your career and job search moving in the right direction.  


Let's get started with a Career Action Planning (CAP) Session, to help you figure out what's working, what needs attention and what the next steps are to landing your ideal career position in record time. 


 Go to my website to learn more: 

About "The Career Success Coach" 


Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlinis a Certified Career Management Coach who runs a private career coaching practice serving executives, managers and professionals in career transition. Since 1991, Joellyn has helped countless clients across multiple industry sectors find perfect career paths which are fun, fulfilling and financially-rewarding. She uses a proven, 8-module career coaching program to help her clients identify and land ideal career positions much faster than they ever could on their own. Her program starts with a Career Action Planning (CAP) Session to first determine where clients are getting stuck, stalled or confused in the process of making their desired job and career transition. 


Joellyn will be happy to discuss your situation on a free call. Contact her at 508-459-2854, 

or visit

Quote of the Month: On "Obstacles" 


"Most success springs from an obstacle or failure. I became a cartoonist largely because I failed in my goal of becoming a successful executive." -- Scott Adams: creator of nationally- syndicated comic strip: "Dilbert"

� 2011 The Career Success Coach

 All rights reserved.