Career E-News: November 2008 

Monthly E-zine of Career and Job Search Coaching for Executives & Professionals

In this issue:
Thanks for Your Referrals!
Top Ten R�sum� Writing Tips From A Pro
Joellyn Recommends: The Public Register's Annual Report Service
Career Action Planning Breakthrough Session
Quote of the Month: On "Experience"
Applause - ClappingCareer Success
Story of the Month
I must say that when your name was suggested to me by a co-worker to have my r�sum� professionally done, I was very reluctant.  I had always done my own and the idea of relinquishing that control was a bit scary, however, I was in a desperate situation and needed results. My job had such a negative influence on me that I was beginning to question my own abilities and therefore decided to contact you.
I was amazed and impressed with the thoroughness of our first meeting. You had a way of making this nervous client feel completely relaxed thus allowing information to flow freely. You helped me think of things within my work experiences that I neither remembered or felt were important.  However, as I did my final read-thru,  I realized the importance of each meticulous detail that was included.
After seeing the finished product, I was so impressed with "me" that I would have hired me on the spot!  I handed out 7 copies to prospective employers and for the first time in my life I had multiple immediate responses.  It was an incredibly validating experience to have real choices for positions - positions that were available to your ability to "show off" my abilities in a professional manner.  After many weeks of interviews, I was able to narrow my choices to two and finally accepted the best choice for me.  I must emphasize that the operative word here is "MY" - it was always my choice, not the only choice.
Joellyn, I cannot thank you enough for restoring my confidence in me! Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you again!
I am recommending you to all of my past, present, and future colleagues who are in need of your services.
Elyce D.
Educational Products Consultant
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Greetings!                           Joellyn in Black Suit 
I just returned from a weekend trip to Chicago. My daughter Gail, who is a theater major at Northeastern Illinois University, played the starring role in Electra: an adaptation the original play written by Sophocles. I was truly amazed by her stunning performance of Electra, portraying how this remarkable heroine triumphed over adversity. Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the Saturday night show and for those planning attend a future performance.  
Now that the presidential election is over, I feel optimistic about the U.S. continuing its ascent toward economic recovery,
despite the media's negative reports about the labor market. Keep in mind that the press' job is to exploit "bad news" to sell television ratings  and newspapers. That said, do the best you can to ignore "doom and gloom" reports and channel your thoughts in a positive direction.  According to Law of Attraction principles, "collective consciousness of the masses" can help make or break the pervasiveness of troubled times.    
As a  seasoned r�sum� writer and career coach, I know what works--and what doesn't-- in creating r�sum�s which get noticed by hiring managers. This is especially critical in today's labor market where you'll undoubtedly be competing against a higher number of jobseekers. If you follow the strategies I've outlined in my brand-new article: "Top 10 R�sum� Writing Tips from a Pro",  I can almost guarantee your r�sum� will stand above the competition -- and generate better results and responses. 
One place where you'll see a glimmer of economic
hope is on the Public Register Annual Report Service (PRARS) website, citing  four companies that recently released positive news: Alliance One International, Aeropostale Inc., Kellogg Company, and Agrium Inc. PRARS is the largest resource for fr*ee annual reports, which come in handy for company research. Scroll down for details.
Are you stuck, stalled or confused in your career? A Career Action Planning Breakthrough Session may be just what you need to move you forward. 
Here's to your Career Success!
:-) Joellyn
P.S.: A great big "Welcome!" to all the new readers who subscribed since last month! You're going to love the resources you'll find here to help you find greater career success...Enjoy!
question mark jpeg Thanks for Your Referrals!

Many thanks to those who have referred family, friends, colleagues, acquaintences, and resources to me, including:
  • Bill Bass
  • Dennis Zetek
ResumeWritingTipsTop 10 R�sum� Writing Tips from a Pro  
by Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlin 
1. Ignore the "One-Page R�sum� Rumor." The consensus amongst my colleagues (career coaches, counselors and advisors; recruiters; HR professionals) dictates that two-page (even three-page) are perfectly acceptable, especially for professionals with 10+ years of experience in more than one company or industry. The majority of r�sum�s I've worked on with clients in recent years have been a minimum of 2 or 3 pages. I've never heard about the lack of favorable responses because of the length. In fact, I've heard quite the opposite. Keep in mind that r�sum� length doesn't apply to electronic versions posted on job boards. In a recent article, Eric Winegardner, VP of Monster Worldwide, reiterates: "The [r�sum�] version you create online should include all the information you need to include."
2. Use the "Chronological" R�sum� Format which lists your jobs in reverse chronological order from most recent to past. Hiring managers favor this format, because its easier to understand your career progression. Avoid using a functional format which delinates your skills and accomplishments in the beginning, followed by a chronological listing of employers at the end. Hiring don't like this format because: 1) it sends a red flag that you may be hiding something in you career or personal background; 2) it is difficult for them to connect-the-dots to match achievements and skill sets with each employer.
3. Don't use a "Career Objective." Hiring managers don't care about what you want. When looking at a r�sum� for the first time, they're tuning into "Channel WIFM" - What's In It For Me! They're interested in the problems you solve for them. A better strategy is to substitute a "career objective" with a "Career Focus" statement or specify your career goals in a cover letter or job proposal.  
4. Replace the words "Career Summary" or "Qualifications Summary" with a "Professional Title." Doing so instantly gives your r�sum� a sharper focus. The title should convey your professional level and industry sector, or the exact title of the job you're seeking. Examples of professional titles are: Administrative Assistant; Retail Store Manager; Network Administrator; or Outside Sales Representative. You can use different professional titles, depending on the job you're targeting, as long as you're qualified to do that particular job and your r�sum� content substantiates the title.
5. Use The Right Keywords. R�sum�s posted online are usually read by scanning software, which targets specific keywords and phrases, to select or reject candidates. To be sure your r�sum� won't be overlooked by scanning software, your r�sum� must contain the right keywords and phrases, which will vary, depending on your profession, job requirements, and industry. For example, if you're in sales and the job you want requires knowledge of ACT! and Goldmine, be sure to list them on your r�sum�, as long as you have a good grasp of these programs. One great resource for how to use keywords can be found in Joyce Lain Kennedy's book: The Electronic R�sum� Revolution. Even though this book was published back in 1995, much of the content is still relevant for today's job market.
6. Write a business description under the name of each employer. Doing so will convey clear information to the hiring managers about companies which aren't household names, as well as the type and size of companies where you have been employed. This descriptor can be a 1-2 sentences, which can include the type product or service offered, clients served, sales volume and number of employees.
7. Incorporate a mix of responsibilities and achievements in each job you've held. Responsibilities are what you were hired to do:  your job description. Achievements communicate how well you did your job, i.e., bottom-line contributions you made to your employers, such as sales increases, cost savings, or productivity improvements. Include four or five accomplishments under each job.
8. Quantify your achievements in "real time" and "real dollars" or other tangible metrics. Examples are: "Cut sales cycle from 6 months to 1 week, after implementing an automated quoting system." "Expanded $1 million territory by 25% ($250,000) annually."
9.  Deflect "Age Discrimination." Don't let a r�sum� give away your age! Only list the most recent 10-15 years of experience, which is primarily what interests hiring managers. Don't leave out dates of employment! Summarize or abbreviate any experience prior to 10-15 years. Delete the date of college graduation, if you received it more than 15-20 years ago. 
10. R�sum�s don't get jobs. People get jobs. The best opportunities are found through connections with people. Don't just post your r�sum� online and wait.  Augment your online job search with offline activities to meet people face-to-face, at industry associations, networking groups, job fairs, or volunteer activities. Tap into your network to find an inside contact for the job you want, to help bring your r�sum� to the top of the pile.  
� 2008 All Rights Reserved.
Joellyn Recommends:  
The Public Register's Annual Report Service 
PRARS is American's largest annual report service. Company financials, including annual reports, prospectuses or 10k's on over 3,600 public companies, are available without charge to the investing public. Fr*ee reports are available.   
CAPSessionCareer Action Planning Breakthrough Session

New Question MarkAre you stuck, stalled or confused in your career? Do you often say to yourself:  

"If I could just find a satisfying position with decent pay and benefits AND a reasonable expectation of job security -- but this seems so impossible in today's economy."

"My biggest problem is getting interviews. I know the Internet is not the best place to look for a job but my networking contacts never seem to know of any opportunities, either."

"I'm getting interviews but no offers - what am I doing wrong?"  

"Once again, I'm passed over for that promotion. Seems I'll never get ahead in my career."

"I want to change careers but have no idea how to identify my transferable skills - help!"

"The responses to my r�sum� are few and far between - extremely frustrating!! "

"I have a mixed bag of skills that are hard to sell to prospective employers, so I have to undersell myself to gain employment."

"I've been finding positions I am interested in, but have trouble convincing hiring managers that I have the relevant skills to do the job."
"I never seem to get the salary / compensation package I deserve, based on the years of experience in my field."
There is an underlying cause about why you find yourself stuck in these situations, over and over again. 
I would love to help you discover what is really holding you back from getting the job you want, earning the money you deserve! 
Take a step forward and schedule your Career Action Planning Breakthrough Session today! 
My promise to you is this:will get to the root of your career problem within two hours and give you a plan to help move you toward the career of your dreams! Guaranteed! 
To get started, complete the form on my website so I can learn more about your  situation.
Alternatively, please call me at 508.459.2854. (Eastern time zone)
I look forward to connecting with you soon!  
Quote of the Month: On "Experience"
New Q
 "Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."
 -- Auguste Rodin (French artist and sculptor)
 I really appreciate having you as a subscriber and I hope the content in this newsletter will help you be successful in your career. 
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
See you in December! 


Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlin
"The Career Success Coach" 

� 2008 All rights reserved.