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November 2011

Dear neighbor,


As our families gather to give thanks and begin the holiday season, let me share a few reflections on our ongoing efforts to attract more business and create jobs in Orange County.


Orange County Means Business


Over the past year, we've been hard at work, paving the way for job growth and economic development. One of my first initiatives was to issue an executive order to create a new "one stop shop" for permitting. By all accounts, that initiative is a resounding success. Next, we held nine Economic and Jobs Summits to learn how Orange County government can create a more business-friendly environment by cutting red tape and streamlining regulations. A task force assigned to that mission will be reporting to our Board of County Commissioners on Dec. 6.


Another goal that emerged from the summits was a call to brand Orange County as a place to do business worldwide. A recent video, produced for this year's International City/County Management Association conference, tells the story of Orange County beyond tourism, showcasing our community as an emerging business, technology and education destination. That video is an important marketing tool for high level executives attending meetings and trade shows at our convention center. See it here


Our Board of County Commissioners also increased its commitment to growing existing businesses by allocating funds to support economic development programs. Those programs include our nationally recognized National Entrepreneur Center, the Black Business Investment Fund and the Hispanic Business Initiative Fund. Additionally, over the past year our board has approved five job creation projects through the Qualified Targeted Industry incentive program which will lead to more than 800 new high-wage, high-value jobs in Orange County.


In an effort to add to our economic development toolbox, voters will soon be able to weigh in on our proposed job creation incentive package designed to attract, retain and grow companies that create good jobs and invest capital in our community. This referendum will be on the ballot during January's Presidential Preference Primary. Look for more information about this new program coming soon on our website


In light of the global economy where we now compete, another component of our economic strategy is to increase foreign trade and tourism. To do so, I took part in a few select trade missions to cast a wider net and bring in more business opportunities for Orange County and our region.


Thank you for continuing to stay connected with your government.




Mayor Teresa Jacobs' signature 

Teresa Jacobs

Orange County Mayor 




ocheepPuerto Rico, �Si!

Trade mission to puerto rico photo

Our community benefits from its strong relationship with Puerto Rico and I found new and exciting opportunities brewing after our three-day trade mission last summer. As a result, we created the Orange County Puerto Rico Trade and Commerce Workgroup. Chaired by Orange County District 3 Commissioner Lui Damiani, the group is now developing strategies to facilitate commerce and discussing ideas such as creating Puerto Rican/Hispanic marketplaces countywide. These hubs would combine local and Puerto Rican owned businesses to revitalize some predominately Hispanic communities.


The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando played a vital role in the trade mission. I was able to meet independently with 12 executives representing companies interested in expanding commercial ties between Orange County and Puerto Rico. These organizations included educational institutions, retail distributors, a renewable energy company and a health food vendor.


By the numbers:

  • The Puerto Rican population in Orange County is 149,457, about 48 percent of the Hispanic population. 
  • In the seven county region surrounding the Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area, the estimated Puerto Rican population is 350,000.
  • In Metro Orlando, 1 out of 5 business firms are Hispanic-owned. These firms have a $748 million payroll with more than half, or about $454 million, in Orange County.

    - All figures provided by the U.S. Census Bureau

The Orange County Puerto Rico Trade and Commerce Workgroup will meet the first Wednesday of every month. All meetings are open to the public.    




Brazilian Jobs Summit in the Works


In 2010, Florida's exports to Brazil exceeded $13.7 billion, making the South American nation our top export market. Brazil is economically diverse and expanding. Now more than ever, Central Florida is in a great position to grow our business relationship with one of the world's fastest emerging markets.

Last month, I joined Governor Rick Scott in S�o Paulo, Brazil as part of a trade mission organized by Enterprise Florida, the state's economic development agency. Brazil presents us with tremendous potential for investments, joint ventures, market growth and local job creation. To build on the success of the trade mission, we are planning to host a Brazilian job summit in Orange County early next year.

While in Brazil, I met with representatives from JBS, the largest meat producer in the world who expressed interest in establishing a distribution center in Central Florida.  I also traveled to the Sao Jose Dos Campos Technology Research Park to tour an agri-technology company. 

Among the 85 members of the Florida delegation, 11 Central Floridians represented companies from the travel and tourism industry, manufacturing and logistics along with consulting and engineering firms. I also met with officials from TAM and Gol/VARIG, two of Brazil's national airlines, to advocate for more daily flights to Orlando.

More than 450,000 Brazilian tourists came to Orlando last year and the numbers keep growing. There are currently, two daily flights from Brazil to Orlando that carry up to 162,000 passengers per year. Think about it. Just one Boeing 747 packed with 450 international tourists contributes an estimated $450,000 to our economy.

Additional flights would certainly boost our economy, but they also allow us to showcase Orange County's favorable business climate to more Brazilian industries looking to expand to the Sunshine State. Orange County already has a significant enclave of Brazilian businesses in the International Drive area, and many of the owners have purchased second homes in our community. It makes perfect sense for us to develop an even greater partnership with Brazil.

World Travel Market  -
Where Orlando sells Magic to the World
 World Travel Market.jpg


Tourism is still Central Florida's largest industry and a vital economic engine. To maintain our status as the #1 tourist destination in the world, I joined a delegation from Visit Orlando to the World Travel Market, a major tourism trade show in London.

Elected leaders from many of our competitors, including Las Vegas, were on hand competing for business. The Travel Market gave our delegation a great opportunity to showcase the Metro Orlando area while keeping tabs on the strategies and attractions featured by our competition. Representatives from New York City, Las Vegas, Spain, Dubai and the Caribbean attended the event. 

We met with travel agents, large touring companies and Orlando Flex Ticket to market our community to world travel companies. We also had discussions with senior executives from Virgin Atlantic and British Airways as part of our ongoing efforts to add more direct air service to Orlando.


Orlando International Airport is #1 in Florida for domestic air travel, but still trails Miami International for foreign air travel. With all we have to offer here in Central Florida, it makes sense to do all we can to attract more international visitors here.

ocheepClosing Thoughts


I'm encouraged by the steady upward trend in tourist tax collections in Orange County. With many of our major attractions planning exciting new expansions, we should draw even more visitors in the future. While we continue to celebrate tourism as our region's biggest economic engine, we will also work hard to diversify our economy by growing existing businesses and by recruiting new industry here, in America and abroad.


On each of these missions, I was amazed at the high regard that international business leaders have for elected officials from the U.S. such as myself. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. We roll out the red carpet for dignitaries from other countries all the time. Still, I was pleasantly surprised that, as the chief elected leader of our region, I was able to open doors and provide our delegation with access to key decision makers in the industries we are recruiting.


I hope you will agree that my participation in a select number of economic trade missions are a worthwhile investment to showcase what Central Florida has to offer, not only in travel and tourism, but in our ever-growing technology, education and business sectors. We have a great story to tell and sometimes the best way to communicate our message is to engage our potential business customers face to face.

Speaking of important meetings, it's now time for all of us to gather with family and friends and express our deep appreciation for all they mean to us every day of the year. May your family have a blessed holiday season!


In This Issue
Puerto Rico, ¡Si!
Brazilian Jobs Summit
World Travel Market
Closing Thoughts

2011 Annual Report  

I welcome you to view the 2011 Annual Report of Orange County Government. The report provides information on our goals, objectives and accomplishments thus far in 2011. Click here to view the report in its entirety.

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201 So. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL