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December 2011

Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County


In This Issue
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A Corporation in the Classroom

Wells Fargo


Wells Fargo has begun a new community connection with the Head Start program in Goleta.  Read about it in our winter newsletter!











CAC is pleased to bring you the second issue of our new, "green" newsletter.  We're keeping it short and sweet - going right to the heart of three stories that we think you'll care about!

Food Day 


"It's time to eat real, Santa Barbara!" was the local theme of the first national Food Day, organized by the Center for Science and the Public Interest.  Food Day in Santa Barbara took place at our Back Door Deli on Camino del Remedio. The event was co-sponsored by the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department and CAC. Other participating organizations included the Santa Barbara County Foodbank and Farmer Direct Produce.  The purpose of the celebration was to encourage healthier diets and affordable food grown in a local, sustainable way.


Read more!

Cal-SOAP Returns

The tutors are officially on board and had their orientation training on Friday, November 4, 2011

Alex and tutor

(pictured right). CAC is pleased to be operating Cal-SOAP, a well-established and proven program that encourages greater attendance at California's post secondary institutions on the part of those who historically have been underrepresented in California's post secondary education population. These groups considered underrepresented include: low income, first generation college-bound, and more recently, all students within a district having a lower than average college going rate.


Learn more!


Energy Services Clears the Air

CAC Energy Services installers this year have installed more than 700 carbon monoxide alarms as part of their free home weatherization visits for low-income families and individuals. carbonmonoxide In May 2010, the state of California enacted a law requiring home owners to install carbon monoxide detectors in their homes. California residents must have carbon monoxide detectors in their homes as of July 1, 2011. This timeline applies only to single-family homes that have appliances that burn fossil fuels or homes that have attached garages or fireplaces. For all other types of housing, such as apartments and hotels, detectors should be in place as of January 1, 2013.  


See more! 


Thank you for reading our e-newsletter and for caring about the community. Please send comments and suggestions to Holly at


Best wishes,

Fran Forman, Executive Director

Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County