Mark your calendars and save the date for the Club's 8th Annual Awards Banquet to be held on Saturday, March 31st, 2012 at the Omni Hotel, Galleria, Houston.
Have you renewed your membership? Click here to renew online today! Get your entire family involved. Discounted family memberships are available.
The Club is partnering with The Billfish Foundation in a survey to help determine the economic importance of billfishing in the Gulf of Mexico. The survey will ultimately help to preserve anglers rights to pursue big game fishing. It is short and simple and you do not need to be a boat owner to participate. The survey ends February 5th, so Click here and support The Billfish Foundation by taking the survey now!
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna General Category effective January 22, 2012 until it reopens on June 1, 2012. For more information, click here.
Club Awards
The Club's female anglers are getting a head start fishing this year! In the International Division, Pat Bones has submitted 2,600 release points, Marita Schultz has 400 points and Alicia Deerman 300 points!
In the Texas Division, Lisa King has released the first sailfish of the year while fishing on Pat Wallace's Tres Ninos!

The 2011 final Club Awards Results are in!
Congratulations to 2011 Texas Division Top Private Boat - Booby Trap, Top Male Angler - Brett Holden, Top Female Angler - Sherry Potter, Top Junior Angler - Tyler Edwards, Top Yellowfin Tuna Catch - Shayne Ellis, Top Wahoo Catch - Lisa King and Top Dolphin Catch - Brett Holden!
In the International Division, Congratulations goes to Top Private Boat - Gotcha, Top Charter Boat - Allure, Top Male Angler - Buddy Schultz, Top Female Angler - Patricia Bones, Top Blue Marlin Catch and Top Black Marlin Catch - Chris Bays!
Click here for the full results!
Sponsors of the Month...
J.W. Hall Enterprises
Mechanical Contracting Services, Inc.
Video and Boutique
Owners of J.W. Hall Enterprises, Buddy and Kay Kantowski have been members of the Club since 2007. Buddy and Kay generously donated a beautiful, unique set of metal big game fish to the Club's 2011 Awards Banquet which raised over $1,500!
Ken Yarborough, owner of Mechanical Contracting Services, became a corporate sponsor when he generously donated a hunting trip to the Club's 2011 Annual Banquet. Thank you Ken!
Planet Central, a new Gold Level Sponsor in 2011, generously donated their marketing expertise and talent to the Club by creating the Club's 2012 Membership and Corporate Sponsorship brochures!
Deano Merrigan, member of the Club since 2005 and currently the Club's Second Vice President on the Board of Directors and owner of Video and Boutique, has actively supported the Club not only monetary but with his time and dedication to the Club.
Thank you for your continued support!
Send us your fishing pictures and stories!
We love to include them in our newsletter and on our website and brochures!
2012 Board of Directors
Marc Gentry, President
Michael Thorn-Leeson, 1st Vice President
Deano Merrigan, 2nd Vice President
Randy Bright, Treasurer
Kevin Deerman
Kevin Harper
Richard B. Richardson
Fred Pyle
Kirk Elliott
Russell Potter