
This Newsletter was made with 100% recycled electrons! No trees were destroyed and no animals were harmed.
May 2012  
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  • May 1- Tuesday, 6:30 - Hour of the Wolf's Jim Freund hosts the monthly New York Review of Science Fiction Readings on the first Tuesday of each month.  This May Day, the readers will be cult novelist and screenwriter ("The Crow") John Shirley and dark fantasy scholar and writer, Michael Cisco.  Admission is free, though donations are encouraged.  Soho Gallery for Digital Arts, 138 Sullivan Street.    

  • May 7, Monday, 7pm- WBAI's Michio Kaku, host of Explorations, will  commemorate the 1 year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster and give a lecture
    Michio Kaku
    on his book "Physics of the Future", now available in paperback. You will have an opportunity to attend a reception with Michio Kaku prior to the lecture at 6pm, and have your book signed before the close of the evening. The event will take place at The New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street at Central Park West. Purchase tickets here.      Or Text for Tickets: Dial the number 27138 and text: Michio_99 for the reception and lecture, Michio_35 for the lecture, Michio_20 for students.     
  • May 12, Saturday, 9am-6pm - Join over 5,000 New Yorkers  to connect, educate, and empower the food justice movement in New York. The 2012 Brooklyn Food Conference is a free community event and will have something for everyone: workshops and panel discussions on urban agriculture, healthy food access, school food, protecting our farm land from environmental toxins, economic development, food worker equity; and much more! Brooklyn Technical High School in Ft. Greene - Main entrances are on S. Elliot Place near Dekalb Ave. 
  • May 19, Saturday, 1 PM- The Dance Parade started as a protest against NYC's  Cabaret Law ban on dancing, it now showcases and educates the public on various forms of dance, celebrating its diversity in New York City by sponsoring an annual citywide dance parade and festival. Since 2007, 200+ groups have participated every year and expects approximately 65,000 spectators in 2012.  The impressive list of dance genres to be represented in the Sixth Annual Parade will include forms ranging from African and Bhangra to Bachata and Ballet, as well as urban and club dance styles. Register and promote your dance troupe or community organization today at www.DanceParade.org. Parade starts at 21st + Broadway and ends at Thompson Square Park. WBAI will broadcast from the park.

  • May 21,  Monday, 7:30pm- The Blueprint for Accountability - A high voltage conversation about  NYPD's Stop and Frisk Policy and it's impact on communities of color and national policing practices- Chris Bilal, Chino Hardin, Gabriel Sayegh, Vince Warren and moderated by asha bandele. Tickets $10. Culture Project, 49 Bleecker Street, 212.925.1806.

Listings of events for not- for- profit organizations must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication of the e-Newsletter for the next  month. Email information here.
Host Highlights

Joy of Resistance: Multicultural Feminist Radio  

Joy of Resistance
(JOR) airs on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9-10 pm. It's mission is to cover the worldwide struggle for women's full equality and human rights--as it continues to unfold in virtually every country and culture on the planet! Their crew presently consists of: Fran Luck, Founder/Executive Producer; Maretta Short, Producer/Co-host, Jasmine Burnett, Incoming Producer/Co-host and Dora Friedman, Intern.
Political feminism barely exists in corporate mainstream media. Shows like "Oprah" and "Tyra" - boasting female audiences in the tens of millions - owe their existence to space opened up by the feminist movement, but rarely, if ever, acknowledge that such a movement has existed and is responsible for vast changes in the lives of women. When this is referenced at all, it is usually in the context of a backlash attack against feminism -- of the "Has Feminism Made It Harder to Find a Man?" variety. The lack of historical consciousness, sensationalism, the emphasis on "individual therapeutic solutions" to social problems and the continual channeling of women's anxieties into the search for the "perfect look" make these shows in many ways worse than useless to women. 
JOR shows begin with a Worldwide Feminist News segment and then focusses on a specific topic. Shows have ranged far and wide--from interviews with pioneer feminists to group 'raps' where women talked about their lives, to current activism.  Feminist music is played in many styles and the producers take particular pride in bringing a historical perspective to all that they cover. For instance, when covering recent closings of daycare centers by the Bloomberg Administration, they looked at the entire history of the daycare movement ('Rosie the Riveter' had daycare paid for by government in the 40's (!) and feminists put it back on the map in the 60's and won the current daycare network that Bloomberg is now attacking) and--what we can learn from all this.  
Recently the show has focused on the Republican "War on Women" (and the Democratic collusion in it!), as over 1000 bills aimed at destroying women's hard won reproductive rights--and equal pay and education laws--have flooded out of State legislatures across the country. In coverage of current activism they have included guests  Trust Black Women, a group fighting back against anti-abortion billboards in Black communities; a speakout at the Federal Building against limits on access to the "morning after pill" by the Obama Administration, and recordings from the first-ever International Anti-Street Harassment Week (these shows are currently in the archives).  
Please "follow" JOR  here and visit their new blog (with it's great feminist history masthead--and featuring our Worldwide Feminist News articles) here. Oh yes--and don't forget to tune in--for cutting edge feminism that you need to know about--before it sneaks up on you!


Above: Ileana Jimenez (feministteacher.com), who teaches feminism at Elizabeth Irwin High School and some of her students--along with Joy of Reisistance (JOR) members, in WBAI lobby after April 4th show. Left to right: Ileana Jimenez; Feminist Teacher; Grace Tobin, H.S. Senior; Jasmine Burnett, JOR host; Dinayuri Rodriguez, H.S. Junior, Emma Stydahar, H.S. Junior; Carina Cruz, H.S. Junior; Fran Luck, JOR Executive Producer; Dora Friedman, JOR Intern. 


 Donate, Donate, Donate!donate
Fund Drive Food Donations

If you love to cook, own a restaurant, a food store or a food truck - we are seeking fresh and tasty food donations for our volunteers during the May Fund Drive. Volunteers often stay for long shifts with no time to break for food so we make sure there are healthy vittles for them to snack on.

To donate please contact [email protected] or ask for Helena at 212.209.2800.

If you happen to go to any of the following local establishments, mention a
from the members of WBAI for their delicious contributions:

Adel's Falafal Cart on Front Street by Maiden Lane
Alfanoose Lebanese Cuisine at 8 Maiden Lane
Bon Chon Chicken at 104 John Street
Cafe Sage,  108 John Street
Chipotle at 100 Maiden Lane
Hot Clay Oven at 101 Maiden Lane
Gristede's Foods Inc. Maiden Lane
Moustache on East 10th Street
Patricia's Pizza at 35 Broadway in Brooklyn  
Red in the South Street Seaport
Tea and Sympathy on Greenwich Avenue in the West Village
The Irish American Pub and Restaurant  at 17 John Street, Lower Level

Because our lease ends in December of 2012, we are researching new locations and look forward to having a street level presence - one that is more easily accessible to our members and situates WBAI better in the public's eye. A large public performance / meeting space is planned that will enable WBAI to present and broadcast live audience-attended events. To enable the move, a capital campaign has begun on both large and small scales. Fundraising events will take place monthly to support the move.

Text to Give to the Capital Campaign:
Text message phone# 80888 and type in WBAIGIVE 
You will receive a text back asking you to confirm with a "yes" and a $10 dollar donation 
will be charged to your cell phone bill - It's that easy! 
....or visit our Facebook page and use the donation widget in the left menu.   

During the
May Fund Drive 
make your pledges at 

Yes! now during a fund drive you don't have to keep calling back because of busy signals, or... have to pull over to the side of the road, or... miss the show you are listening to in order to make your pledge. Now you can donate and choose your thank you gift online at your convenience - at any time!
Volunteers | Internships interns

It's marathon time again at WBAI and we need you.  We begin on Wednesday, May 2nd and continue thru Friday June 1st

As you know volunteers drive our efforts to raise money  and we're at it 24/7.  So pick a shift or two and come in and support your free speech radio station. 

We especially need volunteers during our early morning shifts 6 - 10 AM, please find a way to volunteer at least once during that very busy time shift.  Peruse the schedule below, choose the shifts and dates suitable to your schedule and e-mail them to us at [email protected]  or call Jennifer at the front desk  (212.209.2800)  to arrange your volunteer schedule.  Remember that any who volunteer for 15 hours or more are eligible to receive a THANK YOU GIFT from a select list. 

Fund Drive Shifts 
6:00 AM - 10 AM 
9:00 AM - Noon 
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM 
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
9:00 PM - Midnight 
12:00 AM - 3:00 AM 
3:00 AM - 7:00 AM 
Applications are now being accepted for Summer Internships
(credit and non-credit) internships in audio engineering, marketing, accounting, graphic design, social media networking, event planning, general station support, and business organization .    Please email a resume', days/hours  of availability, and areas of interest to:
[email protected] 

Listener Commentarylisteners

THE FIND 100 WAYS CAMPAIGN - Listener Commentary!

We need your help
. We are asking you to email us your ideas for how listeners can support the station, bring in new listeners, and get the word out about what we do here.

No, we are not asking for dollar donations we are asking for imagination and inspiration. Email your creative ideas to [email protected].

Listeners who submit the top 10 ideas will each receive a 2012 WBAI T-shirt. During the month of May, 100 of the best ideas will be read on the air so that others can hear how they can help support the station in new and inventive ways. The top 10 will be revealed during the last week in May.


I think it's somewhat shameful, that you've so curtailed Armand Demele's hours, during the week.  The young woman, that you have on once a month, in what used to be one of his spots, is okay,but she really needs a bit of seasoning.
-Austin Gil

Please send your comments, complaints, or compliments related to any program subject matter aired this month to [email protected] with "Listener Comment" in the subject line. Submissions should be limited to 400 words and please include your full name and location. We reserve the right to edit where deemed necessary.
Program Scheduleprogram

Regular programming is pre-empted during our MAY FUND DRIVE


Berthold Reimers - General Station Manager 
WBAI Pacifica Radio
120 Wall Street, 10th Floor
(212) 209-2800 
  In This Issue


Listener Commentary