Inspirational Insights Newsletter
A Special Thanksgiving Issue

Issue #9
November 1, 2010






Inspirational Insights is a free monthly subscription that provides positive energy through spiritual articles, books, poetry, music, events and information to our readers.  It is our goal to inspire, empower and encourage you to live your very best life.  Please take a few minutes to read our issue and enjoy the powerful information that we have provided for you. 

We guarantee that you will be motivated and encouraged!  Life's challenges can be discouraging and weigh you down. Inspirational Insights will feed your spirit and lighten your load.

I hope that you will allow us to be a valuable source of inspiration and a beacon of light.

Thank you for your support and always be inspired!




Sharon R. Wells
Founder & Editor

Angel Wings Publications, LLC

The Editor's Corner

I will praise the name of God with song, and shall magnify him with thanksgiving.
                                     Psalms 69:30

Sharon R. Wells 

I've dedicated this issue to giving thanks  to God for His many blessings and for the gift of life. 

Life is full of challenges and there are going to be some rough times, but all things work for our good.  We never know what God is preparing us for.  Personally,  if I had not experienced the bad times then I could not appreciate where God has brought me. Take a moment during this Thanksgiving season to give thanks for everything in your life because blessings come in many disguises.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and thank you for the love and support!

A Season of Thankfulness 
Author, Pamela Bell English
Pamela Bell English
Pamela Bell English 

As the holiday season of good food, good times, and good will to men fast approaches, what will you be thankful for? With who you are, with everything you have, and all that you can do; are you thankful and grateful to God or do you whine and complain about what you don't have? Are you a blessing and a help to others or a hindrance? Do you give back or are you a taker?

Are you where you want to be or where God wants you to be? What is your motivation to get up each day? Can you verbalize what you are needing, wanting or missing? Are you anxious or fearful? Do you allow circumstances to get in your way, stop your life, or do you adept and deal with the situation, giving thanks while moving forward? Thinking on these things will allow you to evaluate your thoughts, actions, and life to better focus on God's goodness.

In Philippians 4:12 it states, "I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I learned the secret of being content, whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need." -Holman's Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Do you have a spirit of kindness, of giving, of loving? Are you sad, angry, or depressed? Are you thankful for what you have and who you have in your life? Remember people come into your life for a reason and a season.

In Psalm 133: 2 it states, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

As you prepare to break bread with loved ones; family, friends, and maybe strangers; think about what you are ingesting for that day. Be prepared to check yourself  as you are feasting on the natural foods, and don't forget the spiritual food which is the word of God, which in return will produce the fruits of the spirit.

In Galatians 5: 22-23, 26 it states, "But the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, against such there is no law. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."  (KJV)

 In everything make petitions to God; give thanks through prayer and supplication. Continue on the path of thankfulness and allow God's mercy and grace to sustain you. Holidays come and go each year, but if you trust in God, have faith, and let the fruits of the spirit reside within you, while letting gratitude be your attitude, you will be better, healthier, and richer than ever before!

Please read Pamela's short story in the August/September 2010 issue of Parables Magazine.

 Featured Book of the Month

  "My God: Even in the Last Minute" 
Author, Dolapo Babalola
My God: Even In The Last Minute
Dolapo Babalola

Do you ever think that "it's taking God just too long to answer your request"? Or more to the point wonder 
"why has it become too complicated"? Have you ever said, "But I know that God is all-powerful and he can do all things in a jiffy"? In this inspirational book, you will read about the journey of a young aspiring physician who, in the pursuit of a permanent residency in the United States, faced multiple obstacles and challenges. Each day through this ongoing ordeal, she experienced God in a way that she never would have imagined. God showed up in the most unexpected places, in the last minute, and always with a life-changing lesson. The greatest lesson in our darkest hours of uncertainty is that God is close by, quietly working behind the scenes, bolstering our faith for a miracle.

Dolapo Babalola is a debut author of the Christian Inspirational Book titled, "My God: Even in the Last Minute."

Click to learn more about Dolapo



Food For Thought

Prayer Still Works

Prayer Still Works
Help heal the world

I am a child activist and I am about to put prayer back into public schools across the country. One little lady took prayer out of public schools all over our country and I am the little lady that is going to put it back.  I volunteered in the Newark public school system for nine years.  I know that our children need some serious protection, from themselves in many cases.  I am going to appeal to the hearts and minds of the parents.  My children are all grown and I have no grand-children as yet.  People ask, so why do you care about the schools?  These children are our future.  The way things are going, we are not going to have much of a future if someone doesn't do something.  Everyone is standing around waiting for someone else to do something.  I am getting old and I don't have anymore time to wait on someone else, I have got to do something.

When they took prayer out of public school, I was 12 years old.  I was a hurt little girl, because I did not believe it was going to happen.  I felt like the great leaders of the time would not allow this to happen.  Then I realized that they were to busy to think about the children and how they felt.  Through many years as an adult I can not understand how a democratic country that is now 85% Christian, and probably more then, could allow this to happen.  The fact that an Athiest, that is now not even the whole 15% and was probably even less then was allowed to do this, that makes it even worse.

People of God we have got to let this country know that prayer still works, because it does.

Any one interested in helping me can call me at, 201-776-9872.

Missionary Caroline McGhee


Spotlight on Music/Spoken Word  

A Special Thank You To
Allen Kai
Allen Kai is a Spoken Word artist who writes inspirational poetry.
A native of Philadelphia, he writes about real life experiences.  In the attached track, he gives thanks to his Grandmother for all of her love and support. 


Click Link to hear M-O-M-M-A 


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Giving Thanks

Author Sharon Fox
Sharon Fox

Author, Sharon Fox



November is a month noted for "giving thanks".  Even though

we should take nothing for granted in this life, we set aside this time of year to be "thankful".  If you take the time to look back over the years, you will certainly see  that God has truly been faithful to you.  This alone is reason to give Him praise!


I can recall so many incidents in my life when all I had was my faith in God. I learned to pray as a small child. Crying out became a daily ritual for me. I had to learn how to channel my pain into God's hands and allow Him to take on all of my pains and burdens. That is a big step for a little girl to be forced to make, but a step that I am so glad I learned.  When you learn to allow God to hold you and KNOW in your heart that it will be OK one day, you can then face the world with a smile. No matter what this cruel world may bring, God can and will take care of you.  The secret is finding that Secret Place in Him where you can abide forever!  When you are at your lowest of lows just remember that God is there with you are never alone! Once you master that thought down deep in your soul, you can find that Secret Place.  And to reassure your heart and mind just keep these words with you always...


"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day." Psalms 91:1-2,5


These words let you know that once you find that secret place in God, you are under His shadow of protection. The terrors by night and arrow by day have always represented the threats and abuse that were all around.  But believe me, once you get your mind set on God and His truth, you'll find that everything WILL be alright!! Amen!! I have endured so many trials and tribulations and I love to share my victory with everyone I come in contact with!!  Sure, I still have many trials. But I have learned how to weather a storm!  When we are at our weakest, God's grace is all we need. 


 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that 'My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 

These are the words of Christ! So if you never remember anything else in your whole life, remember these few words.  They got me this far and they will take me to my destiny!!  I love you all and God does too!!

Sharon Fox is currently writing and publishing her first cookbook "Comfort Food for the Mind, Body, and Soul".  She offers inspirations and recipes on her website

Sweet Potatoe Pie Recipe
Compliments of Southern Hospitality Books, LLC

Sweet Potatoe Pie Pic 

Now to kick off your holiday season, how about trying a few great recipes!  In addition to inspiring people, I am writing my very first cookbook.  I love to create and re-create recipes for today's generation. 
Here is a sample.  Enjoy and be BLESSED!!!


3 large sweet potatoes, baked

1 Stick Butter, Softened
1 Tbsp. vanilla

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

 4 eggs

3/4 cup evaporated milk

2  9" pie crusts, unbaked

Bake sweet potatoes until tender. When they are cool enough to handle, peel skins off and mash them in a large bowl or use a mixer. Now add butter, vanilla, sugars, and spices. Mix until sugar is dissolved.  In a small bowl, combine eggs and evaporated milk. Stir this mixture into the sweet potato mixture. Mix well. Pour into the 2 pie shells and bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour, or until center is set and not runny. If your crust edges seem to be browning too fast just cover the edges with foil, but they should be OK without covering them.


Click for more delicious recipes 



Poetry Spotlight

The World Goes Around

As one continues to meet new kinsman
Some of the new become good companions
Others become mere associates and acquaintances
Still others are passerby in life maintenance

Whatever the being
Whatever  your actuality

Whatever the eventuality
Whatever your reality
Whatever your spirituality

Thank the Creator for allowing us to touch each other
Thank God for allowing us to learn about
self through others
We're spirits and souls in time and space
passing one another
We're in a shared journey as one world brood
Keep the peace as our stream flows one blood

One love blanketing one ground
As the world goes around.

 Allen Kai Ho Reyes
Valley of Thanksgiving

I walk on the grass wondering how it grows

The wind is hardly seen but always felt

The rain falls and feeds the entire flock

Shining through the sky, the Sun says hello

For these and more I say thanks


I stare through my window and nature beckons

The Incarcerated reckons only with the bars of prison

The door closes and another strangely opens

For those six feet under they lost life license

Whatever my lot, I give thanks


My baby screams and yells for no reason

For some all they have is a pet for all seasons

I walk the four corners of my Life

My mind's a grocery of memories.

I think through it all and offer thanks


I taste the melodies of Soweto

The vagrant resides in the homeless shelter

I feel the sound of determined peace

For most the normal are the brutalities of war

For the solace and more, I bow my head in awe.


The turkey is roasted and dressed for thanksgiving

The season changes with the beautiful colors
of the season

I am surrounded by my awesome cousins

I raise my head and my body reasons

My gratitude has several seasonings


I once held a job that paid the bills

I notice that the test finally made me whole

Lingering on provision so very distant

I hold my plate for the daily rations of Manna.


I lie down on the hospital bed

A friend just got shot riding to Middle school

The garden sheds all its fruits

We drop our strength at the savior's feet


Some have eyes but cannot see

Some can see but have no eyes

We can see and we have eyes

We give thanks to the Lord Above.

Muyiwa Babalola


Voice of My Sister

A Heart of Thanksgiving

Author: Dolapo Babalola

Have you thanked God today?

Do you have something to be thankful for?


In this month of thanksgiving-which should be every day; we're reminded to never let a moment go by without giving God thanks for all he has done, is doing and yet to do in our lives, family, community and nation.


The year is almost over, it might be tough, but thank God, we can still push through it.

We might be broke, but thank God, we still have food on our table for one more day.

We might have some disappointments, but thank God, once there is life, there is hope.


Whatever the situation is, learning to thank God, even before the day begins, whether things are going well or not, somewhat gets God's attention. You might know how it feels, when someone expresses their gratitude for a deed? A grateful heart always has a way of creating a ripple effect, which makes it promising for another kind act. I recently learnt this pearl of life from my battle with a personal setback, which I wrote about in my Christian Inspiration book "My God: Even in the Last Minute." We all have different challenges and for different reasons, but not until I completely surrendered to God will and purpose in my life with thanksgiving, did I feel peace, joy and hope.


It is honoring to have a thankful heart to God but its added advantage is that it puts us in a place of hope, and just maybe, a better tomorrow! We are then inspired to "keep on keeping on" for without this, all we see is a hopeless situation; a vicious cycle of misery.


We all would benefit greatly from taking a "praise pause" Take a moment to look around and be thankful for someone, perhaps something, as every situation is for a reason, and we can only realize this in the midst of a thankful heart.



Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Click to visit Dolapo & Muyiwa's Blog Page
Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the time to read Inspirational Insights newsletter. 
Angel Wings Publications, LLC, would like to thank you for your continued support!  Please feel free to forward this publication to family, friends and loved ones.  It is the hope of our organization, to educate, raise awareness, and inspire as many souls that are within our reach.
"Serving as a bridge that links abuse victims to resources that will promote healing through support, education, and spirituality".

Sharon R. Wells, Founder

Angel Wings Publications, LLC
P.O. Box 96
Vauxhall, New Jersey 