10. Vary your routine or change your scenery.
A new variation on your favorite activity -- walking at the beach instead of around the neighborhood -- may be enough to reinvigorate a stale routine. If you've always exercised indoors, move you workout outside for a welcome change of scenery.
9. Try something entirely new --
especially something you never thought you'd do. If you've always stuck to solitary pursuits, sign up for a group exercise class. Or tackle something you've always shied away from, such as hiking.
8. Find a workout buddy.
Exercise companions add a social element to any routine. Ask a friend to be your workout partner -- you won't skip a workout if someone is waiting for you.
7. Set a new goal.
Working out to stay in shape is fine, but setting a goal, such as finishing a charity walk, will give your daily workouts more meaning.
6. Treat yourself to a workout gadget or accessory.
Heart-rate monitors, aquatic toys, and other exercise gadgets can make your workouts more fun and challenging.
5. Keep an exercise journal to track your progress.
Unsure if you're making progress toward your goals? Then keep a workout journal, which allows you to keep track of your goals, monitor your progress, and adjust your routine as necessary.
4. Don't berate yourself if you miss a workout.
Life is full of obstacles, and unexpected appointments, illnesses, and setbacks are bound to happen sooner or later. Don't let a few missed workouts turn into a month of unfulfilled resolutions.
3. Reward yourself.
Reaching a fitness goal or milestone is a great excuse to treat yourself to something new. A massage, and evening out, or other "indulgence" may be the key to staying motivated.
2. Focus on how good exercise makes you look and feel.
You know that incredibly satisfied and healthy feeling you get immediately after a workout? Remember it! And use it to motivate yourself the next time you're thinking about skipping your next workout.
1. If all else fails, take a break from exercise.
Sometimes a lack of motivation is your body's way of telling you to take a break. If anything hurts, or if your energy is running low, take a break for a few days before resuming your workouts. A little mental and physical "R & R" may be just what your body needs to renew your motivation.
Compliments of
Chris J. Dunn, MS, RCEP
Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist