Networking Nuggets from Client Connections
May 2010                              Helping You Connect With Confidence 
Kath the Connector
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Too many books, too little  time?  Net Profit: Business Networking Without the Nerves is a quick read packed with easy-to-apply tools that will help you become a power networker.
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In Minnesota, spring is bursting forth like crazy.  Trees, shrubs, flowers:  All of them grow because it's natural for them to do so.  Unfortunately, our businesses don't grow unless we give them plenty of time, attention, and nourishment.  See how well the following nuggets can provide food for your business' growth.
May's Top Tips
 purple triskele 
1. Find or create a MasterMind group to grow your business.  While there are different definitions for a MasterMind group, the other four women in the group I belong to function as a sounding board, problem solvers, accountability buddies, friends who will challenge me and kick me in the behind when I need it, and cheerleaders.  It's a safe, trustworthy, "tough love" group.  You can learn more about MasterMinds here.
2. Stop thinking small.  Most of us tend to live up - or down! - to our own expectations.  If you're going to create a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway, why not create one that's abundant and BIG?  Get your dreaming cap on, feel what it would be like to achieve those big dreams, and then turn them into achievable goals by developing a powerful action plan.
3.  For anyone who likes the principles of the Law of Attraction, consider making a Mind Movie to keep you focused on your goals for growing your business.  (You can also use this tool to achieve personal goals, as well).  Combining a Mind Movie with the rubber-meets-the-road help of your MasterMind group is really powerful.
How's This for Success?  
Ditto & Company logo
A friend and colleague does a fabulous job of providing a consistent message when she's out networking.  Gretchen Ditto, a style advisor who's a walking advertisement for her business, shows her clients how to present themselves in a way that reflects their authenticity and creates a positive first impression.  Gretchen's own look is always beautifully put together, and her business showcases highlight how she can alleviate the pain of "nothing to wear".  Powerful nonverbals plus powerful verbals equal a thriving business.
Really Good Resources
 light bulb
 1. One way to identify and celebrate what drives you toward your goals is to check out a severely cool tool called the Core Passion Assessment. This instrument clarifies your passions, as well as the strengths and challenges inherent in each of them.  (This can be a great way to identify challenges your Mastermind group can help you with, or key in on dreams to include in your Mind Movie.)  Personally, I've found it easier to compellingly promote myself because I'm very clear about the strengths associated with my own Core Passions - and how I apply those strengths to benefit my clients.
2. Our thoughts and actions can either grow our businesses or cause them to wither on the vine.  Louise Griffith, of One Shining Light, shows people how to focus their mental processes on growth and advancement, both personal and professional.  I've already found myself being more efficient and less stressed as a result of applying the findings from her 6 Advisors coaching tool.
3. Want a tool that's a little more hands on?  Cindy Daniels is all about helping her clients get out of their own way so they can grow, and one of her more intriguing and powerful tools is hand analysis (yes, also known as palm reading).  Even if you're skeptical - maybe especially if you're skeptical - you'll enjoy the inspiring insight you'll find right in the palms of your hands.
Client Connections in Action
I have some meaty - and fun - presentations coming up in the Twin Cities.  I hope you can join me for at least one of them.
Challengers Networking Group - Giving Voice to Your Value - 5/13/10 
American Marketing Association, MN Chapter - Creating a Compelling Business Showcase - 5/20/10 
Public workshop - The FUNdamentals of Follow-Up - June 15 and 22, 2010 (registration will open in mid-May)
Thanks to my friend Flickr.
Here are this month's heroes who graciously allowed me to use their images, posted in the Creative Commons area of Flickr, in this issue of Networking Nuggets:
purple triskele by shiftercat
light bulb by aloshbennett
Perhaps it's good advice to "bloom where you're planted", but there's certainly nothing wrong with sending out some additional runners to see if you can find a place where you can bloom even more vibrantly.  I hope these Nuggets provide some rich food for growth for you and your business. 
Wishing you a year of dazzling success,

Client Connections
Life is good.