Mukthi Deeksha  with Sri Bhagavan
Awakening Humanity

 May 22, 2010
Dear Oneness Blessing Facilitators, Trainers, and Oneness Family,

Many of you are now receiving e-mails from your coordinators, trainers, and blessing givers in your communities. There have been many additions to the site including how to give deekshas, world oneness TV link for video postings from Oneness University, video and written experiences with the courses and Mukthi Deeksha, 64 blessing process etc. We're sending this to you in case you haven't visited the site lately so you'll know the rich set of resources you have available.
Link to register for webcasts:  updated site for Indian community country oneness links

Spanish translation of webcasts and transcripts:


Sri Bhagavan will be joining the Oneness community via webcasts to take you into deeper states of Oneness and Awakening. These webcasts will be offered live in different time zones each week, to accommodate everyone around the planet. The webcasts will involve special teachings and meditations with Sri Bhagavan, with the intention to move the participants into higher states of consciousness, inturn effecting global transformation. Beginning in June, all webcasts will be hosted only by Oneness certified trainers.
Sunday   May 30th   1pm   IST 
Sunday   June 6th    6 pm  IST
Sunday   June 13    10 pm  IST
Sunday   June 20      9 am  IST
for videos of Sri Bhagavan's teachings

This is a social networking site to stay connected with others in the community and learn of events all over the world. for a web recording of "I am existence, consciousness, bliss." (When doing the chant in a Mukthi Deeksha process, you would be making the chant at your own pace audibly in your mother tongue.)

If you have questions about any of the Oneness processes, please direct them to a local trainer, blessing giver, country coordinator or your guide.

NOTES from Oneness University: If you are doing a Mukthi Deeksha for a group or a 64 process, there must be a least one trainer present to facilitate.

Also, if someone is doing a Mukthi Deeksha for the first time as part of their initiation with the Oneness Awakening course, they can chant, "I am existence, consciousness, bliss." During stand-alone Mukthi Deekshas, they can chant "I am love," or the statement of their choosing.

Gratitude to Maria Bernett for the notes for this broadcast.

Where can you find padukas? In case some of you are wanting to purchase padukas, I've found a few resources to share with you. Please do your own shopping and research as I have not ordered from any of these sources, so have no additional information. I've removed the option I had listed as #1 because of customer dissatisfaction with the product.

1) (The padukas pictured on the site are $300 and done by custom order. See the more economically priced can be seen in the gallery below:
Kunal Jaiswal is the contact.

Gallery Khadau I, II and III. The prices:

Khadau I - $30 per piece.
Khadau II - $35 per piece.
Khadau III - $40 per piece.

padukas are found under puja items. The brass and silver inlay charan padukas listed are 6" and the "large" are 10".  The quality seems adequate, and the price is certainly right ($13 - $17 or so.) It took 2 weeks from order date to delivery in Dallas via Express Mail. (One of the trainers did order these and was very satisfied with the charan padukas.)

3)  for questions:
Doug and Carla are two blessing givers who are now making padukas in the U.S. Their process:

We create our own forms and also make templates from examples we see elsewhere.  We use the templates to outline and then cut the forms from redwood, poplar or pine.  We don't use door knobs for posts.  We use wooden turned posts. All of the designs are hand painted and applied.  During the creation of each paduka set, from cutting, finishing, to painting, we are always mindful of their intended use and channel Deeksha to them.The Padukas as well as our Inspirational artwork are individually made by the two of us.


Click or Cut and paste the following link to review ARCHIVE of past notes: version of old archive link)

heart om
Noni Kaufman
Oneness Trainer in Austin, TX.

Bhagavan 3/4

           Sri Bhagavan Mukthi Deeksha Webcast  

                                                        23 May, 2010


Namaste to all of you. Namaste. Love you all. It gives great joy to connect with all of you.


So, the process will be the same as the previous week. There will be no changes this week and the following week. However, there will be changes in the month of June.


The number of people joining the awakening process on Sundays is growing every week.


This is a source of great joy because it looks like by February 2011 we might reach the figure of 70,000 people across the planet, all undergoing the awakening process.


If that should happen in February 2011, we could start expecting fireworks after that!


The world's population being close to 7 billion, we should expect the number to be around 70,000 to make the most important shift in consciousness.


What you must be intensively aware of is that the awakening process is not just for you, but you're doing it for sake of the whole of humanity. 


You must be intensely aware of that as you go through the process.


It is also important that those who become awakened share their experiences with others.


So, we now start the process.  As usual I shall repeat the 9 basic teachings, and of course, now it's 10.



The first teaching: thoughts are not mine.


Mind is not mine.


This body is not mine.


All things are happening automatically.


There is thinking, but no thinker.


There is seeing, but no seer.


There is listening, but no listener.


There is doing, but no doer.


There is nobody there at all.


I am Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.


Now, we move on to the 49 minute mantra and I will be meditating along with you off the screen for the next 7 minutes. Then, I will be joining again towards the end for the eye deeksha.


I am love, I am love, I am love..............





I am love

                          Art with gracious permission by Muktha van de Weijgaert

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