Skype Broadcast with Sri Bhagavan
Posted February 10, 2010
Pretoria, South Africa

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Gratitude to Michael Milner who has kept a running log of links to videos, audios, and transcripts for the meetings with Bhagavan over the last weeks on

Also gratitude to all who have set up conferences, participated in them, and for sharing notes, videos, and audios. Thanks to Maria Bernett for these notes and converting to an MP3 so you can listen on portable devices.

Click or Cut and paste the following link to review ARCHIVE of past notes: (Shortened version of old archive link)

REQUEST: When you host a skype broadcast, if possible see if someone in your community could do the notes for the calls and, if not, at least provide the questions in writing. You could send to me at

Let me know of postings to the internet of the video file and if notes have been arranged for so we can easily share.

When no skype notes are sent out for awhile, please be patient rather than e-mailing to ask why not. I'm either working, traveling, or there haven't been any available.

Recent Postings of Interviews with Awakened people at Oneness University: (Click on Experiences)
Edwin Van Ouwerkek
Shanthi Christian

I leave for India for the trainer's training tomorrow so don't expect further e-mails until after March 8.

Noni Kaufman
Oneness Blessing Facilitator in Austin, TX.

Skype Broadcast to Pretoria, South Africa

(Recently posted to Vimeo on February 9, 2010)



BHAGAVAN:  Namaste.

MODERATOR: Namaste. Thank you for joining us.

BHAGAVAN:  Love you all!  So nice to see you.

MODERATOR: Bhagavan, thank you very much for honoring us with this Skype. We're all very enthusiastic to hear, and we're very, very happy. Our hearts are really full of the presence. Thank you very much for joining us.

BHAGAVAN:  I'm also very, very happy. Shall we go ahead with the questions?

MODERATOR:  Would you like me to read the questions?

BHAGAVAN:  Yes, yes.


Q1:  The Oneness movement contends that enlightenment is a neurobiological event and that the blessing helps us to achieve that state by de-stressing the parietal lobes of the brain and stimulating the frontal lobes. The question is: explain the neurobiology of this process and what other physical changes take place in the body on the path to awakening?


BHAGAVAN: What happens is what we call the chakras, they start rotating faster. To become awakened, the chakras must rotate at the speed of 33,000 times per second. Now, they're basically ductless glands. But, if seen mystically, they appear as weaves. Now, the kundalini flows into these chakras and they start rotating.  What happens is seven areas of the brain actually get activated or de-activated. The brain could be divided into seven areas which could either be activated or de-activated. I would no go into that great depth because you must have a very good idea of the brain itself. But, the symptoms are many, and it is not that one person must have all the symptoms. You might have one symptom, or two symptoms, or you may not have many also. But there are a variety of symptoms.

For example, the eyes could slightly move apart. If you want to take a picture before your awakening and afterwards, there could be a slight movement of the eyes, a little spread apart.  The way you would listen to sounds is very different, and the way you taste is very different, and the way you smell is very different. For example, if there are combinations of five, six tastes, you would pick up a single taste at a time, and you may not taste the other component. Similarly, with smells. Suppose you combine two, three smells, you would pick up only one smell. So, many strange things could happen. And, also, you could develop bumps on the head. That is possible. Like Moses' horns.  You could develop them. And, you would also find some colorful bumps on your chest, as though it was a garland or a necklace, or something like that. The wrist could turn very differently.

The skin could become very, very smooth. So, many, many things happen, but, we cannot say, "This must happen." So, one or two, or many of these symptoms could accompany the neurobiological change. But, we should not focus so much on that. That's no so very important. What will happen, will happen. For example, some of you might have seen I think on our website, just posted I think yesterday, Edwin's experience.


He's a fully awakened person from Holland. You'll find that he experienced a cracking at the back of his head when the kundalini got awakened after the deeksha was given. So, it need not be the same for every person. It could be very, very different. Maybe some people could become half female and half male, anything could happen. Many, many things. So, let's not worry about that right now. When things happen, I'll start explaining about it. So, we'll move on to the second question.


Q2:  OK. The second question is, as a new deeksha giver I have some questions about who I can give deeksha to: 

A.Is it OK to give deeksha, either hands on or by intent, to people who are mentally disabled or brain damaged, for example, autistic or cerebral palsy children who have little response to the world. Can this help them or, are we interfering in what is a karmic condition? 

B. Do we ever need permission to...


BHAGAVAN: We'll go step-by-step first. So, the deeksha could be given to anybody and everybody. There is no need to seek one's permission if it's going to be an intent deeksha. It could very well be given to autistic children and retarded children. And we have a lot of cases where consistent deeksha giving over a period of six months has resulted in the reduction of autism, and mentally retarded children have had tremendous improvement in their abilities and capacities. So, it really works for all kinds of people, and if you are a very, very powerful deeksha giver, you could pull out people from depression. But, you must be a powerful deeksha giver for that, or you must be a group of deeksha givers who are giving the deeksha. It really works for all kinds of people, and you could use it without the permission.  Obviously, they cannot give you permission also. But, for it to be effective, you must also know what is the person's karma. That karma must be what (recording garbled) faster... We have some difficulty explaining to westerners how to track down this karma because you must first believe in karma, and as a way you must talk to AmmaBhagavan, and we will tell you what is the person's karma, what happened in the person's past life, why this is happening, and what should be done. It is very easy to educate Indians on that, but we have to find some way of explaining it to the western people. Then they can identify the karma. See, the karma is handled, and then you give a deeksha, it's going to be a sure hit. For example, this person could've done something in his past life. Let's say he has deprived some people of something, and therefore this is happening.

Maybe, if you can take that child to some people and their parents could do something. Like, for example, a gentleman came to us many years ago and he said, "It looks like my son is going to lose his eyesight in about a week's time. The doctors are saying it is completely incurable."  We found in his past life this man had deprived many people of their eyesight. So, we told him -he happened to be a very wealthy man-"If you would go to all the hospitals in your area, where people with eye problems are there, and pay off all their bills, and then take a blessing, you are likely to be cured."  And, this man went around every hospital in the city, eye hospitals, and paid off the bills of all the patients there, and then he took a deeksha. And the son, it's quite a few years now, the sight is intact. So, you must identify the karma and then you'll get very, very good results. So, we move on to the second question.


Q3: so let's go to C.  I offered to give my sister deeksha, she said, "I have looked into deeksha on the internet and on the surface it seems a wonderful gift. But, there are reports of negative emotions and depression as a result of receiving this, and therefore, I would rather not."  Could you comment on this please?


BHAGAVAN: Yes. This is something like homeopathic medicine. Sometimes, certain conditions are triggered before the healing occurs. So, in a few instances, the negative emotions and feelings could probably emerge. But then, if you are patient for sometime, you'd be completely cured. There could be a slight deepening of the crisis before everything is cleared up. But, one should not fear that, one should go ahead with it. Next question please?


Q4:  On one of the DVDs you said that Oneness is a continuation of the work started by Christ, two thousand years ago, that was aborted. I would like to ask:  A. Please explain what aspects of Christ's work Oneness is actively bringing forth?


BHAGAVAN:  The deeksha. What Christ was doing was giving the deeksha and that's what has now come back. That's the answer for that question. The second question?


Q4B:  And B, does this mean that Oneness is actively preparing us for some form of ascension as exemplified by Christ? Will we be able to do miracles as Christ did?


BHAGAVAN: Yes, it is already happening. It's already happening. People are doing miracles. People are moving into higher states of consciousness. It has started happening and it has been happening for quite some time. Now it's accelerating very, very fast. It's going on right now.  People are becoming awakened and we'll be loading a lot them on our website.  As I said, we've already loaded Edwin's awakening. We'll soon be loading other people's awakening experiences. People are getting awakened. They're moving into higher level of consciousness. I would call it the ascension; and miracles, I don't think you would count them at all.  You find lots of people doing miracles, not one or two, but quite a number of them. Amazing miracles are happening, not just in India but in other parts of the world also. Everybody is doing miracles. It's something like that now.  The next question?


Q5:  Though Christ was one with the Heavenly Father, he still related to him through prayer. How do you explain this apparent paradox?


BHAGAVAN:  We believe that we exist in twenty-one realms, sometimes almost at the same time. Now we have the seven chakras, we have seven chakras below the body, seven above, and each of them represents a realm of consciousness. By increasing the speed of any particular chakra you could enter that realm of consciousness. Now, great beings like Christ, they simultaneously exist in several realms of consciousness: the highest and the earthly realm. So they could also move into lower planes and come out in case they would want to help somebody.  So the Christ who is on the earthly realm could obviously talk to himself in the higher realm, and when he does that, he would obviously refer to him as his father, though it is himself only.  For example, you will be able to see yourself, if you activate your kundalini that you are in higher realms of consciousness. You'll be amazed but that being will be somebody to whom you'll pay obeisance and you would be very reverential. But who is it?  Yourself. You can verify it at your own level. It's possible, all these things.  So obviously, Christ is only one. But then the one whom he's worshipping is himself. How would he worship him?  He would see himself as the Father. And so, it would be for any incarnation for that matter. So, one who knows these things, it's no paradox. It's obvious and very simple. But if you do not know that you could simultaneously exist in several realms of consciousness, then it becomes a paradox. So, I think we're finished with the three questions.  Since we finished very fast, shall we go for a longer meditation of five or six minutes?


MODERATOR:  Yes, that would be much appreciated.  Thank you very much. Thank you.

globe heart

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