Skype Broadcast with Sri Bhagavan
January 23, 2010
Dear Oneness Blessing Facilitators and Oneness Family,

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Gratitude to Michael Milner who has kept a running log of links to videos, audios, and transcripts for the meetings with Bhagavan over the last weeks on

Also gratitude to all who have set up conferences, participated in them, and for sharing notes, videos, and audios. Thanks to Antje Schilling and her husband Roland for setting up this conference and sending along notes.

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REQUEST: When you host a skype broadcast, if possible see if someone in your community could do the notes for the calls and, if not, at least provide the questions in writing. You could send to me at

Let me know of postings to the internet of the video file and if notes have been arranged for so we can easily share.

Noni Kaufman
Oneness Blessing Facilitator in Austin, TX.


Skype Broadcast to Olten, Switzerland 1-23-10

Video Link:



Namaste dear Bhagavan, namaste. We are soo happy to see you here today and we are very grateful and this we want to express to you. Thank you for talking with us today. We are 46 people in the room and we are 5 recently initiated new deeksha givers, you should know that please.

So we won't translate during the conference for not wasting your time and so may I start with the first question?


Yes, yes.


Q 1: Dear Bhagavan, Switzerland as a neutral nation and as the worldwide headquarters of the Red Cross often plays the role as an intermediator between countries that are at odds with one another. Please tell us what the specific role is and what the specific tasks are of the Swiss blessing givers and do you recommend specific exercises to us for this year and for the time from 2010 until 2012?



Bhagavan: I have often said that different countries on the planet represent certain areas in the human brain. Like Africa represents the emotional side of the brain and Germany represents order in the brain and the area around Jerusalem represents the area concerning God realization. So Switzerland definitely has a specific role as we are pointing out. It will probably bring in a lot of harmony on the planet. But what happens as more blessing givers emerge in Switzerland and they move into higher states? Switzerland can bring more harmony in the world. And let's say the Germans move into higher states, it'll be more order in the world and the Middle East when most people move into higher states, it will bring much more God realization. So every country, India for example, can bring about more awakening. So it will work like that. So definitely Switzerland with its past historical road, it should be that where there are blessings happening in Switzerland. I think in the whole world not only in Switzerland. That will be Switzerland's contribution. But we won't have any specific exercises or Sadhana for that. Let's take any other blessing givers which are working towards awakening, the same procedures will be used, but the effect on the planet will be different. That will happen very naturally. We don't have a special focus on that. That will be the contribution of your state. As more of you move into higher states that will be ...(4:36??). That's your contribution. It will happen very naturally. So, my answer will be brief because we only have a very short time. Probably, I will take this up later on. So shall we move to the second question please?



     Thank you, dear Bhagavan, for this answer.


Q 2: Dear Bhagavan, during the level courses we have learned that we are able to achieve everything we want by practicing intent and effort and then wait for grace to come. On the other hand you are teaching the effortless effort approach which you have explained many times to us using the example of the rope and the snake. We don't bring these two teachings together. How do we know when we have done enough effort and can just wait for grace to come? And what is wrong if grace is missing? Please give us more clarification about that.



Bhagavan: That might deal with the two varieties of people. Those who want to solve worldly problems and those who want to become awakened. We could even say that there is a Dharma for the unenlightened and a Dharma for the enlightened. Unenlightened and the enlightened; there are two separate Dharmas in that, because unless one focuses also on wealth, fulfillment of desires and contribution. So the first focus is on wealth actually. So we take the new conscious for greater wealth. And then we want to fulfill our desires the kind of woman or man we want to marry, or whatever you want. You focus on that, on the relationships and then on the contribution, finally it moves to awakening.


The effortless effort teaching refers to the inner world for those who are seeking an awakening. The other one, intent - effort - grace, refers to the external world or worldly achievements. Suppose you want to have sufficient wealth, what we say is have the intent and put the effort and then the grace will take over. This is purely for external things, not for the inner world. And now some times after you put in the intent and the effort the grace is not still coming, then you have not surrendered to the Divine. So you put all your best effort first. Without effort the grace will not respond. And then the intent must be very very strong, that's the beginning fact, the intent, then the effort. Then you must say "well, this is all I can do," hands up, for you cannot do anything more. "So please Lord or God," or whatever you want to call that, "please now take over and help me." It should be genuine surrender, if not, some kind of cheap surrender, no, some kind of ...(7:25??) , no.  You realize you have done all that you possibly could do and you can do nothing more.


Like for example you could fall down from an aeroplane. If you have the intent to save yourself and then you suddenly think you would like to land on a beach or something then what else could you do than completely surrender, then the grace would work a miracle.


Actually I met a pilot. He said his plane caught fire. I think it's a fighter plane or something, it must have exploded, but strangely it did not explode and the man landed and is completely intact. This happened. He said "my Lord Jesus", he happens to be a Christian; he said "my Lord Christ saved me". So obviously the prayer was very very strong. That's when you hand over, when you realize you can't do anything more. But as long as you can do something you have got to do it, you should not be looking for help. That can come from the Divine. Only at the point where you say I cannot do, there you will have to pray and ask for help. Then the grace will definitely come. So that's about that. Can we move to the third question?


     Thank you for this answer, Bhagavan.


Q 3: How does it happen that we have forgotten that we are God? How can a little ego come into existence that feels separated from oneness?


Bhagavan: Yes. So there seems to be a divine plan. We could possibly safely  assume, that in the beginning man was awakened, was enlightened and that he had no sense of separation. Even now small children at sometimes age two or three, they do not have a sense of separation. It's only afterwards that they develop a sense of separation. Maybe there is a divine plan behind it. Now what exactly happens is when we are seeing we don`t hear, when we hear we don`t  see when we smell we don`t feel touch, when we touch we don`t taste.


So senses function actually independently, but they coordinate so fast, it appears as though they are all functioning at the same time. That is what creates the illusion of separation. Now what happens in the awakening processes is that the coordinators slightly slow down. The moment it is slightly slowed down, the self is gone. That is, the sense of separation is gone. What is there is oneness.

Oneness does not mean you are becoming one with that. It is not that at all. There is just the one, that's all. Now what we`re trying to do in the processes is when we receive and we give deeksha and we are passionate about awakening, it ultimately leads to slowing down sensory coordination. With that you are one and if that happens for something like 7 minutes, you will never ever come back. It`s over and that is what we are trying to get to. Now probably had man, been made without this sensory coordination, he might have just felt as one.

And probably there might not have been this civilisation and all this...(10:42??) it might have continued we live in the stone age. Maybe nature or God has a different plan so he brought about the sensory coordination, the sense of separation and then the ego and then the struggle and it all has its history: nation, societies, all these cultures, science, technology have built up all these things. Now probably the time has come in order to survive.


We will have to remove the sense of self because we already built up a great civilisation, it has the computers, and may be now without the self and the ego this would continue to develop. Maybe that's why they say 2012, they have to slow down the sensory coordination and we all become awakened. So it's now in your hands now, you are to receive and give the blessings.


Giving blessings is more powerful than receiving blessings. You must know that. Now here is a simple example of a television set, a DVD player and the source of power, what we call the plug-point in India, I don't how you would call that, where you put in the plug where you get the power.


Now the television set could be considered to be your consciousness and the mind is the DVD player and the source of power is the deeksha.

Now, in the DVD player, the mind, you could put any teaching, you could put the teachings of Christ or Buddha or Allah or something good teaching or anything like, you could put, it's completely yours, this is your DVD and you could put whatever you want. And then plug in the deeksha, the deeksha ...(12:20??) that is the source of power. And then the DVD is where's the deeksha giver's consciousness.


So with a Buddhist DVD, you get the Bhuddist enligthenment, with a Christian teaching, you get the Christian enlightenment, with Islamic teaching, you get Islamic realisation. There`s no separate. Deeksha in certain things in Switzerland is neutral. It does not take any sides. (smile) You put any DVD there you`ll make it a spiritual experience. (laughter ) That`s all. Down the line somewere, you`ll find that things slightly slow down.


In fact for some people you actually see the eyes go little apart. We`ll take a picture before they are awakened and after the awakening you find the eyes are slightly move apart. That`s why the ...(13:04??) slow down, that's what we call the neurobiological law phenomenon. If that happens it's permanent, there's peaceful. Before that happens you can still be in a great state, but it may come and it may go. But once this happens it is permanent and it can't be reversed. That's the answer for that question. What else?   


Thank you very much Bhagavan.


Q 4: In the conference with Texas Dallas at 12th of December you have said - I citation now: "The one appears as the many, we do not say that the one becomes the many." Please can you explain the concrete difference between appears and becomes. What exactly does this difference between appears and becomes mean? How does this difference concretely expresses itself at human being and in the emerging universe and on our earth?


Bhagavan: Now you feel that you are separated from the other, you are separated from that wall or that pillar there or that door there and a?? family is separated from the other. Now the strangest thing is, the moment the sensory coordination is slowed down, instantly you find that you are not separated from the other, in fact, you are the other. That does not mean you become the wall or the tree there. What happens is - here we give a teaching - the observer is the observed. That is, there is no more the bird, the me, the I. ?? what is there is the pillar, the door, the wall, that is all that is there. And that defines you. The only way to say that you are there is the hall, these pillars, those people, the others define you. In that sense only the other exists. You do not exist. And all that is there, you are all that. So instantly the sense of separation has gone.


There's a wall, there's a door, there's the room, there are the people, they all were separated from you, instantly it's gone. All that is there is only one.

The pillar is no different from the door, ??is appearing as  though it was separate, but in truth it's not separate. There's this slight slowing down of our senses, it's all gone. But there is another (oneness??) state,?? The kundalini still fires higher up, then you would actually feel that you are the wall. You feel it you became the wall. If there is an animal passing you are the animal breathing. ??That is a super state. We are not going to super states. We are going to simple awakening. Simple enlightenment where you are not there. All that is there is there. That's the oneness we are talking about. And there is no more the illusion of the separation, the illusion is gone. A trick that the brain plays. The brain is the trickster. It's tricking you into believing that it's all separate, but it's not. So we are going to that a bit later in the following skypes. The third question is over, next.


Some organizational questions: we want to ask if it is further on possible for a group of interested people who are a strong branch of dedicated blessing givers to have further on our monthly conferences with you because Tejasaji  has just told us that the coordinators of Switzerland will also make the conferences but we`re asking if the group who wishes to can also have their own conferences on a monthly base ?


Bhagavan: See, there are countries, which have coordinators, there are countries which do not have coordinators. So if in a country there is a coordinator, we expect all of you to come to the coordinator, for organisational reasons. It makes it easier for the coordinator and also it will be easier for you. Now Phillip and Lydia, they are the coordinators. They will remain as the coordinators, we will not be removing anybody from the coordinator ship. If anybody happens to get removed or anybody has resigned, they will never be replaced, it`s a mark of respect for the coordinator, who built up that all. Having said all that, if there are people, who do not wish to come to the coordinator, they can directly link up with the university and have direct link to the university. They will not be stopped but we won't be telling you: "come to the coordinator". We only say we request you, it will be easier for you and for us.


Of course we will say that. But if you have your reasons whatever your reasons, we are not concerned about the reasons. If you take that stand, you do not want to come to our coordinator, you are most welcome to, come directly to us. We're not gonna say no to you. But the coordinator will continue, the coordinator will not be replaced. The coordinators have their own schemes. They might go their own way with their own organisation. That will go on, we won't be disturbing them. They have the right and the freedom to go on with the organisation. If you don't want to be part of it, you people can get another organisation or you can come to us independently. You have your freedom. They have their freedom.


There is no need for a conflict or a clash. But one thing has to be made clear to you: You can not be also part of the one world academy. You can not be in both the organisations, that is not possible. You can not be a communist and a capitalist at the same time. You can not be a democrat and a republican at the same time. Either you are a democrat or a republican, a communist or a capitalist. You cannot belong to two organisations which are opposed in more than one way. That is so, either you are here, or there. We are not enemies. But a simple thing: how can you be a democrat and a republican at the same time? I'm notsure, are there parties in Switzerland? Different political parties?


Can you be a member of all the parties at the same time?


See, you have the same case here. That's all there is to it. If somebody wants to be in the other organisation they are welcome to be there, but they can not continue to be here. That's all. And if someone doesn't like the coordinators you can do your own thing and do what you want. That does not mean they should be dissolved or they should be removed. They have the right to exist and to do whatever they want. You have the right to exist and to do whatever you want. There is total freedom. Remember the most important thing is: to set men totally and unconditionally free. You have your freedom. No problem at all.


Thank you for confirming this, dear Bhagavan.



So, we  are asking you to give us a very strong blessing for the growth of each of us and for Switzerland as a country and a special blessing for our exactly 5 new blessing givers initiated two weeks ago. This we are asking for. And we are saying thank you very very much, dear Bhagavan, for this beautiful first meeting with you and for your answers and your teychings and we hope to meet you now on a monthly base.


Yes, you are most welcome. I`ll be very happy to give a blessing for the new blessing givers. While we meditate I`ll do the blessing also.

Shall we now move into meditation?


Yes, we will. Thank you, Bhagavan.




Love you all. Love you. Namaste.


Namaste Bhagavan.


globe heart

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