Broadcast with Sri Bhagavan
January 3, 2010
Questions and Answers

Dear Oneness Blessing Facilitators and Oneness Family,

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These notes are not usually an exact transcript of the session, but notes to help each reader get the essential message from each question and answer. Particularly if there are repetitions from prior broadcasts, more summary references are provided than exact details.

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Gratitude to Michael Milner who has kept a running log of links to videos, audios, and transcripts for the meetings with Bhagavan over the last weeks on

Also gratitude to all who have set up conferences, participated in them, and for sharing notes, videos, and audios. Thanks to Shresta Carol for providing this link and  the notes!

Click or Cut and paste the following link to review ARCHIVE of past notes:

On Behalf of Mattias and I, we'd like to invite people who are willing to do notes for future broadcasts and telecasts to team up with us. Please let me know if you can do this and we'll start a rotating list for more people in the community to participate and then, all can continue to benefit from the notes!

REQUEST: When you host a skype broadcast, if possible see if someone in your community could do the notes for the calls and, if not, at least provide the questions in writing. You could send to me at Let me know of postings to the internet of the video file and if notes have been arranged for so we can easily share.

I know many translate these notes for people in their countries who cannot understand the questions and answers from watching the videos. Thank you for that wonderful service!

Noni Kaufman
Oneness Blessing Facilitator in Austin, TX.

Video Link:

Bhagavan: Namaste


Reply: Namaste, Bhagavan, Namaste

Bhagavan: Love you all and wish you all a very, very happy New Year.

Reply: Thank you

Bhagavan: Yes, I am so happy to hear that. Could we go ahead with the questions?

Reply: Yes, Bhagavan.

Bhagavan: Will you be translating now or afterwards?

Reply: After, after

Bhagavan: Please go ahead with the question.


Q1: Dear Bhagavan what is your vision for Israel and how best can we the Israeli OBGs support that vision and how can we the OBGs support each other to fulfill your vision?


Bhagavan: Yes, now what is the population of Israel?


Reply: 7 million


Bhagavan: Now, if we could move 70 people into very high levels of consciousness, or if we could move 140 people into middle levels of consciousness, or probably 1000 people into altered states of consciousness, we should be able to bring about a change in consciousness in Israel, which will lead to peace and harmony. It is possible. So the whole idea of the Blessing Givers here is to produce sufficient number of Blessing Givers.


The larger the number the easier and quicker it will be. And they should form groups of 25 people and they must work together towards growth and consciousness and we will directly guide it. And as you keep moving into higher levels of consciousness, you will definitely find a change in the situation that is prevailing in Israel. So what we expect of the Blessing Givers is to contribute to peace and harmony in Israel and that this rate of growth, I reckon at least a  thousand people, who will not be able to spend all their time on their growth, but who could at least contribute an hour or two a week. If we would equip that number of people, I think by June of 2011, we should begin to see good results. So that is the answer for the first question. We move on to the second question.


Reply: Thank you, Bhagavan.


Q2: Dear Bhagavan, we heard you say that if in order to get  the result of our prayer, our request, we have to visualize it very clearly and exactly. And if the result did not come, maybe our visualization was not clear enough. I have a difficulty visualizing things. I can have clear verbal ideas, but I can not have a clear visualization or image in my mind. Also, giving deekshas, we were told that it would be good to visualize golden liquid flowing from our hands, and I could not do that. Is there anything I can do to get a better power of visualization?


Bhagavan: Visualization is real power. But in case you are not able to do that, you could intensify your feelings. You can substitute visualization through intense feelings and gradually you may be able to visualize too. But in case you are not able to do that, there's nothing to worry, you could keep increasing your feelings. If they become more intense, they could do the job of visualization. That's the answer for the second question. We'll go on to the third question.


Q3: In the past you have mentioned that each country in the world is represented by a part of the human brain, every human being has the entire world in his/her brain. Can you please elaborate on this and also share what part of the brain Israel represents and our collective role in the growth towards Oneness?


Bhagavan: Israel represents awareness of God, that's what Israel represents, and that's the part of the brain which is really controlling awareness of God. If that part of the brain is not sufficiently activated, then it is impossible to become truly aware of God. God would remain a mere belief. So Israel does have a very, very important role to play. So that's the answer for that question. We move on to the next question.


Q4: Bhagavan,  Every day our lives are threatened and we live in constant fear and suffering. Can you please make our Oneness Blessing very powerful so that your work can spread very fast in the next two years?


Bhagavan: It is fear inside you that is landing you to trouble. Violence is there, but then, you could escape that, if you do not have fear in you. But if you have fear in you, you will definitely get caught in that event or that incident. So what I would recommend is, please work on your fear, experience your fear, and then you'll be able to overcome your fear. Once you overcome your fear, it will be very, very easy for us to give you complete protection, no matter what the situation is. So if you want our help to protect you and to keep you safe and secure, your contribution has to be the overcoming of fear. Please overcome fear. We have taught you all the methods for overcoming fear. Please apply them and we assure you, we will completely protect you, no matter what the situation is. So I think we have come to the end of all the questions. Now, shall we meditate now?


Reply: Thank you. Yes, Bhagavan




Bhagavan: Love you all, love you.


Reply: Thank you Namaste





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