Business Briefs header

September 2010

Innovation is Key to Fueling Your Business

Craig Brewster
Craig Brewster
Businesses need an abundance of innovative ideas in order to succeed in this difficult economy. It's all too easy to blame the economy, but there are many ways businesses can succeed through customer focused innovation.

The good news is: Periods of economic stress are usually followed by new innovative ideas, especially in small business. This stems from a basic business need to retain and attract customers with what the customer perceives as value. Small businesses understand this and are able to fare better in an economic downturn because we think fast. We are in a better position to move very quickly in terms of how we align our resources and address customer needs. That's just the way we're used to doing it, in good times and bad. It all stems from the passion we have for our business and our customers.

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Craig Brewster is Executive Vice President and Senior Lender at River City Bank.
He can be reached directly by calling
706-236-3530 or emailing him at