NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #428                                          Visit us on Facebook! Facebookmasthead

July 2, 2012

In This Issue:
Columbia River jetties Major Rehab Report approved
Surface transportation reauthorization bill passed; freight and HMTF provisions included
Secretary Darcy responds to coal terminal permitting expansion requests
PNWA Summer Conference - a tremendous success
PNWA welcomes newest member Evergreen Engineering
Heather Stebbings named PNWA Government Relations Director
The Port of Cascade Locks opens search for Manager of Economic Development

Columbia River jetties Major Rehab Report approved


We are very pleased to report that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District has indicated that their Major Rehab Report (MRR) for the Mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) jetties was approved by the Northwestern Division on June 26. The date of the release is just in time for the Corps' internal FY2014 budget preparation. The MRR includes a construction schedule and cost estimates to support the FY2014 submittal, as well as forecasted funding needs from FY2014 to FY2022. The MRR remains an internal Corps document; however, PNWA will alert our membership when the report is made available for public consumption.  


As previously reported, $5.5 million was included in the FY2013 President's budget to address deterioration at the base of the south jetty. This amount was retained in the House and Senate energy & water appropriations bills as well. In recent years, PNWA has prominently featured MCR jetties in our advocacy efforts, encouraging our Northwest Congressional delegation to support the $5.5M package. We continue to be a lead advocate for this project, and will be working to ensure the $5.5 million is retained throughout the appropriations process.


For more information, download PNWA's fact sheet on the fact sheet on the MCR jetties. Stay tuned for more information as the MCR report is released, with more details regarding the scope and cost of this important Northwest navigation project.

Surface transportation reauthorization bill passed; freight and HMTF provisions included


After three years of short-term extensions, Congress passed a two year surface transportation reauthorization bill titled "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century" (MAP-21) on Friday, June 29th. The $105 billion bill, which will expire on October 1, 2014, provides annual funding of $54.6 billion. This is approximately level with current funding plus a small increase for inflation. The President is expected to sign the bill shortly; in the meantime, Congress also passed a final, one-week extension by voice vote.


MAP-21 includes a National Freight Policy that would develop a National Freight Strategic Plan. The strategic plan will help highlight freight projects that improve cargo movement, reduce congestion, increase productivity and improve safety. The Secretary of Transportation will have one year to designate a primary freight network, and states may also designate critical rural freight corridors. Development of a National Freight Strategic Plan will take place no more than three years after enactment of MAP-21. States are also encouraged to convene freight advisory committees, and develop state freight plans. Though these are positive developments, unfortunately the bill did not include dedicated freight project funding.


The bill also includes a "Sense of Congress" regarding the unspent collections amassed in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF). The language notes that the Administration should request full use of the HMTF for operating and maintaining the navigation channels of the United States. MAP-21 also directs the Administration, beginning with the FY2014 budget that is released next February, to include an estimate of the nationwide average availability, expressed as a percentage, of the authorized depth and authorized width of all navigation channels authorized to be maintained using appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. It also directs the Administration to estimate how much funding from the HMTF would be required to increase that average availability to 95 percent over a 3-year period. While these provisions do not outright require full spending of the HMTF each year, it is a very positive step forward.


For a summary of the major provisions in the MAP-21 bill, interested readers can check out the two-page summary from the Senate EPW Committee, or the longer 91-page Joint Explanatory Statement released by the House and Senate conferees on the bill.

Secretary Darcy responds to coal terminal permitting expansion requests


In a June 8th letter, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy responded to calls for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to broaden its review of proposed coal terminals beyond the cumulative effects of each project, to a programmatic review of all proposed terminals. The letter, to Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, outlines the permit applications that have been filed with the Corps to date, for a barge loading facility at Boardman, OR, and export facilities at Longview, WA and Bellingham, WA. The letter notes that individual permit reviews are proceeding, and indicates that the Corps continues to review where it is appropriate to expand the scope of its review. It also notes that the Corps is coordinating with BLM and other federal agencies.


On June 1st, PNWA submitted a letter to the Corps of Engineers regarding a dock permit application at the Port of Morrow. PNWA aimed to clarify some of the statements submitted in the most recent public comment period regarding the reliability and safety of the Columbia Snake River System, and the readiness of the system to take on additional cargo tonnage. PNWA's letter also weighed in regarding the calls for a programmatic review of all coal facilities proposed in the region.


PNWA will continue to monitor this issue, and weigh in where appropriate. PNWA's membership is particularly concerned that proposed changes to Corps permitting practices and scope could have lasting impacts to the future development of new navigation projects throughout the Pacific Northwest.


PNWA Summer Conference - a tremendous success!


Thanks to our registrants, speakers and sponsors, the PNWA Summer Conference was a huge success. The 2012 event held in Seattle, Washington saw a record number of participants, with a total of over 130 attendees. The agenda included a line-up of exceptional speakers, with informative and relevant presentations, all of which can now be accessed on our website. We would like to thank our 16 sponsors of the event, whose generous contributions help to offset meeting costs and keep registration fees low.



PNWA Annual Convention - October 9-11, Vancouver WA

Planning for PNWA's Annual Convention is well under way, with an agenda of substantive and relevant topics for the navigation, energy & trade community in the Northwest.  Topics include:


PNWA Legislator of the Year - Norm Dicks (invited)

75 Years of the Bonneville Power Administration - Steve Wright, BPA Administrator

Columbia River Treaty: USACE & BPA Working Together for the U.S.

USACE Long-term Planning Efforts for the Columbia Snake River System

FEMA Floodplain Issues - Where Are We Now?

Introduction to new Corps Leadership in the Northwest

State of the Economy: Part III - Tom McCollough, Moffatt & Nichol

Adoption of PNWA's 2013 Policies & Projects

And much more!


Make your plans to join us today - online registration opens August 1, 2012.  We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!


PNWA welcomes newest member Evergreen Engineering


PNWA is pleased to announce Evergreen Engineering as our newest member. Since 1985, Evergreen Engineering has been committed to providing innovative industrial engineering, design, consulting and construction solutions for a variety of industries along the Pacific Northwest's waterways and shores. Their ability to understand the needs of their clients goes hand in hand with their knowledge of industry processes. Evergreen's expertise in bulk material handling including dust collection, conveyor system design for reduced spillage and maximum throughput makes them an ideal choice for docks, waterways and ship loading enterprises.Evergreen has created a dynamic team with the technical depth to facilitate successful projects.


For more information, contact Aaron Edewards at or log onto  

Heather Stebbings named PNWA Government Relations Director


Heather Stebbings has been named PNWA's new Government Relations Director. Heather joined PNWA in 2006, most recently serving as Communications & Government Relations Manager leading PNWA's advocacy efforts for the Oregon and Southwest Washington coasts. She will expand that role to include work on PNWA's broader suite of projects and policies and will serve as a primary liaison to the PNWA membership, as well as federal agency and Congressional staff. With this change, PNWA will be hiring a third staffer as PNWA Membership Manager. Details of this position, as well as a full job announcement, will be released shortly.  


Heather can be reached at or 503-234-8553.

The Port of Cascade Locks opens search for Manager of Economic Development


The Port of Cascade Locks is currently seeking applications for a Manager of Economic Development. This position will take the lead in encouraging, promoting, and coordinating economic development efforts and strategies for the Port of Cascade Locks. Their primary emphasis will be to identify, contact and recruit business firms to locate within the Port District and to work with existing businesses to assist in their growth and development. The position will serve as a liaison with Federal, State and local governments and agencies working on economic development in the region. This position works directly under the Port Manager with general guidelines and a wide degree of latitude for the exercise of initiative and judgment.


The salary range for this position is $3,750 to $5,400 per month. Desired credentials include education or experience equivalent to a four year college education in business, public administration, planning or a closely related field. Four years minimum experience in economic development, community service or community development is required, and experience with public ports is preferred.


For more information including a full job description and application form, contact Melissa Warren at the Port of Cascade Locks by e-mail at or phone 541 374-2403. In addition to application form applicant must submit letter of interest, resume and three relevant references.