TIGER grants announced; three awarded in Northwest, including Port of Lewiston
Today, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that 47 transportation projects nationwide will receive nearly $500 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation's 2012 TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) program. TIGER is a highly competitive program that funds innovative projects that may not fit into other federal programs. These federal funds are being leveraged with money from private sector partners, states, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations and transit agencies.
In the Northwest, three projects will receive funding:
Port of Lewiston Dock Extension - $1,300,000
Mercer Corridor West Reconstruction (Seattle) - $14,000,000
North Spokane Corridor Railroad Realignment (Spokane) - $10,000,000
The Port of Lewiston reports that their grant will be used to extend the Port marine dock by 150-linear feet and will greatly improve the efficiency, production and safety of intermodal operations. The project is scheduled to begin construction July 1, 2013, and be completed by September 30, 2013 with an estimated construction cost of $2.9 million.
TIGER has enjoyed overwhelming demand since its creation, a trend continued by TIGER 2012. Applications for this most recent round of grants totaled $10.2 billion, far exceeding the $500 million set aside for the program. Like the first three rounds, TIGER 2012 grants are for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are awarded on a competitive basis. This is the fourth round of TIGER funding. The four rounds of the TIGER program have provided $3.1 billion to 218 projects.
The FY2013 appropriations bill currently under consideration in the U.S. Senate provides $500 million for a future round of TIGER grants. PNWA's membership strongly supports the TIGER program, and will continue to advocate for continuation of this important transportation funding program.