NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #418                                            Visit us on Facebook! Facebookmasthead

March 28, 2012

In This Issue:
The State of Oregon works to improve the regulatory process
Mark your calendars for the PNWA Summer Conference
Port of Coos Bay opens search for Chief Executive Officer
PNWA headquarters is moving

The State of Oregon works to improve the regulatory process


Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber's Regulatory and Permit Streamlining and Simplification Advisory Committee is requesting feedback regarding regulatory and permitting issues impacting public and private regulated entities.  The Committee is actively soliciting submission of specific examples through an online questionnaire at  The committee believes this questionnaire is critical to moving the regulatory process in Oregon forward and to creating specific opportunities for action and improvement.  The questionnaire will be live until April 1.  

Mark your calendars for the PNWA Summer Conference


Preparations for the PNWA Summer Conference are in full swing, and it is shaping up to be an event you won't want to miss! Mark your calendars today for July 27-29 at the Marriott Seattle Waterfront. As we are in the planning process, please let us know if there are specific speakers or topics you would like to see on the agenda, and we will do our best to incorporate them. The agenda and other additional details will be released shortly and online registration will be available April 16. For more information, please log onto our website or email Heather Stebbings at 

Port of Coos Bay opens search for Chief Executive Officer


The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay is recruiting to fill its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position. The CEO is responsible for the overall administration of the Port's fiscal management and personnel management, development and maintenance of all Port facilities and properties and other tasks as assigned by the Port Commission. The CEO serves at the will of, reports directly, and is responsible/accountable to the Port Commission.


Individuals interested in this position must submit a letter of introduction outlining interest and current chronological résumé that includes employment history and education. Only those individuals who clearly demonstrate the stated qualifications will be considered. The recruiter for further and more detailed information will personally contact applicants of interest. Letter of introduction and résumé should be submitted to SDAO, PO Box 12613, Salem, Oregon 97309-0613.  Applications must be received by 4:00 PM April 26, 2012.


For more information and a full list of details regarding the position, contact

PNWA Headquarters is moving


The PNWA office is moving! As of May 1, 2012 our new mailing address will be:


Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA)

516 SE Morrison Street, Suite 1000

Portland OR 97214


Please note that we will be in the process of moving Friday, April 27 and Monday, April 29, and may have limited access to email at that time. We appreciate your patience and ask that you update your records accordingly.