Register for PNWA's upcoming events
PNWA Mission to Washington, DC
This year's annual gathering will take place at the Madison Hotel, and will feature extremely valuable general sessions with national industry leaders and federal agency staff. PNWA is also the only organization to schedule convenient, coordinated meetings with our entire Northwest Congressional delegation. It is a truly unique lobbying effort with every Member of Congress from our region - make your plans to participate today!
For an example of PNWA's Mission to Washington, click here to take a look at the tremendous program that was presented in 2011!
2012 Mission to Washington, DC
March 4-8, 2012
The Madison Hotel
1177 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Reservations: 800-424-8577
Online registration is also available for our three regional meetings in February 2012. These meetings will help prepare our priority issues for our annual Mission to Washington, DC, and are also a great opportunity to give and receive updates on individuation projects and regional issues. A PNWA staff report will include information on FY13 appropriations, navigation policy and projects, energy issues, environmental and regulatory issues, and the PNWA Mission to Washington. Please note that you do not need to register for the Mission to Washington to attend the Regional Meetings - these are free meetings for all members, and provide great value.
Puget Sound Regional Meeting - February 15, 2012 Moffatt & Nichol, 600 University Street, Suite 610, Seattle, WA, 11:30-2pm
Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho Regional Meeting - February 17, 2012 Port of Pasco, 1110 Osprey Point Blvd, Pasco, WA, 11:30-2pm
Lower Columbia River/OR & SW WA Coast Regional Meeting - February 21, 2012 Port of Portland, 7200 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 12-3pm
For more information on our 2012 events, log onto our website or contact Heather Stebbings at