NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #333                                            


June 8, 2009

In This Issue:
Witt Anderson departs for Afghanistan
Final SEF released
PNWA welcomes Franklin PUD
John Day dam featured on Discovery Channel
Port of Port Angeles seeks Executive Director
Last chance to receive $25 off PNWA Mid-Year Meeting registration fee
Witt Anderson departs for Afghanistan
Witt Anderson, Director of Programs at the Corps Northwestern Division (NWD), departed today for Washington, DC on his way to serving a six-month tour at the Corps Afghanistan Division office. David Ponganis will take over Witt's NWD responsibilities in his absence.
PNWA members will be familiar with several other Corps staff and officers serving in Afghanistan. Col. Tom O'Donovan, former Portland District Commander, is wrapping up a year of service as the Afghanistan District Commander. Former Seattle District Commander Col. Michael McCormick will take over the Afghanistan District Command.
The Northwestern Division and the three Northwest Districts are maintaining the strong tradition of civilian support for the Army in battle zones.  Witt is departing today. Portland District Chief of Regulatory Larry Evans is serving as Deputy Commander of the Afghanistan District.  Danielle Bolte, a Structural Engineer at the Walla Walla District who has been working on navigation lock repairs, and her husband William, a Civil Engineer at the District, are due to depart for the Afghanistan District later this month.
PNWA thanks all of the Division and District staff, many who have not been named here, for their past and current service in support of the Corps and the nation.
We wish you well.

Witt and PNWA staff
PNWA staff was able to say goodbye to Witt in person last week, and would like to thank Walt Evans at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt for hosting the farewell luncheon. 

Final SEF released
The final Sediment Evaluation Framework (SEF) was released last week. The goal of the SEF is to ensure that dredging proceeds in a manner that is protective of the environment and consistent with state and federal laws. It provides guidance for sampling, sediment testing and test interpretation to evaluate the suitability of dredged material for unconfined open water disposal for dredging projects in the Pacific Northwest.

The SEF is intended to improve consistency in evaluation of projects between different states and Corps districts, and between Corps civil works and regulatory programs while still allowing flexibility for local differences in site conditions or considerations.  The agencies plan to continually update the SEF based on new science and issues in coordination with the region and through annual public meetings. Some important aspects such as development of freshwater standards and bioaccumulation evaluation methods are not complete and will continue to be developed and refined.

The SEF was prepared by a joint Regional Sediment Evaluation Team comprised of the Corps of Engineers, NOAA Fisheries, the Fish and Wildlife Service and EPA from the federal government and Idaho DEQ, Oregon DEQ, and the Washington Departments of Natural Resources and Ecology. The 211 page final SEF is available at

Several PNWA members had serious concerns about the draft and submitted extensive comments in February 2009. Comments from PNWA, WPPA, Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt and the Ports of Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver and Portland, as well as the RSET team's response to those comments, are available at  PNWA plans to convene a group of interested members to review the final document.

Staff contact: Glenn Vanselow
PNWA welcomes Franklin PUD
PNWA is very excited to welcome Franklin PUD as our newest member.  Franklin PUD is a customer-owned, non-profit electric utility voted in by the public in November 1934 for the purpose of engaging in the purchase, generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy.  They have also built an extensive fiber optic and wireless infrastructure that allows businesses in their market to compete in a high-speed technical world, while also providing a state-of-the-art co-location facility for retail service providers to house their networks.
Most of the power Franklin PUD purchases come from the Bonneville Power Administration including:  hydropower, thermal and wind generation, and the open energy market.  The majority of the power is generated from the clean and renewable hydropower resources of the Federal Columbia River Power System.  Franklin PUD serves approximately one-third of Franklin County which includes 80% of the county's population.
For more information about Franklin PUD, contact Commissioner Chuck Hall at or Debbie Bone-Harris, Franklin PUD's Government and Community Relations Manager, by email at or by phone at 509-546-5973.
Staff contact: Heather Stebbings

John Day dam featured on Discovery Channel

John Day lock and dam will be featured on an upcoming episode of Discovery Channel's "World's Toughest Fixes: Columbia River Dam" on Thursday, June 18th at 9pm.  The program, which follows some of the world's most daunting repair jobs, will follow host Sean Riley as he rides up the Columbia River to film the replacement of the John Day lock's upstream gate.  Replacement of the lock gate was due to the barge accident on February 28, 2008.  PNWA was able to provide background information on this project, as well as the Columbia Snake River System, to producers of the show.  Don't miss this exciting opportunity to watch first hand, as the gate is barged down the Columbia River, lifted into position, and becomes a fully operational part of the navigation lock. 

Staff contact: Heather Stebbings

Port of Port Angeles seeks Executive Director
The Port of Port Angeles is seeking candidates for the position of Executive Director.  The Executive Director (ED) functions as the chief executive officer of the Port of Port Angeles. The ED serves as the principal resource to the Board of Commissioners and is responsible for implementing policies and resolutions set by the Commissioners while overseeing Port marketing, development of Port facilities, property management and community relations.  This includes overall direction of the operation, maintenance, administration and use of the Port's marine terminals, airports, marinas, industrial districts and other properties and facilities.
The ED is responsible for execution of contracts, delivery of services essential to the Ports' mission, as well as financial, accounting and legal matters of the Port. The Executive Director facilitates the development of goals, objectives, business plans, budgets and programs for all business units and departments.  The ED also develops and maintains positive relationships with tenants and customers, labor unions, community groups, and other public and government agencies.  The Executive Director oversees a $5.4 million annual operating budget and manages and directs 33 full time employees, 5 of whom are direct reports.
The minimum qualifications are executive and/or director level experience; Bachelor's degree or the equivalent in work related experience and continuing education; and work experience demonstrating increased responsibilities and performance.  Port industry knowledge and public employment experience is preferred.  The Port Commission reserves the right to modify or waive the minimum qualifications.  The salary range depends on qualifications. 
Interested candidates must submit a hard copy letter of interest and resume to request an application package.  Please send materials to Port of Port Angeles Attn:  Human Resources PO Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362.  Complete applications will be accepted until June 26, 2009.
Staff Contact: Heather Stebbings
Last chance to receive $25 off PNWA Mid-Year Meeting registration fee!

Make your plans to attend today! 
Monday, June 8, 2009 is the last day to save $25, and to register at the low rate of $350.  Our agenda is filled with innovative speakers and valuable information, to leave you inspired and prepared to seek out new opportunities and build prosperous communities.  Don't miss this opportunity to participate.  For more information, log on to our website.  We look forward to seeing you in Chelan!

Staff Contact: Heather Stebbings