Illinois Arts Council eNewsletter
Illinois: HeARTland of Creativity
April 2008
Connect with the Arts
in this issue
From the Chairman: Illinois Arts & Humanities Month
The Grants Process, Explained (Program Grants)
Recent Announcements


Welcome to the April '08 Illinois Arts Council HeARTland newsletter. Here you will find all the information you need to stay abreast of recent and upcoming Illinois Arts Council happenings, deadlines, and opportunities. In order that we may best tailor this newsletter to your specific interests in the future, please take a moment today to tell us a little about yourself using the Update Profile/Email Address link at the bottom of this page.

From the Chairman
Photo of IAC Chairman Shirley R. Madigan
As Chairman of the Illinois Arts Council and on behalf of Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and the Illinois General Assembly, I am pleased to announce the October 2008 premiere of Illinois Arts & Humanities Month.


The Illinois Arts Council and the Illinois Humanities Council present this statewide celebration to encourage all Illinoisans to establish, deepen, and expand our relationships with the arts and humanities. Together, we can make the arts and humanities a visible and vital part of everyone's everyday lives in the Land of Lincoln.


Every month is Arts & Humanities Month in Illinois, because of our state's great wealth of artists in every discipline, scores of dedicated and passionate arts workers, and abundance of arts lovers. I truly encourage local businesses, civic leaders, media outlets, schools, senior centers, park districts, and all interested individuals to join the celebration this October and learn more about harnessing the value of the arts and humanities in building vital, prosperous, livable communities. Through partnership and collaboration, we can grow stronger and better connected - to each other and the broader community - and use this new strength and these new connections to advance a fertile creative landscape for Illinois.


Illinois Arts & Humanities Month marks the expansion of Illinois Arts Week, established in 1978 to focus attention on our state's vast cultural resources and to increase public awareness of the arts. In the thirty years since Arts Week's inception, hundreds of communities and countless individuals throughout Illinois have come to appreciate and celebrate the animating force of the arts and creativity.


The month of October has also been recognized as National Arts & Humanities Month by thousands of arts and cultural organizations in communities across the country, as well as by the White House and Congress, for more than two decades. Coordinated by Americans for the Arts, National Arts & Humanities Month is a coast-to-coast collective celebration of culture in America. From arts center open houses to mayoral proclamations to storefront banners and newspaper articles, thousands of communities across the United States are recognizing the cultural gems all around us.


More information regarding marketing materials and other resources will be available from your local arts agency or the Illinois Arts Council and Illinois Humanities Council websites later this spring. Mark your calendars now and help us spread the word!


I want to thank each and every one of your for your support and enthusiasm as we work together on behalf of the people of Illinois.




Shirley R. Madigan

The Grants Process, Explained (Program Grants)

Have you ever wondered exactly what happens once you submit a Program Grant application? Take heart, you are not alone. The Illinois Arts Council is frequently asked to check on the status of applications. Below is a 15-step explanation of the Program Grant review process. We hope the overview will help to clarify some of your questions -- and possibly even save you a call!

 Photo of Fiscal Year 2009 Program Grants


The deadline for Fiscal Year 2009 Program Grants was March 17th, and it looks like another bumper crop! Can you find Grants Office staff member George Tarasuk above?



  1. Application is received at the Illinois Arts Council's Chicago office. Grants Office screens application for completeness and eligibility, assigns an application number, and notifies applicant of receipt. Acknowledgment of receipt of the application will be sent within eight weeks of the application deadline. Acknowledgment will include an application number to be used in future inquiries regarding that application. Applications which have been ruled ineligible or incomplete will not be reviewed.
  2. Application is reviewed by Program Office according to program guidelines and Council priorities. Questions may be clarified by contacting applicant.
  3. Application is either presented to peer advisory panels for review and recommendations or reviewed internally by staff and panel chairs with peer advisory panelist expertise when necessary, depending on criteria below:
    1. Applicants whose last completed fiscal year's cash operating expenses for public arts programming were greater than $50,000 are reviewed by an advisory panel. Copies of application provided by the applicant are sent to advisory panelists.
    2. Applicants whose last completed fiscal year's cash operating expenses for public arts programming were $50,000 or less will be reviewed internally by staff and panel chairs with advisory panelist expertise when necessary.
  4. Written comments are maintained for all reviewed applications.
  5. A number of applications are randomly selected for a site visit. The purpose of the site visit is to enable the panel to review the organization, its community, and its audience; to assess the quality of the organization's activities; and to allow the organization to communicate additional pertinent information. This review is presented along with the application at the grants review meeting.
  6. Advisory panels, whose members are professionals from the field, meet in the spring to review and evaluate applications. Meetings are open to the public and applicants may attend. Applicants may not address the panel. Each application is reviewed based on the relevant criteria as described in the guidelines and application. Following discussion, the panel scores each application.
  7. Dollar recommendations are determined based on the directions developed by the Council and dependent upon the final budget approved for the agency.
  8. The Illinois Arts Council convenes in August to review funding recommendations. Applications with all panel recommendations for funding and rejection are presented to the full Council. Final reviews and final decisions are made by the Council. Awards become official.
  9. Grants Office prepares notification letter, grant agreement, and other forms as necessary which are sent to potential grantee to fill out, sign, and submit for payment. Signatures constitute acceptance of the grant and its conditions.
  10. Grantee submits completed paperwork to Grants Office. Grants Office reviews submitted paperwork and status of files. Questions may be clarified by contacting grantee.
  11. Payment is authorized and a voucher is prepared by Fiscal Office for the Illinois Comptroller's office to issue a check (also referred to as a "warrant").
  12. Illinois Comptroller's office in Springfield forwards payment to grantee.
  13. Grantee completes project and submits final narrative and financial reports to Fiscal Office.
  14. Fiscal Office reviews and approves final reports and closes grant file.
  15. Randomly selected final reports are audited by Fiscal Office.

It's that easy! If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the Illinois Arts Council and you will be assisted by a staff member.

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