February 2009
Issue: 16
In This Issue
Call for Nominations
Aston University Establishes New Europe Centre
Featured Discoursive Event: Debating Europe. 20 Years after 1989.
Select Professional Opportunities for Council Members
New Degree Programs in European Studies
Young Professional Programs: Call for Applications
News from the Council for European Studies 
Dear Friend of the Council,
The CES Selection Committee and CES staff are happy to report that a high number of graduate students applied to this year's CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Competition. Thank you to those of you who supported your students in the context of this year's competition. You can expect to read about the winning proposals shortly. The Council thanks you for your active support of European Studies.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions you may have in the meantime,
Best wishes,
Stefanie Grupp-Clasby
Associate Director
Council for European Studies
Call for Nominations

The Council for European Studies (CES) seeks to replace two outgoing members of its Executive Committee, Peter Gourevitch and Larry Wolff. Continuing members of the Executive Committee are Sheri Berman, James Cronin, Juan Diez Medrano, Dominic Boyer, Michele Lamont (outgoing CES chair), and Cathie Jo Martin (incoming CES Chair).

The Executive Committee works with the Chair and Executive Director to carry out the mission of the Council which is to actively promote the study of Europe in both the United States and Europe.  Incoming members of the Executive Committee will be expected to play an active role in this mission as well as provide general guidance to the organization.

If you are interested, or would like to nominate a colleague, please send names and a brief rationale to Sheri Berman and James Cronin at [email protected]. Our outgoing members were a political scientist and an historian and although there is no formal requirement that they be replaced by scholars in their own fields, the Council strives to maintain disciplinary, regional, and institutional balance on the Executive Committee.  Deadline for nominations: March 16.

Aston University to Establish New Europe Centre

The Politics and International Relations Subject Group at Aston University in Birmingham, UK is delighted to have won a �500,000 grant from the University to establish a new centre for the study of Europe. The Aston Centre for Europe (ACE) brings together the University's many strengths in European Studies and is based within the School of Languages and Social Sciences. Its activities are focused around four key themes:

1.                  Economic and Social transformation in Europe
2.                  Nations and Europe, Europe and the World
3.                  The challenge of security, freedom and justice
4.                  Leadership and governance

ACE aims to raise the University's profile on Europe at local, national and international level and to this end, it hosts high-profile visiting speakers, runs an innovative and vocationally-oriented double MA programme with Sciences-Po Lille and facilitates new research across the University. Co-directed by Professor John Gaffney and Professor Simon Green, ACE has kick-started its activities by recruiting William Paterson as Honorary Professor of German and European Politics. In the coming weeks, it will also advertise three new positions in politics and international relations at Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader level, as well as a PhD studentship.

For further information,please contact John Gaffney ([email protected]) or Simon Green ([email protected]).

Debating Europe: 20 Years After 1989

Sunday, February 22, 11:00am
Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring 2
1010 Wien

Debating Europe: 20 YEARS AFTER 1989   
A Panel Discussion featuring: Timothy Garton Ash, Kurt Biedenkopf, Adam Michnik, Viktor Orban   

Timothy Garton Ash
   Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford

Kurt Biedenkopf
   former Prime Minister of Saxony, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Adam Michnik
   Editor in Chief at Gazeta Wyborcza

Viktor Orban
   former Prime Minister of Hungary, Chairman of the Hungarian Civic Union Fidesz

For more detailed information visit: http://www.iwm.at
Select Opportunities in European Studies

a) Conferences
b) Grants
c) Calls for Papers
d) e-Journal


a) Conferences

Conference on EU Enlargement - Five Years After.
March 2, 2009

Czech EU Presidency
Mal� �tupartsk� 7/634
110 00 Prague
Phone: +420 233 081 398
Email: [email protected]
Czech Republic



b) Grants

Competition Policy Studentships: 3 year PhD and 1 year Masters

 ESRC Centre for Competition Policy, UEA

 The ESRC Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), based at the University of East Anglia, invites applications for fully funded (3-year) PhD studentships, including two ESRC quota awards, from October 2009.  These studentships can be held in any area of competition or regulation policy appropriate for supervision by the Centre's faculty members, who come from the Schools of Economics, Law, Business and Political, Social and International Studies. The CCP received research training recognition from the ESRC in the 2007 interim recognition exercise.

 The Centre also invites applications from those intending to pursue an academic career for one year masters studentships for the MSc in Industrial Economics and the LLM International Competition Law and Policy, from September 2009. 

 These studentships are only available to candidates who have been offered a place in a relevant UEA PhD or Masters Degree programme. Applicants should apply both for entry to the appropriate school and to the CCP for the studentship.

 The PhD studentships are tenable for 3 years and include home tuition fees, plus a maintenance grant of approximately �12,300, with additional funding in some discipline areas. Masters studentships are tenable for 1 year and include home tuition fees, plus a maintenance grant of approximately �9,000. 

 Application details are available on the CCP website or from Stu White ([email protected]).

 The closing date for applications is 31 March 2009.

DAAD Call for Proposals:
Promoting German and European Studies in Canada - Round 3
In December 2006, DAAD launched a new program for the support of German and European Studies at Canadian universities. As part of our plan to continue and expand this new program, DAAD is pleased to announce the third in a series of annual calls for proposals. Funding is available for a number of different projects including, but not limited to, lecture series, research visits and joint transatlantic programs.
DAAD invites students and faculty from Canada and Germany to submit proposals.
To download the complete call for proposals and detailed guidelines for submission, go to the announcement on DAAD's homepage at www.daad.org
Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar in German Studies
Summer 2009
Narratives of Modernity: From Lessing to Luhmann

The purpose of the seminar is to promote the interdisciplinary study of historical, political, social and cultural aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs and to advance their understanding among scholars in the US and Canada. The program is open to faculty and recent PhDs in germane social science and cultural studies fields. This year's seminar will be led by Professor David E. Wellbery at the University of Chicago and will explore the narrative construction of modernity from the Enlightenment to the recent present.

Discussions will pivot on the juncture between new developments in the field of narratology and theories and philosophies of history. Analytical and interpretive consequences for the humanities and social sciences will be considered as the seminar probes the narrative organization of social and cultural realities in relation to the contested and sometimes contradictory construal of modernity. This seminar thus aims to accommodate the entire range of disciplinary interests bearing on this key concept.

The seminar will take place in June/July 2009.

Seminar Director: Professor David E. Wellbery, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago
Eligibility Requirements   
Postdocs who have received their degrees within the past two years and faculty members of accredited US and Canadian institutions of higher education are invited to apply.
Preference will be given to candidates who have not previously attended one of the summer seminars or received a DAAD grant within the past three years.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada. Permanent residents must have been affiliated with a United States or Canadian institution in full-time employment for at least five consecutive years, German nationals for at least six years.
Participants are expected to have an active interest in German intellectual and cultural history.
A reading knowledge of German is advisable.
There is a $50 course fee.    
Terms of Award   
DAAD awards a small number of grants of $3,200 to cover tuition, travel and room and board during the seminar. The duration of the seminar is typically four to six weeks.    
Seminar Requirements    
Participants are required to attend all seminar sessions and to participate actively in the work of the seminar. Work-in-progress of participants and guests will be discussed. A written report is expected within four weeks of the end of the seminar.    
Application Guidelines   
All parts of the application must be typewritten or computer-generated and submitted in duplicate (original and one copy).
Please do not staple any of the application materials.
A complete application consists of the following parts:
DAAD application form entitled Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar in German Studies. Please answer all questions on the form, even if you refer to additional material.
Curriculum vitae
Complete list of publications
A detailed statement explaining why the applicant wants to attend the seminar
One letter of recommendation, to be sent directly to Cornell University 
Application Deadline
The deadline is March 1, 2009.    
For further information about the seminar content, to request an application, or to apply, please contact Lisa Bonnes Johnson at:
Cornell University
Institute for German Cultural Studies
726 University Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 255-8408
Fax: (607) 255-6585
e-mail: Lisa Bonnes Johnson [email protected]
Conference Funding in German Studies  
StADaF Funding for Conferences

Faculty members and advanced graduate students in the humanities, social sciences and related fields are invited to apply for co-funding to organize workshops, seminars and conferences that embrace the interdisciplinary and/or comparative study of the history, politics, economics, law, society, culture and the arts of Germany.
StADaF (St�ndige Arbeitsgruppe Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Standing Committee for German as a Foreign Language) funds are made available by the German Foreign Office to encourage distinguished scholarly contributions to a deeper understanding of contemporary Germany in the US.      
Grants can be made for specific projects only; they cannot be made to institutions or be used for publications or annual meetings. Projects to be funded must be of limited duration, have a clearly defined goal, and, as a general rule, must be carried out within the applicable fiscal (i.e. calendar) year.    
Terms of Award   
A minimum of 50% of project costs have to be contributed from other sources, including the university hosting the event. In-kind contributions, such as the provision of meeting space or equipment, may not be counted towards this requirement. DAAD funds may not be used to defray administrative costs or to cover transatlantic travel.
Application Guidelines   
A complete application consists of the items listed below:
A comprehensive project description, including a project rationale
Preliminary program and speaker list
Information on project publicity, outreach activities and target audience
Detailed budget, including all prospective funding sources
All applications must be sent in triplicate to:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Attn: Conference Funding
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-1814 
Application Deadlines   
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
The final deadline for applications for the second half of 2009 is June 15, 2009
For conferences January-June 2010, applications must be received by October 15, 2009
The results of the competition are usually announced 4 to 6 weeks after the deadline.
Any awards made will be subject to the ratification of the German federal budget for that fiscal year. 
If you have a question regarding conference funding, please contact [email protected] 


The Aleksanteri Institute is pleased to invite applications for Aleksanteri Visiting Fellowships for the 2009-2010 academic year from scholars holding a PhD degree and pursuing research that relates to the Institute's research agenda. The Fellowship carries a monthly stipend of 2200 euros to cover all the expenses related to the research visit that can range from two to six months. The Visiting Fellowship scheme is intended for scholars who reside outside of

The deadline for applications is March 6, 2009.

The Aleksanteri Institute is the Finnish Centre for Russian and Eastern European studies and an independent institute of the University of Helsinki. For more information on the fellowships and on the Aleksanteri Institute and its research agenda, please visit


The European Commission is not accepting project proposals under the EU-Canada Cooperation consortium. Funding is available for Germany-based projects that provide opportunities for mutual understanding between citizens of the EU and Canada. Proposed projects should offer a way to develop language skills and knowledge of culture and institutions in both places while focusing on higher education, training and youth work. Joint training programs and joint courses will be considered.

All proposed projects must begin between September 1 and December 31, 2009 and end between August 30 and December 31, 2012.

Applications must be received by the EU Commission by April 1, 2009.

For more information (in German), please download the call for proposals here.




    "Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe: Culture, Society, Politics after 1989"
May 20 - June 4, 2009

The DAAD Center for German & European Studies at the University of Minnesota invites applications to the 9th Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute in European Studies (TASI). The Institute will bring together 12 German or other European, and 12 North American graduate students for an intensive two-week seminar in Krakow, Poland. Cooperating partners are the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management and the Institute of Sociology at the Jagiellonian University. The 2009 topic is "Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe: Culture, Society, Politics." The Institute will be taught by a multi-disciplinary team of faculty: Francis Harvey (Geography; University of Minnesota), Tom Wolfe (History; University of Minnesota) and Annamaria Orla-Bukowska (Sociology; Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland). The Institute is intended for advanced graduate students from all recognized institutions of higher education. All selected students will receive full fellowships. Application deadline: March 15, 2009.

Full details and application materials at www.cges.umn.edu/fellowships/tasi.htm.


Summer School on Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe 2009! (CDPE2009)

Where: Prague, Czech Republic

When: July 4-11, 2009

Who: The founder of the European Spring/Summer Institute  and the Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology, the Prague's Centre for Public Policy (Centrum pro verejnou politiku - CPVP), has teamed up with professors from Poland, USA and UK to launch a Summer School on Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe 2009

What is it about:  The Summer School "Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe"  is a week long academic program bringing together 30 undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds (political science, sociology, media studies, anthropology and cultural studies, behavioural sciences, gender studies) from all parts of the world to enjoy their summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

Why: The program is aimed at drawing closer attention to the cultural dimensions of political institutions and processes in Europe (e.g. policy making, political communication, migration and citizenship in the EU).

We invite you to visit our website http://www.cdpe.cpvp.cz to discover all the details about the CDPE 2009. The website contains updated information about the Summer School, application process and on-line application.

We also suggest students to submit their applications by the Early Bird Application Deadline of April 30, 2009. The Final Deadline is May 15, 2009.

Should you have any questions regarding the Summer School or application process, please do not hesitate to contact us:

 Centrum pro verejnou politiku
 Vyjezdova 510
 190 11 Prague 9
 Czech Republic
 Tel: +420 737 679 605

Fax: +420 281 930 584

www: http://www.cdpe.cpvp.cz
 E-mail: [email protected]


IAS 2010-2011 Fellowship Award Announcement

 Each year, the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, invites up to twenty scholars to be in residence for the full academic year to pursue their own research.  The School welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology and anthropology.  It encourages social scientific work with an historical and humanistic bent and also entertains applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature and linguistics.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. at time of application.  Each year there is a general thematic focus that provides common ground for roughly half the scholars; for 2010-2011 the focus will be Secularism.  The application deadline is November 1, 2009.  Applications must be submitted beginning June 1 through the Institute's online application system, which can be found, along with more information, at www.sss.ias.edu/applications.

Contact: Donne Petito,
 Administrative Officer, Email Donne Petito <[email protected]>


Humboldt Research Fellowship
Open to all nationalities and all disciplines


The Humboldt Research Fellowship enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to carry out research projects for extended periods of time in cooperation with academic hosts at research institutions in Germany. Fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, the quality and fea�sibility of the proposed research and the applicant's publications.


        Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within four years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-24 months in Germany.

        �         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,250 EUR                                                                     

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within twelve years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-18 months in Germany.

         Fellowships may be divided into a maximum of three visits of at least three months each.

         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,450 EUR.


Additional allowances are available for accompanying family mem�bers, travel expenses, and German language instruction. Applications may be submitted to the Humboldt Foundation in Bonn at any time.  The review process takes several months, and the selection committee meets three times a year. For application forms and detailed information, see:



Website informing about an array of scholarships

Study in Europe, a website produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, serves as a portal for information on studying in various European countries. The user will find links to country specific databases and pages on how to apply, eligibility requirements for grants and scholarships, visa provisions and more. There are also links to a range of European grants and scholarships, such as Erasmus Mundus.

Visit the portal at

c) Calls for Papers

8-10 APRIL 2010
Venice, Italy

Printing and Urban Culture in Early Modern Europe

How did the establishment of printers' shops and the books they produced impact European urban centers socially, economically, intellectually? How did the presence of the new technology, new commodity, new identities contribute to a redefinition of cities and towns? Papers might investigate individual urban locales or individual printers; they might consider the impact of printing and printed books on civic or religious communities; or the role of the market in schoolbooks, university texts, humanist classics
or ecclesiastical printed works. Additional approaches could include looking into the cross-border trade of printed books; the transmission or transfer of knowledge between different social groups or identities; or the routing of texts, people and ideas. The purpose of this session is to examine the premise that, in the 15th and 16th centuries, print redrew the map of Europe with regard to urban culture, both within towns and cities and across the continent.

Please email a 150 word abstract and brief c.v. or personal statement to the organizer by May 1, 2009.

Judith Deitch
York University
Department of English
Stong College
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Canada M3P 1P3
[email protected]





Published in association with the International Relations Council of Turkey

The Editorial Board of Uluslararas Iliskiler (International Relations) Journal invites submissions of papers for its forthcoming issues. The journal publishes articles on diplomatic history, international relations theories, international law, political economy, regional/current issues to strategic issues. The Journal is covered by Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). All articles submitted to the journal are confidentially refereed by at least two independent referees. Although the language of the journal is mainly Turkish, it also publishes articles in English.

Papers on above mentioned topics (min. 8000-max 10.000 words) should be sent by email to [email protected]. Further information is available at www.uidergisi.com.



VIII ICCEES World Congress 2010


Deadline for panel and paper proposals: 28 February 2009

On 26-31 July 2010, the World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies will take place in Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedish Society for the Study of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia invites all interested scholars to submit proposals for
panels, papers and round-table discussions.

The processes of European integration and wider cooperation across Eurasia not only impact upon geographical spaces but also leave their mark upon cultural spaces. These processes make communication between languages, histories, religions, traditions, legacies and memories more complex. Humanities and social science scholars are therefore invited to present
the results of new research in the study of developments in the cultural, political, social and economic processes underway in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. For further information about the general themes of the Congress, see the Congress webpage (www.iccees2010.se).

Critical Political Economy RN at the ESA conference, Lisbon, 2-5 September 2009
The financial crisis: Responses and implications in Europe

Europe is experiencing its most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. The response of the EU and member states to this crisis has been paradoxical. The crisis has discredited the 'Anglo-American' model of finance-led capitalism and gravely weakened the American imperium.

Yet, the countries of Europe have been unable either individually or collectively to devise a concerted regional solution to the crisis. The result has been rising unemployment, the intensification of intra-regional disparities, signs of inter-state rivalries and is likely to result in growing poverty. Notwithstanding the deployment of massive resources to failing banks, the EU and member states continue to pursue the main planks of the neoliberal agenda, including labour market reforms, privatisation, and financialisation. This session seeks to address the prospects for a European alternative to U.S.-led neoliberalism. Addressing the theme of this conference, we aim to consider to what extent does the current crisis unite or divide Europe and prospective allies in the world order, and what are its implications for the European project of integration. We invite papers which consider at least one of the following:
    �     Limits and contradictions of the mode of development currently in crisis, which may enable us to understand the current conjuncture.
    �     The problem of translating intellectual criticism into policy prescription or alternative strategies
    �     The political consequences of the crisis, its implication for political strategies pursued in relation to the 'European model' as well as to the regulatory frameworks on national and sub-national levels
    �     The issue of contemporary social and political mobilization and attendant effects on the 'limits of the possible'.
Abstracts should be submitted by 26 February 2009 (online submission form: view Call for Abstracts button at http://www.esa9thconference.com)
More information on CPE RN: http://criticalpoliticaleconomy.blogspot.com/

8th European Social Science History Conference
Ghent, Belgium, 13-16 April 2010
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.
The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks: Africa -
Antiquity - Asia -   Criminal Justice - Culture - Economics - Education and
Childhood - Elites - Ethnicity and Migration - Family and Demography - Geography
- Health - History and Computing -   Labour - Latin America - Material and
Consumer Culture - Middle Ages - Oral History - Politics - Religion - Rural
- Sexuality - Social Inequality - Technology - Theory - Urban - Women and Gender - World History
The Conference fee will be Euro 200 for participants who pay in advance, Euro 250 for participants who pay at the conference.  One- day attendance will be Euro 100 for participants who pay in advance, and Euro 125 for participants who pay at the conference.  There is a special fee for MA students of Euro 50.
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
For further information and the pre-registration form for the Conference please go to the Conference Internet site at http://www.iisg.nl/esshc < http://www.iisg.nl/esshc>  or contact the conference secretariat:
European Social Science History Conference 2010
c/o International Institute of Social History
PO Box 2169
1000 CD Amsterdam
Telephone: +31.20.66 858 66
Fax: +31.20.66 541 81
E mail: [email protected]


The European Security Strategy Revisited

Call for Papers

Date: 22-23 May 2009

Location: Jesus College, Cambridge

Convenor: European Research Group, Centre of
International Studies, University of Cambridge

Submission deadlines: 13 March 2009 for the abstract and 1 May 2009 for the final draft

On 22-23 May 2009, the European Research Group will be hosting a conference entitled "The European Security Strategy Revisited" at Jesus College, Cambridge. The conference aims to bring together junior researchers and senior academics and practitioners for a policy-oriented debate about the future face of a common European foreign and security policy strategy. For this purpose, junior researchers at advanced PhD or post-doc level are invited to submit paper proposals falling within the realm of one of the four conference themes:

1. Old threats tamed? New threats on the horizon?

2. The Union's capabilities and instruments

3. The Union, its partners and the global order

4. Defining the Union's geopolitical interests and reach

Further details on the background, format, themes and logistics of the conference as well as the requirements concerning papers to be presented and their publication can be found at:


Please submit an abstract of your paper of no more than 350 words and a CV by 6 March 2009 to Jan Gaspers ([email protected]). Candidates will be notified of the outcome
of the selection process by 16 March 2009 at the latest. The deadline for providing a final draft of the paper is 1 May 2009. As the working language of the conference will be English, all papers should be submitted in English only.

If you have any further queries, please contact Jan Gaspers
([email protected]).


d) e-Journal in European Studies
www.jcer.net - Journal of Contemporary European Studies, the UACES online journal which is free to access
Freie Universit�t Berlin and Universit�t T�bingen To Offer New Programs in European Studies

Freie Universit�t Berlin International Master's Programs 2009-2010

Do you want to enhance your career with a Master's degree in International Relations or East European Studies? The Center for Global Politics seeks qualified candidates interested in advancing their international careers.

The Center for Global Politics houses the award-winning Freie Universit�t Berlin's academic programs directed by Prof. Klaus Segbers. The flagship programs of the Center for Global Politics are the M.A. in East European Studies Online and the M.A. in International Relations Online, each fulfilling 120 ECTS credits. Applications for fall 2009 are now being accepted.
Program Highlights

    * English language coursework attracting an international community
    * Staying on the job while working towards your degree
    * Bridging the classroom with real world issues through field research
    * Rewarding in-house classes in Berlin, Germany supplementing online modules
    * Fellow students with diverse professional experience and backgrounds
    * Faculty from a broad array of international institutions

East European Studies Online (www.ees-online.org)

With E.U. expansion and a rapidly changing Europe, our program puts students at the forefront of this dynamic international arena. Our accredited interdisciplinary M.A. program prepares students for high-level Eastern Europe-related assignments in business, public sector, non-governmental and international organizations. East European Studies (EES) Online was recently named a Top Ten International Master's Degree Course in Germany.

International Relations Online (www.ir-online.org)

With globalization on the rise and a multitude of issues affecting today's world, individuals with international expertise who understand global culture and communication are in high demand. Candidates in the M.A. program gain in-depth knowledge of International Relations enabling them to tackle global issues with a balance of hard and soft-skills. The degree gives candidates top-tier academic credentials for the international job market.


Application Requirements

    * Bachelor's degree, or equivalent

    * Proof of high English proficiency
    * Online application, curriculum vitae, and statement of intent


Online applications are welcome through April 30, 2009. Programs start in October 2009.


Please visit our websites or contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Victoria Muntendorf

Application Officer

Center for Global Politics | Freie Universit�t Berlin

Garystrasse 55 | 14195 Berlin

Phone: +49-30-838-55093 | Fax: +49-30-838-53616


"Master of European Studies"
(Program is taught in German and English)
Studienjahr 2009/2010

Die Universit�t T�bingen bietet einen zweisemestrigen (Oktober 2009 - Juli 2010) interdisziplin�ren Studiengang (Politik-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften) an, der auf akademisch anspruchsvollem Niveau und zugleich praxisnah f�r eine T�tigkeit mit besonderem Bezug zur EU vorbereitet

Lehrprogramm: Vorlesungen, Seminare, Workshops, ein 8w�chiges Praktikum, Exkursionen nach Luxemburg, Br�ssel und Stra�burg. Sprachen: Deutsch (vorwiegend) und Englisch. Lehrende: Mitglieder des Lehrk�rpers der Universit�t T�bingen und Gastdozenten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aus dem In- und Ausland. Studiengeb�hr: € 3000

Bewerbung und weitere Information bei:
Postgraduiertenstudiengang MEUS, Universit�t T�bingen, Sigwartstr. 20, 72076 T�bingen, Tel. 07071-297 83 61, Fax 07071-25 49 89, E-mail: [email protected], Informationen und Bewerbungsformular auch im Internet:

Bewerbungsschlu�: 20.03.2009 (Datum des Poststempels). Sp�tere Bewerbungen k�nnen ber�cksichtigt werden, wenn die Kapazit�t des Studiengangs (maximal 30 Studierende) es zul�sst.

Call for Applications: Transatlantic and Pan-European Programs for Young Professionals in Cultural Diplomacy

Application Deadline: April 30, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is pleased to announce that it is now taking applications for this year's round of the Germany Meets Turkey - A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT) program. Six Turkish and six German participants will be selected and together with an already established group of twelve young leaders, they will take part in a week-long exchange to Germany in the beginning of September 2009. In 2010 the twelve new participants will return for a one-week exchange to Turkey and in doing so they will join another newly selected group of twelve young leaders.

Germany Meets Turkey is an interdisciplinary networking program, which in addition to the week-long study tour, includes additional local events, to be organized by network members in the form of leadership initiatives.

We welcome applications from young leaders between the ages of 28 and 38 from all fields, including business, politics, science, education, culture and media, and who are interested in building a sustainable interdisciplinary network as the basis for a solid, long-term relationship between the two countries.

The selected participants will spend one week touring Germany, visiting the cities of Munich and Berlin. The interdisciplinary program will include:

�        guest speakers from the fields of business, politics, academia, science, culture and media;

�        exposure to various aspects of national culture;

�        formal discussions focusing on German-Turkish relations and other topics determined by representatives of business, politics, culture, science and the media;

�        informal discussions among the young leaders and the planning of joint initiatives to take place after the study tour (leadership initiatives);

Germany Meets Turkey is a joint program of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The program's Turkish partner is the Istanbul Policy Centre of the Sabanci University in Istanbul.

Participation in the program is free of charge. Accepted participants, however, will be responsible for travel expenses and travel organization to and from the study tour. Upon acceptance to the program, applicants may request financial assistance on an individual basis.

Additional information about the program, the application and the selection process are now available online at www.germanymeetsturkey.org. Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2009.


For further information, please contact:

Germany, Email: [email protected]   

Turkey, Email: [email protected]

Other Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Programs - March 2009:

The Academy for Cultural Diplomacy

Berlin, March 2nd - 6th, 2009

The UK Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders

Berlin, March 23rd - 27th, 2009

The United States Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders

Berlin, March 30th - April 3rd, 2009