January 2009
Issue: 15
In This Issue
Call for Applications: CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship
Select Professional Opportunities for Council Members
News from the Council for European Studies 
Dear Friend of the Council,
We would like to thank all the contributors to this issue. Please send your departmental news our way and let your graduate students know about the upcoming February 1, 2009 deadline for the CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions you may have,
With my best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year,
Stefanie Grupp-Clasby
Associate Director
Council for European Studies
Call for Applications: CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program
Only 2 Weeks Remaining Until the Deadline

CES is currently inviting applications for its 2009 Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program.

The CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to assist promising young scholars in the  often difficult transition from coursework to fieldwork and thus speed the time to completion of the dissertation.  Fellowships are awarded to doctoral candidates of outstanding intellectual and scholarly promise, selected by an independent committee composed of leading academics in the field of European Studies.  In 2008 the Council funded eighteen pre-dissertation fellowships as part of three competitions, sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, and the Luso-American Development Foundation. 

Each fellowship award is worth $4,000; only those students whose home institution is a member of the Council may participate in the competition by the time of the deadline. The deadline for applications for the 2009 CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship is February 1, 2009. Please let your graduate students now about this opportunity.

The roster of the 2008 Fellowship winners may be viewed on our website; clicking on the individual names will link the reader to abstracts of the winning proposals. 


Shown are Harun K�c�k and Anna Olsson, two of the 18 winners of the 2008 CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship.
Select Opportunities in European Studies
a) Jobs in European Studies
b) Conferences
c) Grants
d) Calls for Papers
e) Journals in European Studies 
f) Blogs

a) Jobs in European Studies
Researcher on the Security and World Policy Programme at the CIDOB Foundation for the INEX project


 *        Postgraduate studies (preferably PhD or within in the final year of thesis writing) or five years of practical professional experience in areas related to the Programme.
 *        Expert knowledge of the subject of Security research studies.
 *        Languages: Proficient in Spanish and English. Knowledge of other languages (especially French and Catalan) is an advantage  
 *        Ability to draft analytical as well as policy papers
 *        Show a flair for research and for participating in international research projects.
 *        Skilled at managing relations with other institutions.
 *        Good team worker.
 *        IT user skills.


 *        Carrying out the research tasks that are allocated to the CIDOB Foundation within the framework of the INEX programme (ethical values in the continuum of internal-external security).
 *        Designing and organising seminars, conferences, etc., for the Programme.
 *        Publishing on a regular basis (conference papers, work documents, press articles)
 *        Participating, on behalf of the CIDOB Foundation, in conferences, seminars, etc., in Spain and abroad.
 *        Establishing contacts and maintaining good relations with experts and specialised networks.
 *        Coordinating and managing the Programme's activities in accordance with the CIDOB management.

 Send CV and cover letter to seleccio@cidob.org; . Please indicate Security programme in the subject of the email. Deadline: January, 23.

 Researcher and coordinator of the Europe Programme at the CIDOB Foundation


 * Postgraduate studies (preferably PhD or Within in the final year of thesis writing) or five years of practical professional experience in European Affairs.
 * Expert knowledge of the subject of the European Union and the wider European region.
 * Languages: Proficient in Spanish and English. Knowledge of other languages (especially French and Catalan) is an advantage.
 * Ability to draft analytical as well as policy papers.
 * Initiative in contributing to programme design.
 * Skilled at managing relations with other institutions.
 * Good team worker.
 * IT user skills.


 * Identifying priority issues for the Programme.
 * Designing and organising seminars, conferences, etc., for the Programme.
 * Publishing on a regular basis (conference papers, work documents, press articles)
 * Participating, on behalf of the CIDOB Foundation, in conferences, seminars, etc., in Spain and abroad.
 * Establishing contacts and maintaining good relations with experts and specialised networks.
 * Coordinating and managing the Programme's activities in accordance with the CIDOB management.

 Send CV and cover letter to seleccio@cidob.org; . Please indicate Europe programme in the subject of the email. Deadline: January, 23.

 Researcher and coordinator of the Development Programme at the CIDOB Foundation


 * Postgraduate studies (preferably PhD or Within in the final year of th
esis writing) or five years of practical professional experience in the fields of development or international economic institutions.
 * Expert knowledge of the subjects of development and international economic relations
 * Languages: Proficient in Spanish and English. Knowledge of other languages (especially French and Catalan) is an advantage.
 * Ability to draft analytical as well as policy papers.
 * Initiative in contributing to programme design.
 * Good team worker.
 * IT user skills


 * Identifying priority issues for the Programme.
 * Designing and organising seminars, conferences, etc., for the Programme.
 * Publishing on a regular basis (conference papers, work documents, press articles)
 * Participating, on behalf of the CIDOB Foundation, in conferences, seminars, etc., in Spain and abroad.
 * Establishing contacts and maintaining good relations with experts and specialised networks.
 * Coordinating and managing the Programme's activities in accordance with the CIDOB management.

 Send CV and cover letter to seleccio@cidob.org; . Please indicate Development programme in the subject of the email. Deadline: January, 23.


 The International and Comparative Politics Department (ICP) of the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) is looking to fill a teaching position to start in Fall 2009. Candidates should meet the following requirements:

 - PhD degree in Political Science, International Relations or related areas (in exceptional cases Masters degree will be considered)
 - Proficiency in English
 - University teaching experience is an advantage The teaching language will be English and the successful applicant must be able to commit to the position for at least two years.

 Applicants' areas of specialization would preferably include one or some of the following: - International Relations (International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy Analysis, Conflict Studies and related)
 - Comparative Politics (Central Asia, Modern Islam, Ethnicity, Identity, Nationalism, Democratization, Post-Soviet/Communist Transition, South Asia, Democratization)

 - Political Theory (Classical, Enlightenment, Western and Non-Western Political Theory, Political Philosophy, Political Culture, Political Sociology, Political Psychology)

 - Political Economy (Introduction to Political Economy, International Political Economy)

 ICP is one of the leading degree-granting (BA and with Honors) programs of the AUCA. The Department has successfully graduated eight classes and is proud of the remarkable achievements of its graduates, many of whom have gone on to further their education at other graduate programs worldwide. The ICP is committed to provide rigorous
 English-language based program in politics, and aims to cultivate critical and analytical thinking, and inspire students for further learning.

 To apply:

 Please send your CV, cover letter, teaching philosophy (not more than 1000 words), a sample syllabus, and two Letters of Reference (scanned copies are acceptable) to Shairbek Juraev at juraev_s@mail.auca.kg and copy human_resources@mail.auca.kg. The application deadline is
 January 20, 2008.

 For further information about this and other vacancies please visit our Web site: http://www.auca.kg/en/jobs


The Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) is looking for a new researcher for its EU Research Programme.

 The European Union Research Programme
 Applicants are expected to have in-depth knowledge of the functions and structure of the European Union.
 We welcome applicants with expertise especially in the following fields:
 - EU neighbourhood and enlargement policies
 - The EU as a strategic actor

 For further details please contact Programme Director Hanna Ojanen

Pleon Publico is Austria's biggest PR and Lobbying Consultancy. For our EU-office in
 Brussels we are currently looking for a:

 PR Assistant (f/m)

 Main place of work will be Brussels with possible regular travel activities to Vienna.
  Support in PR and Lobbying activities of our clients
  Monitoring of EU institutions
  Assistance in conception and organisation of workshops and events
  Research of e.g. EU legislative activities
  University degree, preferable in Political Science, Communication or Economics /
 Business Administration
  First experience in communication, public affairs and/or in EU institutions as an asset
  Fluent in German and English; French as an asset
  Able to work in a team and for clients coming from different areas
  Flexible, dynamic and multitasking character
  Profound knowledge of the EU institutions and their work

 If you match these criteria and are excited about the prospect of working in a continually
 expanding PR and Public Affairs agency with real growth potential, we look forward to
 receiving your cover letter and CV.

 Please address your application by email only to:
 Gilbert Rukschcio
 Mail to: gilbert.rukschcio@pleon-publico.at.
 Tel.: +32 2 235 86 27


Das Institut f�r Europ�ische Politik (IEP), ein ausgewiesener Think-tank in Berlin eingebettet in die europ�ische Forschungslandschaft, sucht f�r seinen Forschungsbereich EU-Erweiterungs- und -Nachbarschaftspolitik im Rahmen des IEP-Schwerpunktprogramms Dialog Europa der Otto Wolff-Stiftung eine/einen Postgraduierte/n oder Post-doc auf einer Vollzeitstelle zum 1. April 2009.

 Die Stelle ist auf zweieinhalb bis drei Jahre mit Verl�ngerungsm�glichkeit angelegt.

 Voraussetzungen f�r eine Bewerbung sind:

 - sehr guter Magister- oder Diplomabschluss, wobei eine Promotion in Politikwissenschaft zu einem EU-relevanten (bzw. dem o.g.) Thema von Vorteil w�re;
 - hervorragende Kenntnisse der EU, ihrer Institutionen und Politiken;
 - hervorragende englische Sprachkenntnisse;
 - Kenntnisse einer osteurop�ischen Sprache w�ren von Vorteil;
 - m�glichst einschl�gige Ver�ffentlichungen auf dem Gebiet der Erweiterungs- und Nachbarschaftspolitik (gegen�ber �stlichen Staaten);
 - Erfahrungen bei der Planung, Organisation und Durchf�hrung von Konferenzen und Workshops im Forschungsbereich;
 - Erfahrung in der Beantragung und Durchf�hrung sowie gegebenenfalls Leitung von Forschungsprojekten;
 - gute Teamf�higkeit und Bereitschaft zur �bernahme von Verantwortung im Rahmen von allgemeinen Institutsfunktionen.

 Das IEP bietet:

 - eine der Stelle angemessene Dotierung in Anlehnung an TV�D 13 oder 14 je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung;
 - gute Arbeitsplatzbedingungen und -ausstattung (studentische Hilfskraft, Sekretariat);
 - Mitwirkung an nationalen und europ�ischen Diskussions- und Forschungsgruppen.

 Bitte richten Sie Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung mit aussagekr�ftigen Unterlagen einschlie�lich Publikationsliste und �bersicht �ber einschl�gige Vortr�ge bis zum 26. Januar 2009 an:

 Prof. Dr. Mathias Jopp, Direktor, Institut f�r Europ�ische Politik,
 Bundesallee 23, D-10717 Berlin oder per E-Mail an: bewerbung@iep-


Ume� University, Department of Social and Economic Geography, is opening two positions for:
Postdoctoral scholars with a focus on political science and law

The Department of Social and Economic Geography at Ume� University is an interdisciplinary research environment of around 40 employees. The

Department focuses on several areas, including environmental planning (for more information, please go to: http://www8.umu.se/soc_econ_geography/).

Positions are open for postdoctoral scholars committed to interdisciplinary work, with a focus on political science (2-year postdoc, 100%) or law (1-year postdoc, 100%), available from February 2009 or according to agreement.

 The two positions will focus on the governance of Swedish forests at international, EU and Swedish levels, and the overlaps and potential conflicts between different methods of stewardship and use regulations. The positions will work together to take an integrated political and legal perspective on multiple forest uses, including forestry, local use, and environmental protection.

Potential applicants will have an interdisciplinary interest in the integration or cooperation between law and political science, and a background in either or both of these disciplines. Applicants who have a PhD in Political Science, Law, Social and Economic Geography or a related field, with a clear and demonstrated relevance for the issue area, and with no more than three years experience prior to the application date, are eligible to apply. A focus in previous work on renewable resource use in a multi-level perspective (e.g., implementation of EU directives or national regulation), is a benefit (particularly if relevant to forests).

Applications for the positions should include a short letter describing the applicant's research interests and relevance for the position, full CV and publications list, PDF files or hard copies of selected (no more than five) major publications, and the desired date for commencing the position.

Applications should be emailed to jobb@umu.se or sent by post to Registrator, Ume� universitet, 901 87 Ume�, Sweden, by January 20, 2009, quoting the reference dnr 315-3770-08.

Contact person: Carina Keskitalo, Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Ume� University. Tel +46-90-786 50 80 (office), +46-70-611 10 74 (mobile). Email Carina.Keskitalo@geography.umu.se.

Union information with regard to postdoctoral positions can be provided from SACO by phone no +46-90-786 5365, SEKO civil +46-90-786 5296 and TCO/ST-ATF +46-90-786 5431.


b) Conferences

 CfA: 8th Brussels European Forum 2009 Leuven, Belgium March 29 - April 4

 The Brussels European Forum aims at bringing Europe closer to you, helps you to get a deeper understanding of how international organisations work. As a participant of the simulation you will take over the role of heads of state, ministers or MEPs.

 All participants are called upon to choose and prepare one position (a country or a political party) in one of the following four committees. Thereby you are not allowed to select the position of your home country.

 North Atlantic Council - 60 years of NATO - Reassessing the Alliance's security concept

 European Council - EU's strategic interest in the Caucasus and West Africa

 European Parliament - Linking values to European Development and Foreign Policy

 Media Committee - Covering the simulation process and producing news broadcasts

 As a participant of the Brussles European Forum you have the chance to...
 Be part of a conference with students from all over the world
 Get a deeper understanding of how international organisations work
 Meet policy-makers and experts in Brussels
 Take over the role of heads of states, ministers, parlamentarians, journalists
 Represent a country or party position in one of three different simulation committees or cover the simulation outcomes as a journalist

 For further information about the conference and the application procedure visit: www.europeanforum.de



c) Grants
Keele University
Research Institute for Law, Politics & Justice
LPJ PhD Studentships 2009
(GS Ref: RLPJ 2008-05)

The Research Institute for Law, Politics & Justice at Keele University encourages interdisciplinary research within its areas of existing research excellence.

Applications are invited for 4 full-time 3-year doctoral studentships within any of the research priority areas covered by the Research Institute centres.

�         Centre for Criminological Research (CCR): Crime and Criminal

Justice, Policing, Punishment and Resettlement, Governance and Risk, Historical Perspectives on Crime and Punishment; International Perspectives on Crime, Community Justice, Third Sector in Criminal Justice.


�         Centre for International Studies, Politics and Philosophy (CISPP):

International Relations, European Parties, Environmental Politics, Biopolitics of Security, South-East Europe, Sport and Politics, and Philosophical Research


�         Centre for Law, Ethics, and Society (CLES): Gender, Sexuality, &

Law; Applied Ethics and Moral Theory; Globalisation and International Law; Healthcare Law & Bioethics; Legal Education and the Legal Professions


�         Centre for Social, Cultural, and Postcolonial Research (SOCPOR):

comparative social, cultural and postcolonial research


The Research Institute is also keen to consider fee waiver concessions for

outstanding applications and is receptive to proposals that are

part/matched-funded by external bodies.

These studentships will begin in September 2009 and will include funding for

three years to cover fees for PhD registration (at UK/EU rates) and a

research studentship stipend at the research council rate (�13,290 in


Candidates who are not awarded a studentship will automatically be

considered for any RI-LPJ fee waivers (UK/EU fees only scholarship without

stipend) if they should become available. No further application is

necessary for this process.

Please see http://www.keele.ac.uk/gradschool/fundingkeele.htm for more



Competition Policy Studentships: 3 year PhD and 1 year Masters

 ESRC Centre for Competition Policy, UEA

 The ESRC Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), based at the University of East Anglia, invites applications for fully funded (3-year) PhD studentships, including two ESRC quota awards, from October 2009.  These studentships can be held in any area of competition or regulation policy appropriate for supervision by the Centre's faculty members, who come from the Schools of Economics, Law, Business and Political, Social and International Studies. The CCP received research training recognition from the ESRC in the 2007 interim recognition exercise.

 The Centre also invites applications from those intending to pursue an academic career for one year masters studentships for the MSc in Industrial Economics and the LLM International Competition Law and Policy, from September 2009. 

 These studentships are only available to candidates who have been offered a place in a relevant UEA PhD or Masters Degree programme. Applicants should apply both for entry to the appropriate school and to the CCP for the studentship.

 The PhD studentships are tenable for 3 years and include home tuition fees, plus a maintenance grant of approximately �12,300, with additional funding in some discipline areas. Masters studentships are tenable for 1 year and include home tuition fees, plus a maintenance grant of approximately �9,000. 

 Application details are available on the CCP website or from Stu White (s.white2@uea.ac.uk).

 The closing date for applications is 31 March 2009.


CFA- CEU Research Fellowships, Deadline: 20 January 2009

 The program is designed to increase exchange between scholars of the
 region and Central European University, and to promote original
 research, which can be of practical benefit to a particular country or
 region. The Visiting Research Fellowship Program is applicable to
 citizens of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (except EU member
 states), the former Soviet Union, Mongolia or of Palestine holding a Ph.
 D. or equivalent, who are affiliated with a teaching or research
 institution within the above said countries.

 The program supports two types of Research Fellows. CEU Professorial
 Research Fellows hold a full professorship, and are academics of
 established (preferably national) standing within their discipline.
 CEU Visiting Research Fellows are academics who have made a contribution
 to their discipline through publications, conference presentations, or
 other academic forums. Fellows are supported for a period of from one to
 six months, depending upon the type of research being undertaken. Both
 types of Fellowship cover accommodation and travel costs to/from
 Budapest (up to a maximum limit and after approval from the program
 coordinator), during the period of the Fellowship, and a monthly
 stipend. CEU Visiting Fellows will receive $900 per month, and CEU
 Professorial Fellows - $1500 per month.

 Program Requirements

 The primary requirement is a submission of an article to an
 international peer-review journal. Whilst at CEU, Fellows will present
 one Public Lecture to their host Department and the broader CEU
 community. Within one month of completion of the Fellowship, Fellows are
 required to submit to the Special Projects Office of CEU a brief
 narrative report in English, describing the results of their research
 activities at CEU. Within one year of completion of the Fellowship,
 Fellows are required to submit to the Special Projects Office a
 publication or an article prepared for publication in English, German,
 or French based on their original research at CEU. The resulting
 publication should state that this research is the outcome of a Visiting
 Research Fellowship at CEU. Fellows are required to be in residence at
 CEU for the duration of their Fellowship and are accommodated in CEU's
 Residence and Conference Center.

 Application Procedure

 Application Forms with Criteria for Applicants in both categories are
 available from the SPO/SEP Office, National Soros Foundation Offices and
 electronically (see Application Forms above). CEU does not accept
 Fellows during the summer or the Christmas period due to the limited
 availability of professors, administrators and access to research
 materials during vacation. Please note: those who are or who plan to be
 involved in projects, research, teaching, or other activities sponsored
 or co-sponsored by the Soros Foundation or OSI for the duration of the
 Research Fellowship are not eligible to participate in the program.

 Beside the completed application form applicants are required to send
 their CV, a research proposal, one letter of reference, copies of
 relevant certificates.

 On the letter of reference, stamps and signatures are expected. The
 letter of reference can be sent by normal mail or fax. Alternatively a
 scanned version can be sent by email. In case of emergency, we can
 accept a letter of reference sent via e-mail from the mailbox of the
 person who issued it.

 Applications are evaluated by the relevant CEU Department or Center and
 CEU's Special Projects Office. Therefore, we accept applications in the
 following discipline areas:

 Within CEU Departments:

  * Economics: http://www.ceu.hu/econ/
  * Environmental Science and Policy: http://www.ceu.hu/envsci/
  * Gender Studies: http://www.ceu.hu/gend/
  * History (Modern and Early Modern): http://www.ceu.hu/hist/
  * International Relations and European Studies: http://www.ceu.hu/ires/
  * Legal Studies (Business Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and
    Human Rights Law): http://www.ceu.hu/legal/
  * Mathematics and Its Applications: http://www.ceu.hu/math/
  * Medieval Studies: http://medstud.ceu.hu/
  * Nationalism: http://www.ceu.hu/nation/
  * Philosophy: http://www.ceu.hu/phil/
  * Political Science: http://www.ceu.hu/polsci/
  * Sociology and Social Anthropology: http://www.ceu.hu/soc_ant/

 Within CEU Centers (each Center offers its research areas or topics for
 potential Fellows):

  * Center for Arts and Culture:
  * Center for Environmental Policy and Law: http://www.cepl.ceu.hu
  * Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine: http://www.ceu.hu/celab/
  * Center for Hellenic Traditions: http://www.hellenic.hu/
  * Center for Policy Studies: http://cps.ceu.hu/
  * Center for EU Enlargement Studies: http://www.ceu.hu/cens/
  * Humanities Center (http://www.hc.ceu.hu/) and Center for Media and
    Communications Studies (http://www.cmcs.ceu.hu/)
  * Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies: http://www.pasts.ceu.hu/

 Application Deadlines

 Deadline for applications academic year 2009-2010:
 20 January 2009

 Requests for additional information and completed applications should be
 sent to: halmaig@ceu.hu

 Central European University
 Special and Extension Programs
 Nador utca 9
 1051 Budapest, Hungary
 Tel: +36 1 327 3000 ext. 2585 or 2094
 Fax: +36 1 327 3190

 You can find the relevant fields of research, the application
 requirements and more information on the Special and Extension Programs
 Website: http://www.ceu.hu/sep/spo/fellowships.html



 Resources in Eurasia:Wealth, Scarcity, or Curse?

 April 16-18, 2009
 Georgetown University's Center for Eurasian,
 Russian and East European Studies (CERES)

 THE EURASIA PROGRAM of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
 invites proposals for a dissertation development workshop focusing on
 resources-ranging from oil and natural gas, to water and land, to
 science and industry, to human health and education and beyond-in
 Eurasia. Graduate students at any stage of the dissertation process
 (from proposal to write-up) and from any disciplinary or
 interdisciplinary program in the humanities or social sciences are
 eligible to apply. We particularly encourage applicants who propose
 fresh theoretical perspectives and methodologies, and whose work speaks
 to a wide scholarly audience.

 Eurasia is widely considered to be rich in a variety of resources:
 natural, technological, and human. Scholars across disciplines are
 asking theoretically-grounded, potentially policy relevant questions
 about the existence, histories, politics, impact, and future
 trajectories of resource exploration, development, and exploitation
 across the region. Sociologists and public health specialists, for
 example, lament the degradation of human capital and the impact of
 brain drain during the transition years. Anthropologists and
 geographers study the meanings and impacts of various kinds of natural
 resources for local communities who may or may not benefit from their
 presence. Political scientists and scholars of international relations
 examine the impact of cross-border disputes over the harvesting and
 transportation of resources. Historians consider the impact of resource
 consumption in the context of economic, political and social movements.
 Economists debate whether Russia is afflicted with a resource curse.

 What are the historical, cultural, political, social, geographic,
 technological, and economic factors that determine how and when various
 kinds of resources are extracted, developed, traded, and used? How are
 resources implicated in the cultural practices and social relations that
 shape institutions? How are relations within and between states and
 sub-national groups affected by conflicts over control of resources? How
 is the future of the region as a whole, and of various groups in the
 region, likely to be affected by the ways in which resources are
 developed and allocated? How have scholars constructed the meanings and
 impacts of resource scarcity and availability throughout the region?


 Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are
 currently enrolled in an accredited PhD program and working at some
 stage on their dissertation projects. Regions and countries currently
 supported by the program include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan,
 Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, and the applicant's work must
 relate as a whole or in part to one or more of these regions in their
 current or historical context. All applicants are required to submit the


 * A five page, double spaced summary of the dissertation project,
 highlighting the dissertation's relationship to the themes and
 objectives of the workshop
 * A 500-word abstract of the project
 * One letter of academic recommendation from the applicant's primary
 advisor or other relevant individual
 * Curriculum Vitae
 All materials should be submitted electronically to eurasia@ssrc.org
 with the exception of the letter of recommendation, where the original
 should be mailed to the SSRC, attn: Eurasia Program and received by the
 extended January 19, 2009 deadline.

 Alisha Kirchoff
 Eurasia Program Coordinator
 Science Research Council
 One Pierrepont Plaza | 15th  Floor |
 Brooklyn, NY 11201 | www.ssrc.org <http://www.ssrc.org/>  |
 Tel: (212) 377-2700 | Fax: (212) 245-4232 | kirchoff@ssrc.org
 <mailto:kirchoff@ssrc.org>  | Direct line: (718) 517-3663

DAAD Call for Proposals:
Promoting German and European Studies in Canada - Round 3
In December 2006, DAAD launched a new program for the support of German and European Studies at Canadian universities. As part of our plan to continue and expand this new program, DAAD is pleased to announce the third in a series of annual calls for proposals. Funding is available for a number of different projects including, but not limited to, lecture series, research visits and joint transatlantic programs.
DAAD invites students and faculty from Canada and Germany to submit proposals.
To download the complete call for proposals and detailed guidelines for submission, go to the announcement on DAAD's homepage at www.daad.org
Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar in German Studies
Summer 2009
Narratives of Modernity: From Lessing to Luhmann

The purpose of the seminar is to promote the interdisciplinary study of historical, political, social and cultural aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs and to advance their understanding among scholars in the US and Canada. The program is open to faculty and recent PhDs in germane social science and cultural studies fields. This year's seminar will be led by Professor David E. Wellbery at the University of Chicago and will explore the narrative construction of modernity from the Enlightenment to the recent present.

Discussions will pivot on the juncture between new developments in the field of narratology and theories and philosophies of history. Analytical and interpretive consequences for the humanities and social sciences will be considered as the seminar probes the narrative organization of social and cultural realities in relation to the contested and sometimes contradictory construal of modernity. This seminar thus aims to accommodate the entire range of disciplinary interests bearing on this key concept.

The seminar will take place in June/July 2009.

Seminar Director: Professor David E. Wellbery, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago
Eligibility Requirements   
Postdocs who have received their degrees within the past two years and faculty members of accredited US and Canadian institutions of higher education are invited to apply.
Preference will be given to candidates who have not previously attended one of the summer seminars or received a DAAD grant within the past three years.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada. Permanent residents must have been affiliated with a United States or Canadian institution in full-time employment for at least five consecutive years, German nationals for at least six years.
Participants are expected to have an active interest in German intellectual and cultural history.
A reading knowledge of German is advisable.
There is a $50 course fee.    
Terms of Award   
DAAD awards a small number of grants of $3,200 to cover tuition, travel and room and board during the seminar. The duration of the seminar is typically four to six weeks.    
Seminar Requirements    
Participants are required to attend all seminar sessions and to participate actively in the work of the seminar. Work-in-progress of participants and guests will be discussed. A written report is expected within four weeks of the end of the seminar.    
Application Guidelines   
All parts of the application must be typewritten or computer-generated and submitted in duplicate (original and one copy).
Please do not staple any of the application materials.
A complete application consists of the following parts:
DAAD application form entitled Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar in German Studies. Please answer all questions on the form, even if you refer to additional material.
Curriculum vitae
Complete list of publications
A detailed statement explaining why the applicant wants to attend the seminar
One letter of recommendation, to be sent directly to Cornell University 
Application Deadline
The deadline is March 1, 2009.    
For further information about the seminar content, to request an application, or to apply, please contact Lisa Bonnes Johnson at:
Cornell University
Institute for German Cultural Studies
726 University Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 255-8408
Fax: (607) 255-6585
e-mail: Lisa Bonnes Johnson lb433@cornell.edu
Conference Funding in German Studies  
StADaF Funding for Conferences

Faculty members and advanced graduate students in the humanities, social sciences and related fields are invited to apply for co-funding to organize workshops, seminars and conferences that embrace the interdisciplinary and/or comparative study of the history, politics, economics, law, society, culture and the arts of Germany.
StADaF (St�ndige Arbeitsgruppe Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Standing Committee for German as a Foreign Language) funds are made available by the German Foreign Office to encourage distinguished scholarly contributions to a deeper understanding of contemporary Germany in the US.      
Grants can be made for specific projects only; they cannot be made to institutions or be used for publications or annual meetings. Projects to be funded must be of limited duration, have a clearly defined goal, and, as a general rule, must be carried out within the applicable fiscal (i.e. calendar) year.    
Terms of Award   
A minimum of 50% of project costs have to be contributed from other sources, including the university hosting the event. In-kind contributions, such as the provision of meeting space or equipment, may not be counted towards this requirement. DAAD funds may not be used to defray administrative costs or to cover transatlantic travel.
Application Guidelines   
A complete application consists of the items listed below:
A comprehensive project description, including a project rationale
Preliminary program and speaker list
Information on project publicity, outreach activities and target audience
Detailed budget, including all prospective funding sources
All applications must be sent in triplicate to:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Attn: Conference Funding
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-1814 
Application Deadlines   
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
The final deadline for applications for the second half of 2009 is June 15, 2009
For conferences January-June 2010, applications must be received by October 15, 2009
The results of the competition are usually announced 4 to 6 weeks after the deadline.
Any awards made will be subject to the ratification of the German federal budget for that fiscal year. 
If you have a question regarding conference funding, please contact thomanek@daad.org 

 ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Hamburg
 Application deadline: Feb 25, 2009

 The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius requests applications for 6-8 Ph.D. Scholarships
 in migration studies.

 The Bucerius Ph.D. scholarship program in migration studies Settling Into Motion offers up to eight scholarships for Ph.D. theses addressing migration in changing societies.

 For 2009 proposals studying Migration, Development and the Environment are especially welcome. Migration is a double-edged sword: It generates remittances and some countries heavily depend on these transfers for their economic stability. At the same time, migration drains the highly qualified workforce in countries of origin thus weakening long-term development. Environmental degradation and climate change increasingly cause migration as exemplified by the plan of the Maldivian government to move its entire population should ocean levels rise further. On the other hand, large scale migration into camps and shanty towns further deteriorates the environment. Applications for scholarships under this
 topic would be encouraged to study the following aspects (but are not limited to these):

 - Economic, social and cultural remittances
 - Return migration
 - Migration management including circular migration and other forms of temporary labour arrangements
 - Immigration experiences of developing countries
  Migration-development nexus
 - Climate change, environment and migration
 - Environmental impact of migration
 - Innovative approaches both in terms of subject matter and methodology
 are highly encouraged.

 - Monthly stipend of 1.200 Euros, additional funds for special research needs available on an individual basis.
 - Scholarships are granted for 1 year. Given satisfactory progress the scholarship will be extended by another 2 years.
 - Yearly conference.
 - Yearly field trip on contemporary migration topic.
 - Students communicate on a web-based platform and organize workshops supported by a program assistant.

 Applicants must be Ph.D. students of - in a broad sense - social sciences.
 Deadline 25 February 2009 for a stipend starting in August 2009.
 Please apply online at www.settling-into-motion.de with Ph.D. proposal and two references.

 Anna Hofmann
 ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
 Feldbrunnenstra�e 56
 20148 Hamburg
 040/ 41336-785
 040/ 41336-777
 Homepage <www.settling-into-motion.de


 Call for Participation

 9th Annual Meeting of the European Civil Society Ph.D. Dissertation Network
 May 28-31, 2009, Leuven, Belgium

 This call is directed towards: PhD students from European universities doing research on civil society and third sector issues.

 What is the Ph.D. network about? The meeting is a unique opportunity for young academics to get to know fellow researchers from across Europe and to discuss their research in small working groups. In addition, the program consists of plenary lectures addressing both scientific themes and practical issues. The active participation of academic staff and graduated PhD students also allows for informal discussion about academic work and (post-
 )doctoral life. Former network meetings were held in Windsor (2001 & 2002), Dublin (2003), Stockholm (2004), Rolduc (2005), Vienna (2006), M�nster (2007), and Kaunas (2008).

 How to apply? Interested students should send their application to Dr. Lesley Hustinx (Lesley.Hustinx@soc.kuleuven.be) no later than February 2, 2009.

 More Information:


Summer School on Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe 2009! (CDPE2009)

Where: Prague, Czech Republic

When: July 4-11, 2009

Who: The founder of the European Spring/Summer Institute  and the Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology, the Prague's Centre for Public Policy (Centrum pro verejnou politiku - CPVP), has teamed up with professors from Poland, USA and UK to launch a Summer School on Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe 2009

What is it about:  The Summer School "Cultural Dimensions of Politics in Europe"  is a week long academic program bringing together 30 undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds (political science, sociology, media studies, anthropology and cultural studies, behavioural sciences, gender studies) from all parts of the world to enjoy their summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

Why: The program is aimed at drawing closer attention to the cultural dimensions of political institutions and processes in Europe (e.g. policy making, political communication, migration and citizenship in the EU).

We invite you to visit our website http://www.cdpe.cpvp.cz to discover all the details about the CDPE 2009. The website contains updated information about the Summer School, application process and on-line application.

We also suggest students to submit their applications by the Early Bird Application Deadline of April 30, 2009. The Final Deadline is May 15, 2009.

Should you have any questions regarding the Summer School or application process, please do not hesitate to contact us:

 Centrum pro verejnou politiku
 Vyjezdova 510
 190 11 Prague 9
 Czech Republic
 Tel: +420 737 679 605

Fax: +420 281 930 584

www: http://www.cdpe.cpvp.cz
 E-mail: cdpe@cpvp.cz

Hans B�ckler Doctoral Fellowship

The Hans B�ckler Foundation (HBS) is pleased to announce the Hans Boeckler Doctoral Fellowship for 2009-2010. In March a committee will award one fellowship. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2009.


These residential fellowships will be awarded to graduate students engaged in dissertation projects related to the Foundations research and policy consulting program and to the on-going work of its researchers. During their tenure fellows are expected to be in residence in D�sseldorf and to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Foundation.

The Hans-B�ckler-Foundation of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) promotes codetermination as a principle for designing a democratic society. The HBS provides consulting services and training for elected representatives of works councils, supervisory board and staff representatives but also provides funding for some 1,600 university students. An important aspect of the Foundation's work is related to academic research in various fields of study. Besides providing funding for external research, the HBS also maintains two own research institutes, the Institute for Economic and Social Research (WSI) and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK). Research projects cover a broad range of issues and fields of study. Among other aspects, research topics include welfare state development, co-determination, macroeconomics and European economic coordination, working time policy, collective bargaining, work organization, labor market regulation, gender studies, regional economic development, and the distribution of wealth and income. For a summary of the Foundations and the WSI's research profiles see


Working languages at the HBS are German and English.


Doctoral Candidates are eligible to apply if they have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. but the dissertation.  The fellowship is available for non-German nationals.

Fellows may spend between six and twelve months in residence at the HBS for field research or theoretical work. Grants will normally begin by July 2009; however, individual arrangements are possible. The fellowship provides a stipend of 1150 Euro per month. In addition, the HBS will pay one economy class round trip from your location to D�sseldorf. Within limits of its possibilities the Foundation will also contribute to the costs for travel for field research within Germany.

Applicants should send a cover letter with name, address, e-mail and telephone number, their current CV, a research proposal not exceeding ten double spaced pages, and two letters of recommendation from academic advisors. Applicants should indicate how much time they would want to spend at the HBS and when they would like to start their tenure. Applications should be addressed to:

Hans B�ckler Foundation

c/o Dorothee Schmitz

Hans B�ckler Strasse 39

D-40476 D�sseldorf




IAS 2010-2011 Fellowship Award Announcement

 Each year, the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, invites up to twenty scholars to be in residence for the full academic year to pursue their own research.  The School welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology and anthropology.  It encourages social scientific work with an historical and humanistic bent and also entertains applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature and linguistics.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. at time of application.  Each year there is a general thematic focus that provides common ground for roughly half the scholars; for 2010-2011 the focus will be Secularism.  The application deadline is November 1, 2009.  Applications must be submitted beginning June 1 through the Institute's online application system, which can be found, along with more information, at www.sss.ias.edu/applications.

Contact: Donne Petito,
 Administrative Officer, Email Donne Petito <donne@ias.edu>


Call for Application for the 2009 Manfred W�rner Seminar

The seminar is designed to examine German and European Security Policy and discuss common U.S.-German and U.S.-European security interests. It brings talented young American professionals to Europe to meet with their German counterparts and promote close personal contact between them. Candidates typically come from national or local governments, the media, business, and the nonprofit sector.

Participants should be between 25 and 35 years of age at the time of travel and have an outstanding record of achievement in their profession. The next seminar will take place from *April 30 - May 10, 2009*. Deadline for applications is Friday, *January 23, 2009*.

Call for Applications

2009 Manfred W�rner Seminar
April 30 - May 10, 2009
The German Marshall Fund invites individual applications for the 2009 Manfred W�rner Seminar from Americans
between 25 and 35 years of age at the time of travel who have an outstanding record of achievement in their

Deadline: For American candidates interested in participating in the 2009 program, the deadline for applications is Friday, January 23, 2009. All applications, whether sent by U.S. Mail or special overnight delivery service, must be postmarked by that date or they will not be accepted. German candidates should contact the German Armed Forces Office at SKA-Seminare@bundeswehr.org.

Eligibility: Participants should be between 25 and 35 years of age at the time of travel and have an outstanding record of achievement in their profession. We seek candidates in politics, government (both national and local), the media, business, academia, and the nonprofit sector (think tanks and NGOs). Because the Seminar is designed primarily with the interests in mind of those who have not yet traveled to Europe or who have traveled very little in Europe, candidates who have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree in a European university, or who have worked for a period longer than six months in Europe, may not be appropriate for the program. The
Fellowship is intended to expand the community of Americans interested in and knowledgeable about Europe rather than to repeat a travel experience for someone who has already traveled extensively in Europe.

Formal Application Requirements: Complete applications must include:
Current r�sum� with full contact information. Please include your e-mail address.
Cover letter indicating (a) how the candidate learned of the Seminar, (b) how the candidate would contribute to and benefit from the program, (c) the candidate's date of birth, and (d) the candidate's valid U.S. passport number, which may be civilian issue or diplomatic issue. A pair of passport photos for the seminar brochure (color or black & white). Formal letters of recommendation are not required, but are welcome. Only complete applications will be considered.

NOTE: Please do not use staples when putting together your materials.
The Selection Process: Soon after the application deadline, the Defense Attach�'s staff at the German Embassy and the American Seminar Director from the German Marshall Fund will select the American participants. Immediately thereafter, the American Seminar Director will notify all candidates of the Embassy's decision regarding who is invited to participate on the upcoming program. At that time, candidates will have the
opportunity to either accept or decline the invitation. In addition to the 15 candidates invited to participate in the seminar, the Embassy will select 4 to 5 alternates. In the event that someone withdraws from the American delegation after accepting their invitation, the American Seminar Director will contact the alternates to offer them
any opening(s) on the program. Once selected, participants pay a $500 fee to attend the seminar. All other expenses including travel, accommodation, and meals, are paid by the German Government.

If you have questions about the application process, please contact:
Ms. Nicola Lightner
Program Officer
The German Marshall Fund of the United States
1744 R Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Tel. 202-683-2635
Fax. 202-265-1662
Email: nlightner@gmfus.org
Program website: http://www.gmfus.org/fellowships/manfred.cfm

New-York Historical Society & The New School Schwartz Postdoctoral Fellows Program
The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Postdoctoral Fellows Program was established in 2005 to foster a vibrant relation between the New-York Historical Society and The New School's Eugene Lang College. In the course of a one-year (non-renewable) fellowship, Bernard and Irene Schwartz fellows are expected to develop a major research project with the resources of the New-York Historical Society, to teach two undergraduate courses at Eugene Lang College, and to share in both institutions' commitments to public history.
The successful candidate will be a recent Ph.D. (within past three years of starting date), with a strong record of previous teaching (as a TA or otherwise). Candidates must submit a 2-3 page proposal, describing the theme of the major research project the fellow will undertake, and stating specifically why the resources of the New-York Historical Society are critical to the project. Candidates must also submit a C.V., two letters of recommendation (which may be sent directly), a short writing sample, and two detailed syllabi outlining the undergraduate courses they envision teaching at the New School's Eugene Lang College. While all areas of American history will be considered, the College has a particular interest in imaginative approaches to the survey of U.S. history, as well as in topical courses which address, for example, material culture as history, America in the Age of Revolutions, slavery and its consequences, patterns of leisure and consumption, urban history, and history of communication.
The fellowship requires residency in New York for the year, beginning September 1, 2009. Fellows will receive $60,000 plus benefits.
Applications must be postmarked by February 1, 2009. Candidates should send two copies of their application, one to each of the following addresses:
Jean Ashton
Vice President and Library Director
New-York Historical Society
170 Central Park West
New York, New York 10024
Prof. Oz Frankel
Eugene Lang College/History
80 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10011
For more information, please contact history@newschool.edu
Joseph Heathcott
Chair of Urban Studies
Eugene Lang College, The New School




Humboldt Research Fellowship
Open to all nationalities and all disciplines


The Humboldt Research Fellowship enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to carry out research projects for extended periods of time in cooperation with academic hosts at research institutions in Germany. Fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, the quality and fea�sibility of the proposed research and the applicant's publications.


        Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within four years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-24 months in Germany.

        �         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,250 EUR                                                                     

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within twelve years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-18 months in Germany.

         Fellowships may be divided into a maximum of three visits of at least three months each.

         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,450 EUR.


Additional allowances are available for accompanying family mem�bers, travel expenses, and German language instruction. Applications may be submitted to the Humboldt Foundation in Bonn at any time.  The review process takes several months, and the selection committee meets three times a year. For application forms and detailed information, see:





 The Board of the Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund invites you to nominate the Holberg International Memorial Prize for outstanding work in the academic fields of the arts and humanities, social science, law and theology. The prize for 2008 is NOK 4,5 million (approx. 570.000/716.000 US Dollar), and was established by the Norwegian Government in 2003.

 Letters of nomination must be sent to us by 20 January 2009.

 Holberg Prize Laureates:
 2008: Fredric R. Jameson
 2007: Ronald Dworkin
 2006: Shmuel N Eisenstadt
 2005: J�rgen Habermas
 2004: Julia Kristeva

 How to nominate?
 Scholars holding a senior position at universities and other research institutions within the above mentioned academic fields are entitled to
 nominate candidates for the Holberg Prize. The Holberg Prize's  Academic Committee will base its assessment on the letters of nomination which must
 state the reasons for the nomination (2 to 3 pages). Letters should also contain a brief CV for the candidate and suggest referees who know the scholar
 and his/her work. Nominations are strictly confidential.

 For more information:

 Please contact Ms Trine Kleven, Project Manager in Holberg Prize, if you have questions: trine.kleven@holbergprisen.no

Website informing about an array of scholarships

Study in Europe, a website produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, serves as a portal for information on studying in various European countries. The user will find links to country specific databases and pages on how to apply, eligibility requirements for grants and scholarships, visa provisions and more. There are also links to a range of European grants and scholarships, such as Erasmus Mundus.

Visit the portal at

d) Select Calls for Papers

Call for Papers on German Cinema

Paper submissions are invited for the new Blackwell Companion to German Cinema.  This forthcoming scholarly collection will integrate an array of topics and theoretical approaches representing current developments in German filmmaking and studies.  Recognizing the field's interdisciplinary breadth, the Companion seeks intellectual inclusiveness and welcomes articles from diverse academic and national locations.  Its aim is to (re)situate German cinema and its scholarly pursuit, both recent and historical, on the map of international cultural studies, by soliciting critical explorations of areas not limited to:

∑ New directors
∑ (Post)-DDR cinema
∑ New queer cinema / masculinities
∑ Cinema studies as a discipline in Germany
∑ Germanophone filmmaking outside Germany (Austria, Switzerland)
∑ Recuperative and revisionist interpretations of the Nazi era / persistent interest in Leni Riefenstahl and propaganda films
∑ Revisionist preoccupation with radical politics of the 1960s-1970s, the Baader-Meinhof Gang/RAF in particular
∑ Jewish cinema / Holocaust film
∑ New German Cinema revisited / ongoing works of former NGC directors
∑ 1950s films / popular cinema / genres
∑ Weimar cinema revisited / renewed attention to Kracauer and the Frankfurt School
∑ Animation / digital media / experimental / avant-garde
∑ Documentary traditions and transformations
∑ The focus on interiority, with special emphasis on  defining sanity
∑ The relationship of literary theory to film analysis
∑ Commercially successful political comedies
∑ German directors in Hollywood
∑ German funding of Third World, post-Communist, and emerging cinemas, including Polish, Russian, Mongolian, Turkish, Iranian, Kazakh, African and Middle Eastern films--and their neo-colonial aspects
∑ The new German internationalism in post-colonial context / immigrant/guest-worker films
∑ Post-capitalist cinema and theory / class politics
∑ German industry / star system
∑ Feminism and women's cinema
∑ The politics of distribution / film festivals / transnational networks

Deadline for electronic submission of 500-word paper proposals: February 15, 2009.  Send proposals to:

Terri Ginsberg
Rutgers University


Andrea Mensch
North Carolina State University
andreamo@ncsu.edu .

Commissioned papers shall not exceed 30 pages and must be completed by January 15, 2010.  While the Companion will be published in English, papers submitted in German are also acceptable and will be translated.


Call for Papers



May 8-9, 2009

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Princeton University


Throughout its history, socialist mass culture actively relied on satire, humor, and comedy to foster emotional bonds with its audience. Orchestrated by the state cultural industry, public laughter released social and political tension, while leaving intact or buttressing mechanisms of repression and institutions of power. In turn, late Soviet irony or the aesthetic of grotesque, developed from below, became instrumental in solidifying a cultural distance from the values promoted by the socialist state. Varied in their impact and scope, these cultures of the comic nonetheless constantly pointed to the irrationality and ludicrousness of the socialist way of life.

Whether officially approved or censored, totalitarian laughter relativized existing practices and norms, suggesting different models of understanding and embodying really existing socialism. Regardless of their content, these jokes of repression shared the same quality: they were made, not found. It is precisely this active production of totalitarian laughter from above and from below that this conference aims to explore. How did state socialism transform traditional genres and categories of the comic? How crucial was state censorship in producing (or suppressing) totalitarian laughter?  Through what forms of displacement and condensation did official and non-official cultures achieve their comic effect? How did these practices of the comic correspond and interact with each other? What kinds of communities were formed in the process of producing jokes of repression? What were the mechanisms and paths of circulation through which laughable versions of socialism became available to larger audiences? Finally, what kinds of pleasure did totalitarian laughter promise, if not deliver?

We seek to address these questions by bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars interested in reconstructing the peculiar relationship between repression and laughter under state socialism. We invite papers that explore forms of socialist grotesque in the Soviet Union and central and eastern Europe in such diverse fields as politics, history, literature, arts, music, theater, television, and film, among others.

Please send an abstract (300 words) of the paper you would like to present at this conference, along with your short CV, by February 10, 2009 to <oushakin@princeton.edu>

We may be able to offer a limited number of travel subsidies for foreign presenters.  

 Those selected to give presentations at the conference will be contacted at the end of February 2009 .
Final papers will be due no later than April 20, and they will be posted on the conference's website.

Program committee:
Serguei Oushakine (Princeton), Petre Petrov (Princeton), Seth Graham (UCL), Kevin M.F. Platt (Penn) Nancy Ries (Colgate).

Call for Papers
The German Studies Association (GSA) will hold its Thirty-Third Annual Conference in Washington, D. C., 8-11 October 2009
            The Program Committee cordially invites proposals on any aspect of German, Austrian, or Swiss studies, including (but not limited to) history, Germanistik, film, art history, political science, musicology, religious studies, sociology, and cultural studies.  Proposals for entire sessions and for interdisciplinary presentations are strongly encouraged.  Individual paper proposals and offers to serve as session moderators or commentators are also welcome.  Programs of past GSA conferences may be viewed at the GSA website (www.thegsa.org). 
            Please see the GSA website for information about the submission process, which opens on January 5, 2009.  Please note that ALL proposals must be submitted online;  paper forms are not used.  The deadline for proposals is February 15, 2009.  
For more information, visit the GSA website or contact members of the 2009 Program Committee:
Program Director:  Benjamin Marschke (Humboldt State University), marschke@humboldt.edu
Medieval, Early Modern, 18th-Century:  Jason Coy (College of Charleston), coyj@cofc.edu
19th-Century:  George Williamson (University of Alabama), gwilliam@bama.ua.edu
20th/21st-Century History:  Katherine Pence (Baruch College), Katherine_Pence@baruch.cuny.edu
20th/21st-Century Literature, Cultural Studies:  Rick McCormick (University of Minnesota), mccor001@umn.edu
Interdisciplinary:  Janet Ward (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), janet.ward@unlv.edu
Political Science:  E. Gene Frankland (Ball State University), gfrankla@bsu.edu

CfP: Youth and social change across borders: emerging identities and

 divisions in Eastern and Western Europe

 27th - 28th March 2009

 St. Antony's College, University of Oxford

 Youth studies has traditionally provided a rich, interdisciplinary forum
 for the exploration of a range of social identities and divisions rooted
 in class, gender, ethnicity and place. It has also been the site on
 which contemporary social theory - pointing in recent years to
 late-modern processes of globalisation, individualisation and risk -
 have received some of their most illustrative applications, as well as
 their most incisive critiques. This conference asks what the study of
 young people in and from post-Socialist Eastern Europe can tell us about
 the emerging dimensions of social inequality and social change both in
 Eastern and Western European societies. Building on youth studies' long
 standing critique of popular discourses constructing youth 'as/in
 trouble', the conference wishes to move debate decisively away from the
 common perception of young people in post-Socialist countries as a 'lost

 Instead, we invite papers focusing on the active ways in which young
 people negotiate transitions and 'careers' in a variety of life domains
 -in education, work, migration, family, housing, leisure and sexuality -
 while at the same time being sensitive to the structural and cultural
 processes shaping the resources and subject positions available to
 different young people in different times and places. In the context of
 a wider Europe, it is particularly timely to address questions about the
 lives of young Eastern Europeans, not only in new EU member states and
 in countries bordering the EU, but also in those Western European states
 which are a common destination for migrant workers and students.

 Papers might address, but should not be limited to, the following
 In Russia and Eastern Europe:
 *        Class, gender, ethnicity, and place in youth transitions to
 *        Rural-urban and centre-periphery divisions amongst young people
 *        Young people and work: informal earning and new forms of
 *        Young people's sexualities
 *        Household and family formation
 *        (Sub)cultural formations, consumption, and leisure
 *        Youth-operated NGOs and NGOs working with young people in
 Western Europe:
 *        The ethnicization/racialization of Eastern Europeans in the UK
 *        Household and family formation amongst Eastern European migrants
 *        'Lifestyles' of Eastern European migrants
 *        Eastern European migrants' labour market participation
 *        A 'common' identity amongst Eastern European migrants?

 Preference will be given to papers which go beyond descriptions of what
 young people 'do', and are able to engage either with contemporary
 social theory germane to their topic of study, or with issues relating
 to social policy and/or the third sector. Abstracts of 250 words should
 be sent to the conference organisers Charlie Walker (University of
 Oxford) and Svetlana Stephenson (London Metropolitan University) at
ceelbasyouthconference@googlemail.com by Friday 30 January.

8th European Social Science History Conference
Ghent, Belgium, 13-16 April 2010
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.
The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks: Africa -
Antiquity - Asia -   Criminal Justice - Culture - Economics - Education and
Childhood - Elites - Ethnicity and Migration - Family and Demography - Geography
- Health - History and Computing -   Labour - Latin America - Material and
Consumer Culture - Middle Ages - Oral History - Politics - Religion - Rural
- Sexuality - Social Inequality - Technology - Theory - Urban - Women and Gender - World History
The Conference fee will be Euro 200 for participants who pay in advance, Euro 250 for participants who pay at the conference.  One- day attendance will be Euro 100 for participants who pay in advance, and Euro 125 for participants who pay at the conference.  There is a special fee for MA students of Euro 50.
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
For further information and the pre-registration form for the Conference please go to the Conference Internet site at http://www.iisg.nl/esshc < http://www.iisg.nl/esshc>  or contact the conference secretariat:
European Social Science History Conference 2010
c/o International Institute of Social History
PO Box 2169
1000 CD Amsterdam
Telephone: +31.20.66 858 66
Fax: +31.20.66 541 81
E mail: esshc@iisg.nl

2 Calls for Paper Proposals
5th ECPR General Conference, 10-12.09.2009, Potsdam (Germany)

European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) panel on 'The Institutional Dynamics of Migration Policy-Making
Deadline: February 1, 2009

Section Title:  Comparing Origins and Effects of Political Institutions
Panel Title: The Institutional Dynamics of Migration Policy-Making

Name: Peter Scholten
Institution: University of Twente
Email: Peter.scholten@utwente.nl

Name: Christina Boswell
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Email: christina.boswell@ed.ac.uk


ABSTRACT - Submit a Paper to this Panel
Migration and immigrant policies have topped the political agenda in many European countries in the past decade. Yet, there are distinct differences in the institutional venues or systems in which policy is developed - whether these be legal, scientific, political, or bureaucratic. In some cases, policies are subject to parliamentary scrutiny and high profile media coverage; in others they remain within more secreted bureaucratic venues. They may encounter varying degrees of regulation (labour laws, EU Directives, constitutional provisions), or different requirements for technocratic or expert justification. The panel explores the implications of these different venues for the dynamics of policymaking and policy outcomes. How do these settings influence the policy descriptions or frames adopted for explaining and justifying policy problems and responses? How do they affect issue linkages with related areas such as welfare, labour, security or education? What requirements do they impose in terms of the knowledge-base of policy, or its regulatory setting? And what implications do these settings have for the policies that emerge - for example in terms of the instruments adopted (punitive or permissive), their legal structure (regulatory or programmatic), and the object of intervention (social, cultural or economic behaviour; groups, families or individuals, etc.).  By focusing on the institutional dynamics of migration policy-making (rather than on 'national models' or regimes), this panel will help elucidate patterns of (dis)similarities between various national cases as well as on the EU level. On a theoretical level, it aims to apply insights from systems theory, neo-institutionalist organization studies and 'policy dynamics' scholarship. As policy-making on intractable policy controversies as migration is rarely confined to formal policy arenas alone, a broader spectre of actors and institutions will be involved, including formal policy and political arenas as well as administrative bodies, expert/advisory bodies, civil society organisations and legal venues.


Panel on Quantitative Text Analysis in European Integration Research Organised by Heike Kl�ver and Reinhard Slepcevic

 Textual data is arguably the most widely available source of evidence on political
 processes. Research on political parties has long realized this fact and developed
 promising new techniques to systematically extract political information from texts.
 Especially the latest development of fully automated content analysis techniques such as
 Wordscores and Wordfish enables an incredibly fast computerized analysis of large
 quantities of texts. Together with the increasing availability of political documents on
 the internet, quantitative text analysis opens up exciting new venues for future
 research. Whereas variants of this technique have long been successfully applied to the
 analysis of political parties, it has hardly been used in the field of European
 integration research, regardless of the fact that political processes are particularly
 well documented in the European Union. The panel aims at closing this gap by examining
 the potential of quantitative text analysis for various subfields of European integration
 research. We are therefore looking for innovative papers applying quantitative text
 analysis to any subfield of European integration research such as legislative and
 judicial politics, implementation and compliance research as well as party and interest
 group politics. We are open to all forms of quantitative text analysis, from
 'traditional' dictionary-based or data extraction approaches to the most recent scaling

 Abstract for paper proposals and any questions regarding the panel should be sent to
 Heike Kl�ver (hkluever@mail.uni-mannheim.de) and Reinhard Slepcevic
 (reinhard.slepcevic@eui.eu). The deadline for paper proposals is 1 February 2009.

 For more information about paper proposals, see



Call for Papers - Contemporary European Studies (CES)
 The Editors and Editorial Board of CES would like to invite scholars and experts to submit their papers and also reviews and review articles in the area of: Political science and European studies
 The deadline for the article submission is February 3, 2009. Please follow the manuscript guidelines (www.ces.upol.cz).
 The deadline for the reviews and review article is February 10, 2009.

 Papers should not normally exceed 15 pages (1,5 line spacing, 12pt, A4 paper) and should not be shorter than 10 pages. The submissions will be judged for scientific quality and for its accord with the journal policy.

 Place of Publication:   Czech Republic
 Type of publication:    Printed journal
 Published by:              Palack_ University
 Date of publication:    April 2009
 Language:                   English

 Please, send your papers via e-mail address ces-journal@upol.cz, but please first contact the Editorial office eva_bradova@seznam.cz and send an 100 word-abstract in English.


Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2009: Views from France, Views Beyond the Mainstream
Angers, Loire Valley, France
3-5 September 2009
ESSCA (L'Ecole Superieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers) will host its 39th Annual and 14th Research Conference in the Loire Valley. The call for papers is now available, deadline 23 January 2009.
Further information: www.uaces.org/Loire.htm 
Does your research have an emphasis on Europe?
The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) invites contributions to its 39th Annual Conference and 14th Research Conference from any academic discipline, including law, economics, geography, history, medicine, sociology, public policy and politics. We also encourage papers from established academics, practitioners and well-prepared doctoral students.
The invitation is for 'Pre-organised Panel Proposals' on any European studies related topic OR for 'Individual Paper Proposals' on any European studies related topic. Our preference is for 'Pre-organised Panel Proposals', however, 'Individual Paper Proposals' are still welcome and will be considered.
Please note that the conference, including all papers, will be conducted entirely in English.
Further details about the conference can be found at: www.uaces.org/loire.htm.
Enquiries about UACES, the conference or Call for Panels and Papers should be directed to Yolana Pringle admin@uaces.org.

e) Journals in European Studies
www.jcer.net - Journal of Contemporary European Studies, the UACES online journal which is free to access
f) Blogs
The seventh issue of SHIFT Mag, Europe by the rest of the world, is now online.
Welcome to the blog version of SHIFT Mag - Europe talks to Brussels, a platform for original, diverse and challenging views on Europe. You can react to our articles and submit your own blog entry on a topic related to one of our issues. Jump in and have your say as Europe talks to Brussels.
The full paper version is available in pdf on the right column of www.shiftmag.eu