October 2008
Issue: 13
In This Issue
Annual Institutional Membership Renewal
Council Immigration Research Group Update
GMFUS Launches Transatlantic Academy With Migration Conference
2008-2011 Awards for European Union Centers of Excellence Announced
Select Professional Opportunities for Council Members
News from the Council for European Studies 
Dear Friend of the Council,
In this issue we present information relevant to the field of European Studies at all academic levels ranging from undergraduate to faculty.
Of particular importance is the need for institutional members to maintain their active status in the Council. We are therefore requesting that your institution's membership in the Council be promptly brought up to date for the current academic year - if you have not already done so.
The Council's Immigration Research Group led by Professors Erik Bleich and John Bowen provides an update on its recent work and members' publications.
We feature Council donor The German Marshall Fund of the United States with a report on the opening of the Transatlantic Academy. The Academy was launched this week with an inaugural conference on migration and the announcement of its first group of Fellows.
The European Union Centers of Excellence for 2008-2011 were announced earlier this month. We present the winners and the history of the program.
The newsletter would not be complete without numerous professional opportunities at the end of this issue. The table of contents above awill allow you to conveniently navigate the newsletter.
We would like to thank all the contributors to this issue. Please send your departmental news our way and let your graduate students know about the upcoming February 1, 2009 deadline for the CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions you may have,
Best wishes,
Stefanie Grupp-Clasby
Associate Director
Council for European Studies
Renew Your Institution's Membership Today and Secure your Students' Eligibility for the CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program

The Council is currently accepting institutional membership applications and renewals.Council memberships run from July 1st to June 30th and are available on a one- or two-year basis. Now is a particularly promising time to join or renew membership in the Council, the largest academic organization of its kind in the world dedicated to promoting the field of European Studies. 

The Council continues its development as a forum for discussion debate on intra-European and transatlantic issues and as a network for European-American academic exchange.  It relies chiefly upon the support of its institutional membership for the largest part of its non-grant revenue.

We would like to take this occasion to highlight the benefits of membership in the Council, as well as to bring our membership up to date on both ongoing endeavors to improve programs and services, and our projects for the coming year. 

Growing Fellowship Program: The CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to assist promising young scholars in the  often difficult transition from coursework to fieldwork and thus speed the time to completion of the dissertation.  Fellowships are awarded to doctoral candidates of outstanding intellectual and scholarly promise, selected by an independent committee composed of leading academics in the field of European Studies.  This year the Council funded eighteen pre-dissertation fellowships as part of three competitions, sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, and the Luso-American Development Foundation. 

Each fellowship award is worth $4,000; only those students whose home institution is a member of the Council may participate in the competition by the time of the deadline. The deadline for applications for the 2009 CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship is February 1, 2009.

The roster of this year's Fellowship winners may be viewed on our website; clicking on the individual names will link the reader to abstracts of the winning proposals.

Do not miss this opportunity to ensure your institution's eligibility for this prestigious grant opportunity for the graduate students at your institution.

Picture taken by CES Luso Fellow 2008-2009 Ricardo Bernardes, View of the Luso-American Development Foundation
Expanded Institutional Membership in the Council
: The Council's roster of colleges, universities, and institutions in its membership continues to grow.  This expansion enables the Council to continue its development of the broad international network  of academic and scholarly exchange among European, North American and other institutions within its membership - the largest such network of its kind in the world. 
Our newsletter News from the Council for European Studies serves to keep institutional and individual members of the Council abreast of all events, activities, opportunities, and important deadlines.  The newsletter reports monthly on activities both within the Council and within the field of European Studies at large.  Individual Council members and Institutional Liaisons are encouraged to share their own notices and departmental news with the select readership of the newsletter.
Individual Members are also encouraged to keep the Council informed of publication news: please send your notices to us via email at [email protected].

Membership rates for the 2008-2009 academic year remain the same, at $450 for universities and $250 for colleges.  The two-year membership rates are $900 and $500, respectively. 

Application and renewal forms for colleges or universities may be downloaded at our website. The necessary form for colleges or universities may be obtained by visiting our website.
May we count on your membership in the Council? 
CES Immigration Research Group Update

Dear Colleagues,
As many of you are already aware, the CES Immigration Research Group (IRG) launched its website this summer.  If you haven't yet had the chance to view the site, the address is: http://www.ces.columbia.edu/research/immigration.html. New members to the group are welcome; inquiries should be sent to [email protected].

We plan to add to the IRG website in November by creating a page for members' recent publications and to add descriptions of additional projects that involve multiple CES-IRG members. 
If you have any upcoming conferences or workshops planned, we encourage you to think about inviting members of the IRG.  You can email the information to Stefanie Grupp-Clasby for general circulation or you can simply get in touch with individual members directly. 
Erik Bleich and John Bowen
Recent Publications by Members of the CES Immigration Research Group
Erik Bleich's review of the immigration and integration field has just appeared in World Politics.  It is entitled "Immigration and Integration Studies in Western Europe and the United States: The Road Less Traveled and A Path Ahead," (World Politics, 60, 3, April 2008: 509-38).

The article examines the significant contributions of recent research in this area, highlighting the potential of such work to influence the social sciences. It advances a general framework for analyzing four types of scholarship in all subfields. Type 1 scholarship develops theoretical or conceptual insights for scholars within a subfield; Type 2 tests or refines theories that are specific to a particular dimension of the subfield; Type 3 imports broader comparative or social scientific concepts to reshape the study of a topic within a subfield; and Type 4 uses evidence from a subfield to develop theoretical tools that can be applied more broadly in the social sciences. The article reviews four books that highlight the empirical frontiers of immigration and integration research. Each book tends to epitomize one of the four types of scholarship, but together they demonstrate the possibility of making contributions on multiple registers. The essay concludes by suggesting promising frontiers within the immigration and integration subfield and by defining the concept of a comparative politics of identity and sketching out its terrain.

Christina Boswell recently completed a major EU-funded project on "Expanding the Knowledge Base of European Labour Migration Policies" (KNOWMIG). The project explored the relationship between knowledge, policy change and migration decisions. It was carried out by a team of five researchers at the University of Edinburgh. The findings are being published in:
- articles in the Journal of European Public Policy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Global Networks.
- two special issues in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; and
- a monograph on "The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge: Immigration Policy and Social Research", forthcoming with Cambridge University Press in Spring 2009.
You can read more about these findings and publications at:
German Marshall Fund of the United States Opens Transatlantic Academy, Announces Fellows and Publishes Opinion Survey Transatlantic Trends 2008
Transatlantic Academy Announces First Group of Fellows
Inaugural Conference Held in Washington, D.C. Earlier This Week
On October 10, 2008, the Transatlantic Academy announced its first group of Fellows, who will spend a year in residence studying migration, the Academy's first academic subject. Subjects will change on an annual basis.
The Transatlantic Academy is a scholarly forum for a select group of scholars from both sides of the Atlantic and from different academic and policy disciplines which will seek each year to examine a single set of issues affecting the transatlantic relationship. It is a joint initative of the the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius of Germany, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
The first Fellows, and their academic fields, are:
Dietrich Thr�nhardt
, political science, University of M�nster, Germany
Jeroen Doomernik, anthropology, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rey Koslowski, political science/international relations, University of Albany, United States
Jonathan Laurence, political science, Boston College, United States
In addition, there are two post-doctoral Fellows-In-Residence:
Rahsaan Maxwell, political science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States
Ines Michalowski, sociology, DFG Graduate School, M�nster, Germany
Full bios are available for download here or at http://www.transatlanticacademy.org

"This inaugural group of Fellows launches the Transatlantic Academy on the right foot," said Stephen Szabo, the Academy's executive director. "We have a distinguished group of scholars from various countries and academic backgrounds, and we look forward to seeing the synergies in their scholarship they produce over the next year."
During the course of the year, Fellows will contribute policy-relevant articles and papers to inform the migration debate on both sides of the Atlantic. They will also contribute to academic conferences and work together on an Academy publication at the end of their fellowship.
The inaugural conference on October 14 featured keynote addresses by Giuliano Amato, the former Italian prime minister, and Jim Kolbe, a Senior Transatlantic Fellow with the German Marshall Fund and a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Additionally, in breakout sessions, conference attendees addressed border security, integration, and brain drain -- all topics to be studied by Academy Fellows in the coming year.

Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato opened the conference with a speech outlining the challenges the European Union faces in dealing with migrants and security. Amato, speaking to a gathered audience of academics and policymakers, provided insight into challenges including security, climate change, and energy. Amato said he felt the EU should step up to these challenges and become more of a "player" in the global arena.
Jim Kolbe, former U.S. congressman and current GMF Senior Transatlantic Fellow, delivered the luncheon keynote address and gave a U.S. view on the global challenges and how a new U.S. administration would face them. Questions from the audience drew on Kolbe's extensive experience working with border and immigration issues, and his current work with the Transatlantic Task Force on Aid.
The morning panel on the transatlantic learning community featured Marta Dassu, Victoria de Grazia, Francois Heisbourg, and Charles Kupchan as panelists, and was moderated by Stephen Szabo, executive director of the Transatlantic Academy. Panelists discussed the contrasts between the concept of America as a unified state with a great deal of power and a sense of itself as exceptional with that of a diverse and multilayered Europe with a very different sense of relative power and the need to share it.
Panelists agreed that at the level of research, American universities are hegemonic in the areas of higher education and have far more resources and flexibility than their European counterparts. American and British universities tend to be more highly rated and innovative than their European counterparts; they are also more global in their reach. The European research model, however, is more collaborative while the American model emphasizes individual research, and this inhibits transatlantic collaboration.
Yet despite these contrasts, the consensus on the panel was that a transatlantic learning and values community exists and that there is much to be learned from each other on such important topics as the future of Turkey and the role of economic ideas and models. The West shares the fundamental principle of the belief in political restraint and this will continue to bind it in the future.
The afternoon panels highlighted the work of the current class of Transatlantic Fellows the 2008-09 Academy theme of Immigration and Integration. Rey Koslowski and Dietrich Thr�nhardt hosted a panel on "Increasing Mobility with Security at Borders," and discussed their relevant work in the area. Jeroen Doomernik's research deals with high-skilled migrants, and he was joined by outside experts in discussing the "Battle for the Brains". The final panel, featuring Fellows Jonathan Laurence, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Ines Michalowski, discussed "Models of Integration."
Transatlantic Trends 2008 Released: Data on U.S. Elections, Russia, and More

The GMFUS' annual public opinion survey Transatlantic Trends 2008, released September 10, 2008, shows Europeans favoring thecandidacy of Barack Obama, and Americans split along party lines. Americans and Europeans share concerns about Russia's economy, behavior, and terrorism. Rises are seen in the desire for closer relations and in support for NATO.
Transatlantic Trends 2008 is a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paolo of Turin, Italy, with additional support from the Funda��o Luso-Americana (Portugal), the Fundaci�n BBVA (Spain), and the Tipping Point Foundation (Bulgaria).

2008-2011 Awards for European Union Centers of Excellence Announced
The Delegation of the European Commission in Washington, DC,  announced 11 "European Union Center of Excellence" awards to universities in the United States. These grant recipients were selected from a field of 23 institutional candidates.

The network of EU Centers of Excellence promotes the study of the EU, its institutions and policies and EU-US relations through teaching programs, scholarly research and outreach activities in their local and regional communities. The European Commission funds this initiative as part of a broader effort to promote people-to-people ties across the Atlantic. Visit www.euce.org
for more information about this program.
Ambassador John Bruton, Head of the EU Commission Delegation to the United States, welcomed the announcement: "I wish to offer congratulations to the successful applicants to the most recent cycle of the EU Centers of Excellence, selected from a very strong group of competitors. This underlines the continuing tremendous interest in the EU and EU-US relations within American universities. The EU Centers of Excellence have the crucial task of preparing the students who will take a leading role in the future of the transatlantic relationship, and play a vital role in educating their local communities regarding those developments. These Centers will also continue to produce high quality scholarly research that informs the policy community. As in the past, I aim to visit as many of the Centers as possible during my tenure in Washington."

Grants totaling 3.42 million euros will fund activities for a three-year period at the following universities:
� University of California (Berkeley)
� University of Colorado
� Florida International University and the University of Miami

� Georgia Tech
� University of Michigan
� University of North Carolina
� University of Pittsburgh
� University of Texas
� University of Washington (Seattle)
� University of Wisconsin
� Washington, DC, Consortium (American University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, The Johns Hopkins University)
The University of North Carolina will serve as Network and Outreach Coordinator, with the goal of promoting cooperation and sharing best practices within the network. North Carolina will also maintain the network website (www.euce.org) providing easy access to research and teaching materials produced by the Centers.
This is the fourth cycle (2008-2011) of the EU Centers program that was launched in 1998. The EU Centers program has helped create a foothold for EU studies in US higher education and served as an information resource for a broad US audience, with extensive outreach to regional audiences and the policy community. As in 2005-2008, the recipients of awards in this cycle have been designated "Centers of Excellence" in recognition of the high quality, variety and depth of their programming.  
Select Opportunities in European Studies
a) Jobs in European Studies
b) Conferences
c) Grants
d) Calls for Papers
e) Journals in European Studies  

a) Jobs in European Studies
Logo The University of Sydney
The University of Sydney 
Professor of European Studies
Faculty of Arts
School of Languages and Cultures
Reference No. S08/102
The University of Sydney's Faculty of Arts, has a proud history and tradition of intellectual rigour. It offers one of the most comprehensive and diverse programs of courses and degree options in humanities and social science studies in the Asian Pacific, in a vibrant research and teaching environment. The Faculty consists of a Faculty office and four Schools. It is currently ranked fifteenth in the world for Arts/Humanities groupings in the Times Higher Education Supplement World Rankings.
The School of Languages and Cultures in the Faculty of Arts is committed to furthering the university's internationalization program in research and teaching. European Studies within the School of Languages and Cultures is supported by the departments of French Studies, Germanic Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies, as well as our department of Modern Greek.
Applications are invited for the position of Professor (Level E) in an area of European Intercultural Studies within the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sydney. The applicant should have an outstanding record of publication, postgraduate research supervision and grant success in French, German, Italian, Modern Greek, or Spanish language and culture. It is essential that the applicant have native or near-native fluency in one or more of these languages.
For a complete Information Pack and to apply please contact: Nicola Robertson, Recruitment Consultant at [email protected]. telephone +61 2 9351 3324
It is strongly recommend that all candidates read the full Candidate Information Pack before applying, to assist in preparing your application.  
Closing date:  October 29th, 2008

The European Politics Group at the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), ETH Z�rich, Switzerland seeks as of 1st October 2008 (or the earliest possible date thereafter) a Ph.D. Candidate interested in writing her/his Ph.D. thesis in the context of a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation on the Adoption, Implementation and Sustainability of  Minority Protection Rules in the Context of EU Conditionality.
The project will conduct a comparative analysis of legislation and policies towards ethnic minorities in ten new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe over a period of ten years (i.e. during the pre-accession phase and after accession). The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the data collection and analysis for a subset of country cases. Further information on the project is available under http://www.eup.ethz.ch/research/minority_protection
We are looking for social scientists holding a master's degree (or equivalent) with a background in International Relations, Comparative Politics or European Studies and a specialization in Central and Eastern Europe and/or human rights/minority rights. Proficiency in at least one of the Central and Eastern European languages is a pre-condition, a thorough training in social scientific theories and methods would also be an asset.
We offer an intellectually challenging position as part of our research team. The position is funded for three years within the framework of the research project (60% position) and will give the successful applicant the opportunity to work towards a Ph.D. at ETH Z�rich. The dissertation project will be related to but independent of the project. For further information on the requirements for a doctorate at ETH please consult the CIS Ph.D. program website at http://www.cis.ethz.ch/education/phd. For further information, please contact Dr. Guido Schwellnus, [email protected].
Interested students are invited to submit an online-application including letter of intent, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation and other relevant application materials under the following address: http://internet5.refline.ch/845721/0210/++publications++/3/index.html. Applications will be dealt with on a rolling basis. In cases of technical enquiries regarding the application process please send your written application by paper with the keyword ANSC753 to Mr. Andr� Schmid, Human Resources, P.O.Box, 8092 Z�rich, Switzerland.

The Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich is led by Prof. Andreas Wenger (http://www.css.ethz.ch). It studies the interaction between the causes and consequences of organized violence among groups, states, and/or societies, on the one hand, and institutions, political processes, and/or policies that can contribute to the prevention, management, stabilization, and mitigation of political violence, on the other. For this open position we are particularly interested in a Ph.D. student who has a strong interest in working on European and transatlantic security issues.
Ph.D. student in Security Studies
We are looking for a candidate who has recently completed his/her MA in political science or international relations. Applicants should have a good knowledge of IR theories and the wide-ranging field of security studies, a keen interest in European security issues and transatlantic affairs, and a good command of English.
We offer the successful candidate an intellectually challenging position in a dynamic environment in one of Europe's leading political science departments and the prospect of obtaining a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich (For guidelines, please consult http://www.cis.ethz.ch/education/phd). For further enquiries, please call Prof. Dr. Andreas Wenger at +41 44 632 59 10.
Please apply online including an application letter, your CV, a proposal for a Ph.D. dissertation topic in the field of security studies with a particular focus on European/transatlantic security issues (maximum of three pages), two letters of recommendation, and a writing sample (e.g., a published article, a chapter from your MA thesis, a seminar paper). In cases of technical enquiries regarding the application process please send your written application by paper with the keyword ANSC675 to Mr. Andr Schmid, Human Resources, P.O.Box, 8092 Zurich. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2008. The starting date is January 2009.


b) Conferences

The International Conference, Ideas of Europe / Ideas for Europe - under the patronage and with the participation of the President of the European Commission, Mr Jos� Manuel Barroso - seeks to promote a debate on diverse concepts of a European Community in an historical perspective. Conference information can be found at the official conference site (www.tu-chemnitz.de/ideaseurope).
You are invited to submit abstracts of your presentation at "Ideas of/for Europe". Papers will be allocated a maximum of 20 minutes of presentation time. Candidates should submit abstracts by email to:
[email protected]
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 31 October 2008. Please forward this message to potential interested academics.
Best regards on behalf of the Organising Committee
Teresa Pinheiro
Juniorprof. Dr. Teresa Pinheiro
Juniorprofessur Kultureller und Sozialer Wandel TU Chemnitz - Philosophische Fakult�t
D-09107 Chemnitz
Telefon: +49 (0) 371 531-35014
Fax: +49 (0) 371 531-27729

Securing Sustainable Energy Supplies in Europe
and Australia
Policy-Makers, Business, Scientists, NGOs on Energy and the
Environmental Challenge
Monash University Prato Centre, Italy
27-28 November 2008
An international Conferenceof the Monash European and EU Centre, the Monash Sustainability Institute, the Centre for Green Chemistry and School of Applied Sciences and Engineering,  the Faculty of Business and Economics (Monash University, Melbourne), the Australian National University (Canberra), the Machiavelli Centre (CIMA), University of Florence, the Institute for European Studies (Universit� Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), the Centre for Environmental Law, University of Amsterdam and the Delegation of the European Commission to Australia.
Speakers include
Professor Laura Carballo (University of Vigo, Spain)
Dr. Samuele Furfari (European Commission, Brussels)
Daniel Gu�guen (CEO, Clan Public Affairs, Brussels)
Dr. Karen Hussey (Australian National University, Canberra)
Professor Marc Pallemaerts (University of Amsterdam/Universit� Libre de Bruxelles)
Associate Professor Antonio Patti (Centre for Green Chemistry, Monash University, Melbourne)
Graeme Pearman (GP Consulting/Monash Sustainability Institute)
Professor Richard Pomfret (University of Adelaide)
Professor Werner Pleschberger (University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna)
The purpose of this interdisciplinary conference is to provide a forum for academics, policy-makers, business representatives and environmental groups to explore, debate and compare the different approaches and experiences in securing energy supplies in Europe and Australia, with a view to facilitating the development of sustainable government and business strategy. In particular, the conference will focus on the interplay between policy-makers, scientists, business and environmental groups in securing sustainable energy supplies in the European Union and Australia. It will also investigate the relations between risk, uncertainty and decision-making; energy security across borders; and the technological, ecological and social aspects of clean energy technologies.

Ms Patricia Arnold, Event coordinator, Monash European and EU Centre: [email protected]
(Ph. +61 3 9903 4638)        http://www.monash.edu.au/europecentre/
Registration fees: Full fee, $A200-/€150; half fee, $A125-/€75; student rate, $A75-/€45.
Registration fees waivers for students are available on a competitive basis.

Upcoming ATINER Conferences
International city break conference on Social Sciences & Human
Development research, 17-20 October 2008. Athens, Greece. Conference
Website: http://www.atiner.gr/shd.htm
2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Studies. 9-12 APRIL
Conference Website: http://www.atiner.gr/docs/Mediterranean.htm.
Contact Person: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece and Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER.
7th International Conference on Politics and International Affairs.
22-25 June 2009. Athens, Greece. Conference Website:
http://www.atiner.gr/docs/Politics.htm. Contact Person: Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis, Head, Politics & International Affairs Research Unit, ATINER and Director, International Studies Program Virginia Tech - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA. 
Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos
Director, ATINER
8 Valaoritou Street, Kolonaki
10671 Athens, Greece
Tel.: + 30 210 3634210
Fax: + 30 210 3634209
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.atiner.gr

The Member States and the EU's Eastern Neighbours
A Wider Europe Seminar with the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

Jahrescolloquium des AEI
Die Europ�ische Union als Akteur der Weltordnungspolitik
6./7. November 2008
Schmitthenner-Haus, Heiliggeistsstra�e 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
For details please contact Katharina Joho. AEI Associate Director. The conference will be held in German.

Arbeitskreis Europ�ische Integration e.V.
c/o SWP, Ludwigskirchplatz 3-4
10719 Berlin

Tel. 030 / 88 920 186
Fax: 030 / 88 920 196
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.aei-ecsa.de 
"Race, Ethnicity and Religion - a Transatlantic Perspective on Civil Society"
November 14 - 15, 2008, Franke Institute for the Humanities at the University of Chicago
presented by Freie Universit�t Berlin and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit�t M�nchen in cooperation with the University of Chicago

The conference will focus on a currently much debated question in modern western civil societies, namely the relationship between groups and society. This discourse on group identities and rights in relation to civil society has extended beyond the national level and has been pushed onto a supranational, even global context (e.g. in the European Union's debate on a European constitution, value system and civility).
The conference will critically examine how two major players in the "western world", the US and Europe, have approached questions of tolerance, inclusion and exclusion of groups of different ethnic and religious background, and how these civil societies have been influenced in this endeavor by their typical "American" or "European" traditions, value systems and histories. However, we also seek to address differences and similarities in the discourse over tolerance from the European and American perspectives, and will thus try to define the societal and civil role of this discourse in societies that claim to be part of a "global society".

The conference will assemble experts in fields related to the subject, mainly from the participating institutions, but also from other renowned universities.  The participants are asked to submit papers on the theme of the session in order to facilitate discussion.

Preliminary Program:


c) Grants
Kokkalis Program Fellowship
The Kokkalis Program strives to support individuals committed to invigorating the public sector in Southeastern and East-Central Europe by providing fellowships for study at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
The deadline to apply is 9 January 2009.
DAAD Call for Proposals:
Promoting German and European Studies in Canada - Round 3
In December 2006, DAAD launched a new program for the support of German and European Studies at Canadian universities. As part of our plan to continue and expand this new program, DAAD is pleased to announce the third in a series of annual calls for proposals. Funding is available for a number of different projects including, but not limited to, lecture series, research visits and joint transatlantic programs.
DAAD invites students and faculty from Canada and Germany to submit proposals.
To download the complete call for proposals and detailed guidelines for submission, go to the announcement on DAAD's homepage at www.daad.org

American Academy in Rome
Rome Prize 2009
Competition Deadline: 1 November 2008
Extended Deadline: 15 November 2008*

The American Academy in Rome invites applications for the Rome Prize competition.  One of the leading overseas centers for independent study and advanced research in the arts and the humanities, the Academy offers up to thirty fellowships for periods ranging from six months to two years.
Rome Prize winners reside at the Academy's eleven-acre center in Rome and receive room and board, a study or studio, and a stipend.  Stipends for six-month fellowships are $12,500 and stipends for eleven-month fellowships are $25,000.
Fellowships are awarded in the following fields:
Design (including graphic, fashion, interior, lighting, and set design, engineering, urban planning, and other related design fields)
Historic Preservation and Conservation (including architectural design, public policy, and the conservation of works of art)
Landscape Architecture
Musical Composition
Visual Arts
Ancient Studies
Medieval Studies
Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
Modern Italian Studies
For further information, or to apply, visit the Academy's website at www.aarome.org or contact the American Academy in Rome, 7 East 60 Street, New York, NY 10022, Att:  Programs.
T:  (212) 751-7200 ext. 47
F:  (212) 751-7220
E:  [email protected]
Please state specific field of interest when requesting information.
The Rome Prize competition is underwritten in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
* Additional fee applies
**Awarded by nomination through the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
The Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship
The annual Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship is awarded alternately in the fields of Greek and French. The award may be used for the study of Greek language, literature, history or archaeology, or the study of French language or literature. The fellowship has a stipend of $20,000. The stipend will be paid in two installments, the first on July 1 of the award year and the second on the next January 1, unless the Fellowship Committee orders the stipend withheld because the fellow has disregarded the purpose of the award as stated by the donor.

Candidates must be unmarried women 25 to 35 years of age who have demonstrated their ability to carry on original research. They must hold a doctorate or have fulfilled all the requirements for a doctorate except the dissertation, and they must be planning to devote full-time work to research during the fellowship year. The award is not restricted to members of Phi Beta Kappa or to U.S. citizens. 
Periodic progress reports from the fellow will be welcomed, and it is the hope of the Fellowship Committee that the results of the year of research will be printed in some form.  Sibley Fellowship Winners

History of the Fellowship

In 1934, Miss Isabelle Stone left to the Phi Beta Kappa Society a bequest to establish a fellowship for women scholars. The conditions of the fellowship were established by this bequest. Miss Stone was a Durant scholar at Wellesley College. After election to Phi Beta Kappa and graduation in 1905, she went to Cornell University for graduate work and received a Ph.D. degree in 1908. She was then awarded the Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowship and spent the next year in Europe, principally in Greece, where she continued her study of Greek history and language. She spent the following year teaching in the American South, but was obliged to resign her position because of her father's illness.
Through the Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship - named in honor of her mother - Miss Stone passed on to other generations of women the pleasure and rewards she herself found during her year of study in Greece.
Application materials for the 2009 Sibley Fellowship in Greek Studies will be available in fall 2008.  The application deadline will be January 15, 2009. Further information may be obtained from the Awards Coordinator ([email protected])


The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies

Request for Research Proposals on Advanced German and European Studies
The Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies is pleased to solicit applications for its next fellowship competition. The program offers fellowships to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on modern and contemporary German and European history for a research period in Berlin between 10- 12 months.
The Berlin Program Fellowships are awarded for doctoral dissertation field research as well as postdoctoral research. Fellowship stipends are EUR 1100 per month for fellows working on a dissertation project and EUR 1400 per month for recent Ph.D.'s.
The program accepts applications from U.S. and Canadian nationals or permanent residents. Applicants for a dissertation fellowship must be full- time graduate students who have completed all coursework required for the Ph.D. and must have achieved ABD (all but dissertation) status by the time the proposed research stay in Berlin begins. Also eligible are U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.s who have received their doctorates within the past two calendar years. 
Deadline: December 1, 2008
For details, please refer to the attached flyer (PDF format, Adobe Acrobat 7.0).
To download an application form, please refer to 

Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Garystr. 45
14195 Berlin
tel: +49 30 838 56671
fax: +49 30 838 56672
email: [email protected]
website: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~bprogram/

German Studies Association
German Studies Association
340 E. 15th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281 USA
telephone: + 1 480 966 2245
fax: +1 480 966 2239
email: [email protected]
website: http://www.g-s-a.org  
Fulbright German Studies Seminar
Award #9251
Category:  Seminar
Number of Awards: 25

Grant Activity: Participate in a group seminar on current German society and culture. The seminar topic for the 2008/2009 grant year will be dedicated to "Germany's Future: New Parties - New Solutions?" In view of the upcoming German elections in 2009, the seminar will look at new social and cultural trends in Germany, explore which factors particularly influence the German political landscape and discuss the emergence of new political parties competing during the 2009 election campaign. In this context, the seminar will tackle issues such as education, demography, immigration, environment and energy policies. The seminar will discuss how the German reunification, the European Union and globalization have affected Germany's social structure, its politics, its political culture, and the emergence of new parties; how these political parties respond to the changing social trends in Germany and the new demands on the political administration; and which long-term effects a changed party landscape may have on the democratic and social welfare system in Germany. And finally, the seminar will ask how the German developments compare with the political system in the U.S. and which new trends can be traced on the other side of the Atlantic. Major parts of the program will take place in Berlin, but the seminar will include visits to other German regions.

Specialization(s): German and European studies, political and social sciences or other fields related to the seminar focus.
Language: The seminar in 2009 will be conducted in English.
Additional Qualifications: Scholars from U.S. universities, colleges, and community colleges who hold full-time teaching appointments and meet other academic requirements (Ph.D., Ph.D. candidacy or other equivalent degree or qualifications) are eligible.
Location: Visits to various institutions.
Length of Grant: 2 weeks
Starting Date: June 7 to June 19, 2009
Special Deadline:  November 1, 2008
Comments: The award includes round-trip air travel, travel within Germany, lodging and partial per diem; and health insurance coverage (for the duration of the seminar). After the conclusion of the seminar the participants may prolong their stay in Germany/Europe at their own costs and responsibility to pursue individual research projects. Participants must not be accompanied by dependents for the duration of the entire program. Participants will be asked to submit a brief report and evaluation. For additional information, visit the German-American Fulbright Commission website at www.fulbright.de/index.php?id=95. PLEASE FOLLOW THE SPECIAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS AWARD online at www.cies.org/award_book/award2009/award/GSS_instructions.htm.
Staff: Assistant Director Maria Bettua, 202.686.6245, [email protected] or Program Associate Abby Greenwell, 202.686.6232, [email protected]


Grants by the American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF)

The ASF promotes international understanding through educational and cultural exchange between the United States and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The foundation is currently calling for applications in three of its programs: Awards for Study in Scandinavia (for Americans to study and conduct research in Scandinavian countries); Awards for Scandinavians (for Scandinavian nationals to study and conduct research in the US); and Visiting Lectureships (for American Universities to host Norwegian or Swedish Lecturers).
The ASF's award program for study and research abroad has been the Foundation's most long-standing commitment to educational exchange. During the past 94 years, over 3,800 fellowships and grants have been given to Americans and Scandinavians engaged in study or research projects. In 2007, 80 students, professionals and artists were provided over $750,000 in total funding.

The foundation is currently accepting applications for its 2009/2010 Visiting Lectureships.  Through this program, American universities and colleges can apply for funding to host a Norwegian or Swedish lecturer for an appointment of one semester falling within the 2009/2010 academic year. For further information on the Visiting Lectureship competition, please see the ASF's web site: www.amscan.org. Applications are available online.
Over $100,000 will be offered by the foundation to outstanding American and Scandinavian students, scholars, professionals and artists in its 2009/10 award program. Fellowships of up to $23,000 are intended to support an academic year-long stay, and priority is given to students at the graduate level who need to spend time at foreign academic or research institutions. Contact information for the ASF's cooperating organizations in Scandinavia can be found on the ASF website. For further information on the 2009/2010 awards, including applications for the American competition, please see the ASF website (www.amscan.org) or call (212) 879-9779.

The American-Scandinavian Foundation
@ Scandinavia House
58 Park Avenue (between 37th and 38th Streets)
New York, NY 10016, USA
Tel: (212) 879-9779
Email: [email protected]


Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

Scholarship opportunity available to recent immigrants (and/or their children) pursuing a degree in the humanities and sciences or any professional field. More information can be found at the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Web site:
 *Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Offers Support for Graduate Education*
Grants of up to $20,000 plus one-half the tuition cost of a U.S. graduate program will be awarded to recent immigrants and their children pursuing a degree in the humanities and sciences or any professional field.
 *Deadline:* November 1, 2008
 *Posted:* August 10, 2008
The Embassy of France to the United States is proud to announce the second call for projects of the Partner University Fund (PUF), a public-private partnership promoting innovative collaborations in research and education between French and American universities.

At this crucial time when French and American universities are taking new steps to face the challenges of international competition, PUF helps them build sustainable education and research partnerships within or/and across all the disciplines, in a dialogue with its main contributors as well as with key actors in the academic field such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Institute of International Education (IIE), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) or the Conf�rence des Pr�sidents d'Universit�s (CPU).

Partnerships may combine elements such as: joint initiatives in research and publications; graduate student, faculty and postdoctoral mobility; and shared, joint and dual degrees at the master's and PhD level. They can be funded at a level of up to $80,000 per year over a three-year period, subject to annual review by the Grant Selection Committee.

The Grant Selection Committee will meet in March 2009 and will allocate up to $1 million to the laureate projects for their first year of existence in academic year 2009-2010

Project applications must be submitted electronically by December 15th, 2008.

For more information, please visit: www.facecouncil.org/puf.

For more information, please contact:

Pierre de Souffron
Program Coordinator, Partner University Fund
French Embassy
4101 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: +1 (202) 944-6580
Email: [email protected]


ERC Starting Grant: New call for proposal has been published
On 24 July 2008, the European Research Council published a new call for proposals for the Starting Grant for Young Investigators. Pioneering frontier research in any field of science, engineering and scholarship is eligible for this funding.

Principal Investigator: candidates can be of any nationality, and must have obtained their PhD (or equivalent degree) more than three years but less than eight years prior to the opening date of the relevant call for proposals (justified extensions of this period may be accepted, see ERC guide for applicants - grant Schemes )
Host organization: legally recognized public or private research organization situated in an EU Member State or an Associated Country. The Associated Countries are Albania, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, FYR of Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey.
Funding: up to € 2.0 M per grant
Duration: up to 5 years
Deadlines for applications vary for different fields of research:
Starting Grant for Social Sciences and Humanities - 19/11/2008
To find out more about this funding opportunity, please go to: http://erc.europa.eu/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.display&topicID=67
To read our report from the ERA-Link USA meeting with Professor Fotis C. Kafatos, the President of the European Research Council, and to see Prof. Kafatos' answers to questions from ERA-Link USA members that were submitted on the occasion of that meeting, please go to: http://cordis.europa.eu/eralink/events_en.html
(Please scroll down to section titled "President of the European Research Council met ERA-Link Members in New York, 18 March 2008.")
2300 M St NW
Washington, DC 20037
Tel: +1-202-536-5032


The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford
University (CASBS) is pleased to announce a new program, "Collaborative
Ventures in Behavioral Science."
  This program offers an opportunity for
small multidisciplinary teams to utilize the Center's signature programs
and facilities to advance scholarship at the frontiers of
interdisciplinary research, focused centrally but not exclusively on the
behavioral sciences.
"Collaborative Ventures" is intended to build upon our institution's
distinguished residential fellows program and provide a new avenue to
stimulate innovative research that will transform knowledge and be of
significance to society.  Innovative strategies could evolve emergent
areas of research, novel synthesis or application of extant lines of
research, or other possibilities that hold promise of achieving
breakthroughs that matter.
This program will be initiated through special summer workshops.  For
three years, beginning in 2009, the Center will invite teams (composed
of five to ten scholars each) for a summer workshop of up to two weeks
in duration, hosted at the Center.  Up to four teams will be invited
each summer.  The task of a summer workshop is to design a multi-year
effort that will advance research in an important area of
interdisciplinary research.
The Center hopes that most of the workshops will design an effort that
includes a group project during the Center's residential fellowship
year.  However, the controlling selection criterion for any given
workshop is a multi-year plan that has a high priority of advancing
knowledge and its application in the area that the team has identified.
For more information, visit this link

From this website, we provide an announcement flyer and proposal
guidelines.  Online applications for team projects are being accepted
from October 6 - November 3, 2008. 
Awards will be announced by January
15, 2009.
Claude M. Steele
CASBS Director and Lucie Stern Professor in the Social Sciences,
Stanford University
Anne C Petersen, PhD
CASBS Deputy Director
Julien Mezey Dissertation Award
The Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities invites submissions for its 2009 Julien Mezey Dissertation Award. This annual prize is awarded to the dissertation that most promises to enrich and advance interdisciplinary scholarship at the intersection of law, culture and the humanities. The award will be presented at the Association's annual meeting in Boston, April 3-4, 2009, hosted by Suffolk University Law School.
The Association seeks the submission of outstanding work from a wide variety of perspectives, including but not limited to law and cultural studies, legal hermeneutics and rhetoric, law and literature, law and psychoanalysis, law and visual studies, legal history, and legal theory and jurisprudence. Scholars completing humanities-oriented dissertations in SJD and related programs, as well as those earning PhDs, are encouraged to submit their work. Applicants eligible for the 2009 award must have defended their dissertations successfully between September 1,
2007 and August 31, 2008. Each submission must be accompanied by a letter of support from a faculty member.
Deadline for nominations for the 2009 award: November 1, 2008. On or before that date, each member of the committee must receive by email the
following: 1) a letter of nomination that details the genesis, goal, and contribution of the dissertation; 2) a letter of support from a faculty member familiar with the work; 3) an abstract, outline, and the first chapter of the dissertation); 4) contact information for the nominee.
All materials should be sent to each of the following:
Professor Jodi Dean, [email protected]
Professor James Martel, [email protected] Professor Martha Umphrey, [email protected]
Award finalists will be notified by December 1. At that point, they should be prepared to send a physical and electronic version of the entire dissertation to each of the committee members. The winner will be determined by early February and invited to the April meeting of the ASLCH. ASLCH will pay travel and lodging costs.
Questions should be addressed to Jodi Dean, [email protected]


Humboldt Research Fellowship

Open to all nationalities and all disciplines


The Humboldt Research Fellowship enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines to carry out research projects for extended periods of time in cooperation with academic hosts at research institutions in Germany. Fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, the quality and fea�sibility of the proposed research and the applicant's publications.


        Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within four years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-24 months in Germany.

        �         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,250 EUR                                                                     

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

         Open to scientists and scholars who completed a doctoral degree within twelve years prior to the date the application is submitted.

         Allows for a stay of 6-18 months in Germany.

         Fellowships may be divided into a maximum of three visits of at least three months each.

         Provides a monthly stipend of 2,450 EUR.


Additional allowances are available for accompanying family mem�bers, travel expenses, and German language instruction. Applications may be submitted to the Humboldt Foundation in Bonn at any time.  The review process takes several months, and the selection committee meets three times a year. For application forms and detailed information, see:








German Chancellor Fellowship


Germany's Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards ten German Chancellor Fellowships annually to young professionals in the private, public, not-for-profit, cultural and academic sectors who are citizens of the United States. The program, which also includes fellowships for citizens of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, sponsors individuals who demonstrate the potential to strengthen ties between Germany and their own country through their profession or studies.  Prior knowledge of German is not a prerequisite.


The German Chancellor Fellowship provides for a stay of one year in Germany for profes�sional development, study, or research.  Applicants design individual projects and decide at which institutions or organizations to pursue them.  Successful candidates have come from such fields as government, social and policy sciences, law, journalism, communications, management, finance, economics, architecture, public service, the humanities, the arts, and environmental affairs.  Applicants from the private and public sectors are especially encouraged to apply.


The program begins September 1 and lasts twelve months.  It is preceded by language classes in Germany.  Monthly stipends range from 2,000 to 3,000 EUR, and allow�ances are available for accompanying family members, travel expenses, and introductory German lan�guage instruction in the United States.  A bachelor's degree is required.  Candidates must have received their degree after September 1, 1997.  Application deadline for 2009-2010 awards: October 31, 2008.  For application forms and detailed information, see:


Emigr� Memorial German Internship Program EMGIP - Bundestag, Deadline for 2009 is November 1st 
EMGIP - Bundestag offers internship opportunities for U.S. and Canadian students in the German parliament, the Bundestag. The internships are 2 months long in positions matching the student's interest and experience. Interns will be placed within the Verwaltung, preferably with a Sekretariat working for their preferred Ausschuss.  Asides from contributing to the respective offices, interns have the opportunity to study legislative and administrative procedures in the German parliament.
Program Objectives:
DAAD programs are helping to create good will and professional relationships that will help build a solid basis for relations between Germany and North America. EMGIP Internships were founded in 1965 by Professors Louise Holborn and George Romoser with the assistance of many scholars of German affairs, especially in the social sciences and contemporary history, and with the financial and planning aid of various German offices also interested in encouraging the development of future generations of German experts. In view of the contributions of German �migr�s, the experiential program was named �migr� Memorial German Internship Program.
Applicants for EMGIP - Bundestag should possess outstanding academic records and personal integrity as well as some knowledge of the German legislative process.
Participants should be advanced undergraduates or graduate students in fields such as political science, international relations, law, history, economics or German. Students must be able to fully communicate in German.
US and Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply. International students who are enrolled in a full time course of study in the US or Canada may also apply. German nationals are not eligible.
Attention graduating seniors:
Successful applicants must hand in a certificate of enrollment for the internship period to ensure student status in Germany.  
Language Skills:
Intermediate German skills and above (oral and written) are required as well as the appropriate professional vocabulary. Applicants must submit the DAAD language certificate. 
Application Guidelines:
Application forms and up-to-date information about the application process for the EMGIP - Bundestag internships as well as detailed guidelines are available at www.daad.org.
The following documentation is required:
* Application Form
* Resume
* Short Essay
* 3 Letters of Recommendation
* Transcripts
* DAAD Language Certificate
In order to receive an optimal placement you should clearly state your particular interests in the essay. The German Bundestag suggests that you choose a 2 month period between September and mid-December when the Bundestag is in session. Placements during the spring are possible from May 1st, 2009. Since the spring session ends in late June, placements typically end in early July for the summer break. 
Application Deadline: November 1st, 2008           
Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. Be sure to submit all materials and the correct amount of copies of each by the deadline.
Selection Process:
An independent selection committee of expert academics will be convened by DAAD to screen the applications. Short listed candidates will be interviewed.
Placement Process:
Once you have been accepted into the program, the administration of the Bundestag will search for an appropriate internship position for you. This process may take a while. Please be patient and keep in mind that you will be competing with hundreds of native Germans for the most prestigious placements.
Terms of award:
The successful applicant will receive compensation of approximately €1,100 per month by the German Bundestag. Subsidized health insurance is available through DAAD for a monthly fee of about €23.50.  DAAD can help the interns to obtain housing in Berlin (the average rent for a room is €250/month) and make contacts with fellow international interns and German students. Travel expenses are the intern's responsibility.  
Brid Schenkl
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
[email protected]
ph  (212) 758-3223, ext.218
fax (212) 755-5780
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
THE SAMUEL H. KRESS FOUNDATION devotes its resources to advancing the history, conservation, and enjoyment of the vast heritage of European art, architecture, and archaeology from antiquity to the 19th century.
Under the overall heading The Art of Europe in Context, the Foundation sponsors programs that focus upon

� The display and conservation of works of European art and architecture in museums and in the field, concentrating upon original context

� The advancement of European art history and conservation through academic resources, publications, and conferences

� The development of the professional expertise of art historians and conservators through Kress Fellowships

The Kress Foundation is also associated with The Kress Collection, more than 3,000 works of European art that were assembled by Samuel H. Kress and the Kress Foundation between 1927 and 1961, and donated to more than 90 museums in the United States, Puerto Rico, and France.

Ten $30,000 Kress Conservation Fellowships for one-year internships in advanced conservation in European art at a museum or conservation research facility. Allocation of funds: $25,000 as a fellowship stipend, and $5,000 toward administrative costs, benefits for the Fellow, and other direct costs of the Fellowship.Restrictions: Restricted to individuals who have completed an M.A. degree in art conservation. Application procedures: Application must be made by the museum or conservation research facility at which the internship will be based.
Deadline: March 1.

Fifteen to twenty Kress Travel Fellowships in the History of Art for travel required for the completion of dissertation research on European art. Stipends generally range from $3500 to $10,000. Dissertation research must focus on European art before 1900. Restrictions: Restricted to pre-doctoral candidates in the history of art. Nominees must be U.S. citizens or individuals matriculated at an American university. Application procedures: Candidates must be nominated by their art history department.
Deadline: November 30.
Four $22,500-per-year Kress Institutional Fellowships in the History of European Art for a two-year research appointment in association with one of the following foreign institutes:
Florence      Kunsthistorisches Institut
Jerusalem    Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology
                   W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
Leiden         Kunsthistorisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit
London        Courtauld Institute of Art
                    Warburg Institute
Munich         Zentralinstitut f�r Kunstgeschichte
Nicosia        Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute
Paris            American University in Paris
                    Institut national d'histoire de l'art
Rome           Bibliotheca Hertziana
Zurich          Swiss Institute for Art Research
Restrictions: Restricted to pre-doctoral candidates in the history of art and related disciplines (such as archaeology, architecture, or classics). Nominees must be U.S. citizens or individuals matriculated at an American university. Dissertation research must focus on European art history from antiquity to the early 19th century.

Application procedures: Candidates must be nominated by their academic department.

Deadline: November 30.
Wolfsonian-FIU Fellowship Program
The Wolfsonian-Florida International University is a museum and research center that promotes the examination of modern visual and material culture. The focus of the Wolfsonian collection is on North American and European decorative arts, propaganda, architecture, and industrial and graphic design of the period 1885-1945. The collection includes works on paper (including posters, prints and design drawings), furniture, paintings, sculpture, glass, textiles, ceramics, lighting and other appliances, and many other kinds of objects. The Wolfsonian's library has approximately 50,000 rare books, periodicals, and ephemeral items.
The Wolfsonian's library holds a large number of publications documenting planning efforts for many cities, large and small, including Buenos Aires, New York City, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Seattle, Dublin, London, Prague, Stockholm, Moscow, Tokyo, and Jerusalem. Also in the library are general treatises by urban theorists like Raymond Unwin and N.A. Miliutin, and periodicals concerned with city planning. In addition, The Wolfsonian's collections are very rich in objects - paintings, prints, books, decorative arts pieces - that depict urban scenes and cityscapes. Skyscraper iconography is another strong suit of the collection.
Fellowships are intended to support full-time research, generally for a period of three to five weeks. The program is open to holders of master's or doctoral degrees, Ph.D. candidates, and to others who have a significant record of professional achievement in relevant fields. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with the Fellowship Coordinator prior to submission to ensure the relevance of their proposals to the Wolfsonian's collection.
The application deadline is December 31, for residency during the 2009-2011 academic years.
For information, please contact:
Jonathan Mogul
Fellowship Coordinator/Curatorial Research Associate
Senior Editor, Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts
The Wolfsonian-FIU
1001 Washington Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33139
305-535-2613 (phone)
305-531-2133 (fax)

Websites informing about an array of scholarships

Study in Europe, a website produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, serves as a portal for information on studying in various European countries. The user will find links to country specific databases and pages on how to apply, eligibility requirements for grants and scholarships, visa provisions and more. There are also links to a range of European grants and scholarships, such as Erasmus Mundus.

Visit the portal at

German Studies Canada Network
The German Studies Canada Network is a new online information platform for German and European Studies in Canada with its new information tools, scholarship listings in cooperation with German Academic Exchange Servce (DAAD) and outreach initiatives for the German and European Studies Community in Canada. Finally, experts in the field are invited to create their own profile on the page.

d) Select Calls for Papers
Call for Papers: "Practicing theory; theorizing practice"
Special Issue of the Austrian Journal of Political Science
Issue # 4/2009

Editors: Anna Durnov�, Thomas K�nig, Julia Mour�o Permoser
(Contact: [email protected], [email protected])
Theory is often understood in opposition to practice, as a reflection upon practice and the empirical world. However, when scientists work with theories, theorizing becomes itself a practice and therefore worthy of analysis. Until now, political science has lacked a deeper reflection about the influence of the concrete use of theory in political research and the conditions for its application, as well as about the instances in which theory and practice intersect. This special issue provides an opportunity to start filling this gap.
In this special issue, theory is thus not understood as something rigid and self-contained, but rather as developing from its dynamic interaction with practice, be it through its concrete application in research projects or as a product of political action itself. We therefore invite contributions dealing with issues related to the concrete application of theories as well as contributions that shed light on the relationship
between political theories and political action. We welcome both conceptual articles, as well as articles that examine examples of the application of theories in political research. In particular, we welcome contributions that address the following themes:
1) Theory and ideology: To what extent can political theory be developed within the sphere of concrete political mobilization? How does political motivation influence normative theorizing and vice-versa? Here we envisage contributions that deal with the intersection between normative theorizing and specific political practice, for example in the case of theories about equality and justice, deliberative and participatory democracy, or globalization and precarization of labor, all of which are often developed in tandem with political movements.
2) Theory and objectivity: How much separation between theory and concrete political
engagement is necessary, desirable and possible? Under this label we invite, on the one hand, articles that discuss the question of objectivity in the context of theories developed with the explicit intent of influencing politics, for instance with good governance and development theories. On the other hand, we also welcome articles that discuss objectivity in the context of theories that claim to be completely detached from particular political motivations, as in rational choice models.
3) Theory as an object of analysis: How can the choice of a theory be justified? What specific challenges appear when theories are compared with one other? How can one be sure of not misrepresenting one theory in order to prove another? Here we call for contributions that deal with the comparison between theories from different paradigms, such as poststructuralist and critical theories, as well as articles that deal with comparisons between theories within a specific paradigm, such as different versions of discourse theory.
4) Theory as an instrument of research: How can a theory be operationalized for one's own research purposes? How can theories from other disciplines be successfully adapted for research questions within political science? What challenges arise when, for instance, the field theory of Bourdieu is adapted for policy analysis, or when economic approaches such as game theory are adopted by political scientists?
5) Theory as innovation: How are theories developed? What is the background that precedes the development of a new theory and how does this background impact upon the ensuing theory? Here we especially encourage articles that reflect upon originality in the development of new political theories through the opening up of new fields of research, as in the case of life-science, or by calling attention to the political aspects of fields sometimes deemed to be beyond the sphere of politics, such as gender studies.
Please send your paper proposals (max. 350 words) until 19 December 2008 to
[email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] .
The deadline for the complete manuscripts will be 19 June 2009.


ASLCH Annual Conference Information
April 3rd-4th, 2009
The Twelfth Annual Conference for the Association of the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities will be hosted by
Suffolk University Law School in Boston, Massachusetts 

Conference Registration
The on-line registration site for this year's ASLCH is now online. To register, go to: https://www.regonline.com/12thAnnual 
Further information:

8th European Social Science History Conference
Ghent, Belgium, 13-16 April 2010
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.
The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks: Africa -
Antiquity - Asia -   Criminal Justice - Culture - Economics - Education and
Childhood - Elites - Ethnicity and Migration - Family and Demography - Geography
- Health - History and Computing -   Labour - Latin America - Material and
Consumer Culture - Middle Ages - Oral History - Politics - Religion - Rural
- Sexuality - Social Inequality - Technology - Theory - Urban - Women and Gender - World History
The Conference fee will be Euro 200 for participants who pay in advance, Euro 250 for participants who pay at the conference.  One- day attendance will be Euro 100 for participants who pay in advance, and Euro 125 for participants who pay at the conference.  There is a special fee for MA students of Euro 50.
The deadline for pre-registration on our website is 1 May 2009.
The European Social Science History Conference 2010 is organized by the International Institute of Social History in co-operation with local
*     Amsab, Institute of Social History  
*     Hogeschool Gent (Ghent Polytechnic)
*     Muziekcentrum De Bijloke (Music Center De Bijloke)
*     STAM, Stadsmuseum Gent (Ghent City Museum)
For further information and the pre-registration form for the Conference please go to the Conference Internet site at http://www.iisg.nl/esshc < http://www.iisg.nl/esshc>  or contact the conference secretariat:
European Social Science History Conference 2010
c/o International Institute of Social History
PO Box 2169
1000 CD Amsterdam
Telephone: +31.20.66 858 66
Fax: +31.20.66 541 81
E mail: [email protected]
aspeers: emerging voices in american studies
calls for submissions by 31 october 2008
American Studies has always been interested in different notions of migration. Publications and course catalogs around the world testify to the role it has played and continues to play in both scholarly research and academic teaching. Recent concepts of 'mobility' can contribute to a new and richer understanding of the movement of people. Thus, we are calling for submissions scrutinizing migration and mobility, their relation to cultures and identities, and the narratives, fictions, and plots they generate. We invite contributors to engage areas such as old and new groups of migrants, the various directions and scopes of 'mobility,' different spaces of migration, or any other theme relating to the topic.
Permanent migration has long been established as a site of exciting scholarship. Focusing on more recent phenomena, temporary migration (tourism, student exchanges, internships, and up-scale labor migration) is a field deserving more attention; as is the emergence of 'the mobility class'-a global elite of high-skilled workers and artist cosmopolitans who are equally at home in metropolises around the world. How do these new forms of mobility challenge (or complement) familiar notions of migration?
Secondly, inquiries into transatlantic migration, certainly a core interest of European American Studies, can meaningfully be expanded by looking at transpacific, intra-continental, and even regional movements of people: What are the different factors shaping them? How do economic or ecological push and pull factors vary between individual kinds of migration?
Thirdly, we are interested in the spaces of migration and mobility. American Studies has always been attentive to spaces of arrival and 'borders' as places of cultural encounters. This interest prompts us to ask for close readings also of places of departure, of transit spaces, and contact zones. What narratives do such transit spaces (as, for example, the airport lobby) accommodate in contemporary fiction?
aspeers, the first and currently only graduate-level peer-reviewed journal for European American Studies, invites fellow graduate students to reflect on these issues. We welcome contributions by students in European MA (and MA-equivalent) programs by October 31st.
Please check out our submission guidelines, an editorial timetable, as well as some additional tips, and a list of possible topics at http://www.aspeers.com/2009


ENMISA Book Award

The ENMISA Book Award recognizes the best book published over the past two years in the study of the international politics of ethnicity, nationalism or migration. The criteria for the award include the originality of the argument presented, quality of the research, ability to draw on the insights of the multiple disciplines, innovative methods or methodological syntheses, readability of the text and the policy or practical implications of the scholarship. The Award Committee is particularly interested in books that engage multiple areas of analytical interest to ENMISA members.


To be eligible for the award, books must have been published between 2007 and 2008. Entries may have multiple authors. Books may be nominated by academic or trade presses or by any scholar in the field. Publishers should send THREE copies of nominated books to the Chair of the committee, Professor Sylvia Maier, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University, 285 Mercer St, 7th fl, New York, NY 10003-0643. Deadline for nominations is 1 November 2008.

 ENMISA is a section of the International Studies Association.

Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2009: Views from France, Views Beyond the Mainstream
Angers, Loire Valley, France
3-5 September 2009
ESSCA (L'Ecole Superieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers) will host its 39th Annual and 14th Research Conference in the Loire Valley. The call for papers is now available, deadline 23 January 2009.
Further information: www.uaces.org/Loire.htm 
11th Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop February 12 and 13, 2009
Call for Papers
I. Leaders and Leadership - old and new - in Southeast Europe
II. Diaspora as a Political and Economic Player in the States of Southeast Europe
III. Westphalia, Nei-Westphalia or Post-Westphalia: Statehood in Southeast Europe
Deadline for Submissions is November 24, 2008.
e) Journals in European Studies
www.jcer.net - Journal of Contemporary European Studies, the UACES online journal which is free to access