United Way of Anderson County
Live United - United Way

October 2008 ENEWS 

 Live United

David and Sandy

 David and Sandy Bradshaw
2008 UWAC Camapign Co-Chairs
Times are tough.  Now that's an understatement.  Those of us who were born post-1930's Depression are now facing the toughest national economy of our lives.  However, unlike in the times of the Great Depression, we have technology and media to alert us ahead of time of what to expect.  Although an early warning system may not change the results of the national economy, it does allow us to be somewhat prepared.  Many of us are thinking of making changes to help save our dollars. 


However, in such a time as this, while it is good to be frugal, let us not forget those who are already living as modestly as possible.  A person making minimum wage ($6.55/hour) will have to work more than an hour just to purchase both a gallon of milk and a gallon of gas.  Real leaders step forward when it is not convenient to do so.  That time is now.  Leaders are already stepping forward. ORNL raised in excess of $1,000,000 - a 10% increase over last year; B&W Clinch River is working on a 100% increase over last years total; ORAU is striving for 100% participation. All around we see individuals and companies doing their part in securing the future of Anderson County.  Let's all help out a bit and step into the economic gap for those in the greatest need.


Even when the economy is good, United Way Agencies work within tight budgets to help those in need.  It looks as if the next couple of years are going to create even more demand on organizations' budgets that simply cannot stretch any further.  Let's be like the ant in the fable of the ant and the grasshopper.  Let's help our Anderson County United Way agencies store up for what is going to be a tough future


Please join the ARC (formerly the Assoc. for Retarded Citizens) of Anderson County in recognizing October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.  The ARC offers a variety of supports to those of all ages with developmental disabilities and their families - with a continuing focus on assisting consumers live successful lives in our communities and realizing their potential. Our goal is to help those with developmental disabilities participate in their communities through jobs, volunteer activities, local events and others projects.

Many companies use this month as an annual opportunity to increase their companies educational events and special recruiting initiatives for those with disabilities. Examples of possible initiatives include:
�         Feature an employee with a disability in your company's newsletter. 
�         Hold a "brown bag" lunch featuring a guest speaker or your own employees with disabilities. 
�         Investigate new recruiting partnerships with organizations, such as the ARC, in your communities. 
�         Partner with other employers to hold a job fair that targets people with disabilities.
Join the ARC of Anderson County as we celebrate the hopes and dreams of our friends and neighbors who have a disability and the workers who make their dreams come true.   To learn more about the ARC of Anderson County or to make a donation, call 481-0550 or visit the website at www.arcaid.org.  The ARC of Anderson County is a United Way of Anderson County Community Partner addressing mental health needs.
ARC is gearing up for our Fraser Fir Christmas tree sale.  The trees are cut fresh in Boone, NC and loaded up by one of our board members and brought to the ARC office.  ARC also sell wreaths and garland.  Place your order  by Wednesday, November 19th.  E-mail Mel at [email protected], or call 481-0550, Christmas will be here before you know it!
 Norwood Boys and Girls Club

       Spaghetti Lunch Delivery Wednesday 10/29/2008

10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Orders taken from 10/01 – 10/24/2008


Menu: Spaghetti, Salad, Bread and Dessert

Cost: $7.00 per plate (prepaid)

Delivery free if multiple orders at same location – Otherwise $2.00

 Call 435-6558 to place order


Dinners will be ready for pick up after 4:00 pm at NBGC building on Tri-County Blvd. in Oliver Springs


Stepping into the Breech!

ORNL raises over $1,000,000!!!
ORNL small 
ORNL Campaign Chair Jimmy Stone, Anderson County Campaign Chair David Bradshaw, Jim Haslam, UWAC Director Rick Morrow, ORNL Campaign Co-Chair Edgar Lara-Curzio, UW Knoxville's Tim Barlow, and ORNL Director Thom Mason celebrate an incredible milestone by raising in excess of $1,000,000 for the United Ways in East Tennessee. East Tennessee, be proud of your tradition of generosity during times of duress.
Oak Ridge Associated Universities demonstrates a commitment to our community with its $15,000 Corporate gift to UWAC. Pictured left to right is Archie Smart ORAU Campaign Chair, David Bradshaw, Rick Morrow, and ORAU President Ron Townsend.
New to the community, B&W Clinch River demonstrates its commitment through a $5,000 corporate gift and a 100% increase in their campaign goal!
B&W Clinch River CEO Carl Durham presents check to UWAC. 


Community Mediation Services,
a United Way of Anderson County community partner, seeks volunteer mediators for the Victim Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP). Vorp is a restorative justice program. Training consists of 30 hours of classroom followed by an internship. Skills needed are the ability to listen, a non-judgmental attitude, and a desire to contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflict in the community. Training will begin on Tuesday, November 11 and concludes on Thursday, November 20.  Interested parties can call the CMS office at 865-463-6888 or e-mail [email protected].

United Way of Anderson County

United Way of Anderson County
161 Robertsville Road
Oak Ridge TN, 37830