UCSD Cross-Cultural Center   Week 10, March 2010

Graduate Student Office Hours:
FREE Tutoring!
at the Cross-Cultural Center

For questions about schedules, please contact Allia at [email protected]

2010-2011 CCC INTERN
Internship information sessions are Center specific.

Cross-Cultural Center:
 Wed. 3/10. 4pm-5pm
Thur. 4/1. 1pm-2pm

LGBT Resource Center:
Wed. 3/3. 4-5pm
Mon. 3/29. 12-1pm

Women's Center:
Thur. 3/11. 3-4pm
Fri. 4/2. 2-3pm
Applications are due:
Arpil 5, 2010 @ 4:00pm

Click here for more info or contact Violeta Gonzales at 858.534.9689 or e-mail at [email protected].


Monday: 9am-9pm
Tuesday: 9am-9pm
Wednesday: 9am-9pm
Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday: 9am-4pm

Summer Hours: 9am-4pm




A NEW Student Blog


UCSD Administration's
Reaction Website
Join The Battle
Against Hate


Chevolution: San Diego Latino Film Festival - FREE tickets available NOW!!!che
Luis Lopez & Trisha Ziff
Sunday, March 21st, 5:00pm

14 FREE tickets for UCSD students

How did the iconic image of Che Guevarra end up on beer bottles and bikinis? "Chevolution" tells the story of how one photo became a symbol of leftist and disenfranchised groups across the globe, generations of subsequent protesters, and ultimately marketing gurus. Filmmakers Luis L�pez and Trisha Ziffs thoughtful and ironic documentary investigates how the enduring symbol of Cuba's revolution skyrocketed to fame and was ultimately devoured by its own worst enemy: Capitalism. With appearances by Antonio Banderas and Gael Garcia Bernal.

For more info & free ticket reservations contact Violeta Gonzales at  858.534.9689 or at [email protected].
Campus Black Forumcbf
Thursday, March 11th, 4:30pm-6:30pm
Forum 4th floor Price Center East

An informal gathering where students, faculty, and staff of African descent, and community members of San Diego come together to discuss experiences and issues dealing with African American community; seeking to empower, encourage, and bring about greater awareness and positive change on college campuses and in the African American communities of San Diego.

For more info, contact: Dr. Briana Boyd. 858.534.0252. [email protected]

Breather Series: Intro to Boxing

Thursday, March 11

12pm-1pm, CCC Comunidad

Boxing Gloves
Finals got you stressed? Furloughs got you frustrated? How about neither and you just want to box! Ernesto Martinez, boxing instructor and former professional boxer, of LVL5 Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling Gym, will be here to teach a boxing class Thursday March 11th, 12pm at the Cross-Cultural Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for boxing glove prep.Comfortable clothing or gym attire highly recommended. Equipment will be provided, however, if you have wraps or gloves, feel free to bring them. The class size is limited to 15, so grab your spot by emailing [email protected]. Please come fifteen minutes early for preparation. No prior boxing experience necessary.

OPEN 24 HOURS: Need a Place to Study for Finals?

Open 24 hours
Each day, from the evening of March 14th to the morning of March 18th, one of the Campus Community Centers or SPACES.

We'll have study space, games, fun, and a ridiculous amount of coffee.

LGBT Resource Center: Sun. 3/14 - Mon. 3/15
Cross-Cultural Center: Mon. 3/15 - Tues. 3/16
Women's Center: Tues. 3/16 - Wed. 3/17
SPACES: Wed. 3/17 - Thurs. 3/18

For more info, please visit ccc.ucsd.edu, lgbt.ucsd.edu, women.ucsd.edu., or spaces.ucsd.edu

100th Love Poem for Students of Color
By Vejea Jennings, an alumnus, a former BSU board member, a professor, a motion in the Movement.
The LGBT Undergraduate Scholarship Program is here - APPLY NOW!

lgbt scholarshipsThe LGBT undergraduate scholarship program encourages gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender UCSD students to apply for the six $1,000 scholarships made possible by generous contributions from many people, including Chris Arrott, Michael Marx and Donald Marshall, Russ Ty, and from funds in memory of Tracee Parsons and Stephen P. L'Italien, Jr.

The objective of the undergraduate scholarship program is to recognize and encourage academic excellence and to offer financial support to meritorious students

Download applications at LGBT Scholarships Informaiton.

Due on March 12, 2010 at 4:00pm to the LGBT Resource Center.
Wellness Journalism
The Office of Student Wellness is focusing on "Social Wellness".

Check out their blog!
Student Health Advocates
is collecting donations of TEABAGS for their annual event on destressing. Collection Box located at CCC front desk.
Student Dialogue Toolkit Training
Presented by the Intergroup Relations Program
Wednesday March 10th: 3-4:30pm in the Price Center Bear Room

Wednesday March 31st: 3-4:30pm in the Price Center Bear Room

Please RSVP for your preferred session at least 1 day in advance to: [email protected]. For questions or more information, call 858-534-6708.
UCSD's Preuss School, Gompers Preparatory Academy, and Lincoln High School are looking for UCSD students to volunteer as tutors or interns during class time, after school and for Saturday Academy.

For more information on how you can make a difference please attend one of the informational sessions (25 mins long) which will be held at Thurgood Marshall College in Conference Room 127 in the Admin Building:

Tues. March 9th @ 11am

Thur. March 11th @ 4pm

For more info please contact Evelyn Lucio @ [email protected] or click here

Events Outside UCSD Blue
Other Dept Events White
Student Org Events Purple

Opportunities Light Green
HUGHES SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2010 Summer Research Program
Apply online at hsp.ucsd.edu

Film Documentary

THDT 109
African American Theater
Sec ID# 676715
Mondays 6-8:50pm

In light of the past few weeks at UCSD, need to discuss race in performance? Let's keep the dialogue going - Sign up for African American theater to learn the real history of the drama and discuss the words of influential playwrights who made (and continue to make) artistic inroads in the social culture of America. From slave rituals and oral performance to the Harlem Renaissance, from Civil Rights to civil disobedience, from for colored girls to The Colored Museum, The class will mix plays and readings about theater and the politics of theater with in-class performances and plays on film.

Any questions? Email Aimee Zygmonski at [email protected].
ETHN 189
California's Public
Education Crisis
Spring 2010
Fridays, 12pm-2:50pm

click here for more info

APIASF Higher Education Summit
June 23rd, 2010

For more info please visit here
NHLI: 2010 Summer Program Opportunity for Undergrad Latinas

NHLI's Latina's Learning to Lead Summer program selects 22 Fellows annually. Session topics include effective communication & presentation skills, public policy issues affecting the Latino community, and more. Deadline is March 26.

To see requirements & application, please visit: www.nhli.org
Would you like to be a part of this year's Admit Day & Transfer Day? The Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools is looking for student volunteers! Please e-mail
Jed Schlueter at

 [email protected]
by March 15, 2010 if you are interested or have any questions.
Admit Day is Sat. April 10 from 8am-2pm & Transfer Day is Sat. May 8 from 9am-3pm.
THE CHEROKEE NATION HISTORY COURSE is being offered to residents of San Diego and surrounding areas. Registration is FREE and must be received by 5:00 PM, March 10, 2010.
For more information contact Julia Coates at 530-383-9396 or [email protected].

UC San Diego Comprehensive Research Center in Health Disparities (CRCHD) Public Information Internship.
For more info contact
Ethel Lu at (619) 681-0688 or email at [email protected].

The 7th Annual SIAPS Overnight Program
April 8-10, 2010

We are looking for UCSD students who live on campus and would like to introduce incoming students to the university environment & campus life at UCSD! For more info...

[email protected]