Each day, from the evening of December 6th to the morning of December 10th, one of the Campus Community Centers or SPACES will be OPEN 24 HOURS. The Schedule: - LGBT Resource Center: Open 24 hours:
Sun.12/6 - Mon.12/7 - Cross-Cultural Center: Open 24 hours:
Mon.12/7 - Tues.12/8 - Women's Center:
Open 24 hours: Tues.12/8 - Wed.12/9 - SPACES: Open 24 hours: Wed. 12/9 - Thurs.12/10
We'll have study space, games, fun, and a ridiculous amount of coffee.
Monday: (24 hours) Open 9am closing Tuesday 9pm Wednesday: 9am-9pm Thursday: 9am-4pm Friday: Closed
BREATHER SERIES: BOXING Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad Thurs Dec 3. 12-1pm
Finals got you stressed? Furloughs got your frustrated?
How about neither and you just want to box!
Ernesto Martinez, boxing instructor and former professional boxer, will
be here to teach a boxing class Thursday December 3rd, 12pm at the Cross-Cultural
Center. Comfortable clothing or gym
attire highly recommended. Equipment
will be provided, however, if you have wraps or gloves, feel free to bring
them. The class size is limited to 15,
so grab your spot by emailing Violeta. Please come a few minutes early for
preparation. No prior boxing experience necessary.
GOT QUESTION$? Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad Thurs Dec 3. 2:30-3pm
Fee increases, your
financial aid, working, stressing over money,
family questions about fee increases, or just want to talk with someone about your money
situation. Please join members from the Financial Aid office who can
help you navigate these tough times.
Cross-Cultural Center Communidad Room 2-3:30 pm December 3, 2009 drop in time.
THE 2008-09 ANNUAL REPORT IS HERE and READY FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE! Click here to download a copy of the Cross-Cultural Center's 2008-09 Annual Report. We'd love to hear your feedback, click here.
LGBT Resource Center
Conference Room. Wed, Dec 2. 5-7pm Homonormativity? What exactly is homonormativity and
how does it look like within the LGBT community? Queer culture and queer
subjects in media produce norms that have the power of marginalizing people
within the LGBT community. I know it's Week 10, but take a break and come
discuss homonormativity and how it impacts the potential for progress within
the LGBT community and the agency we have in our own lives! If you have
any questions or comments, feel free to email Christopher Datiles.
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an
international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership
Institute sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.
Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day Against Violence
Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, in order to
symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that
such violence is a violation of human rights. This 16-day period also highlights
other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights
Defenders Day, December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, which marks the
Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre.
The Women's Center
is participating in the 16 Days Campaign with the following
* 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Blog
In recognition of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender
Violence, the Women's Center has decided to create a blog discussing
issues surrounding gender violence in an effort to outreach and educate the
community. On each day, from November 25th- December 10th, we will be
publishing short articles and/or artistic pieces on different topics related to
the 16 Days Campaign. Check out the blog at http://ucsdwc.tumblr.com/. If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the blog, contact Joeva.
CUBA'S UPHILL TRANSITION Institute of the Americas, Deutz Room. Wed Dec 2. 4pm
Rafael Hernandez, Cuban historian, author of A History of
Havana, Looking at Cuba: Essays on Culture and Civil
Society, and many other books, is editor of Revista Temas and a Mellon
Visiting Professor at the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
at UT Austin.
He will be joined by Daybel Panellas, a social psychologist
at the University of Havana. Hernandez
will speak on macro-economic and social aspects; Panellas on the subjectivities of everyday
life during the transition. Co-sponsored by Literature, History, and CILAS.
Please contact Melissa Naranjo for more information.
UCSD MEDICAL CENTER DIVERSITY AND MULTI-CULTURAL DAY UCSD Medical Center, Hillcrest 200 West Arbor Drive, 92103. Fri Dec 4. 11-2pm
Why do Diversity Day? For inter-cultural communication. For sharing cultures around the world. For leaning and education. For opportunities to network, explore and understand. For diversity, justice, inclusion, and equity.
CELEBRATE THE WORLD MARCH IN SD FOR PEACE & NONVIOLENCE Cesar Chavez-Larsen Field. Thurs Dec 3. 1-2:30pm
Make a run for the border for peace & nonviolence!" Be part of the historic first-ever World March for Peace & Nonviolence, going through 100 countries in 90 days! Endorsed by Nobel Peace laureates Jimmy Carter, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, his Holiness the Dalai Lama, heads of state, Martin Sheen, Edward James Olmos, Maxine Waters, thousands more. Organizations: Bring your proposals for nonviolence around the border, 150 word summary to read, full document for mayors of SD & TJ. Relax, Eat, and enjoy a wonderful Kwanzaa
celebration with spoken word, African drummers & Dancers, Poetry, and
steppers. For more information, click here.
DISCOUNTED TICKETS TO BROADWAY SAN DIEGO'S 2009/10 SEASON Get your discounted tickets to lots of exciting shows
to Broadway San Diego's 2009/10 season, and help to support the UCSD Staff
Association at the same time! Start by logging onto http://groups.broadwaysd.com/index.htm and click on the UC San Diego Icon.
Questions? Call 619-564-3001, and we'll walk you through
the steps, or email onlinegrouptix@broadwaysd.com for more information.
General questions may be sent to Tim Emery.
Some writers have celebrated a new biological citizenship
arising from individuals' unprecedented ability to manage their health at the
molecular level. My lecture will examine the role of race in the construction
of the new biocitizen in light of the recent expansion of race-based
biotechnologies and neoliberal reliance on private resources for people's
welfare. I will critique how science, big business, and politics are converging
to support a molecularized understanding of race, health, and citizenship that
helps to preserve social inequities.
Part of the day's events will include a brown bag lunch
with Professors Dorothy Roberts and Kalindi Vora from Ethnic Studies on Friday,
Dec. 4 at 12:00pm in SSB-103. Participants will read an article published by
each guest speaker prior to this roundtable discussion.
Limited seating is available, please RSVP at srruiz@ucsd.edu to receive electronic copies of the articles.