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Recognition & Resources for our Graduating Activists!
Thursday, June 4 from 6:00-8:00PM
Comunidad Room, Cross-Cultural Center (Price Center East)
The Campus Community Centers are hosting a dinner to recognize all of your hard work as graduatingactivists in our community! We would like to honor you, and provide resources to help you continue your pursuit of social justice after graduation. Just because your years as an undergrad have come to an end doesn't mean your activism also has to end! Come hear from people who have kept involved in community work after graduating from UCSD - and share a toast of celebration.
Events Coming up at the Cross-Cultural Center 
All day Sunday - Wednesday of Finals week.
That's right folks, for your study pleasure the Campus Community Centers have combined forces to provide a space for students to have late-night studying in preparation for finals. On Sunday - Wednesday of Finals Week, one of the community centers will be open until the late hours.
There will be study space, study group rooms, snacks, and plenty of coffee!
The schedule is as follows:
  • Sunday night/Monday morning at the LGBT Resource Center
  • Monday night/Tuesday morning at the Cross-Cultural Center
  • Tuesday night/Wednesday morning at the Women's Center

Friday, June 19 | 11:30-1PM | Cross-Cultural Center ArtSpace
All staff and faculty are invited to attend a brownbag lunch with the Cross-Cultural Center and hear about the results of our 2008-2009 annual assessment. This  meeting will include a short powerpoint presentation followed by a discussion to get feedback and strategies for implementation. Bring a lunch, we will provide drinks and dessert. For more information please contact Lea Carland at [email protected]  
The Cross-Cultural Center is located on the 2 Fl. of Price Center East. For more information call 858.534.9689 or email [email protected]. To request reasonable accommodations necessary to enable your participation in any of our events, please call (858) 534-6744 or email
HR-ACCES (Accommodation Counseling and Consulting Services)
Requests must be made no later than two weeks before the event to ensure adequate time to arrange for the accommodation. 
Coming up at the Campus Community Centers
Wed., June 3 | 6-8PM | LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Have you ever felt silenced, angry, or fed up in your experiences at the Resource Center? This conscious and critical program will give you a chance to speak up on these issues in very healing ways. So often there is a tendency to only focus on the positive while putting a "band-aid" on the things that are painful. If you have been triggered by the overwhelming sense of whiteness, cisgender privilege, ableism, maleness, and/or many other critical issues in the space, this program is for you to speak up! We will challenge the silence around these issues in hopes to leave this space and this year more fulfilled. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Michelle.

Wed., June 3 | 12PM | LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Will you be in San Diego for the summer and want to stay connected to the Resource Center? Join us at the planning meetings for UCSD's participation in San Diego's annual LGBT Pride parade! The first meeting will be Wednesday June 3rd at 12:00pm at the LGBT Resource Center.
Please feel free to bring your lunch and friends! If you have questions, email Anthony Nu�ez or call (858) 822-3493.



Friday's | 12-1:30PM |Women's Center
Everyone is welcome!  We'll provide the space, the host, and the free food.  You just have to be interested in discussing gender and sexuality as they relate to everyday life on and off campus.  Join us and bring a friend. Upcoming Topics...

June 5 - San Diego Youth Zine Project:  A zine put together by various youth from San Diego Schools will be distributed.  A discussion on the content will follow.  Come learn what a zine is?  How can it be used for conveying ideas or self-expression?  In addition to learning about the experiences and visions of youth in our San Diego community.
Women's Center Book Club
Tues., June 9 | 12-1PM | Women's Center

The next book club will meet in the small living room to discuss Stiff:  The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach. This book will be available at the UCSD Bookstore at a discount. The group is open to new members at all times and is for anyone who loves to read. Future meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every month. For more information, please email Jessica Geipel or call (858) 822-1479.
Student Involvement Leadership Consultants (SILCs) for 2009-10 are being sought by One Stop. Visit Port Triton to read Job Posting #718736 online: http://career.ucsd.edu/sa/Jstjobli.shtml
For more information, contact Sam Soloman, Leadership Coordinator in the Center for Student Involvement at [email protected]
What we're reading...
This is a new section of our weekly enews that will include links to articles and news we have been thinking about over the week.
Boxed In: the UC system's ethnicity representation 
- from the blog Racialicious
"Last March, several Middle Eastern UCLA student groups began a lobby to expand the University of California application ethnicity check boxes to include ethnicities such as Arab, Persian, Afghan, etc. It's mind-boggling that the UC system would still not have up-to-date ethnicity representation on its applications, especially since California has high concentrations of West Asian diasporas in California ..." read the whole article!
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