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Rich Chicks Cluesletter
When you need a clue, check with a Chick

What Do You Love?

February 2012

Hot Jobs  

 Phone Banker


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Love Your Creative Self
These online workshops from Strathmore are free and fun. Workshop 1 has already started, but the videos are self-paced--start now.

Workshop 1: Doodles Unleashed: Mixed Media Techniques (started, but you can still sign up)

 Workshop 2: Watercolor Sketching March start

Workshop 3: FORCE Drawing Technique May Start
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Your Inner Animal Makes Choices,  Too
i read a very interesting article in the paper the other day about human behavior. Think you are rational when it comes to spending? A recent study by Vladas Griskevicius, a professor at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, researched why people make choices and decisions that are not always the smartest thing they could have done.

 Oh, ya, we'd all like to think that we choose things because they are useful, make us happy or make us money. Not so much, this research says. It's evolutionary biology that might be driving some of our choices. What? You are kidding, right? Read on

What Do You Love?
 What makes your heart take off like a rocket or skip a beat? I was thinking about February, with the emphasis on hearts (National Heart Month), valentines, and love in all its many forms. I realized that what I love and who I love are very connected.   
  • Adventure was a gift from my sister, who always created birthday surprises for me--I had to be willing to go anywhere without questions. I was never disappointed--it was always fun 

 Read more--and tell me what you love!

Masterminds Help You Think Better
nw2 logo Did you know that Rich Chicks has a Mastermind Group for Business Development? The group meets on an ongoing basis at Lunds Uptown Community Room on the first and third Wednesdays from 9 to 11 am.
 Great reason to get out of your office and be with some lively minds. You may get the best idea of your life here--or give someone else one. We are on meetup check us out.