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Fun name. Serious company.

Rich Chicks Cluesletter
When you need a clue, check with a Chick

Invest in the Sure Thing--You  

January 2012

Women in Networking
Conference and Expo
 Thursday, January 19
PS: Use discount code richchicks and see what happens!
PPS from Rich Chicks--Happy 10th anniversary, WIN!
Join Our Mailing List
 Gray Market Income Starts January 11


SO --think you know everything about yourself, and you just don't see how you could increase your income or enhance your business without new resources? Then Gray Market is for you. ! Original, thought-provoking content, group support and stimulating presentation of material. More info
Just a few spaces left--register today!
Contact if you have questions.
  Don't live in the Twin Cities area? Video Skype option available.
 Core Values Ecourse Starts February 17


Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, everyone has a core set of personal values-an internal compass that you use to navigate life. Your values set is as unique as you are-know what yours are. Presented by Be Inspired Design and Rich Chicks.

The Best Investment You Can Make

The financial markets are going up and down like bizarre elevators--things are a little crazy in the investment world these days. There is one investment you can make that does hold its value and that is education--yours.


Have you been polishing the wrong side of the glass ceiling? Maybe it's time to put away the glass cleaner and polishing cloth and put a little polish on you! Invest in yourself--education is never lost. Going back to school, whether to earn a degree, improve a skill or learn something new is a great way to boost your salary, your self-esteem, get to know new people-maybe start your own business!

The skill gap 
Inner and Outer Worlds

My Inner World website--go there and enjoy a meditation!

Keep track of who is contributing to political campaigns at Open Secret website  Hmm--makes me wish I was a campaign. : )
Rich Chicks' NW2 Mastermind Group
now meets only at Lunds Uptown on the first and third Wednesdays from 9 to 11 am.