Light Streamings    *   February 2011  


Carol Fitzpatrick

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A Call to Remember: Follow Your Heart, Change the World

Order online or ask for it at  your favorite bookstore.

2011 Retreats
Save the Dates!

Lotus Conference Center
Yogaville, VA

woman sunshine
April 1 - 4 / 5, 2011
with the option to stay an additional day for energy sharing and integration

Anchoring the Grid of Light that you are into a global community of World Servers


Angel wingsThere are those among us who will tell you that to achieve the quickening in consciousness there must be drama, the kind of human trauma that finds us walking away from the life we were born into or have created from deep within us.


Many of us have already taken steps in the direction of severing ties that had us bound by fear or left us cold with anxiety. We simply chose to step out of our lives and move into a different way of being.  


You may still find yourself struggling with the desire to change some aspect of your life for the better, to bring more joy into your life, but still fear what may be lurking on the other side of that change. The fear of anticipated ramifications, as you step away from what no longer serves you, is far worse than the leap itself.   


How then do you accomplish such a task without thwarting the very expression you are calling forth?


One way is to begin looking at your life through a different prism. The role you play in the context of your human family is not the same as the role you are here to play as a light being.  Many of us already know that we both love and care for our family of origin but are not birthed from the same energetic cloth. 


How we navigate in the context of making choice as a part of our human family verses light being is different too. As we shift our awareness away from fitting in and drop into the stillness that settles in when we recognize our true nature, we liberate ourselves from the need to conform.    


This simple yet profound shift in perspective has us focusing entirely on feeling which then makes any choice easy to identify. 


The more we are focused on feeling, the more we naturally gravitate toward others who are open to feel, sense and see the world as swirling moving energy rather than immovable beliefs or things. The more you focus on the feeling of you and the energy that flows through you, the easier it is to identify what brings you the greatest joy, and make choice from that perspective while letting go of the rest.

The key to seeing your way toward that leap in consciousness is through the gift of empowered action .  


Allowing Joy
When we feel the joy of our soul's expression, and make choice from that inner stance of knowing what we desire, we naturally make the choice for more joy.  


The more often we make choice by feeling into our joy as we go, a kind of optimism becomes us because we are honoring our heart's desire.   


Joy is incredibly infectious. It's not just the giddiness of a new love or the thrill of a surprise. Joy is the ultimate peace. 


Joy is the fuel that launches any manifestation because it comes straight from the heart. And with that, joy brings a sense of belonging, purpose and fulfillment to life because whatever we can imagine becomes a limitless flow. 


Any expression of empowered choice invokes for release even the most hidden fear in the body. Joy heals the breech between lack and abundance. It sets right all that was out of balance and puts one in non-linear space and time where all is possible that can be imagined into creation. Joy is what allows us to gain entry through the inner gateway that is now open to all who drop into the stillness. 


Most importantly, the expression of unbridled joy is exactly right for the times. With fear running rampant in so many aspects of our human family, joy is the greatest counter-balance to fear.  


Global transformation is a deeply personal cosmically orchestrated experience and the shift will come about because we are each making the choice for joy from our own individual viewpoints.That's what makes the collective impact of the shift in consciousness so powerful. Strong, empowered action on the individual level--the micro-cosm mirrors the macro cosm--exponentially strengthens the whole.  


Courage to make the shift

It takes great courage to choose love over hate or compassion where there is unforgiveness because one must set aside one's defenses in the face of such harshness but it's what is needed if you are to begin to make empowered choice. 


There are just two steps to this process: 1) to experience the feeling you don't want then compare that feeling to the one you do want; 2) then make the choice to fully embrace the feeling that moves you closer to your desired goal.  


You may choose to move slowly or incrementally at first until you are secure in your choice or you may choose to take the leap and never look back. There is no right nor wrong way to create movement in your life. 


Given the magnitude of self-inflicted pain in this world, choosing to embrace joy while holding others who are still struggling with fear in appreciation is the ultimate act of selfless service.  


May you choose ever so wisely the feeling for your life from this day forward.

Love and honor to you,

Carol Fitzpatrick

February: A Time to Rest, Dream and Prepare

worldFebruary is a time for remembering who we are and making the choice for how we wish to move forward in our lives. The tide of global change is beginning to play out much like the fall of 2008 with the economic downturn, but this time the tide will move toward political and social upheaval.

People will find themselves laying down their arms and walking away from centralized dictatorial types of governance and insist upon shared power. It is the power of the individual expression that will change the course of the human race. By the close of 2011 we will witness many countries fall into disarray only to re-emerge as more open societies.

We will also continue to witness the very center of economic power shift away from oil toward the control of water rights even as our personal rights continue to erode.

Energetically, the gateway through the tunnel to get us to the other side of freedom is open and waiting for all who wish to enter. Remember: Everyone counts.


Upcoming Events


Soul Path and Purpose Consultations

By phone only.

Please email to request time and date.

Saturday, Feb. 12, 1:00 p.m. -  6:00 p.m.

Activation: Joy as a Path of Service--all working together as one

Living the miracle of oneness consciousness
Facilitated by Carol Fitzpatrick, supported by the music of transformation by Mark Torgeson

LOCATION: 13313 Country Way Circle, Fredericksburg, VA
Fee: $60 / Snacks / light meal provided

Sign-up online

This day we will activate the joy within us so completely that we experience the vortex that takes us through the tunnel of light to the other side of our reality. Our global project is to activate centers of light around the world. Who you are, where you are to be and how you are to create is a part of this magical mosaic. Let us explore the flow of light and determine where we are to be together as one. Tennessee, Colorado, New Mexico, California... Will you come play?

Saturday, Feb. 26, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Skill-Building: Tools for Balancing and Stabilizing the Human Energy System

with Carol Fitzpatrick
energybodyThe rotational shift of the earth's axis is shifting and changing our center of gravity. The atmosphere is getting lighter and our sense of time is speeding up. Learn hands on techniques for staying centered, aware and focused on your own energy system. Step into the awareness of non-linear time and space by learning how to drop deep inside self.

This is a channeled session with interactive teaching tools given to each participant. 

Fee: $50. Sign-up online.

Learn more about Center for Planetary Awakening Skill-building workshops here:

Global Transformational Event


June 13th to 19th 2011 - Denver, Colorado

Transform Your Life, Transform The World

I am attending this mega event as a speaker and invite you to jump in to share your joy as well.


Imagine spending 7 days and 7 nights immersed in learning, music, art, creativity and fun experiences with like-minded people from around the world, all with a common goal - personal and global transformation.


Looking for that special gift that will last a lifetime?

Well, here is your last chance to get TWO priceless, life changing 7-day tickets to the Festival of Enlightenment for a donation of only $100 before the official launch of ticket sales on 14th February 


Retreat Recap and Sharingenergybody
At the last retreat (Visions of the Heart Made Manifest, Jan. 21 - 24) we worked on letting go of personal limitations. We were asked to suspend our belief in limitation of any kind. It was a joyous, transformative 4 days.

Mark Your Calendars!

Our next focused time for coming together is scheduled at the Lotus Conference Center the weekend of April 1 - 4  with an optional day planned for integration. We will be focusing our intentions on All Working Together As One.

About Carol Fitzpatrick

Carol Fitzpatrick is a seer, spiritual activist and new paradigm community builder. She is the author of two books, Fear Not My Child, and A Call to Remember: Follow Your Heart, Change the World. 

She is co-founder of the Center for Planetary Awakening and the vision holder for its global project-to balance and stabilize the human energy system by establishing 32 global light centers built in energetically strategic locations around the world. Fitzpatrick with co-founder Mark Torgeson create intimate spaces for individual self-inquiry and personal growth, and works collaboratively with others to establish new paradigm communities. "We first work in the unified field then bring this pure intentionally created energy into the physical by building structures that support a more harmonious, balanced quality of life."
Tools for Transformative Living
New Paradigm Community Building
Energetic and Sound Healing
Social Network


"Carol Fitzpatrick, quite simply, changed my life by opening my eyes to the universe and my heart to happiness." ~Kathy, Vienna, VA