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Baltimore's Only New Age Bookstore! 
810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211 
410-235-READ (7323)  
store hours:
Monday - Friday: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

susan's musings

Hello Everyone!
I'm probably not going out on a limb to predict that we will have no significant snow fall the last few days of winter! Spring has begun early and it will be delightful!

It's so nice having all the doors and windows open at breathe books. The chimes ring gently, the crystals catch the light, and the scent of our oils, incense and candles waft along the Avenue creating the most beautiful atmosphere!

I hope you can join us for some of our spring classes. We had over 30 people for a joint IONS/Author event last night with Steve Sisgold. The synergy was perfect -- I love when events come together like that.

Tonight we have two events again -- see details below -- you can decide whether to attend an event on Intuitive Eating with Jane Bernard, or Tarot and Astrology with A.T. Man!

Remember our first Silent Meditation Retreat of the year takes place March 31 - April 1. The last day for sign up is March 21.

And world-renowned artist and intuitive Melissa Harris returns to breathe offering Spirit Essence readings and portraits on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 3 & 4. Melissa creates absolutely gorgeous personal portraits based on a psychic reading with you.

Also, my friend Gina Sager is hosting our beloved Ayurvedic teacher Amadea Morningstar next week. On Saturday March 24, from 1-5 p.m. Amadea will give a talk on Ayurveda and Marma Therapy at Gina's house. Amadea will also offer consults in nutrition (both Western and Ayurveda) and polarity therapy- Sunday March 25 , Tuesday March 27, Wednesday March 28, and Thursday March 29. Please call or email Gina to register. Space is limited to 20., or 410-667-0468.

And it's Neti Pot time! One of these days I will make a video of Neti best practices! In the meantime, come on in to get stocked up on Neti Salt, a Neti Stick, Nasya oil and a Neti Pot if you don't already have one. This is your first line of defense for detoxing your body and keeping your sinuses in the healthiest condition and ready for Spring.

Enjoy the beauty!


Ella picture of the week: From Summer, 2011
Ella going for a swim!
She's thinking about the pool already! 

Susan 4 2011
Susan Weis-Bohlen

breathe books proprietress

 LINKS to Great Sites

AyuconsultIndividual Ayurvedic Life Style Consultations
with Susan Weis-Bohlen

Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old Indian System of Health and Healing.

Learn how to heal yourself through food, daily routine, pranayama,  

meditation and yoga.  

March and April appointments now available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays!


See information below on upcoming Ayurvedic Cooking Classes


Susan Weis 
During a private consultation, we determine your dosha (mind/body constitution) and take a deep look at any imbalances you may have, when they began, how your lifestyle works for or against you, and what you can do about it! I create a plan for you to restore yourself to full harmony and balance. You'll learn how to come back to your natural way of being through food choices and nutrition, daily routine, behavior, exercise, meditation, breath work, career choices and more.

Cost: $150 for one 1.5 hour session, or three sessions for $300 (follow-up sessions are one hour each). Please call 410-235-7323, or email to schedule your appointment or to learn more!

We carry a wide range of Ayurvedic products including herbs, oils, body products, toothpaste, facial care, balms, churnas, spice tins, ghee, honey and teas, and, of course, lots of books to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle.


You can read about my personal Ayurvedic Journey here.



Chopra Logo
MARCH 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Author Talk with Jane Bernard

Intuition expert Jane Bernard  will talk about how to achieve long-term personal diet success by focusing on values and priorities, instead of calories and losing weight, by using intuitive tools revealed in her book, Am I Really Hungry? 6th Sense Diet: Intuitive Eating.  She will share surprising benefits of sensual eating and also address how to break cycles of stress/abusive eating by tuning in to your 6th sense. Jane speaks about different kinds of hunger and explains how to recognize physical intuitive cues to stay in sync with your body. She will address emotional hotspots caused by dieting and how you can use intuition to overcome them. If time permits she'll talk about children and intuitive eating. Please come with questions and concerns. 

Jane Bernard


Jane has degrees in philosophy and special education along with three decades of Renzai Zen practice form the foundation for her empowering program. Her new book is being called "revolutionary" for its psychological and intuitive approach to eating and diets. Jane's a member of The Association for Conflict Resolution and has been featured by The Montel Williams Show, cable TV programs and over 100 radio stations internationally. Jane lives in New York City, enjoys Bikram Yoga and has 2 children. Cost: Free  


Wednesday, March 14, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Astrology and Tarot with A.T. Mann

In 1972 Tad Mann designed and painted a square tarot deck with circular mandala images, which integrates Egyptian, Medieval, Gnostic and archetypal imagery within an astrological structure. The Major Arcana cards are planets, signs and elements guiding us in life. The integration of astrology with tarot allows beginners with a basic knowledge of astrology to understand and do tarot readings, and those interested in astrology to have access to this mysterious oracle. We use guided meditations and explanations of the cards, their symbolism and the wa ys in which we are the symbols. 

 Mandala Astrological Tarot

A. T. Mann (Tad) is an author, painter, architect and designer. He has served on the NCGR Board, and was designer and editor of the new NCGR Research Journal. Currently, he is a member of the organizing board of UAC2012, due to be held in New Orleans next May. Tad has been nominated for a Regulus Award, astrology's highest honor. He'll soon begin directing a two-year research experiment and 90-minute documentary in collaboration with the Dalai Lama's foundation to explore meditation and neuroscience and The Art and Science of Happiness. Some of his books include, The Divine Life: Astrology and Reincarnation, A New Vision of Astrology , The Mandala Astrological Tarot, Sacred Architecture, and Millennium Prophecies. Tad lectures and teaches internationally and is available for consultations. He lives in Hudson, NY. To learn more please visit his website or contact him at atmann@atmann.netCost: $10 suggested donation    



Friday, March 16, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Private Tarot Readings with A.T. Mann

A.T. MannA.T. Mann uses his own Mandala Astrological Tarot for readings. He designed and painted this deck in 1972 and again for publication in 1987. As a result, all tarot readings have an astrological dimension implicit in them. He does a variety of spreads, m any uniquely of his own invention, to fully utilize these unique and powerful  cards. The readings will be recorded then digitally emailed to afterwards.


A.T. has taught his unique design ideas and methods at the Manchester Metropolitan University Architecture School, the Danish Design School and other universities. He participated in major information technology/ecological design conferences in Europe and the U.S. Cost: $100 for a 30 minute reading    


Allyson Walsh

Fridays, March 16 & 30, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Readings with Allyson Walsh

Meet Allyson Walsh, one of the Psy-dentical Twin Sisters whom The  Washington Post reported the "best professional psychic mediums" of the Mid-Atlantic area. She has an uncanny ability to connect with her clients and offer messages that deeply resonate and can help you on your path. Cost: $75, 1/2hour; $150, 1 hour


Friday, March 16, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Break Free and Relax with Sound Healing
Feeling stressed out? Worried? Anxious? Out of balance? Or simply yearning to Andrea Wengerconnect more deeply with yourself and the spiritual? This hour is intended to support you in relaxing deeply in order to break free from the tension and all that is not serving your deepest healing and highest good. Loving heartbeat drumming assists in releasing attachment and crystal singing bowls and vocal toning bathe you in angelic vibrations of love and light.


Andrea Wenger, MAHA, facilitates healing experiences for upside-down living with groups and individuals-to break free from should and live life according to your own rules. Cost: $15 - Bring anything that would assist you in being comfortable lying down: a yoga mat, blanket, pillows, etc.


Tuesday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. Meet Rodger Kamenetz: Dreaming in the Lotus: Judaism, Buddhism and the Genesis of Dreams (Kol HaLev off-site event)    

What do Tibetan Buddhists and Jacob and Joseph from the Bible all have in common? Rodger KamenetzCome find out when author and teacher Rodger Kamenetz shares his journey - from experiencing the power of Tibetan Buddhist visualization to his discovery of dreamwork through a spiritual path that links back to Genesis.

The event will be held at Kol HaLev at Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Church, 6200 N. Charles Street. Light refreshments to follow. Cost: $18 suggested donation. RSVP by registering at here.   




Friday, March 23, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Animal Reiki Sessions with Kathleen Lester

Reiki is a non-invasive, complementary and alternative healing practice, promoting overall health and well-being. When the animal's healingKathleen Lester systems are performing at optimum level, the body, mind and spirit can heal itself. Reiki is a wonderful healing therapy to aid in pain management (arthritis, cancer, etc.), promote relaxation and calm for stressed or anxious animals, increase the bond between human and animal, and ease the transition from life into death.   


Kathleen is a Reiki Practitioner & Teacher and through her practice she works with humans and animals. She is also founder and Executive Director of the Animal Reiki Alliance, promoting complementary healing for all beings. Kathleen is also a Certified Canine Massage Therapist offering sports massage therapy to small animals. 

Cost: $75 for a 50-minute session (in person); $35 for a 20 minute distance session    



Friday, March 23, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. IONS Movie Night! Open to All! Something Unknown is Doing We Don't Know What - Award winning feature documentary by filmmaker Ren�e Scheltema

Join us for the Friends of IONS movie night. Our first film is an award-winning documentary film about psychic phenomena. The director, Renee Scheltema, explores parapsychology topics such as telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis and psychic healing. Top scientists and researchers appear, including Dr. Dean Radin and Dr. Edgar Mitchell from IONS, as well as Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and others. Cost: suggested donation $5



Saturday, March 24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Full Day Mindfulness Retreat with SStephen Clarketephen Clarke

Retreat will include meditation instruction, Dharma talk on mindfulness practice, Silence, Mindful Eating, mindful walking and contemplation.  No prior experience necessary. Open to all.  Stephen Clarke is a Senior Teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist Tradition and has completed a one-year retreat and other extensive training and study.  Stephen is also a Buddhist Psychotherapist with a private practice in Hampden.  Request that you bring a lunch, for mindful eating practice. Cost: $50



Wednesday, March 28, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Channeling Mary Magdalena and the

Mary MagdelineHealers with Aurora

Mary Magdalena and the Women Healers are a Loving Group of Beings who come to assist us.  Each channeling with them is unique for the group gathered.  They call themselves the Marys, meaning healers.  There will be time during the session for questions. They represent Divine Feminine energies.  All are welcome, men and women. Cost: $20   



 Thursday, March 29, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Pema Chodron Discussion GroupPema Chodron

Meditation instruction, reading, and discussion based on one of Pema Chodron's books. Open to all, perfect for beginners and those who are long time Pema fans.  Led by Stephen Clarke, Buddhist teacher.  The reading changes each month.

Cost: $20 suggested donation



 meditationretreatSaturday, March 31, 11 a.m. to Sunday, April 1, 6 p.m. Meditation Immersion: Spring Silent Retreat with Susan Weis-Bohlen

In silence we are able to get a glimpse of our true self, allowing us to delve deeper within and experience our essence...who we are, what we want to be, and how we can serve. We'll spend one night and two days in silent meditation, which includes nature walks, silent meals and guided Yoga Nidra and Chakra Meditations and breath work.

 meditation in nature

Susan Weis-Bohlen guides the retreat in a beautiful Frederick, Maryland Farm House. Surrounded by endless fields, mountain views, a stream, organic garden, wildlife and beautiful flowers and trees, you will easily tune out the world and settle into a place of quiet where you are able to watch your mind, and let go. No meditation experience is necessary, but it is helpful.


Please call 410-235-7323, or email with any questions or to sign up. The retreat is limited to 10 people and will fill up quickly so please reserve your space soon! Cost: $160 includes tuition (shared room and board) - $100 deposit is due at registration, cash or check only.  



ayucookingAyurvedic Cooking Class Schedule for 2012
Ayurvedic spices
Beans, Grains and Greens: How to Eat Like the Healthiest Vegetarians in the World!

Indian Ayurvedic cooking is easy to learn and delicious to eat! Throughout the year I'll be offering various classes which are always specific to the season.

In each class we'll learn: How to work with healing spices; how to combine foods for maximum nutrition
; cooking for a family;  Dosha-balancing recipes; and advice for your specific lifestyle needs.  We will create juices for each season, learn about raw foods and the appropriate time to eat raw,  make your own ghee, create wonderfully healthy, SWB Ayu Cookingfulfilling meals, which reduce cravings and set you on the path to perfect health!

Cost: $60. Space is limited to 12 people per class. Payment is due at time of registration and is refundable up to two weeks before class.

Saturday, April 28, 12 pm - 3 pm <----- JUST ADDED!!
Saturday, June 2, 12 pm - 3 pm
Sunday, August 5, 12 pm - 3 pm
Saturday, October 13, 12 pm - 3 pm

*Class dates may change due to unforeseen events. New classes may be added.




Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tarot Readings with CeceCece Anna Lee

Your own energy goes into the cards- you're the driver in the journey into a symbolic land, and the master of your destiny.  Ideally, astrology, tarot, etc. should make us more responsible, rather than less. Cece helps you interpret the cards to determine your answers. Cost: $60, 1 hour

Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Lotus Heart Meditation Group

Classes in stress reduction via guided sitting and walking meditation followed by short readings and discussion. Special emphasis on group support for job seekers. Everyone is welcome! Cost: $5 donation. Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store.   


Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group

 A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. ACIM teaches that the way to universal love and peace is by practicing forgiveness, focusing on the healing of relationships and translating our interactions from hurt to healing. Cost: donation appreciated. Meets in second wind, down the porch from the main store entrance, first door on the left.  



Aurora Gabriel
Sundays and Wednesdays: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Readings with Aurora   Aurora celebrates over six years offering readings at breathe books! Her connection to Spirit Guides and Universal energies and channeled messages means that she delivers the most relevant information to you.   Cost: $55 for 1/2 hour; $95 for 1 hour


Sundays, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Recovery from Food Addiction group meeting   

Recovery from Food Addiction (RFA) is a fellowship of food addicts dedicated to physical, spiritual and emotional recovery achieved by abstaining from addictive eating, and the twelve steps of recovery. The group meets in second wind, down the porch, first door on the left. Cost: Donation. Meets in second wind, side door entrance from the porch.     


Mondays 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. True Names Zen Buddhist Meditation

True Names sits in the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, and includes sitting mediation, both silent and guided, and walking meditation. A dharma discussion follows. For more information, contact Lee Stierhoff at 410-319-0650.  Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store. Cost: donation. All are welcome!


Thursdays, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Meditation with Susan Weis-BohlenSusan Weis

Join us for a short Dharma talk, meditation instruction, breath-work, and sitting meditation. Learn to meditate with ease and to create a daily practice. Meditation techniques are based on Vipassana/Mindfulness meditation: Primordial Sound; and the teachings of many teachers including Muktananda and Yogananda and Deepak Chopra.  - All levels of meditators are welcome!  Cost: $5 suggested donation  



                                     April 2012 Events 

         Click here for all our regular weekly classes and more!

HarrisTuesday, April 3 & Wednesday, April 4, 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Spirit Essence Portraits by Melissa Harris

Have you ever wonderMelissa Harris Paintinged what aspects of your being would reveal themselves to a psychic or "intuitive" and what these qualities would look like in a painting?


Melissa Harris, world-renowned artist and psychic, offers "spirit essence" portraits. She will tune into you and in a 90-minute session do a watercolor painting of your unique essence as it appears to her in a semi-trance state. As a clairvoyant she combines the elements of what she finds into your painting in a way that will be helpful for you in your path of development. Receive the double benefit of learning what Melissa "sees" as well as owing a Melissa Harris original painting.


Melissa is a Fulbright Scholar who studied in Paris. She received her BFA in painting from Syracuse University in NY and her MFA painting from Queens College in Flushing, NY. Cost: $225. Please call us at 410-235-7323 to sign up for a private session with Melissa. All sessions must be paid for at time of registration and please note there can be no cancellations or refunds once registered. 

Fridays, April 6 & 20, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Readings with Allyson WalshAllyson Walsh

Meet Allyson Walsh, one of the Psy-dentical Twin Sisters whom The Washington Post reported the "best professional psychic mediums" of the Mid-Atlantic area. She has an uncanny ability to connect with her clients and offer messages that deeply resonate and can help you on your path. Cost: $75, 1/2hour; $150, 1 hour



Sunday, April 8, We will be closed for Easter Sunday. We will reopen on Monday at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, April 10, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Baltimore IONS Discussion Group

Baltimore IONSBaltimore IONS is affiliated with the Institute of Noetic Science, which was founded by Edgar Mitchell in the 1970's to explore the mysteries of science and consciousness. See our facebook page for the most up-to-date details. IONS is for anyone interested in a spirited discussion embracing all areas of psychic phenomenon from a scientific point of view, open to all the mysteries of the Universe and beyond. Cost: $5 donation


Fridays, April 13 & 27, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Animal Reiki Sessions with Kathleen Lester

Reiki is a non-invasive, complementary and alternative healing practice, promoting overall health and well-being. It balances the energy patterns and Kathleen Lester Animal Reikistrengthens the animal's natural healing systems. Reiki is a wonderful healing therapy to aid in pain management (arthritis, cancer, etc.), promote relaxation and calm for stressed or anxious animals, increase the bond between human and animal, and ease the transition from life into death. 


Kathleen is a Reiki Practitioner & Teacher and through her practice she works with humans and animals. She is also founder and Executive Director of the Animal Reiki Alliance, promoting complementary healing for all beings.  Kathleen is also a Certified Canine Massage Therapist offering sports massage therapy to small animals. Cost: $75 for a 50-minute session  

Saturday, April 14, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine: Health and Wellness Conference 2012  

Wellness guru and bestselling author Andew Weil, M.D. is presenting the morning keynote address and will be discussing his new book SponstaneousAndrew Weil Happiness: Your 8 Week Plan to a Lifetime of Emotional Well-Being. The conference features 25 workshops on a variety of wellness topics such as "Food as Medicine to Food as Information," "Reinvigorate Your Body and Your Mind and "Fatigue: What Do Adrenals Have To Do With It?" Susan will be teaching "Ayurveda: Food Used as Medicine."


Sessions are taught by University of Maryland faculty and other leading experts and will take place at The Hilton Baltimore. For more information and to register, please click here or email for further questions to 



Tuesday, April 17, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. IONS Bookclub: Hidden Reality

Briane Greene, the bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the only universe?  

Hidden Reality by Brian Greene

There was a time when "universe" meant all there is. Everything. Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse.  Greene, takes us on a breathtaking journey to a multiverse comprising an endless series of big bangs, a multiverse with duplicates of every one of us, populated by vast sheets of spacetime, in which all we consider real are holographic illusions, and even a multiverse made purely of math--and reveals the reality hidden within each. Come join us to talk about this fascinating book! Cost: $5 donation 



SPECIAL AUTHOR EVENT!! Tuesday, April 17, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Open Heart, Open Mind with Author Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Tsoknyi RinpocheWe all want and need the capacity to love and be loved unconditionally. We also seek the understanding and insight to work confidently with the challenges in our modern busy lives.


In Open Heart, Open Mind, Tsoknyi Rinpoche's new book, he speaks of "a spark of unparalleled brilliance, an unlimited capacity for warmth, openness, and courage, or 'essence love.' Timeless and imperishable, essence love is often layered over by patterns of behavior and belief that urge us to seek happiness in conditions or situations that never quite live up to their promises."


For over 15 years, Tsoknyi Rinpoche has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.  Rinpoche is one of those rare teachers whose lighthearted, yet illuminating style appeals to both beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Cost: free   


Wednesday, April 18, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. "The Electric Jesus" Reading and Chakra Activation with Evolver Co-founder Jonathan Talat Phillips

When Jonathan Talat Phillips experienced a devastating loss as a counter-cultural media activist, he unwittingly embarked on a mystical journey marked by Talat Phillipsunderground ayahuasca ceremonies, kundalini awakenings, prankster spirit guides, shape shifting extraterrestrials at the Burning Man festival and miraculous energy healings that reshaped his skeptical worldview. In The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic (edited by bestselling 2012 author Daniel Pinchbeck), Phillips chronicles the rise of an international movement that is trailblazing visionary ways to address our current planetary crisis through raised consciousness.  Phillips delves into his own Christian background, discovering the lost rites of the mystery schools and their secret "electric" messages concerning personal transformation and a potential evolutionary shift for our world. 


The night will open with an in-depth chakra activation to get our energies flowing, followed by a reading, and a community discussion about Evolver Baltimore, the overall Evolver Movement, and a rising consciousness culture flowering across the planet. Jonathan has delighted us before with his presence at breathe books. We really look forward to seeing him again! Please call to RSVP so we can determine if we need a larger off-site space. 410-235-7323Cost: free 



Friday, April 20, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Break Free and Relax with Sound Healing
Andrea WengerFeeling stressed out? Worried? Anxious? Out of balance? Or simply yearning to connect more deeply with yourself and the spiritual? This hour is intended to support you in relaxing deeply in order to break free from the tension and all that is not serving your deepest healing and highest good. Loving heartbeat drumming assists in releasing attachment and crystal singing bowls and vocal toning bathe you in angelic vibrations of love and light.


Andrea Wenger, MAHA, facilitates healing experiences for upside-down living with groups and individuals-to break free from should and live life according to your own rules. Cost: $15 - Bring anything that would assist you in being comfortable lying down: a yoga mat, blanket, pillows, etc.


Sunday, April 22, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Film Screening of "Full Signal" for Earth Day

A Documentary about the Proliferation of Wireless Technologies and Their Effects on us All

Join Maryland Smart Meter Awareness for the screening of the documentary, Full Signal.   Following the film, there will be a presentation and discussion about yet another form of wireless radiation, Smart Meters, and how these will affect our health as well as that of all living creatures and the earth. Smart Meters are wireless meters that Pepco and BGE are currently placing on all homes, and businesses, that will track our energy usage 24/7 by means of wireless radiation into our homes.


Full Signal talks to scientists around the world who are researching the health effects related to cellular technology; to veteran journalists who have called attention to the issue for decades; to activists who are fighting to regulate the placement of antennas; and to lawyers and law makers who represent the people wanting those antennas regulated. Cost: Suggested donation:  That which your heart feels comfortable with and your budget allows for.  Contributions will go to supporting MSMA in opposing wireless Smart Meters and to breathe books for the use of the space.


Wednesday, April 25, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Channeling the Great Mothers 

Great Motherswith Aurora

Join psychic and channeler Aurora Gabriel for messages from the Great Mothers. Come hear what they have to share.

Cost: $20





Saturday, April 28, 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Juices, Soups and Cleansing Foods: Ayurvedic Cooking for the Spring Season with Susan Weis-Bohlen

Ayurvedic cooking is easy to learn and delicious to eat! We will learn how to Ayurvedic spiceswork with healing spices; how to combine for maximum nutrition; cooking for family; Dosha-balancing recipes; and advice for your specific lifestyle needs. We will learn about raw foods and the appropriate time to eat raw, make your own ghee, create wonderfully healthy, fulfilling meals, which reduce cravings and set you on the path to perfect health!
Cost: $60 - space is limited to 12 people per class. Payment is due at time of registration and is refundable up to four weeks before class.


Sunday, April 29, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Put Your Big Girl Panties On Workshop with Coach Maq Ele

Put Your Big Girl Panties On! is an interactive, life-enhancing experience that will support you in discovering, embracing and living as your authentic self where you will be given the tools needed to Put Your Big Girl Panties On so that you can begin taking those BOLD and OUTRAGEOUS steps towards creating the life experience you desire to live! You will be coached in shifting from being an observer to an active, willing participant in your life.  You will be challenged to take a sincere and heartfelt look at how you are denying your power, playing small and living in-authentically. If you are ready to facilitate transformation in your life, then this workshop is for you!


Coach Maq Ele' is a certified Spiritual Life Coach, where she uses spiritual laws and principles as the foundation to support women in discovering, embracing and living as their authentic selves. Coach Maq is the founder of G-STRING Living, which she founded after acknowledging that she had been living her life like "bloomers-" covered up, uptight, hidden and inauthentic; Coach Maq decided that she desired to live her life like a "G-String-" open, bold and authentic! G-STRING Living, an acronym for Gracefully Standing True Receiving InNer Guidance, became Coach Maq's vision.


Coach Maq has been trained in various modalities such as conscious connected breathing, quantum dynamic transformational breath, Resonance Repatterning and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).   For more information about G-STRING Living and Coach Maq please her website Cost: $11.11

Click here to see all our regular classes, psychic readers, meditation and more
Please email or call 410-235-7323 to make an appointment or to sign up for classes. If less then four people sign up, a class might be canceled. thank you!