bb 2 logo810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211
hours: Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Susan Weis-Bohlen, proprietress

December 2010 Events
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to get our December Events out to you before the next Newsletter goes out. Remember to call or email to sign up for classes or workshops: 410-235-7323; or

Our NEW MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM is under way! For just $25 breathe books members will get 10% off all their purchases and first dibs on signed books, special event tickets and you will be showing your support for the bookstore. I think this is a GREAT GIFT idea!  And you don't have to carry anything with you -- we keep all the information and you automatically receive your discount on every purchase.

Oh, and please take a look at our survey here. We'd love to get your feedback about book selling today. Just 5 questions - it will take you less then 3 minutes and will really help us else figurre out how we move forward to best serve the community.

much love,

Susan Art of Racing
breathe books proprietress Susan Weis-Bohlen

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Perfect Health Through Ayurveda

Bring harmony and balance to your life. Reduce stress. Sleep better. Learn how to eat for your mind and body. Find your ideal weight and feel better. See just how easy meditation can be! You'll learn all this and more at our next 10-hour Ayurvedic Lifestyle Class, Perfect Health. The intensive will take place Saturday, January 15, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday, January 22, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. We'll cover all things Ayurveda -- the 5,000 year-old Indian science of health and healing.

Ayurveda gently brings you back into balance, the way that nature intended FOR YOU. Over 300 people have taken this course with me over the past two years and have seen truly astonishing results - both subtle and profoundly life-changing.
Sign-up and pre-pay before December 10 and save $75! After December 10, the investment is $495. Class size is limited to ensure maximum interaction. This is one of the best gifts you can give
Susan Weis
Susan Weis-Bohlen.
to yourself to begin the New Year. Read more about my Ayurvedic journey here.

Several hundred people have taken this course since I began teaching it in January, 2009. Many people have gone on to truly make significant and wonderful changes in the the way they are living their lives. It's your turn!

Want to know more about Perfect Health? Come to my Free Intro Talk on Ayurveda on Thursday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m. Please call or email to register: 410-235-7323,

snow horizontal

December Events

Thursday, December 2, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. breathe books first ever Single Mingle! So many people have asked us to host an event like this (since I met my husband here in the bookstore!) I thought we really should create something organized to bring people together. breathe books is a great place to meet like-minded spirits...I mean singles! We'll mix and mingle in the and healthy snacks will be served and feel free to bring a dish or drink to share. Cost: free, but donations for the Hampden Family Center will be accepted. During the evening, I will be highlighting different sections of the bookstore and pointing out my favorite books. Your input is welcome too!

Thursdays, December 2 & 16, 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Yoga Nidra with Dr. Gina Sageryoga nidra
Experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation through this amazing process known as Sleep of the Yogi.  Let Gina gently guide you through your mind and body, and deep into your soul, releasing tension and stress and anything that doesn't serve you. Into this space will enter peace and calm and a deep sense of well-being. Wear comfortable clothes and bring your yoga mat and a blanket if possible.
Cost: $20

Friday, December 3, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Inner Clarity (IC) Sessions with Debra Greene, PhD

An Inner Clarity (IC) session is like Feng Shui for the mind!  The human being is an energy being with many layers forming our personalities and spirits.  These energy layers are subject to disturbances created by stored emotions, limiting thought patterns or belief systems.  When these disturbances remain in the energy system, they can cause ripple effects into other aspects including the mental, emotional and physical bodies. In an IC Debra Greensession, light-touch kinesiology (muscle testing) is used as a sensitive feedback tool to access information from the body-mind  system to uncover hidden limiting beliefs. Debra uses a variety of energy-based techniques to re-set old programming and transform automatic reactions for a new and improved you!

Debra Greene, PhD, is a practitioner, speaker, trainer and energy health specialist who has worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops.  She is recognized for her ability to get to the core of energy imbalances and facilitate lasting improvement.  Author of Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health, Debra also is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC).  Debra lives on Maui island in Hawaii.  Preview her visit to Baltimore online at www.EnergyHealthy.comCost:  $150 for 1.5 hours

Friday, December 3, 7 p.m - 8 p.m. Communicating the BodyMind with Debra Greene, PhD
Ever wished you could ask your body what it wants or needs and get clear answers?  You can!  Muscle testing (specialized kinesiology) is a reliable way to communicate with the bodymind system. You can bypass the concrete mind, emotions, and defenses and
access the wisdom of the body.  Come to this free demonstration and see ow it works!  This is an intro to Debra's class on Saturday.

Debra Greene, PhD, has been using muscle testing in her practice and training people in specialized kinesiology for over 17 years. Author of the acclaimed book, Endless Energy: Debra GreenThe Essential Guide to Energy Health, she is a certified kinesiology educator and Founder of Inner Clarity (IC), a consciousness-based healing modality that uses energy kinesiology to identify limiting beliefs. Visit her website for more info. Cost: Free

Saturday, December 4, 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Muscle Testing 101: Learn to Communicate with the Bodymind System with Dr. Debra Green

Kinesiology muscle testing is a powerful and exciting way to go "behind-the-scenes" and get valuable information from the bodymind system. Join Debra Greene, PhD, and learn: Professional Muscle Testing and Clearing; Achieving Reliable Results; Muscle Testing versus Energy Testing; The Ethics of Kinesiology; A Six Point Clearing Process Energy Balancing Techniques; Responsible Use of Muscle Testing.

Debra Greene, PhD, has been using muscle testing in her practice and training people in specialized kinesiology for over 17 years. Visit her website for more info. This is a training and includes the comprehensive course manual.
See more on our Facebook Page. Cost: $157, includes manual. Space is limited so please call to sign up soon. Also, see our website for details on Individual Inner Clarity Sessions.

Sunday, December 5, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. The Hampden 38th Annual Mayor's Christmas Parade!
Always a huge amount of FUN! The porch at breathe books is a great viewing post. We hope to see you! See the official website for details.

Tuesday, December 7, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Learn About breathe books April 2011 Women Only Trip to Bhutan
Our trips to Sacred Sites around the world continues with the magical Himalayan BuddhistBhutan Kingdom on Bhutan. I'll show photos from my visit to Bhutan in 2006 and we'll talk about the exciting plans for this trip. You can see all the details here, on my website. I never thought I wouldBhutan boys be able to visit this amazing country again, so I'm an extremely excited to share with you what will be the trip of a lifetime! Joining us via Skyp e will be author and owner of Wanderlust and Lipstick Tours, Beth Whitman. See our complete itinerary here. Beth is the auhor of Wanderlust and Lipstick: Essential Guide for Women Traveling Solo

Tuesday, December 7, 7 p.m.  - 9 p.m. Spin the Wheels - Rythmic Chakra Cleansing Meditation with Tanja Anderson, Reiki MasterTanja Anderson

Using a variety of techniques, such as channeled meditations, visualizations and movement, anchor your body and clear your core.  Invigorate your sexual p owers, strengthen your adrenal glands, release harmful energies and feel potently present in your own body.  Shake off the old patterns, beliefs and paradigms.  Release negativity, dance for your own power and freedom, integrate the energies and experience a profound healing. Join in this powerfully fun movement class! Cost: $15


Wednesday, December 8, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Channeling the Great Mothers with Aurora
Gaia offers us messages given to her from the Great Mothers, including Gaia, Hera, Kwan Yin and others.  Aurora's channeling sessions are always filled with intrigu ing and  fascinating information. Come with questions or just listen to the messages and call to action. Cost: $15

Thursday, December 9, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Empathic Angel Readings and Karmic Astrology with Julie Madill. Receive messages for the holdays and the New Year!
Angel readings help connect us to our higher selves and the energies around usJulie Madill. They awaken our intuition so we can identify and interpret symbols. Working with ang els and ascended masters is a fun and personal way to develop or add to a spiritual practice.  Astrology gives us the tools to identify prior life gifts and talents, as well as make conscious blocks and karmic patterns. Astrology also aids us in understanding the way we communicate, express emotions, and interact with the world.  Learning to listen to our more subtle selves helps us to find peace and happiness. Julie is a highly empathic and intuitive person who is very in tune with the body. She has decades of experience as a yoga teacher/student and is a certified karmic astrologer and angel healing practitioner. Cost: Angels, Astrology or both: $50, 1/2 hour; $85, 1 hour
Saturday, December 11, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Medium Suzane Northrop! Group Session
Join Suzane for this 2-hour event to continue to learn more about life after deathSuzane Northrop. Suzane will begin with an informative lecture followed by a Q&A session. She  will dedicate the remaining time to delivering messages randomly throughout the audience. This is Suzane's fifth trip to breathe books and her events ALWAYS fill up fast! To ensure your space, please call 410-235-7323. Cost: $80. You MUST call to reserve your space! See more on facebook and on Suzane's site: The Seance

Monday, December 13, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Baltimore Friends of IONS -- Noetic Science Discussion Group

This month will talk about Manifestations. Whether it's through prayers, conscious intention or meditation, how do things manifest themselves? How can we create more for ourselves and others? We'll talk about the Intention experiments of Masaru Emoto, Lynne McTaggert, The Law of Attraction, and the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and more. Come with your stories and thoughts! Open to all. Cost: Suggested donation $5. See us on facebook! Our IONS bookclub will meet again on Monday, Janaury 17. The title will be announced in the next email and on our Facebook page.

Tuesday, December 14, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Introduction to Alternative Healing for Animals

Animals are thinking, loving, emotional beings who want to be our partners in life. Often, we humans are in the position to make critical decisions about the health, life or death of our animal companions is ill  - are we making the right decisions? What if you could ask your what ails them? When your pet is ill or inured, what if you could aReikissist the healing process through complementary alternative care?
If you are interested in learning more about holistic and alternative care for your pets, come to this workshop and learn directly from professional animal practitioners:

� Dr. Johnny Slaughter, DVM, ?One Medicine? Veterinary Practiioner
� Kathleen Lester, Reiki Master Teacher
� Barbara Kandel, Animal Accupuncturist
� Terri Diener, Animal Communicator
Cost: $15

Thursday, December 16, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Free Talk: Introduction to Ayurveda with Susan Weis-Bohlen
Learn the basic tenets of Ayurveda, the 5,000 year-old Indian science of health and healing. Susan will talk about her upcoming Perfect Health class, Ayurvedic cooking and offer some tips to help you feel balanced and in harmony with the season. If you have ever been curious about our Ayurvedic classes and consults, this is a great opportunity to learn what it's all about! Cost: free

Thursdays, 16, 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Yoga Nidra with Dr. Gina Sager
See details above on December 2. Cost: $20

Friday, December 17, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Relax and Renew with Andrea
Turn your tension and anxiety upside-down!  Leave without the stress, mind chatter and pain you waAndrea Wengerlked in with, as the vibrations of a crystal singing bowl and Andrea's angelic voice bathe you in resonant tones that turn down the stress response and restore balance and harmony to your whole Being.  This gentle session is an opportunity to relax profoundly and enter a healing state where significant shifts occur spontaneously, restoring balance and harmony on physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels.  Start your weekend with an experience of total renewal -- come ready to let go! Cost: $10; Bring a yoga mat, blanket and/or pillow to make yourself comfortable.

Thursday, December 23, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Angel Readings
christine schreibstein - new
Christine Schriebstein
 with Christine Schriebstein

 Psychic Readings with Christine tend to be a joyous event. It's as if two old friends were chatting over a cup of tea! Her intuitive skills will gently lead you to self-realization and self-discovery about your life and how to step more confidently as you embrace a life that is filled with joy, abundance and much love.  Christine is a certified Soul Coach as well as an Archangel Enlightenment Therapist and the combination of these two modalities will leave you with tangible tools that continue to propel you along the way long after the chatting is done! Cost: $50, 1/2 hour; $90, 1 hour; $140, 1 1/2 hours

Saturday, December 25, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. breathe books 7th Annual Nondenominational Jewish Christmas Party!
Seven years of Chinese Food and Movies at breathe on Christmas! This day is always a delightful gathering of folks who join us for many reasons. Some don't celebrate Christmas, others don't have friends of family near-by, some are just looking for an
Party 2009
2009 Holiday Party at breathe
alternative to football and parades on TV. The idea began in December 2004, because I as an adult, I always felt a bit left out and alone on Christmas Day. So when I opened the store, I decided to create a get-together for people of all religions - or no religion at all - to be together and not feel alone. So please join us! Bring a Veggie dish to share (vegan and gluten free are great too). We'll show a movie, mingle and have a good time. Proceeds from sales will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. See photos from last year's party on

 A Note From credit cardsSusan: Did you know that the Credit Card Companies charge us  fees every time we swipe your card (debit cards and credit cards)? For some businesses, merchant fees are the second largest expense after rent! But it is a cost we can try to reduce by educating the public. You can give your favorite local shops a gift this holiday season by using cash or checks whenever possible. Thank you so much!
Susan Weis-Bohlen

Ongoing classes, Readers and Practitioners

Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Psychic Readings with Jael Jael Freedman
A psychic reading with Jael opens you up to new worlds and new opportunities. Deeply grounded in the here and now, Jael is able to help you see what's best for you on your current path and how to put the possibilities into action. Cost: $45, 1/2 hour; $85, 1 hour

Sundays and Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Readings with Aurora (please note Aurora is here on Sundays and Wednesday only. And no readings on Dec. 12)
Aurora Gabriel
Psychic Reader Aurora 

Aurora receives and conveys messages from energies, angels and spirit guides to help you more clearly define and understand your path, goals, relationships and past lives.  Aurora can do phone sessions as well as animal readings.  Come prepared with questions or ideas about what you would like to explore.
Cost: $55, 1/2 hour; $95, 1 hour

Mondays,  7 p.m. - 9 p.m. True Names Meditation Group
True Names sits in the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn and includes sitting meditation, both silent and guided, and walking meditation.  A dharma discussion follows.  For more information contact Lee Stierhoff at 410-319-0650.
Cost: Dana/donation

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Intuitive Tarot Readings with Cece Anna Lee
Cece Anna Lee
Tarot with Cece Ann Lee 
Cece uses tarot as a vehicle to assist people in uncovering the wisdom of their own unconscious.  As everything is energy, in the query process your own energy goes into the cards too - you're the driver in the journey to a land of symbols.  The reading is a helicopter-like view of all the influences you will see affecting your present situation.  Her heart's desire is that each reading will help assist, clarify and affirm your inner wisdom to bring you greater happiness and peace.  Cece has studied and practices Western forms of divination like tarot and astrology for over 17 years and is also a Buddhist in the Tibetan tradition.
Cost: $65, 1 hour

Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Lotus Heart Meditation Group
Classes in stress reduction via guided sitting and walking meditation followed by short readings and discussion.  Special emphasis on group support for job seekers.  Everyone is welcome!
Cost: $5 donation

Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group with Pamela Silberman
Pam Silberman
Pamela Silberman
A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. ACIM teaches that the way to universal love and peace is by practicing forgiveness, focusing on the healing of relationships and translating our interactions from hurt to healing.  Pamela Silberman is the author of the book Simply Being: One Year with Spirit and has been studying ACIM for over 15 years.  Her websites and offer practical application of basic course principles. Cost: Donation

Sundays, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Recovery from Food Addiction Group
Recovery from Food Addition (RFA) is a fellowship of food addicts dedicated to physical, spiritual and emotional recovery achieved by abstaining from addictive eating and by living the twelve steps of recovery to the best of our ability.  Approved literature for this program is Food Addiction: The Body Knows and From the First Bite, by Kay Sheppard, Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Cost: Donation


Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Lotus Heart Meditation Group
Cost: $5 donation. Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store.

Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group with Pamela Silberman (see our website for dates,
 Meets in second wind, down the porch from the main store entrance, first door on the left. Cost: donation

Sundays and Wednesdays: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Readings with Aurora
Cost: $55 for 1/2 hour; $95 1 hour. (No readings on December 12)

Sundays, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Recovery from Food Addiction group meetingMeets in second wind, side door entrance from the porch.

Mondays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. True Names Zen Buddhist Meditation
Cost: donation. All are welcome! Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Tarot Readings with Cece Anna Lee
 Cost: $60 hour

Second Thursday, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Angel and Astrology with Julie Madill
Cost: $50 half hour; $85 hour

Third Thursday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic and Angle Readings with Christine.
Cost: $50 half hour; $90 hour

Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Psychic Readings with Jael
 Cost: $45, 30 min; $85, hour


Please remember to call or email to sign up for all classes and to make appointments -- 410-235-7323. We want to make sure we are prepared and don't have to turn people away at the door or cancel a class if less then four people are signed up. Thank you!
breathe deep

deeper experiences with breathe books

Join us for our next Silent Meditation Retreat
Friday, March 18 - 20, 2011
In silence we are able to get a glimpse of our true self, allowing us to delve deeper within and experience our essence...who we are, what we want to be, and how we can serve.

We'll spend two and half days in silent meditation, which includes nature walks, silent meals and guided Yoga Nidra and Chakra Meditations and breath work.

Susan Weis-Bohlen guides the retreat in a beautiful Frederick, Maryland Farm House. Surrounded by endless fields, mountain views, a stream, organic garden, wildlife and beautiful flowers and trees, you will easily tune out the world and settle into a place of quiet where you are able to watch your mind, and let go.spring House 1

The retreat begins at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 18 and ends on Sunday, March 20. Space is limited to 10 people.

Please call 410-235-7323, or email with any questions or to sign up. The retreat will fill quickly so please reserve your space soon!

Cost: Tuition: $185; Room and Meals: $160. $100 deposit is due at registration, cash or check only. Balance is due by February 1, 2011. spring house creek

Some comments from those who just completed our first Silent Retreat:
"It was a really peaceful and special experience."

"The weekend exceeded my expectations.  Had some apprehension about the setting and going silent for a couple of days, however, the lovely, homey environment was perfect."

"Oh My gosh Susan- i gotta tell you this--this weekend worked ...i was 're-programmed' to slow down...(now i want it to last!)."

Join our "travel with breathe" mailing list!

Learn about our trips abroad to Sacred Sites, including our upcoming
 journey to Bhutan in April 2011

A date in December will soon be listed for our talk on this extraordinary trip!


Individual Ayurvedic Life Style Consultations

Susan Weis
Susan Weis-Bohlen
In these private consultations, we determine your dosha and any imbalances you may have in order to create a plan to restore you to full harmony and balance. Learn how to come back to your natural mind-body constitution through food choices and nutrition, daily routine, behavior, exercise, career choices and more. Cost: $150 for one and a half hours. Please call 410-235-7323 to schedule your appointment.

Chopra Logo

Please email or call 410-235-7323 to make an appointment or to sign up for classes. If less then four people sign up, a class might be canceled. thank you!