Kairos Italy Theater Newsletter
January 2007
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The good news for 2007 is... KIT Newsletter is back! Yes, we didn't disappear... we are just taking some time to review our website and newsletter... and now, here, for your eyes only, the 2007 debutantes KIT newsletter and web-site, full of juicy KIT events!


What is going on with KIT?
More features for KIT website, and a very busy KIT 2007 calendar.

KIT is refurbishing its web-site. We are adding photos, articles, news and a complete Italian Native Actors' database!

KIT is also adding events and classes for the 2007 season: the very first KIT reading series, Italian&Theatre classes for adults and children all around Manhattan, and a big, big surprise for the end of 2007.

Check KIT web-site's NEWS section for more information!

Italian&Theatre classes in Manhattan
Italian&Theatre Students rehearsing a play

2007 Italian&Theatre classes schedule. Teacher: Laura Caparrotti.

  • Theatre and Italian. 4-5 year-old. Thursdays 4-5 PM. Centro Raccontami (100 West 14th St., Suite #1, NY, Tel 212-620 3828);
  • Italian&Theatre 7 to 12 year-old. Wednesdays 3:15-4:30 PM. Lo Spazio in Collina (135 East 96th Street, NY, Tel 212-427 7770);
  • Italian&Theatre for Adults, any level. Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM. Lo Spazio in Collina (135 East 96th Street, NY, Tel 212-427 7770).

You can donate to KIT now!
Make tax deductible contribution to KIT-Kairos Italy Theater
Toto Exhibition in Toronto

Since December 2006, KIT's supporters could make contribution to help KIT in bringing Italian Culture to the States. Here how you do...

DONATE BY CREDIT CARD You can make your tax deductible contribution with VISA or MasterCard at http://www.thefield.org/ctaa.htm. Type in Laura Caparrotti (artist) and Kairos Italy Theater (company name) and please be sure to fill in all of the contact info so that we can acknowledge your donation with a proper thank you!

DONATE BY PERSONAL CHECK Write a check to The Field, and put in the memo line Laura Caparrotti/Kairos Italy Theater. Then mail it to the following address: KIT-Kairos Italy Theater 77 Bleecker Street Suite 1412 NY-NY 10012

KIT-Kairos Italy Theater is sponsored by The Field, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, 501 (c) (3) organization serving the New York City performing arts community.

Contributions to artists through The Field are tax- deductible to the extent allowed by law.

For more information about The Field contact: The Field, 161 Sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10013, Tel: (212) 691-6969, fax: (212) 255-2053, e-mail info@thefield.org.

A copy of The Field's latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from The Field or from the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 1027

KIT-Kairos Italy Theater was founded in 2002 in New York. KIT's mission is to create a cultural exchange program between Italy, the US and the international community, to unveil artistic and creative sides of these two countries to the world. In the States, Kairos Italy Theater is dedicated to spread the Italian Culture and to create an Italian Culture Network in order to maintain and grow the knowledge of Italy in the States.

Ciao a tutti!

Kairos Italy Theater

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