Common Ground Garden



June 2, 2011                                                                                      Volume 17, Issue 2

Welcome to the 2011 Season


Despite the cool spring and rough weather in other parts of the country, our garden has been faring well and we're expecting our first harvest and distribution day on Thursday, June 16. We have more growing space this year, as well as a new distribution headquarters at Common Ground Garden that we're excited to share. We've also been trying some new greens that I hope will add some variety to those early season salads. In the next newsletter, you will be introduced to our new production gardener, Kate Ritger, who brings a rich gardening history and a real passion for the Common Ground mission. Be sure to take the time to talk to her and our student garden staff when you pick up your produce, to ask questions about what's in the bag and what's on their gardening minds.
You can expect an e-mail newsletter on the morning of June 16 with the call to pick-up in the afternoon. Please feel free to ask questions over the summer and let us know if any problems arise.


See below for directions to our pick-up sites.


Contact information for me and Kate:

Ryan's cell: 320-219-3389
Kate's cell: 262-339-7737


Ryan Kutter
Director, Common Ground Garden



Pick-up Locations 
You really can't miss the barn at Saint Benedict's Monastery. 
Enter at the college entrance from Minnesota Street near 4th Ave SW. Make a right at the stop sign and follow the gravel road out to the barn.
The other pick-up is St. John's Episcopal Church in St. Cloud. For a link on google maps, click here.
If you haven't told me a preference, I will assume you will pick up at the monastery location.
CGG logoCommon Ground Garden is a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm, where members purchase a share of vegetables and each week during the farm season receive a bountiful box of fresh produce. We pride ourselves on producing fresh, clean, healthful food picked at the peak of flavor and nutrition. Our vegetables are produced as far as possible without the use of any chemical herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. We us cover crops, rotations, compost and ingenuity to produce your food in a way that's healthier for you and healthier for the community.

Common Ground Garden is the ministry of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Bneeidct

104 Chapel Lane
St. Joseph, Minnesota 56374 

Common Ground Garden Rows