 VOLUME 8, NO. 12
May 2, 2011 
In This Issue:
About Us:
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.

Recent Blog Posts
First Entry
Beatriz Muniz
April 17, 2011

Mouth & Ear Reconstruction
Chris Low
April 15, 2011

Burden Basket and Willow Harvest
William Harrison
April 12, 2011

Mountain Maidu Basketry: Finishing My Burden Basket
William Harrison
April 12, 2011

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Upcoming Events

Parangal's Free Philippine Folk Dance Workshops
Through May 27, 2011
San Francisco

CounterPULSE's Boot Camp for Artists
Through May 16, 2011
San Francisco

Free American & Latin American Folk Music Classes
Through Jun 30, 2011

Mariachi Serenade
May 7, 2011

The Music Circle Presents Jagan Ramamoorthy
May 7, 2011
Los Angeles

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List your event or exhibit

Current Exhibits

Oaxaca: Textiles and Alebrijes
Through May 14, 2011


Embroidering Our Lives: Mien Women at Peralta Hacienda
Through May 31, 2011

Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance
Through Sep 11, 2011
San Francisco

PI'iep k-ru PayIem -- Long Ago and Now
Through Dec 31, 2011

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article1Tell Us Your Story About a National Heritage Fellow and Read What Others Are Saying   

Madame Fujima Kansuma (right), 1987 National Heritage Fellow. Photo courtesy of Fujima Kansuma.
Madame Fujima Kansuma (right), 1987 National Heritage Fellow
Photo courtesy of Fujima Kansuma.
Join us in sharing your stories about National Heritage Fellows as we continue to document the far-reaching meaning and impact of this vital National Endowment for the Arts program.  Please take this quick 5-minute survey to tell us about an experience you've had with a fellow or by participating in a traditional arts experience. Follow this link to share your story:


ACTA has already collected nearly 50 stories.  Help us reach our goal of 100 stories by May 5, 2011!


article2ACTA Hosts Statewide Informational Meetings

Join ACTA staff for an informational meeting in your area to learn more about our funding opportunities for artists and organizations.  Or, if you can't make an informational meeting, join us for a webinar.


This year, meetings will be held in: Oakland (May 18), San Jose (May 23), Salinas (May 24), Fresno (May 25), Eureka/Arcata (June 2), Santa Ana (June 7), San Diego (June 8), and Los Angeles (June 9 and June 11: Spanish only).


Webinars will be held on May 20 and June 3. 




article3ACTA Welcomes Blogger Prumsodun Ok

Prumsodun Ok (seated) and Khannia Ok (far right), with Prumsodun's students Reachny Tan (far left) and Sophanmay Nong (center) in his original work, The Cambodia Exhibit, at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica.  Photo: Leo Garcia.

Master Cambodian classical dancer Prumsodun Ok is a current master artist in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with his apprentice and sister Khannia Ok.


Prumsodun Ok's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of their apprenticeship, as they focus on developing Khannia's abilities as a solo performer through the intensive study of Robam Apsara and Robam Tiyae, two pieces of traditional choreography.  


article4ACTA Welcomes Blogger Chris Low  

Chris Low preparing an old lion head for restoration, circa 2006.
Photo: Sandra Low.

Chinese lion dancer and lion head maker Chris Low is a current apprentice in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with master artist Corey Chan.


Chris Low's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of his apprenticeship with Corey, as they repair and restore an old lion head and choreograph a lion dance using traditional movements and elements.


article5ACTA Welcomes Blogger Beatriz Muñiz 

Afro-Cuban batá drummer Beatriz Muñiz. Photo: Pat Patterson

Afro-Cuban batá drummer Beatriz Muñiz. Photo: Pat Patterson.

Afro-Cuban batá drummer Beatriz Muñiz is a current apprentice in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with master artist Harold Muñiz.


Beatriz Muñiz's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of Beatriz's apprenticeship with Harold, as they work to refine Beatriz's mastery of her "chair," or specific drum she plays within the batá ensemble.


article6Radio Bilingüe Launches Third Season of Raíces

Radio Bilingüe's Raíces: Art Moments on Radio, a monthly Spanish-language radio series that focuses on California's traditional artists, returns for a third season.  Raíces helps listeners learn more about the diverse traditions of California's cultural communities.  The third season of Raíces will showcase cultural projects and folk art practitioners who use their art forms as a platform to stress commonalities and build bridges between communities of diverse backgrounds.


The Alliance for California Traditional arts serves in an editorial advisory role for Raíces, providing story ideas, contacts for relevant artists or art events, and background information about featured artists.




article7Thai Cultural Center Launches Kickstarter Campaign


The Thai Cultural Center of the San Francisco Bay Area recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to support Thai Heritage Returns, a ten-day program in July 2011 during which Thai-American students will perform Phra Apai Manee and the Spell of Nang Laweng, a Thai classical dance drama, at the National Theatre in Bangkok.  They will tour governmental ministries and cultural sights while older students will also have the opportunity to participate in a rural homestay.


The project will only be funded if at least $2,500 is pledged by May 20, 2011.  Pledges may be as little as $1, and incentives start at pledges of $25 or greater -- think of it as donating the cost of a cup of coffee or a dinner out.


Contact ACTA

   The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts
   Council's official partner in serving the state's folk & traditional
   arts field.