 VOLUME 8, NO. 11
April 8, 2011 
In This Issue:
About Us:
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.

Recent Blog Posts

Progression, Performances, and Offerings

Reaksmey Lath's Apprenticeship Blog

April 6, 2011


Keeping the Frame Alive...with Flame! 

Chris Low's Apprenticeship Blog
April 6, 2011 


Chris Low's Apprenticeship Blog

April 5, 2011


Chris Low's Apprenticeship Blog

April 4, 2011


Beto Gonzalez's Apprenticeship Blog
March 9, 2011


Prumsodun Ok's Apprenticeship Blog
March 5, 2011


Prumsodun Ok's Apprenticeship Blog
April 6, 2011

Upcoming Funding Opportunities 

View all funding opportunities...

Upcoming Events

Imaginative Commons 

Through April 14, 2011
Los Angeles

Keiki (Children's) Hula Classes 

Through April 24, 2011
San Francisco

Parangal's Free Philippine Folk Dance Workshops
Through May 27, 2011
San Francisco

Armenian Folk Dance Workshop with Hasmik Harutyunyan 

April 8, 2011
Palo Alto

Purple Silk Spring Concert 

April 9, 2011

Forr� Brazuca at Casa de Cultura 

April 9, 2011

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Current Exhibits

Sing Me Your Story, Dance Me Home

Through April 29, 2011

Embroidering Our Lives: Mien Women at Peralta Hacienda
Through May 31, 2011

Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance
Through Sep 11, 2011
San Francisco

PI'iep k-ru PayIem -- Long Ago and Now
Through Dec 31, 2011

View all exhibits...

firstarticleNew Guidelines Available for ACTA's Three Core Programs 

Chamoru community youth performing at PIEAM's opening in October 2010.  Photo courtesy of Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum

Triqui back-strap weavers.  Photo courtesy of La Union Ind�gena.

This month ACTA announces the availability of new guidelines for each of its three core programs: 


Apprenticeship Program

Postmark Deadline: July 15, 2011


Living Cultures Grants Program

Postmark Deadline: July 15, 2011

Traditional Arts Development Program

Deadline: Ongoing as funds are available


delmccouryDel McCoury Protests the NEA's Plan to Abolish the National Heritage Fellowships

Last week, the Washington Post arts and culture blog ran a story about National Heritage Fellow and Bluegrass legend Del McCoury who is speaking out about the National Endowment for the Arts plans to abolish the popular National Heritage Fellowships beginning in 2012.  In this budget cycle, the NEA has proposed taking the Jazz Master Fellowships, the National Heritage Fellowships and the NEA Opera Honors and creating a new honorific called NEA American Artists of the Year.


McCoury sent out a letter to the hundreds of recipients of the Heritage awards, who include basketmakers, boatmakers, quilters, fiddlers and stonemasons.  "It's now particularly disturbing to hear" about the plans, he wrote. "All of us must take immediate action to keep this from happening."  To read more go to: Del McCoury protests the NEA plan to merge its honorary awards.


Read more articles about the abolishment of the NEA Heritage and Jazz awards:

NEA proposes a new American Artists of the Year award (Washington Post)

NEA wants to end Jazz Masters program (Arts Journal)

NEA ends Jazz, Folk, Opera awards for "full range of American artists" (Arts Journal)


secondarticleTell Us Your Story About a National Heritage Fellow!

Danongan Kalanduyan, 1995 National Heritage Fellow. Photo: ACTA

Join us in sharing your stories about National Heritage Fellows as we begin to document the far-reaching meaning and impact of this vital National Endowment for the Arts program.  Please take this quick 5-minute survey to tell us about an experience you've had with a fellow or by participating in a traditional arts experience. Follow this link to share your story:


ACTA will compile and share the results with you, the field, and policy-makers in an effort to articulate the value that the National Heritage Fellowships and the folk & traditional arts field bring to our communities - locally, nationally, and globally.


Responses are already coming in:

Madame Fujima Kansuma is one of the most gracious people that I know. Her dancing and her teaching skills have made an indelible mark on the Japanese American community. I had the pleasure of being in Washington, DC when she received the National Heritage Award. An experience to be remembered forever.

Jerry Yoshitomi, Port Hueneme

I am a Mexican immigrant who has lived in the Central Valley of California for 11 years. Having all my family in Mexico and feeling alone and lost in a country with a different language and culture, I tried to link with cultural activities in Spanish. To my surprise I found Agustin Lira, a Chicano who had received the National Heritage Fellowship, and who has played a prominent role in keeping our Latino roots alive through his music and community theatre. My relationship with him was limited to attending his performances; however since January of 2011 our family had the fortune to become closer to this talented and humble artist. My 8-year old son is now taking music classes with Agustin and is developing a passion for Chicano, and other forms of Latin American music. I am excited that this will perpetuate our Latino culture even though my son was born in the U.S.

Nayamin Martinez-Coss�o, Fresno


Read more and see a complete list of California's National Heritage Fellows...


thirdarticleACTA Organizes 28th Annual �Viva el Mariachi! Festival Workshops 


Photo: Liz Conejo


This year, Radio Biling�e and the Alliance for California Traditional Arts partnered to organize the 28th annual �Viva el Mariachi! Festival Workshops.  More than 350 mariachi students from throughout California traveled to the city of Selma on Saturday, March 5, 2011, to learn, share, and enjoy mariachi music.


Read more... 


fourtharticleBea Roeder Fund Scholars Named for 2011  


ACTA congratulates this year's Bea Roeder Fund scholars: Al Bersch, graduate student in folklore at the University of Oregon; Julian Carrillo, a graduate student in Folklore with a Public Outreach concentration at Indian University; and Eric Morales, graduate student in Folklore at Indiana University.


The Bea Roeder Fund, named in honor of western folklorist Bea Roeder, provides support for graduate and undergraduate students and community scholars with demonstrated interest in a career in public folklore, to attend the annual Association of Western States Folklorists (AWSF) meeting.  AWSF has established this Fund as a way to celebrate Bea's life and work and to create opportunities for networking and professional development for a new generation of public folklorists and cultural workers.  The fund is administered by the Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA) on behalf of AWSF.


Read more...  


fiftharticleSouth Arts Webinar Series for Traditional Arts


South Arts will offer online professional development sessions for folklife organizations, folklorists, traditional arts advocates, community scholars, and other interested parties.  Topics covered in the webinars range from "Who Owns Folklore? Copyright and Sharing Content" to "Folklife Emergency! 12 Steps to Readiness."  If you are unable to attend the webinar for which you have registered, South Arts will have archived recordings available for 60 days after the original date of the webinar.


For a complete list of available webinars, or to register, visit South Arts' website


holidaysDonate to the California Arts Council by Checking Off for the Arts on Your Tax Return


Arts lovers have an advantage for "tax day" in 2011: the Arts Tax Check Off.  Here's how it works.  You can make a tax deductible contribution directly to the California Arts Council on your state tax return.  In the "Contributions" section of your return, specify the amount you want to give to the Arts Council, from $1 or more.  It's an easy way to support the California Arts Council and its arts programs for children and communities.  In fact, ACTA is a California Arts Council grantee.


Be sure to look for it on your tax return this year, and let your tax preparer or accountant know you want to use the Arts Tax Check Off.  With millions of Californians filing tax returns, if each one made even a $1 donation, it would raise a tremendous amount for the arts in California.


Contact ACTA
[email protected]

   The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts
   Council's official partner in serving the state's folk & traditional
   arts field.