 VOLUME 8, NO. 10
March 5, 2011 
In This Issue:
About Us:
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.

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Upcoming Events

Imaginative Commons 
Through Apr 14, 2011
Los Angeles

Keiki (Children's) Hula Classes
Through Apr 24, 2011
San Francisco

26th Annual Jewish Music Festival
Through Mar 13, 2011
San Francisco Bay Area

Children's Celebration of Ethnic Dance
Mar 6, 2011
San Francisco

16th Annual Collage des Cultures Africaines Dance Conference and Concert
Mar 10 - Mar 13, 2011

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Current Exhibits

Embroidering Our Lives: Mien Women at Peralta Hacienda
Through May 31, 2011

Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance
Through Sep 11, 2011
San Francisco

PI'iep k-ru PayIem -- Long Ago and Now
Through Dec 31, 2011

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firstarticleACTA Announces Three Additional Living Cultures Grants Program Grantees

Chamoru community youth performing at PIEAM's opening in October 2010.  Photo courtesy of Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum

Chamoru community youth performing at PIEAM's opening in October 2010. Photo courtesy of Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum

ACTA  is pleased to announce three additional Living Cultures Grants Program grantees for 2011, which have been made possible by the generosity of the Metabolic Studio, a direct charitable activity of The Annenberg Foundation.




secondarticleACTA Welcomes Blogger Reaksmey Lath

Cambodian classical dancer Reaksmey Lath is a current apprentice in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with master artist Charya Burt.


Reaksmey Lath's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of Reaksmey's apprenticeship with Charya, as they work to refine Reaksmey's presentation of two of the four main characters of the classical Cambodian repertoire and learn three new dance pieces over the course of the apprenticeship.


Read Reaksmey's first post, "If it Doesn't Hurt, then you're Probably not Doing it Right". 


thirdarticleACTA Welcomes Blogger Beto Gonz�lez



Percussionist Beto Gonz�lez is a current apprentice in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with master Candombl� artist Mestre Amen Santo.

Beto Gonz�lez's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of Beto's apprenticeship with Mestre Amen, as they work to improve Beto's technique, as well as build his knowledge of the vast repertoire of rhythms within the Candombl� tradition.


Read Beto's first post, Beginning my apprenticeship with Mestre Amen.


fourtharticleACTA Welcomes Blogger William Harrison 



Mountain Maidu basketweaver William Harrison is a current apprentice in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with master artist Ennis Peck.


William Harrison's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of William's apprenticeship with Ennis, as they build upon William's knowledge of traditional Maidu regalia, singing, and other ceremonial practice.  Their work together will focus on harvesting and preparing raw materials for the construction of a large close-weaved storage basket.

Read William's first post, Mountain Maidu basketry.


holidaysDonate to the California Arts Council by Checking Off for the Arts on Your Tax Return


Arts lovers have an advantage for "tax day" in 2011: the Arts Tax Check Off.  Here's how it works.  You can make a tax deductible contribution directly to the California Arts Council on your state tax return.  In the "Contributions" section of your return, specify the amount you want to give to the Arts Council, from $1 or more.  It's an easy way to support the California Arts Council and its arts programs for children and communities.  In fact, ACTA is a California Arts Council grantee.


Be sure to look for it on your tax return this year, and let your tax preparer or accountant know you want to use the Arts Tax Check Off.  With millions of Californians filing tax returns, if each one made even a $1 donation, it would raise a tremendous amount for the arts in California.


Contact ACTA
[email protected]

   The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts
   Council's official partner in serving the state's folk & traditional
   arts field.