 VOLUME 7, NO. 9
March 15, 2010 
About Us:
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.


Funding Opportunities

New Public Arts Registries
Deadline: Mar 19

Senior Artist Program Grant
Deadline: Mar 31

Common Ground's First Nation's Composer Initiative
Deadline: Apr 1

National Native Master Artist Initiative: Artist Teaching Artist
Deadline: Apr 1

National Native Creative Development Program
Deadline: Apr 1

Cultural Exchange International
Deadline: Apr 2

Smithsonian Latino Center's Young Ambassadors Program
Deadline: Apr 7

USArtists International Funding for International Festivals
Deadline: May 3

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Upcoming Events

25th Annual Jewish Music Festival's March Concerts
Mar 14 - Mar 29, 2010

ACTA Presents a Traditional Arts Funding Opportunities Meeting
Mar 17, 2010

Dazzling Feet, Dynamic Rhythms, Decades of Excellence
Mar 20, 2010
San Francisco

West African Dance Workshops in Los Angeles
Mar 24 - Mar 27, 2010
Los Angeles

Food and Words
Mar 25 - Apr 22, 2010

Danzantes Unidos Festival 2010
Mar 26 - Mar 28, 2010
San Jose

A Sarangi Concert by Aruna Narayan
Mar 27, 2010
Los Angeles

ACTA's Traditional Arts Roundtable Series Presents
Apr 2, 2010
San Francisco

Abhinaya Dance Company's 30th Anniversary Celebration
Apr 4, 2010
San Jose

The Bay Area Flamenco Partnership presents Flamenco Direct From Jerez, Spain
Apr 7 - Apr 9, 2010

Strategic Planning for Traditional Artists
Apr 26, 2010
San Francisco

Roma Festival
Apr 30 - May 1, 2010

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Recent Blog Posts
Danny "Slapjazz" Barber and Sekani Thomas: An Apprenticeship in Hambone (aka Patting Juba)

Master artist Danny 'Slapjazz' Barber (Spring Valley) and his apprentice Sekani Thomas (San Diego) participated in ACTA's 2009 Apprenticeship Program in an apprenticeship in hambone, or patting Juba, an African-American tradition which stems from life under slavery in the United States.

ACTA's Introduces Its First Blog

Master Ohlone basketweaver Linda Yamane is a current master artist in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program with apprentice Carol Bachmann.

In ACTA's first-ever blog, Linda Yamane's Apprenticeship Blog will follow the course of her apprenticeship with Carol, as she instructs her in the construction a feathered basket.  Ohlone feathered baskets involve a labor-intensive three-rod coiling technique. In addition to the delicate work of incorporating fine mallard duck feathers throughout the outer basket wall, the baskets are adorned with quail topknot feathers and abalone shell dangles.

We invite readers to follow the progress of Linda and Carol's apprenticeship and become part of the journey of this basket by commenting on Linda's blog by clicking on the "add a new comment" link at the bottom of each post.

ACTA Presents a Traditional Arts Funding Opportunities Meeting

Join ACTA's Associate Director, Sherwood Chen, for an informational meeting on ACTA's programs and funding opportunities for California based traditional artists and traditional arts organizations this Wednesday, March 17, 2010, in Redding, California.

ACTA extends its sincerest thanks to the Seventh Generation Fund and the Turtle Bay Exploration Park for coordinating this meeting.

ACTA's Traditional Arts Roundtable Series Presents

La Mesa:  Alliance for California Traditional Arts Salon

Join ACTA and Red Poppy Art House on Friday, April 2, 2010, in an intimate evening of sharing at La Mesa ("the table" in Spanish), our first FREE traditional arts salon featuring the work of culture bearers in our own backyards who are current or former artists in ACTA's programs.   The evening will highlight several world-class artists up close and personal sharing and talking about their art. Featured artists including Native Californian Pomo basketmaker Elaine M. Quitiquit; Tibetan musician, vocalist and composer Techung; and classical Chinese erhu musician Xiaofeng Zhang with her apprentice Eric T. Jung, along with special guests.

Radio Bilingüe's Raíces II Series Features California Traditional Artists

Building on the success of their 2006 series, Radio Bilingüe is currently producing Raíces II: Art Moments on Radio, a Spanish-language radio series that focuses on California's traditional artists.  Aired as part of Radio Bilingüe's weekly Linea Abierta program, Raíces II helps listeners learn more about the diverse traditions of California's cultural communities.

The Alliance for California Traditional arts serves in an editorial advisory role for Raíces II, providing story ideas, contacts for relevant artists or art events, and background information about featured artists.

"Please Borrow our Money!" says Arts Loan Fund to Struggling Arts Organizations

The Arts Loan Fund has announced that for 2010 it has over $500,000 available for low-interest loans to artists and arts organizations across the Bay Area. The Fund, administered by Northern California Grantmakers, is the nation's largest and oldest fund that makes low-interest loans in the nonprofit arts field.

Contact ACTA

The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk & traditional arts field.